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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2195



No. 1503 Session of 2002

           JULY 9, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a moratorium on the application of bio-solids to
     2     certain lands; and establishing the Bio-Solids Land
     3     Application Study Commission.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Bio-Solids
     8  Land Application Moratorium Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Bio-Solids."  Sewage sludge.
    14     "Commission."  The Bio-Solids Land Application Study
    15  Commission established by this act.
    16     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    17  the Commonwealth.
    18  Section 3.  Moratorium on bio-solid land application.

     1     No person shall apply bio-solids to land in this Commonwealth
     2  until the commission has published the notice required by
     3  section 4(d).
     4  Section 4.  Bio-Solids Land Application Study Commission.
     5     (a)  Establishment.--The Bio-Solids Land Application Study
     6  Commission is hereby established.
     7     (b)  Members.--The commission shall consist of the following
     8  members:
     9         (1)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection or a
    10     designee.
    11         (2)  The Secretary of Health or a designee.
    12         (3)  The Secretary of Agriculture or a designee.
    13         (4)  The Chairman of the Pennsylvania Game Commission or
    14     a designee.
    15         (5)  The Chairman of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
    16     Commission or a designee.
    17         (6)  Four members of the General Assembly appointed as
    18     follows: one member appointed by the President pro tempore of
    19     the Senate, one member appointed by the Minority Leader of
    20     the Senate, one member appointed by the Speaker of the House
    21     of Representatives and one member appointed by the Minority
    22     Leader of the House of Representatives.
    23         (7)  A member of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau who shall
    24     be appointed by the Governor.
    25         (8)  A member of the Pennsylvania Coal Association who
    26     shall be appointed by the Governor.
    27         (9)  A member of the Pennsylvania State Grange who shall
    28     be appointed by the Governor.
    29         (10)  A member of the Citizens Advisory Council who shall
    30     be appointed by the Governor.
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     1         (11)  A member of the Sierra Club who shall be appointed
     2     by the Governor.
     3         (12)  A member of a Statewide watershed association who
     4     shall be appointed by the Governor.
     5         (13)  A municipal waste water manager who shall be
     6     appointed by the Governor.
     7         (14)  A member of the Pennsylvania Federation of
     8     Sportsmen's Clubs who shall be appointed by the Governor.
     9         (15)  A member of the Pennsylvania League of Cities and
    10     Municipalities who shall be appointed by the Governor.
    11         (16)  A member of the Pennsylvania State Association of
    12     Township Supervisors who shall be appointed by the Governor.
    13     (c)  Meetings.--The Secretary of Environmental Protection
    14  shall call the initial meeting of the commission within 30 days
    15  of the effective date of this act. At such meeting, the members
    16  shall elect a chairman. A majority of the members shall
    17  constitute a quorum.
    18     (d)  Duty to conduct a study.--The commission shall conduct a
    19  study relating to the application of bio-solids to land in this
    20  Commonwealth, including whether such application is harmful to
    21  the environment or public health. The commission shall submit a
    22  report of its study to the General Assembly within three months
    23  of the effective date of this act and shall publish a notice
    24  thereof in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    25  Section 5.  Effective date.
    26     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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