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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 221



No. 226 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for drug
     3     offender restraining orders.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Chapter 83 of Title 42 of the Pennsylvania
     7  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a subchapter to read:
     8                            SUBCHAPTER I
    10  Sec.
    11  8395.  Definitions.
    12  8396.  Restraining order.
    13  8397.  Violation of order.
    14  § 8395.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    16  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     "Criminal offense."  An offense that involves the

     1  manufacturing, distributing, selling or possessing with intent
     2  to distribute a controlled substance as defined in section 2(b)
     3  of the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The
     4  Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
     5     "Defendant."  A person charged with or convicted of a
     6  criminal offense or any juvenile charged with delinquency or
     7  adjudicated delinquent for an act which, if committed by an
     8  adult, would be a criminal offense.
     9     "Protected area."  Any premises, residence, business
    10  establishment, location or specified area, including all
    11  buildings and all appurtenant land, in which or at which a
    12  criminal offense occurred or is alleged to have occurred or is
    13  affected by the criminal offense of which the defendant is
    14  charged or has been convicted.
    15  § 8396.  Restraining order.
    16     (a)  Person charged with an offense.--When a person is
    17  charged with a criminal offense and the person is released from
    18  custody before trial on bail or personal recognizance or is
    19  released to the custody of a parent, guardian, custodian or
    20  public or private agency, the court, as a condition of release
    21  and except as provided in subsection (c), shall issue an order
    22  prohibiting the person from entering any protected area.
    23     (b)  Person convicted or adjudicated delinquent.--When a
    24  person is convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for any
    25  criminal offense, the court, in addition to any other
    26  disposition authorized by law, shall, except as provided in
    27  subsection (c), issue an order prohibiting the person from
    28  entering any protected area.
    29     (c)  When order not to be issued.--
    30         (1)  The court shall not issue an order under this
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     1     section if the court determines that the defendant has
     2     established by clear and convincing evidence:
     3             (i)  that the defendant lawfully resides at or has
     4         legitimate business at or near the protected area or
     5         otherwise legitimately needs to enter the protected area;
     6             (ii)  that the issuance of an order would cause undue
     7         hardship to innocent persons and would constitute a
     8         serious injustice which overrides the need to protect the
     9         rights, safety and health of persons residing in or
    10         having business in the protected area; or
    11             (iii)  that the defendant's interest in returning to
    12         the protected area outweighs the need to bar the
    13         defendant from the protected area in order to protect the
    14         public safety and the rights, safety and health of the
    15         residents and persons working in or near the protected
    16         area.
    17         (2)  If the court decides to allow the defendant to
    18     return to the protected area, the court may issue an order
    19     imposing conditions upon the defendant's entry at, upon or
    20     near the protected area.
    21     (d)  Restraining order.--A restraining order issued under
    22  subsection (a) or (b) shall describe the protected area and any
    23  conditions upon the person's entry into the protected area with
    24  sufficient specificity to enable the defendant to guide his
    25  conduct accordingly and to enable a law enforcement officer to
    26  enforce the order. When appropriate, the court may append to the
    27  order a map depicting the protected area. The defendant shall be
    28  given a copy of the restraining order and any appended map and
    29  shall acknowledge in writing receipt of the documents.
    30     (e)  Notice of order.--The court shall provide notice of the
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     1  restraining order to the local law enforcement agency where the
     2  arrest occurred and to the district attorney. In addition, if
     3  the order prohibits a defendant from entering at, upon or near
     4  any building, business premises, school or other public, private
     5  or commercial premises, the court may cause notice of the
     6  restraining order to be transmitted to the owner of the property
     7  and to the owner's agent, or, in the case of a school or
     8  government-owned property, to the appropriate administrator and
     9  to any tenant association representing the residents of the
    10  protected area. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6308
    11  (relating to law enforcement records), the local law enforcement
    12  agency may post a copy of an order issued under this section
    13  upon one or more of the principal entrances to the protected
    14  area or in any other conspicuous location. The posting shall be
    15  for the purpose of informing the public, and the failure to post
    16  a copy of the order shall in no way excuse any violation of the
    17  order.
    18     (f)  Juvenile defendant.--If the defendant is a juvenile, in
    19  addition to an order under subsection (b) or any other
    20  disposition authorized by law, the court may order the defendant
    21  and any parent, guardian or family member over whom the court
    22  has jurisdiction to take such actions or enforce such restraints
    23  as may be necessary to facilitate the rehabilitation of the
    24  juvenile, to protect public safety or to safeguard or enforce
    25  the rights of residents of the protected area.
    26     (g)  Term of order.--An order issued under subsection (a)
    27  shall remain in effect until the case has been adjudicated or
    28  dismissed or for not more than two years, whichever is less. An
    29  order issued under subsection (b) shall remain in effect for
    30  such period of time as shall be fixed by the court, but not
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     1  longer than the maximum term of imprisonment or incarceration
     2  allowed by law for the underlying offense or offenses. When the
     3  court issues a restraining order under subsection (b) and the
     4  person is also sentenced to any form of probationary
     5  supervision, the court shall make continuing compliance with the
     6  order an express condition of probation. When the person has
     7  been sentenced to a term of incarceration, continuing compliance
     8  with the terms and conditions of the order shall be made an
     9  express condition of the person's release on parole.
    10     (h)  Notice of application to stay or modify order.--The
    11  court shall immediately notify the appropriate law enforcement
    12  agency in writing whenever an application is made to stay or
    13  modify an order issued under this subchapter. If the court does
    14  not issue a restraining order, the sentence imposed by the court
    15  for a criminal offense as defined in subsection (b) shall not
    16  become final for ten days in order to permit the appeal of the
    17  court's findings by the prosecution.
    18     (i)  Authority of court not limited.--Nothing in this section
    19  shall be construed in any way to limit the authority of the
    20  court to take such other actions or to issue such orders as may
    21  be necessary to protect the public safety or to safeguard or
    22  enforce the rights of others with respect to the protected area.
    23     (j)  Personal belongings and effects.--Notwithstanding any
    24  other provision of this section, the court may permit the
    25  defendant to return to the protected area to obtain personal
    26  belongings and effects and, by court order, may restrict the
    27  time and duration and provide for police supervision of such a
    28  visit.
    29  § 8397.  Violation of order.
    30     Violation of any order issued under this subchapter shall
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     1  subject the violator to civil contempt, criminal contempt,
     2  revocation of bail, probation or parole or any combination of
     3  these sanctions and any other sanctions authorized by law. A law
     4  enforcement officer may arrest an adult or take into custody a
     5  juvenile when an officer has probable cause to believe that the
     6  adult or juvenile has violated the terms of any removal and
     7  restraining order issued under section 8396 (relating to
     8  restraining order).
     9     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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