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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1937



No. 183 Session of 1998



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Urging the United States Government to fulfill its financial
     2     obligation under the Susquehanna River Basin Compact.

     3     WHEREAS, The Susquehanna River represents one of
     4  Pennsylvania's and one of the mid-Atlantic region's most
     5  important water resources, draining an area of 27,510 square
     6  miles and flowing through the states of New York, Pennsylvania
     7  and Maryland; and
     8     WHEREAS, The Susquehanna River provides 50% of the freshwater
     9  flowing to the Chesapeake Bay and is classified by the Federal
    10  Government as a navigable waterway, factors which emphasize its
    11  significance to state, regional and national interests; and
    12     WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States created the
    13  Susquehanna River Basin Compact in recognition of the need to
    14  coordinate the efforts of the three states and Federal agencies
    15  and to establish a management system to oversee the use of water
    16  and related natural resources of the Susquehanna River; and
    17     WHEREAS, The Compact was enacted by the legislatures of New

     1  York State, Pennsylvania and Maryland and Congress and was
     2  signed into law on December 24, 1970, to provide a mechanism to
     3  guide the conservation, development and administration of the
     4  water resources of the river basin; and
     5     WHEREAS, The Compact established the Susquehanna River Basin
     6  Commission as the agency to coordinate the water resources
     7  efforts of the three states and the Federal Government and
     8  provided the Commission with authority for management and
     9  protection of flood plains, water supplies, water quality,
    10  watersheds, recreation, fish and wildlife, and cultural, visual
    11  and other amenities; and
    12     WHEREAS, Section 14.3 of the Compact calls for an equitable
    13  apportionment of the Commission's annual expense budget among
    14  the signatory parties to the Compact; and
    15     WHEREAS, The United States of America is a duly constituted
    16  signatory party to the Compact; and
    17     WHEREAS, In Fiscal Years 1996, 1997 and 1998, the Commission
    18  duly submitted its approved budgets to the President's Office of
    19  Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress; and
    20     WHEREAS, The United States failed to provide full funding in
    21  Fiscal Year 1996 and failed to provide any funding in Fiscal
    22  Years 1997 and 1998 for the Commission's current expense budget
    23  and has therefore not met the "equitable" funding requirement of
    24  section 14.3 of the Compact; and
    25     WHEREAS, The Commission also has adopted and duly submitted
    26  to OMB a current expense budget for Fiscal Year 1999 that
    27  includes an apportionment for the Federal Government in the
    28  amount of $400,000; and
    29     WHEREAS, The cumulative shortfall of Federal funding to the
    30  Commission since Fiscal Year 1996 is $1.218 million; and
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     1     WHEREAS, The Commission pays the Federal Government
     2  approximately $3.8 million per year to purchase storage in the
     3  Cowanesque and Curwensville Flood Control Reservoirs; and
     4     WHEREAS, The Commission is the agent of Congress in the
     5  allocation of the waters of the basin among the signatory
     6  states; and
     7     WHEREAS, The Commission, through its regulations and
     8  programs, protects interstate waters and the Chesapeake Bay and
     9  provides a forum for the prevention and settlement of interstate
    10  disputes that arise over the use of interstate waters; and
    11     WHEREAS, Through these interstate functions and many other of
    12  its programs and activities such as the coordination of the
    13  basin flood forecasting and warning system, the Commission saves
    14  the Federal Government time, resources and money, thus advancing
    15  the welfare of the nation; and
    16     WHEREAS, On January 15, 1998, the members of the Commission
    17  adopted Resolution No. 98-01, authorizing the Commission to
    18  offset from payment of moneys made to the Federal Government a
    19  sum not to exceed the amount apportioned to the United States in
    20  the Commission's officially adopted current expense budget and
    21  unpaid by the Federal Government since Fiscal Year 1996; and
    22     WHEREAS, Resolution No. 98-01 provides that this offset
    23  authority will continue in force as long as the United States
    24  fails to fund the amount apportioned to the Federal Government
    25  in the Commission's current expense budget; and
    26     WHEREAS, Resolution 98-01 stipulates that the amount to be
    27  withheld in the current fiscal year is $1.218 million; therefore
    28  be it
    29     RESOLVED, That the Senate of Pennsylvania support the
    30  Commission's decision to withhold from the Federal Government a
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     1  portion of its reservoir storage payments equal to the amount
     2  owed by the Federal Government for its share of the Commission's
     3  operating budgets for Fiscal Years 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999
     4  until such time as the Federal Government provides these funds;
     5  and be it further
     6     RESOLVED, That the Senate of Pennsylvania urge the President
     7  of the United States and Congress to provide the Commission with
     8  funding in an amount equal to what is owed for the Federal
     9  Government's share of the Commission's operating budgets for
    10  Fiscal Years 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999; and be it further
    11     RESOLVED, That the Senate of Pennsylvania urge the President
    12  of the United States and Congress to fulfill the Federal
    13  Government's obligation under the Susquehanna River Basin
    14  Compact to annually contribute an equitably apportioned share of
    15  the Commission's future operating budgets; and be it further
    16     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    17  the President of the United States, to the presiding officers of
    18  each house of Congress and to each member of Congress from
    19  Pennsylvania.

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