No. 22 Session of 1975

           BELL AND DOUGHERTY, JANUARY 20, 1975


                               A JOINT RESOLUTION

     1  Proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
     2     Pennsylvania, further providing for the appointing power of
     3     the Governor relating to appointive and elective offices.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby resolves as follows:
     6     Section 1.  The following amendments to the Constitution of
     7  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are proposed in accordance with
     8  the provisions of the eleventh article thereof.
     9     That subsections (a) and (b) of section eight and subsection
    10  (b) of section nine, article four, and subsection (b) of section
    11  thirteen, article five of the Constitution of the Commonwealth
    12  of Pennsylvania be amended to read:
    13                             Article IV
    14                           THE EXECUTIVE
    15     Section 8.  Appointing Power.--(a) The Governor shall appoint
    16  an Attorney General, a [Superintendent of Public Instruction]
    17  Secretary of Education and such other officers as he shall be
    18  authorized by law to appoint. The appointment of the Attorney

     1  General, the [Superintendent of Public Instruction] Secretary of
     2  Education and of such other officers as may be specified by law,
     3  shall be subject to the consent of two-thirds or a majority of
     4  the members elected to the Senate as is specified by law.
     5     (b)  [Except as may now or hereafter be otherwise provided in
     6  this Constitution as to appellate and other judges, he may,
     7  during the recess of the Senate,] The Governor shall fill
     8  vacancies [happening] in offices to which he appoints by
     9  [granting commissions expiring at the end of its session and
    10  fill vacancies happening in the office of Auditor General or
    11  State Treasurer or in any other elective office he is authorized
    12  to fill. If the vacancy happens during the session of the Senate
    13  except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, he shall
    14  nominate to the Senate, before its final adjournment, a proper
    15  person to fill the vacancy.] nominating to the Senate a proper
    16  person to fill the vacancy within ninety days of the first day
    17  of the vacancy and not thereafter. The Senate shall act on each
    18  executive nomination within twenty-five legislative days of its
    19  submission. If the Senate has not voted upon a nomination within
    20  fifteen legislative days following such submission, any five
    21  members of the Senate may, in writing, request the presiding
    22  officer of the Senate to place the nomination before the entire
    23  Senate body whereby the nomination must be voted upon prior to
    24  the expiration of five legislative days or twenty-five
    25  legislative days following submission by the Governor, whichever
    26  occurs first. If the nomination is made during a recess or after
    27  adjournment sine die, the Senate shall act upon it within
    28  twenty-five legislative days after its return or reconvening. If
    29  the Senate for any reason fails to act upon a nomination
    30  submitted to it within the required twenty-five legislative
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     1  days, the nominee shall take office as if the appointment had
     2  been consented to by the Senate. The Governor shall in a similar
     3  manner fill vacancies in the offices of Auditor General, State
     4  Treasurer, justice, judge, justice of the peace and in any other
     5  elective office he is authorized to fill. In the case of a
     6  vacancy in an elective office, a person shall be elected to the
     7  office on the next election day appropriate to the office unless
     8  the [vacancy happens] first day of the vacancy is within two
     9  calendar months immediately preceding the election day in which
    10  case the election shall be held on the second succeeding
    11  election day appropriate to the office.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 9.  Pardoning Power; Board of Pardons.--* * *
    14     (b)  The Board of Pardons shall consist of the Lieutenant
    15  Governor who shall be chairman, the Attorney General and three
    16  members appointed by the Governor with the consent of two-thirds
    17  or a majority of the members elected to the Senate [, one for
    18  two years, one for four years, and one for six years and
    19  thereafter for full] as is specified by law for terms of six
    20  years. The three members appointed by the Governor shall be
    21  residents of Pennsylvania and shall be recognized leaders in
    22  their fields; one shall be a member of the bar, one a
    23  penologist, and the third a doctor of medicine, psychiatrist or
    24  psychologist. The board shall keep records of its actions, which
    25  shall at all times be open for public inspection.
    26                             Article V
    27                           THE JUDICIARY
    28     Section 13.  Election of Justices, Judges and Justices of the
    29  Peace; Vacancies.--* * *
    30     (b)  A vacancy in the office of justice, judge or justice of
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     1  the peace shall be filled by appointment by the Governor. [If
     2  the vacancy occurs during the session of the Senate, the] The
     3  appointment shall be with the advice and consent of two-thirds
     4  of the members elected to the Senate, except in the case of
     5  justices of the peace which shall be by a majority. [If the
     6  vacancy occurs during sine die adjournment of the Senate such
     7  appointment shall not require the advice and consent of the
     8  Senate.] The person so appointed shall serve for an initial term
     9  ending on the first Monday of January following the next
    10  municipal election more than ten months after the vacancy
    11  occurs.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 2.  This proposed amendment shall be submitted by the
    14  Secretary of the Commonwealth to the qualified electors of the
    15  State, at the primary or general election next held after the
    16  advertising requirements of article eleven, section one of the
    17  Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have been
    18  satisfied.

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