No. 1719 Session of 1971



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of Property and Supplies, with the
     2     approval of the Governor, to sell and convey 2.738 acres,
     3     more or less, of land situate in the Borough of Smethport,
     4     County of McKean.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  The Department of Property and Supplies, with the
     8  approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of the
     9  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to sell, to the Borough of
    10  Smethport in the County of McKean for the sum of one dollar
    11  ($1), the following described tract of land situate in the
    12  Borough of Smethport, County of McKean and Commonwealth of
    13  Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:
    14     Beginning at Centerline Station 2868 + 85.50 of Legislative
    15  Route 95, Section 4 (T.R.6), thence southeasterly at right angle
    16  a distance of 25.0 feet to a point of beginning; thence south 44
    17  degrees 23 minutes east through the southerly right-of-way line
    18  of Legislative Route 95, Section 4 (T.R.6) and along lands now
    19  or formerly of E. W. Jones, ux, a distance of 194.07 feet to a

     1  point; thence south 01 degrees 08 minutes east along lands now
     2  or formerly of E. W. Jones, ux, a distance of 152.30 feet to a
     3  point; thence south 45 degrees 37 minutes west continuing along
     4  lands now or formerly of E. W. Jones, ux, a distance of 305.65
     5  feet to a point; thence north 44 degrees 23 minutes west through
     6  lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Department of
     7  Transportation), of which this parcel is a part, and through the
     8  southerly right-of-way line of Legislative Route 95, Section 4
     9  (T.R.6), a distance of 305.00 feet to a point; thence north 45
    10  degrees 37 minutes west along aforesaid right-of-way, a distance
    11  of 410.00 feet to the point of beginning.  Containing 2.738
    12  acres, more or less, together with two (2) sheet metal
    13  buildings, sizes 3200 and 5120 square feet respectively and
    14  other out buildings erected thereon.
    15     Being part of the same premises conveyed to the Commonwealth
    16  by Deed of E. W. Jones and Katherine Covley Jones, his wife,
    17  dated December 26, 1929 and recorded February 14, 1930 in McKean
    18  County Deed Book, Volume 212, page 153.
    19     The conveyance shall be made under and subject, nevertheless,
    20  to all easements, servitudes and rights of others, including but
    21  not confined to streets, roadways and rights of any telephone,
    22  telegraph, water, electric, gas or pipe line companies as well
    23  as under and subject, nevertheless, to any estate or tenancies
    24  vested in third persons whether or not appearing of record for
    25  any portion of the said land or improvements erected thereon.
    26     Section 2.  The Deed of Conveyance shall be approved by the
    27  Department of Justice and shall be executed by the Secretary of
    28  Property and Supplies in the name of the Commonwealth of
    29  Pennsylvania.
    30     Section 3.  All moneys received from the sale of the land
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     1  herein authorized to be conveyed shall be deposited in the Motor
     2  License Fund.
     3     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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