No. 72 Session of 1975

           M. E. MILLER,JR. AND FISCHER, JANUARY 27, 1975


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," reducing the term of school directors
     6     in school districts of the second, third and fourth class
     7     from six to four years.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Subsections (a) and (b) of section 303, act of
    11  March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the "Public School Code
    12  of 1949," amended August 8, 1963 (P.L.564, No.299), is amended
    13  to read:
    14     Section 303.  Number and Election in Districts of the Second,
    15  Third and Fourth Classes; Terms of Office.--(a) In each school
    16  district of the second class, and on and after July 1, 1966, or
    17  if there is advance establishment July 1, 1964, or July 1, 1965,
    18  as the case may be, in each school district of the second, third
    19  and fourth class, there shall be a board of nine (9) school
    20  directors, who, except as otherwise provided in this act, shall

     1  be elected at large for terms of six (6) years. The terms of
     2  three of the members shall expire on the first Monday of
     3  December of each odd numbered year, as now provided by law. [At
     4  each municipal election, three school directors, except as
     5  otherwise provided in this act, shall be elected at large for
     6  terms of six (6) years.] At the municipal election in 1977, two
     7  (2) school directors shall be elected for terms of four (4)
     8  years, and one (1) for a term of two (2) years. At the municipal
     9  election in 1979 and every four (4) years thereafter, four (4)
    10  directors shall be elected for terms of four (4) years. At the
    11  municipal election in 1981 and every four (4) years thereafter,
    12  five (5) directors shall be elected for terms of four (4) years.
    13  Such school directors shall be elected at large except as
    14  otherwise provided in this act. Their terms of office shall
    15  begin on the first Monday of December following their election.
    16     (b)  The interim operating committee or after the date of
    17  establishment the board of school directors of a newly
    18  established school district, may, if it so chooses, develop a
    19  plan to divide the school district into either three or nine
    20  regions. The boundaries of the regions shall be fixed and
    21  established in such manner that the population of each region
    22  shall be as nearly equal as possible and shall be compatible
    23  with the boundaries of election districts. Such plan for the
    24  division of the school district shall be submitted for approval
    25  to the court of [quarter sessions.] common pleas. If approved by
    26  such court, the clerk thereof shall certify the regional
    27  boundaries contained therein to the county board of elections.
    28  In the event of any division, redivision, alteration, change or
    29  consolidation of election districts which renders regional
    30  boundaries incompatible with the boundaries of election
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     1  districts, a new plan shall be developed and submitted for court
     2  approval in like manner. Any proposed change in an approved
     3  plan, including abolition of regional representation, shall be
     4  submitted for approval to the court of [quarter sessions] common
     5  pleas by the board of school directors. Where a three region
     6  plan is approved, three school directors who reside in each
     7  region shall be elected or appointed as hereinafter provided by
     8  and from each region and at all times each region shall be
     9  represented by three directors elected or appointed as
    10  hereinafter provided from that region. Where a nine region plan
    11  is approved, one school director who resides in each region
    12  shall be elected or appointed as hereinafter provided by and
    13  from each region and at all times each region shall be
    14  represented by a director elected or appointed as hereinafter
    15  provided from that region. In the municipal election in 1977, a
    16  school director in one of the regions in which the term of an
    17  incumbent school director is due to expire shall be elected to a
    18  term of two years and school directors shall be elected to terms
    19  of four years in the respective regions represented by each of
    20  the other incumbent school directors whose terms are due to
    21  expire. In every nine region district, and in every three region
    22  district except those in which all the directors whose terms
    23  expire in 1977 represent a single region, the board of school
    24  directors shall, prior to the first day in which petitions for
    25  the 1977 primary election may be circulated, determine by
    26  drawing lots which region shall elect a school director for a
    27  term of two years.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 2.  Sections 303.1, 304 and 305 of the act are
    30  repealed.
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     1     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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