See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 103



No. 106 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the establishment, operation and administration of
     2     the Enterprise Zone Economic Revitalization Program, for
     3     enterprise planning zones, for enterprise development zones
     4     and for enterprise investment zones; authorizing the
     5     reimbursement of municipal corporations for a portion of
     6     taxes exempted by the municipal corporations on improvements
     7     to deteriorated property located within the enterprise zones;
     8     providing that reimbursement payments received by municipal
     9     corporations be used for community development projects and
    10     neighborhood services within enterprise zones; providing
    11     special net loss deduction provisions for certain
    12     corporations located in enterprise zones; increasing the set-
    13     aside amount for private companies which make qualified
    14     investments in enterprise zones; imposing additional powers
    15     and duties on the Department of Community and Economic
    16     Development; and making repeals.

    17                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    18  Section 1.  Short title.
    19  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    20  Section 3.  Definitions.
    21  Section 4.  Establishment of program and identification of goals
    22                 and objectives.
    23  Section 5.  Enterprise zone designation.
    24  Section 6.  Application procedure.

     1  Section 7.  Grants and other assistance to enterprise zones.
     2  Section 8.  Reimbursement of tax exemptions.
     3  Section 9.  Special net loss deduction provisions.
     4  Section 10.  Guidelines and regulations.
     5  Section 11.  Special provisions.
     6  Section 12.  Reporting requirements.
     7  Section 13.  Neighborhood assistance tax credit.
     8  Section 14.  Repeals.
     9  Section 15.  Expiration.
    10  Section 16.  Effective date.
    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13  Section 1.  Short title.
    14     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Enterprise
    15  Zone Economic Revitalization Act.
    16  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    17     It is the purpose of this act to provide for the
    18  establishment of enterprise zones in order to stimulate
    19  entrepreneurship, particularly among zone residents, the
    20  creation of new jobs, particularly for disadvantaged workers and
    21  long-term unemployed individuals and to promote revitalization
    22  of economically distressed urban and rural areas primarily by
    23  providing or encouraging:
    24         (1)  Targeted State economic development assistance and
    25     support for local merchants, service providers and
    26     manufacturers and for the expansion of entrepreneurial
    27     activity, jobs and job opportunities in enterprise zones.
    28         (2)  Tax incentives to foster equity ownership by local
    29     residents, increase the availability of local goods and
    30     services, employ disadvantaged individuals and stimulate
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     1     meaningful entrepreneurial activity in the area.
     2         (3)  Increased involvement in enterprise zones by
     3     private, local and neighborhood organizations for the purpose
     4     of improving local services and increasing the economic stake
     5     of enterprise zone residents in their own community and its
     6     development.
     7  Section 3.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Community development project."  A project undertaken for
    12  improvement of the physical environment of enterprise zones,
    13  including, but not limited to, a project which will enhance
    14  safety, sanitation, transportation, sewage disposal, water
    15  quality, recreational resources, aesthetic quality or security.
    16     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
    17  Development of the Commonwealth.
    18     "Distressed community."  A municipal corporation designated
    19  as distressed by the Department of Community Affairs.
    20     "Enterprise zone."  A specific area with identifiable
    21  boundaries located in one or more distressed communities which
    22  has been designated as an enterprise zone by the Secretary of
    23  Community Affairs.
    24     "Metropolitan statistical area."  Any county in which there
    25  is a city with a population of at least 50,000 or an urbanized
    26  area of at least 50,000 with a total metropolitan population of
    27  at least 100,000.
    28     "Municipal corporation."  Any city, borough, incorporated
    29  town, township or home rule municipality which is not a county.
    30     "Neighborhood service."  A service undertaken by a municipal
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     1  corporation or a public agency or not-for-profit organization
     2  designated by the governing body of the municipal corporation to
     3  enhance safety, security, health, welfare or employability of
     4  persons residing or working in enterprise zones.
     5     "Population."  The number of persons in each municipal
     6  corporation as finally determined by the United States Census
     7  Bureau of the United States Department of Commerce in its most
     8  recent population estimate report.
     9  Section 4.  Establishment of program and identification of goals
    10                 and objectives.
    11     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established, under the
    12  direction of the department, a program to be known as the
    13  Enterprise Zone Economic Revitalization Program for the purpose
    14  of providing tax relief, special grants and other assistance to
    15  local manufacturers, service providers and merchants located in
    16  distressed communities that have been designated as enterprise
    17  zones in accordance with the criteria set forth in this act.
    18     (b)  Goals and objectives.--The Enterprise Zone Economic
    19  Revitalization Program is intended to create a positive economic
    20  environment that will encourage entrepreneurship, stimulate
    21  business development, create jobs, increase employment
    22  opportunities for disadvantaged citizens and displaced workers
    23  and enhance the quality of life in the enterprise zone and in
    24  the municipal corporation generally through improved housing,
    25  community facilities and amenities. The program shall have the
    26  following objectives:
    27         (1)  Provide for a system of targeted economic assistance
    28     and support to enterprise zones and a systematic process
    29     whereby enterprise zones are helped to become economically
    30     viable through participation in the Enterprise Zone Economic
    19970S0106B0103                  - 4 -

     1     Revitalization Program.
     2         (2)  Improve the economic climate for jobs, increase the
     3     number of jobs and job opportunities and improve economic
     4     conditions in enterprise zones, particularly for
     5     disadvantaged citizens and displaced workers.
     6         (3)  Encourage working partnerships in enterprise zones
     7     composed of neighborhood and community leaders,
     8     representatives of the financial community, public officials,
     9     businesses, representatives of the education community,
    10     private citizens and others.
    11         (4)  Encourage the formation and success of enterprise
    12     zone businesses, primarily manufacturers, service providers
    13     and merchants, through tax incentives and through targeted
    14     enterprise zone financial assistance to combat crime, improve
    15     housing, demolish derelict buildings, treat drug addicts and
    16     provide other measures that will improve the economic
    17     environment in neighborhoods where businesses are being
    18     encouraged to locate.
    19         (5)  Increase equity capital available to businesses
    20     locating, starting or expanding in enterprise zones.
    21         (6)  Provide worker training programs for displaced
    22     workers which will make them employable in local businesses
    23     and industries in the enterprise zone.
    24         (7)  Ensure the opportunity for distressed rural areas to
    25     participate fully in the Enterprise Zone Economic
    26     Revitalization Program.
    27         (8)  Provide for housing needs within the enterprise zone
    28     and for crime and fire protection and other public services.
    29         (9)  Provide new public facilities and improvements to
    30     existing facilities that will meet the needs of businesses
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     1     and industries in the enterprise zone.
     2         (10)  Provide sites for industry location and expansion
     3     in the enterprise zone.
     4  Section 5.  Enterprise zone designation.
     5     (a)  Designation of enterprise planning zones.--Eligible
     6  municipal corporations may be designated by the department as
     7  enterprise planning zones when the department determines that
     8  the municipal corporation shows good potential for achieving
     9  substantial private sector and local commitment to the
    10  enterprise zone, examples of such commitment being identified
    11  under section 6(d) and (e), and when the municipal corporation
    12  has demonstrated that it has the potential for achieving a
    13  significant number of program objectives set forth in section 4.
    14  Designation as an enterprise planning zone is intended to
    15  provide the municipal corporation with a period of time during
    16  which the requested private and local commitments to the
    17  enterprise zone can be obtained and to demonstrate that a
    18  significant number of objectives would be achieved through the
    19  granting of status under subsection (b). Following designation
    20  as an enterprise planning zone, a municipal corporation shall be
    21  eligible for the benefits accruing to enterprise planning zones
    22  under section 7. In no case shall a municipal corporation retain
    23  enterprise planning zone status for more than two years.
    24     (b)  Designation of enterprise development zones.--Eligible
    25  municipal corporations may be designated by the department as
    26  enterprise development zones when the department determines that
    27  the municipal corporation has demonstrated substantial private
    28  sector and local commitment to the enterprise zone, examples of
    29  such commitment being identified under section 6(d) and (e), and
    30  when the municipal corporation has demonstrated that a
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     1  significant number of program objectives set forth in section 4
     2  would be achieved through designation as an enterprise
     3  development zone. Following designation as an enterprise
     4  development zone, a municipal corporation shall be eligible for
     5  the benefits accruing to enterprise development zones under
     6  section 7. In no case shall a municipal corporation retain
     7  enterprise development zone designation and receive benefits
     8  under section 7 for more than five years. The department shall
     9  monitor the performance of each enterprise zone for the purpose
    10  of measuring and evaluating progress made in achieving program
    11  objectives.
    12     (c)  Designation of enterprise investment zone.--Municipal
    13  corporations designated as enterprise development zones in
    14  accordance with subsection (b) that have demonstrated a
    15  continuing substantial private sector and local commitment to
    16  the enterprise zone, which have met or demonstrated substantial
    17  progress in meeting the program objectives set forth in section
    18  4, as determined through performance monitoring conducted by the
    19  department and which have participated for at least three years
    20  as an enterprise development zone shall be eligible for
    21  designation as an enterprise investment zone. Following
    22  designation as an enterprise investment zone, a municipal
    23  corporation shall be eligible for the benefits accruing to
    24  enterprise investment zones under section 7. In no case shall a
    25  municipal corporation retain enterprise investment zone status
    26  for more than three years.
    27     (d)  Designation criteria.--To be eligible for designation as
    28  an enterprise zone, a municipal corporation shall be classified
    29  as a distressed community. In determining whether a municipal
    30  corporation should be classified as distressed, the department
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     1  may utilize provisions under the act of July 2, 1984 (P.L.520,
     2  No.105), known as the Business Infrastructure Development Act
     3  and the act of July 10, 1987 (P.L.246, No.47), known as the
     4  Municipalities Financial Recovery Act.
     5     (e)  Emergency enterprise zone designation.--The Secretary of
     6  Community and Economic Development may waive certain enterprise
     7  zone designation criteria in order to make an emergency
     8  enterprise zone designation in areas effected by disaster,
     9  including, but not limited to, fire, flood, tornado and other
    10  natural or manmade destruction.
    11  Section 6.  Application procedure.
    12     (a)  Eligibility.--Any municipal corporation that meets the
    13  criteria set forth in section 5 shall be eligible to apply for
    14  enterprise zone designation as provided in this act, using
    15  application materials prepared and issued by the department.
    16     (b)  Joint applications.--In the event that a proposed
    17  enterprise zone affects two or more municipal corporations, the
    18  submission of a multijurisdictional application shall be
    19  permitted if binding agreements and clear lines of authority are
    20  established between or among the municipal corporations
    21  participating in the joint application for enterprise zone
    22  designation.
    23     (c)  Application contents.--The application for an enterprise
    24  zone designation submitted by the municipal corporation on the
    25  form prepared and issued by the department shall include, but
    26  not be limited to, the following information:
    27         (1)  A complete physical description of the area to be
    28     included in the proposed enterprise zone.
    29         (2)  Evidence of the area's need for such a designation,
    30     including documentation of compliance with distressed
    19970S0106B0103                  - 8 -

     1     communities criteria.
     2         (3)  Potential for revitalization, including a
     3     description of the proposed enterprise zone's assets which
     4     may serve to attract or assist the growth of business or
     5     industry, as well as reasons indicating the area's
     6     difficulties in attracting and retaining businesses and
     7     residents.
     8         (4)  A minimum three-year activity plan detailing the
     9     applicant's goals and strategy for the development and
    10     revitalization of the proposed enterprise zone, including
    11     achievable and measurable objectives.
    12         (5)  A statement of organization, which shall include
    13     direction by the municipal corporation or multijurisdictional
    14     applicant, with an advisory committee to be composed of
    15     participants from the private and public sectors who, at a
    16     minimum, have a stake in the development of the proposed
    17     enterprise zone and have available resources to commit.
    18     (d)  Private sector commitments.--An application for
    19  enterprise zone designation shall include written commitments
    20  from individuals, businesses, banks and other private sector
    21  institutions and organizations that will commit private sector
    22  resources to the enterprise zone. Commitments may be contingent
    23  upon specific State and local contributions, but the terms shall
    24  be clearly and specifically identified. Examples of appropriate
    25  private sector commitments include the following:
    26         (1)  Specific, direct financial contributions by
    27     businesses and individuals to the economic development and
    28     community improvement program identified in the application.
    29         (2)  Commitments by business and industry to locate,
    30     expand or start up operations within the proposed zone,
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     1     especially local manufacturers, service providers and
     2     merchants.
     3         (3)  Commitments to hire underskilled, inexperienced,
     4     disadvantaged individuals or displaced workers living in the
     5     enterprise zone.
     6         (4)  Commitments by other businesses or private sector
     7     organizations to help existing or new enterprise zone
     8     businesses and industries create or preserve jobs.
     9         (5)  Commitments by banks and other private financial
    10     institutions to reduce the cost or increase the availability
    11     and accessibility of investment capital for either businesses
    12     or individuals or for neighborhood improvement in the
    13     enterprise zone. Examples of specific commitments include the
    14     following:
    15             (i)  Lower interest rates or longer terms for loans.
    16             (ii)  Relaxing qualifications for loans.
    17             (iii)  Provision of equity capital.
    18             (iv)  Provision of special counseling and assistance
    19         for loan applicants.
    20         (6)  Commitments by businesses and individuals already
    21     located in the area to invest in improvements they would not
    22     otherwise undertake.
    23         (7)  Commitments by businesses or private sector
    24     organizations to introduce new or operate existing community
    25     services.
    26     (e)  Local public sector commitments.--An application for
    27  enterprise zone designation shall include a resolution adopted
    28  by the municipal corporation committing the municipal
    29  corporation to certain contributions and activities over the
    30  period during which enterprise zone designation would be
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     1  authorized. Examples of appropriate local public sector
     2  commitments include the following:
     3         (1)  Local tax relief and forgiveness of tax liens.
     4         (2)  Regulatory relief, including zoning changes or
     5     variances, exemptions of unnecessary building code
     6     requirements and streamlined permitting.
     7         (3)  Enhanced municipal services, such as improved police
     8     and fire protection and the provision of special public
     9     transit routes or reduced fares.
    10         (4)  Improvements to community facilities, such as
    11     capital improvements for water and sewer facilities, road
    12     repair and park improvements.
    13         (5)  Improvements to housing, such as low-interest loans
    14     for rehabilitation and the transfer of abandoned housing to
    15     individuals or community groups.
    16         (6)  Business and industrial development services,
    17     including the following:
    18             (i)  low-interest loans for business;
    19             (ii)  use of surplus school buildings or other
    20         underutilized publicly owned facilities as small business
    21         incubators;
    22             (iii)  provision of publicly owned land for
    23         development purposes;
    24             (iv)  creation of special one-stop permitting and
    25         problem resolution centers or ombudsmen; and
    26             (v)  promotion and marketing services.
    27  Section 7.  Grants and other assistance to enterprise zones.
    28     (a)  Grants.--Designated enterprise planning zones,
    29  enterprise development zones and enterprise investment zones
    30  shall be eligible to receive from the department grant awards,
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     1  the amount of which shall be derived from any annual
     2  appropriation made by the General Assembly for grants authorized
     3  by the act of May 20, 1949 (P.L.1633, No.493), known as the
     4  Housing and Redevelopment Assistance Law, in areas designated as
     5  enterprise zones. Grant awards for any one enterprise planning
     6  zone shall not exceed $50,000 annually, grant awards for any one
     7  enterprise development zone shall not exceed $250,000 annually
     8  and grant awards for any one enterprise investment zone shall
     9  not exceed $250,000 over the entire period the area is
    10  designated an enterprise investment zone. Grant awards to
    11  enterprise planning zones are intended to assist in the
    12  formulation and refinement of economic development plans and
    13  strategies that will enable the recipient to successfully
    14  compete for designation as an enterprise development zone. Grant
    15  awards to enterprise development and enterprise investment zones
    16  are intended to complement and leverage other local and private
    17  financial commitments to the enterprise zone and may be used to
    18  combat crime, improve housing, demolish derelict buildings,
    19  treat drug addicts and provide other measures that will improve
    20  the economic environment in neighborhoods where businesses are
    21  being encouraged to locate.
    22     (b)  Other assistance.--Enterprise zones shall receive
    23  priority consideration for State assistance to be provided to
    24  projects under the State Customized Job Training Program and
    25  Employment and Community Conservation Program and various State
    26  economic and community development programs, including, but not
    27  limited to, the Housing and Redevelopment Assistance Program,
    28  the Community Development Block Grant Program, the Community
    29  Economic Recovery Program, the Industrial Communities Site
    30  Development Program, the Industrial Communities Action Program,
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     1  the Machinery and Equipment Loan Fund Program, the Community
     2  Facilities Program, the Site Development Program and the
     3  Pennsylvania Economic Development Finance Authority Program.
     4  Enterprise zones shall also be eligible for special benefits to
     5  be provided under the following State economic, community
     6  development and other programs:
     7         (1)  Business Infrastructure Development Program.--
     8     Projects in designated enterprise development zones and
     9     enterprise planning zones shall be eligible for
    10     infrastructure grants of up to $1,500,000. Projects in
    11     designated enterprise investment zones shall be eligible for
    12     infrastructure grants of up to $750,000 or 50% of the project
    13     cost, whichever is less.
    14         (2)  Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority
    15     Program.--Projects in designated enterprise development zones
    16     that are approved for Pennsylvania Industrial Development
    17     Authority (PIDA) financing shall receive the lowest interest
    18     rate extended to PIDA borrowers and shall be eligible to
    19     receive an additional 10% loan capital. Projects in
    20     designated enterprise investment zones that are approved for
    21     financing shall be eligible to receive the lowest interest
    22     rate extended to PIDA borrowers.
    23         (3)  Pennsylvania Minority Business Development Authority
    24     Program.-- Minority business owners in designated enterprise
    25     development zones shall be eligible for low interest loans of
    26     up to $200,000 for machinery, equipment, inventory and
    27     working capital. Minority business owners in designated
    28     enterprise investment zones shall be eligible for loans of up
    29     to $100,000 for machinery, equipment, inventory and working
    30     capital.
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     1         (4)  Neighborhood Assistance Program.--Projects in
     2     designated enterprise development zones that are approved for
     3     the 50% tax credit under the act of November 29, 1967
     4     (P.L.636, No.292), known as the Neighborhood Assistance Act,
     5     shall be eligible for an additional 20% tax credit. Projects
     6     in designated enterprise investment zones that are approved
     7     for the 50% tax credit under the Neighborhood Assistance Act
     8     shall be eligible for an additional 10% tax credit.
     9  Section 8.  Reimbursement of tax exemptions.
    10     (a)  Program establishment.--The department is authorized to
    11  establish and administer a program for the reimbursement to
    12  municipal corporations of a portion of the amount of exemptions
    13  from real property taxes levied on improvements made to
    14  deteriorated property when exemptions have been provided by
    15  municipal governing bodies, including the governing bodies of
    16  home rule municipalities which are not counties, pursuant to the
    17  act of December 1, 1977 (P.L.237, No.76), known as the Local
    18  Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Act. Reimbursements may
    19  be made available whenever the deteriorated properties to which
    20  improvements have been made, and for which exemptions have been
    21  granted by municipal governing bodies, are located within
    22  portions of deteriorated areas designated by the department as
    23  an enterprise planning zone or an enterprise development zone.
    24     (b)  Application.--In order to receive reimbursement of tax
    25  exemptions, the municipal corporation shall annually file an
    26  application with the department in a form and manner specified
    27  by the department. The application shall:
    28         (1)  Identify areas of the municipal corporation which
    29     have been designated as deteriorated areas pursuant to the
    30     Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Act.
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     1         (2)  Identify the portions of deteriorated areas which
     2     have also been designated as an enterprise planning zone or
     3     an enterprise development zone.
     4         (3)  Report the market value, assessed value, millage
     5     rate and the value of real estate tax exemptions granted by
     6     the municipal governing body on improvements to deteriorated
     7     property located within deteriorated areas which have also
     8     been designated as enterprise zones during the immediately
     9     prior calendar year.
    10         (4)  Request reimbursement of all or a portion of the
    11     value of such tax exemptions.
    12         (5)  Provide a plan for the utilization of reimbursements
    13     requested by the municipal corporation to provide for
    14     community development projects or neighborhood services in
    15     the enterprise zone. The plan shall document the needs of the
    16     enterprise zone and demonstrate how the proposed projects or
    17     services meet those needs, with an emphasis on long-term
    18     physical improvements and consistency with the goals and
    19     objectives of the enterprise zone strategy.
    20         (6)  Provide other information requested by the
    21     department which may be necessary to evaluate the application
    22     for reimbursement.
    23     (c)  Review and approval.--The department may review and
    24  approve or disapprove, in whole or in part, applications for the
    25  reimbursement of tax exemptions based upon an evaluation of the
    26  plan of the municipal corporation for community development
    27  projects and neighborhood services to be provided in the
    28  enterprise zone.
    29     (d)  Amount of payment.--Each municipal corporation for which
    30  tax exemption reimbursements are approved by the department
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     1  shall receive a payment equal to a portion of the amount of
     2  total funding available for reimbursement payments for that
     3  year, determined by dividing the amount of approved eligible tax
     4  exemptions on improvements to deteriorated property within the
     5  enterprise zone located within each municipal corporation by the
     6  amount of approved eligible tax exemptions on improvements to
     7  deteriorated property within all enterprise zones for which
     8  reimbursements have been approved for that year. Reimbursements
     9  of tax exemptions granted in an enterprise zone shall not exceed
    10  the lesser of actual approved eligible tax exemptions granted in
    11  the enterprise zone in that year, the amount to be expended on
    12  community development projects and neighborhood services in the
    13  enterprise zone or 10% of the total funds available for
    14  reimbursement payments in that year.
    15     (e)  Administration.--The department is authorized to adopt
    16  any forms, program manuals, procedures, statements of policy,
    17  rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the
    18  provisions of this section. The department shall report annually
    19  to the General Assembly on the reimbursements awarded under this
    20  act.
    21     (f)  Funding.--Funds for the payment of tax exemption
    22  reimbursements pursuant to this section shall be made available
    23  from the appropriation to the department for housing and
    24  redevelopment assistance.
    25  Section 9.  Special net loss deduction provisions.
    26     (a)  Certification by department.--The department shall
    27  certify to the Department of Revenue a list of the corporations
    28  which qualify for the special net loss deduction provisions
    29  provided under subsection (b). In order to qualify for this
    30  deduction, the corporation must satisfy each of the following
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     1  requirements:
     2         (1)  The corporation shall have no more than 100
     3     employees employed within the enterprise zone.
     4         (2)  The corporation's business within the enterprise
     5     zone shall substantially involve manufacturing, the provision
     6     of services or retail sales.
     7         (3)  If the corporation relocates to the enterprise zone
     8     from another location within this Commonwealth and the
     9     relocation occurs after the area was designated as an
    10     enterprise zone, the corporation must be in compliance with
    11     the requirements of section 11(c).
    12     (b)  Special deduction provisions.--Businesses located in an
    13  enterprise zone and certified by the department under subsection
    14  (a) may exceed the current limitation placed on the net loss
    15  deduction, as provided for in Article IV of the act of March 4,
    16  1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, up to
    17  but not exceeding $1,000,000 in any taxable year. Beginning in
    18  1996 and thereafter, business located in enterprise zones and
    19  certified by the department under subsection (a) may carry over
    20  a net loss for seven taxable years.
    21  Section 10.  Guidelines and regulations.
    22     (a)  One-year exemption from review.--In order to facilitate
    23  the transition from a demonstration program, the department
    24  shall have the power and authority to promulgate, adopt and use
    25  guidelines which shall be published in the Pennsylvania
    26  Bulletin. The guidelines shall not be subject to review pursuant
    27  to section 205 of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240),
    28  referred to as the Commonwealth Documents Law, sections 204(b)
    29  and 301(10) of the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164),
    30  known as the Commonwealth Attorneys Act, or the act of June 25,
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     1  1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act, and
     2  shall be effective for a period not to exceed one year from the
     3  effective date of this act.
     4     (b)  Expiration of exemption.--After the expiration of the
     5  one-year period, all guidelines shall expire and shall be
     6  replaced by regulations which shall have been promulgated,
     7  adopted and published as provided by law.
     8  Section 11.  Special provisions.
     9     (a)  Existing enterprise zones.--Enterprise zones that have
    10  been established pursuant to the guidelines issued in the
    11  Pennsylvania Bulletin, February 12, 1983, and April 2, 1988, and
    12  upon the effective date of this act are certified by the
    13  department as active participants in the Enterprise Zone
    14  Economic Revitalization Program, are hereby continued, but for
    15  purposes of future certification shall be deemed subject to all
    16  the terms and conditions as set forth in this act. Existing
    17  enterprise zones that are, upon the effective date of this act,
    18  in the first year of the enterprise zone planning cycle or in
    19  the fifth year or more as a designated enterprise zone may,
    20  subject to approval by the department, be granted an extension
    21  of their existing designation and funding for a period not to
    22  exceed one year. At the end of such time, subject to the
    23  provisions of section 5(b), enterprise zones in the planning
    24  cycle may be designated as enterprise development zones. Also at
    25  the end of such time, designated enterprise zones may be
    26  classified as enterprise investment zones, subject to the
    27  provisions of section 5(c).
    28     (b)  Enterprise zones in nonmetropolitan counties.--The
    29  department shall ensure the opportunity for distressed areas in
    30  counties not classified as metropolitan statistical areas to
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     1  participate in the Enterprise Zone Economic Revitalization
     2  Program through the development of a strategy for this purpose,
     3  and shall specify for each year in which an appropriation for
     4  the Enterprise Zone Economic Revitalization Program is requested
     5  from the General Assembly, the amount of the appropriation to be
     6  spent in enterprise zones in nonmetropolitan counties.
     7     (c)  Relocation and job increase.--This act is expressly not
     8  intended to encourage the relocation of a company from one
     9  jurisdiction within this Commonwealth to another. Any request by
    10  a municipal corporation for assistance to be provided a firm
    11  which currently operates a similar business in this Commonwealth
    12  must be accompanied by a demonstration that the total net
    13  increase in full-time equivalent jobs, using the current number
    14  of jobs in all similar businesses operated by the private
    15  company in this Commonwealth as a base, shall be at least 10%.
    16  This requirement shall not apply to private companies relocating
    17  from small business incubators.
    18  Section 12.  Reporting requirements.
    19     On or before the March 1 following the adoption of this act
    20  and in each succeeding year, the department shall provide a
    21  report to the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the
    22  House of Representatives for the preceding fiscal year. The
    23  report shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
    24         (1)  A list of approved enterprise planning zones,
    25     enterprise development zones and enterprise investment zones.
    26         (2)  A list of enterprise zone applications not approved.
    27         (3)  A summary of each approved enterprise zone,
    28     including the strategy for economic development in the zone;
    29     the local enterprise zone organization; the amount of State
    30     enterprise zone funding received to date and the principal
    19970S0106B0103                 - 19 -

     1     uses of such funding; other benefits provided to the
     2     enterprise zone such as grants, loans and tax reimbursements;
     3     the amount of private funding and the principal uses of such
     4     funding; and accomplishments, measured in specific terms such
     5     as new businesses formed, increase in employment, population
     6     and income above the poverty level, reduction in the vacancy
     7     rate in commercial and industrial buildings and increase in
     8     poverty tax revenues.
     9         (4)  A summary of the strategy designed to ensure the
    10     opportunity for distressed areas in nonmetropolitan counties
    11     to participate in the Enterprise Zone Economic Revitalization
    12     Program, the amount of State grant assistance and other State
    13     assistance provided to enterprise zones in nonmetropolitan
    14     counties, the impact of the program on distressed areas in
    15     nonmetropolitan counties and, in any year preceding a fiscal
    16     year for which an appropriation for the Enterprise Zone
    17     Economic Revitalization Program has been or will be
    18     requested, a description of any changes in the strategy
    19     proposed for the forthcoming fiscal year.
    20  Section 13.  Neighborhood assistance tax credit.
    21     One-half of the total amount of tax credit granted for
    22  programs approved under the act of November 29, 1967 (P.L.636,
    23  No.292), known as the Neighborhood Assistance Act, shall be set
    24  aside exclusively for private companies which make qualified
    25  investments to rehabilitate, expand or improve buildings or
    26  lands which promote community economic development and which
    27  occur in portions of impoverished areas which have been
    28  designated as enterprise planning, development or investment
    29  zones.
    30  Section 14.  Repeals.
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     1     (a)  Absolute.--The act of July 9, 1986 (P.L.1216, No.108),
     2  known as the Enterprise Zone Municipal Tax Exemption
     3  Reimbursement Act, is repealed.
     4     (b)  Inconsistent.--Section 4 of the act of November 29, 1967
     5  (P.L.636, No.292), known as the Neighborhood Assistance Act, is
     6  repealed insofar as it is inconsistent with section 13 of this
     7  act.
     8  Section 15.  Expiration.
     9     This act shall be subject to evaluation and review and shall
    10  expire ten years from its effective date.
    11  Section 16.  Effective date.
    12     This act shall take effect immediately.

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