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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1370



No. 1089 Session of 2001

           BOSCOLA, OCTOBER 9, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 28, 1995 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.1009,
     2     No.14), entitled "An act providing for DNA testing of certain
     3     offenders; establishing the State DNA Data Base and the State
     4     DNA Data Bank; further providing for duties of the
     5     Pennsylvania State Police; imposing costs on certain
     6     offenders; and establishing the DNA Detection Fund," further
     7     providing for DNA sample required upon conviction and for
     8     expungement.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Sections 306(a) and (b) and 311 of the act of May
    12  28, 1995 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.1009, No.14), known as the DNA
    13  Detection of Sexual and Violent Offenders Act, are amended to
    14  read:
    15  Section 306.  DNA sample required upon conviction, delinquency
    16                 adjudication and certain ARD cases.
    17     (a)  Conviction after effective date.--A person who is
    18  convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a felony sex offense or
    19  other specified offense and is or remains incarcerated on or
    20  after the effective date of this section or any amendments to

     1  this act shall have a DNA sample drawn as follows:
     2         (1)  A person who is sentenced or receives a delinquency
     3     disposition to a term of confinement for an offense covered
     4     by this subsection shall have a DNA sample drawn upon intake
     5     to a prison, jail or juvenile detention facility or any other
     6     detention facility or institution. If the person is already
     7     confined at the time of sentencing or adjudication, the
     8     person shall have a DNA sample drawn immediately after the
     9     sentencing or adjudication. If a DNA sample is not timely
    10     drawn in accordance with this section, the DNA sample may be
    11     drawn anytime thereafter by the prison, jail, juvenile
    12     detention facility, detention facility or institution.
    13         (2)  A person who is convicted or adjudicated delinquent
    14     for an offense covered by this subsection shall have a DNA
    15     sample drawn as a condition for any sentence or adjudication
    16     which disposition will not involve an intake into a prison,
    17     jail, juvenile detention facility or any other detention
    18     facility or institution.
    19         (3)  Under no circumstances shall a person who is
    20     convicted or adjudicated delinquent for an offense covered by
    21     this subsection be released in any manner after such
    22     disposition unless and until a DNA sample has been withdrawn.
    23     (b)  Conviction before effective date.--A person who has been
    24  convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a felony sex offense or
    25  other specified offense [before the effective date of this
    26  section] and who is still serving a term of confinement in
    27  connection therewith on or after the effective date of this
    28  section shall not be released in any manner [prior to the
    29  expiration of his maximum term of confinement] unless and until
    30  a DNA sample has been withdrawn. This act shall apply to
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     1  incarcerated persons convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a
     2  felony sex offense prior to the effective date of this act.
     3     * * *
     4  Section 311.  Expungement.
     5     A person whose DNA record or profile has been included in the
     6  data bank pursuant to this act may request expungement on the
     7  grounds that the conviction or delinquency adjudication on which
     8  the authority for including that person's DNA record or profile
     9  was based has been reversed and the case dismissed. The State
    10  Police shall purge all records and identifiable information in
    11  the data base pertaining to the person and destroy all samples
    12  from the person upon receipt of a written request for
    13  expungement pursuant to this section and a certified copy of the
    14  final court order reversing and dismissing the conviction. An
    15  incarcerated or previously incarcerated person may not seek
    16  expungement of a DNA record or profile on the ground that that
    17  person was convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a felony sex
    18  offense prior to the effective date of this act or prior to the
    19  effective date of any amendments to this act.
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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