No. 1314 Session of 1995



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
     2     approval of the Governor, to sell and convey to the Owen J.
     3     Roberts School District certain land situate in East Vincent
     4     Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Conveyance in Chester County.
     8     (a)  Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
     9  the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized and directed
    10  on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant, sell and
    11  convey to Owen J. Roberts School District for consideration
    12  equal to one-half of the fair market value, as determined by
    13  appraisal by the Department of General Services, the tract of
    14  land described in subsection (b).
    15     (b)  Property description.--The property to be conveyed
    16  pursuant to subsection (a) is the following tract of land
    17  situate in the Township of East Vincent, County of Chester,
    18  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows:

     1     All that certain tract of land situate along the southerly
     2  side of Brown Drive and the westerly side of Pennhurst Road in
     3  the Township of East Vincent, County of Chester, Commonwealth of
     4  Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:
     5     Beginning at a spike (set) marking the intersection of the
     6  titleline in Pennhurst Road (proposed right-of-way to be 50 feet
     7  wide) and the titleline in Brown Drive (proposed right-of-way to
     8  be 50 feet wide); thence from the place of beginning; along the
     9  titleline in Pennhurst Road, south 11 degrees 5 minutes 52
    10  seconds east 1,018.78 feet to a spike (set) for a corner of
    11  remaining lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; thence
    12  along the same, crossing the proposed westerly right-of-way line
    13  of Pennhurst Road 25.05 feet distant and extending along the
    14  northerly side of a proposed 25 foot-wide access right-of-way,
    15  the six following courses and distances: (1) south 75 degrees 26
    16  minutes 3 seconds west 50.89 feet to an iron pin (set), (2)
    17  south 80 degrees 49 minutes 35 seconds west 89.60 feet to an
    18  iron pin (set), (3) south 83 degrees 59 minutes 34 seconds west
    19  425.56 feet to an iron pin (set), (4) south 80 degrees 35
    20  minutes 53 seconds west 128.88 feet to an iron pin (set), (5)
    21  south 80 degrees 27 minutes west 106.10 feet to an iron pin
    22  (set), and (6) north 84 degrees 45 minutes west 370.14 feet to
    23  an iron pin (set) in line of lands of Spring Hollow Golf Course,
    24  Inc.; thence along the same, north 3 degrees 42 minutes 57
    25  seconds east 456.84 feet to a concrete monument (found), a
    26  corner of lands of David A. Buchanan; thence along the same,
    27  north 4 degrees 10 minutes 57 seconds east 534.24 feet to a
    28  spike (found) in the aforementioned titleline in Brown Drive,
    29  having crossed an iron pin set at the southerly proposed right-
    30  of-way line of Brown Drive 25.11 feet distant from the last-
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     1  mentioned spike; thence along the titleline in Brown Drive,
     2  north 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds east 133.32 feet to a
     3  point of curve, and continuing along the titleline in Brown
     4  Drive, along a curve to the left, having a radius of 3,020 feet,
     5  through a central angle of 3 degrees 44 minutes 56 seconds and
     6  an arc distance of 197.60 feet (chord: north 87 degrees 4
     7  minutes 18 seconds east 197.57 feet to a spike (set) for a
     8  corner of still other remaining lands of the Commonwealth of
     9  Pennsylvania, which includes an existing dwelling and various
    10  outbuildings; thence along the same, the three following courses
    11  and distances: (1) recrossing the southerly proposed right-of-
    12  way line of Brown Drive, 25.04 feet distant, south 7 degrees 56
    13  minutes 55 seconds east 230.60 feet to an iron pin (set), (2)
    14  north 82 degrees 3 minutes 5 seconds east 326.70 feet to an iron
    15  pin (set), and (3) north 7 degrees 56 minutes 55 seconds west
    16  225 feet to a spike (set), again in the titleline in Brown
    17  Drive, having crossed the proposed southerly right-of-way line
    18  25 feet distant from the last-mentioned spike; thence again
    19  along the titleline in Brown Drive, north 81 degrees 41 minutes
    20  59 seconds east 244.23 feet to the place of beginning.
    21     Containing 22.4623 acres gross or 21.5574 acres net of land,
    22  be the same more or less.
    23     Under and subject to easements for various utility lines
    24  which are shown on the above-referred plan.
    25     (c)  Easements generally.--These conveyances shall be made
    26  under and subject to all easements, servitudes and rights of
    27  others, including, but not confined to, streets, roadways and
    28  rights of any telephone, telegraph, water, electric, sewer, gas
    29  or pipeline companies, as well as under and subject to any
    30  interest, estates or tenancies vested in third persons, whether
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     1  or not appearing of record, for any portion of land or
     2  improvements erected thereon.
     3     (d)  Approval and execution of deed.--Deeds of conveyance
     4  shall be approved as provided by law and shall be executed by
     5  the Secretary of General Services in the name of the
     6  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     7     (e)  Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to these
     8  conveyances which are customarily paid by grantees, such as
     9  recording fees, shall be borne by the grantee.
    10     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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