See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1837



No. 1403 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission to
     2     accept a gift of certain real property situate in the
     3     Township of Solebury, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
     7  is hereby authorized to accept on behalf of the Commonwealth of
     8  Pennsylvania, a gift from the Preservation Fund of Pennsylvania,
     9  Incorporated, of the following tract of land situate in the
    10  Township of Solebury, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, bounded and
    11  described as follows:
    12                              TRACT 1
    13     All that land or right of way, beginning at a point in the
    14  middle of River Road in the line of land belonging to Mary Ellen
    15  Haas and running thence south 19 degrees 40 minutes east 1093.2
    16  feet to a point 170 feet easterly from a post planted in the
    17  easterly line of River Road, thence by a line curving toward the
    18  east with a radius of 1433 feet a distance of 380 feet, thence

     1  south 34 degrees 52 minutes east 872.4 feet more or less to the
     2  line of land belonging to Rebecca Hogeland, being a strip of
     3  land 30 feet lying 15 feet on each side of said described center
     4  line which center line passes midway between two rows of young
     5  apple trees, containing 1.615 acres more or less. The above
     6  tract description had originally been recorded in Deed Book 318
     7  page 426 in Bucks County.
     8                              TRACT 2
     9     All that certain tract of land, being a strip of land 30 feet
    10  wide extending from the line of land belonging to Reuben High on
    11  the north (Tract 1 above described) to the line of land
    12  belonging to the Rossiter Brothers on the south, said southerly
    13  line also being the line of division between the townships of
    14  Solebury and Upper Makefield, said tract of land being more
    15  particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the
    16  southerly line of land belonging to Reuben High near the
    17  southern bank of Pidcock's Creek and running thence (1) along
    18  other land belonging to the said Rebecca S. Hogeland south 34
    19  degrees 52 minutes east 1120.5 feet to the line of land
    20  belonging to Rossiter Brothers; thence (2) along Rossiter
    21  Brothers' land said line being also along the Solebury and Upper
    22  Makefield township division line south 79 degrees 51 minutes
    23  west 32.4 feet; thence (3) along other land belonging to Rebecca
    24  S. Hogeland north 34 degrees 52 minutes west 1100.3 feet to the
    25  line of land of Reuben High; thence (4) along Reuben High's land
    26  north 43 degrees ten minutes east 30.6 feet to the place of
    27  beginning; containing 0.765 acres more or less. The above fee
    28  simple tract description had originally been recorded in Deed
    29  Book 314 page 414 in Bucks County.
    30     Being the same lots or tracts of land granted and conveyed to
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     1  the Preservation Fund of Pennsylvania, Incorporated, by Deed
     2  dated December 12, 1986, and recorded in the Recorder's Office
     3  for Bucks County.
     4     Section 2.  Title to the real property shall be taken in
     5  accordance with 37 Pa.C.S. § 701 (relating to title to historic
     6  property), and counsel for the Pennsylvania Historical and
     7  Museum Commission shall make the certification required by that
     8  section.
     9     Section 3.  Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
    10  shall be borne by the Commonwealth.
    11     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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