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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 860



No. 763 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for the offense of driving under
     3     influence of alcohol or controlled substance.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 3731(e)(1) of Title 75 of the
     7  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     8  § 3731.  Driving under influence of alcohol or controlled
     9             substance.
    10     * * *
    11     (e)  Penalty.--
    12         (1)  Any person violating any of the provisions of this
    13     section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree,
    14     except that a person convicted of a third or subsequent
    15     offense is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, and
    16     the sentencing court shall order the person to reimburse the
    17     Commonwealth or municipality, as the case may be, for the
    18     cost of any chemical test of breath, blood or urine of the

     1     person that established such violation and to pay a fine of
     2     not less than $300 and to serve a minimum term of
     3     imprisonment of:
     4             (i)  Not less than 48 consecutive hours.
     5             (ii)  Not less than 30 days if the person has
     6         previously accepted Accelerated Rehabilitative
     7         Disposition or any other form of preliminary disposition,
     8         been convicted of, adjudicated delinquent or granted a
     9         consent decree under the Juvenile Act (42 Pa.C.S. § 6301
    10         et seq.) based on an offense under this section or of an
    11         equivalent offense in this or other jurisdictions within
    12         the previous seven years.
    13             (iii)  Not less than 90 days if the person has twice
    14         previously been convicted of, adjudicated delinquent or
    15         granted a consent decree under the Juvenile Act based on
    16         an offense under this section or of an equivalent offense
    17         in this or other jurisdictions within the previous seven
    18         years.
    19             (iv)  Not less than one year if the person has three
    20         times previously been convicted of, adjudicated
    21         delinquent or granted a consent decree under the Juvenile
    22         Act based on an offense under this section or of an
    23         equivalent offense in this or other jurisdictions within
    24         the previous seven years.
    25         * * *
    26     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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