See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 31



No. 48 Session of 2003

           JANUARY 22, 2003

           JANUARY 22, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing compensation to persons in active service in
     2     connection with the Persian Gulf Conflict or their
     3     beneficiaries; authorizing the incurring of indebtedness and
     4     the issue and sale of bonds by the Commonwealth for the
     5     payment of compensation, contingent upon electorate approval;
     6     establishing the Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation
     7     Bond Fund; imposing powers and duties on the Department of
     8     General Services; and making appropriations.

     9                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    10  Section 1.  Short title.
    11  Section 2.  Definitions.
    12  Section 3.  Computation of compensation.
    13  Section 4.  Application for compensation.
    14  Section 5.  Persons to whom payments shall be made in case of
    15                 incompetence or death.
    16  Section 6.  Applicant to designate beneficiaries.
    17  Section 7.  Exemption from attachment, etc.
    18  Section 8.  Penalty for charging fees for assisting veterans.
    19  Section 9.  Administration of compensation program.
    20  Section 10.  Payment of compensation.

     1  Section 11.  Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation Bond
     2                 Fund.
     3  Section 12.  Commonwealth indebtedness.
     4  Section 13.  Question.
     5  Section 14.  Appropriations.
     6  Section 15.  Effective date.
     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Persian Gulf
    11  Conflict Veterans' Compensation and Bond Act.
    12  Section 2.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    14  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    15  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     "Active service."  For a member of a component of the armed
    17  forces of the United States, the time served on active duty for
    18  which the member has received or is eligible to receive the
    19  Southwest Asia Service Medal for service related to the Persian
    20  Gulf Conflict Theater, for a member of the Pennsylvania National
    21  Guard or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United
    22  States, time served on active duty for the support of operations
    23  in the Persian Gulf Conflict Theater whether or not that service
    24  was in the theater. The term includes time spent in hospitals as
    25  a result of service-connected wounds, diseases or injuries
    26  sustained on active service. Proof of such service shall be the
    27  official military records of the United States or such other
    28  evidence as is deemed sufficient by the Adjutant General. The
    29  term does not include time served on active duty for annual
    30  training or schooling, except for training and schooling in
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     1  preparation for active duty in the Persian Gulf Conflict
     2  Theater.
     3     "Fund."  The Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation
     4  Bond Fund established in section 11.
     5     "Issuing officials."  The Governor, the Auditor General and
     6  the State Treasurer.
     7     "Legal resident of this Commonwealth."  A member of the
     8  United States Armed Forces, the reserve component of the United
     9  States Armed Forces or the Pennsylvania National Guard whose
    10  home of record at the time of the Persian Gulf Conflict was this
    11  Commonwealth or any specific place in this Commonwealth without
    12  regard to the place of enlistment, commission or induction. The
    13  proof of such residence shall be the official records of the
    14  United States or such other evidence as is deemed sufficient by
    15  the Adjutant General.
    16     "Persian Gulf Conflict Theater."  The area defined as the
    17  Persian Gulf Conflict Theater of Operations as established by
    18  the United States Department of Defense for the awarding of the
    19  Southwest Asia Service Medal for the period of time from August
    20  2, 1990, through August 31, 1991.
    21     "Veteran."  A member of a component of the armed forces of
    22  the United States who had active service in the Persian Gulf
    23  Conflict Theater or a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard
    24  or a reserve component of the armed forces who had active
    25  service for the support of operations in the Persian Gulf
    26  Conflict Theater and who was a legal resident of this
    27  Commonwealth from August 2, 1990, through August 31, 1991. The
    28  term does not include an individual who was separated from the
    29  armed forces under other than honorable conditions, had
    30  renounced United States citizenship or was called to active duty
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     1  for the purpose of annual training or schooling.
     2  Section 3.  Computation of compensation.
     3     (a)  Compensation for service in the Persian Gulf.--
     4  Compensation shall be payable on the basis of $75 for the first
     5  month of eligibility with a minimum of one day of active
     6  service; thereafter, it shall be computed on the basis of $75
     7  for each month or major fraction thereof.
     8     (b)  Compensation on behalf of deceased veteran.--In addition
     9  to any other compensation authorized under this section, the
    10  compensation on behalf of a veteran who died in active service
    11  or as a result of service-connected wounds, diseases or injuries
    12  sustained during active service shall be $4,000.
    13     (c)  Compensation of prisoner of war.--In addition to any
    14  compensation under the other provisions of this section, the
    15  compensation of a veteran who was declared a prisoner of war,
    16  regardless of the length of time spent as a prisoner of war,
    17  shall, upon return, be $4,000.
    18     (d)  Total amount of compensation.--The compensation provided
    19  for active service under subsection (a) shall be not less than
    20  $75 and not more than $525.
    21     (e)  Exclusion from compensation.--A person who has received
    22  a bonus, gratuity or compensation of a nature similar to that
    23  provided for by this act from any other state is ineligible for
    24  compensation under this act. This subsection does not apply to a
    25  bonus, gratuity or compensation of a nature similar to that
    26  provided by this act from the Federal Government.
    27  Section 4.  Application for compensation.
    28     (a)  Application to Adjutant General.--Applications shall be
    29  made by a veteran, the facility entitled under section 5(a) or
    30  the beneficiaries designated under section 5(b). The Adjutant
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     1  General shall ascertain the applicants who are veterans and, as
     2  to each veteran, the number of months of service for which the
     3  veteran is entitled to receive compensation.
     4     (b)  Time for filing application.--The Adjutant General shall
     5  not accept or consider any application filed after August 31,
     6  2005.
     7  Section 5.  Persons to whom payments shall be made in case of
     8                 incompetence or death.
     9     (a)  Incompetence.--In a case where a veteran is incompetent,
    10  if no guardian has been appointed, payment shall be made for the
    11  benefit of the veteran to the person who is entitled to payment
    12  under subsection (b), or, in the absence of any such person and
    13  if the veteran is in a facility, to the person in charge of the
    14  facility to be expended for the clothing and incidental needs of
    15  the veteran. No part of the compensation paid to a facility
    16  shall be used for the maintenance of the veteran. A statement
    17  from the person in charge of the facility in which the veteran
    18  resides shall be evidence to determine the competence of the
    19  veteran.
    20     (b)  Death.--In the case of the death of a veteran, payment
    21  shall be made, in the order named, to the:
    22         (1)  surviving spouse, unless the spouse was living
    23     separate and apart from the veteran at the time of departure
    24     for active service;
    25         (2)  surviving children, in equal amounts; or
    26         (3)  surviving parents, in equal amounts.
    27     (c)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    28  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    29  subsection:
    30     "Facility."  A mental health establishment, hospital, clinic,
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     1  institution, center, day-care center, base service unit,
     2  community mental health center or other organizational unit, or
     3  part thereof, which is devoted primarily to the diagnosis,
     4  treatment, care, rehabilitation or detention of mentally
     5  disabled persons.
     6     "Parent."  This term includes a person who, for a period of
     7  not less than one year, acted in the capacity of a foster parent
     8  to a veteran immediately prior to the veteran having attained 18
     9  years of age.
    10  Section 6.  Applicant to designate beneficiaries.
    11     A person making application for compensation must set forth
    12  in the application the names and addresses of all persons who,
    13  under this act, would be entitled to receive compensation in the
    14  event of the death of the applicant. If the applicant dies
    15  before the payment of the compensation, the application shall be
    16  deemed to inure to the benefit of the person next entitled to
    17  compensation and payment shall be made to the person upon proof
    18  of identity satisfactory to the Adjutant General. If no person
    19  designated in this act as being entitled to compensation
    20  survives the veteran, the veteran's right to the compensation
    21  shall cease.
    22  Section 7.  Exemption from attachment and taxation.
    23     (a)  General rule.--No sum payable under this act to a
    24  veteran or to any other person under this act shall be subject
    25  to attachment, levy or seizure under any legal or equitable
    26  process and shall be exempt from all State taxation.
    27     (b)  Assignment.--
    28         (1)  No right to compensation under this act shall be
    29     assignable, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2), or
    30     shall serve as a security for any loan. Any assignment or
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     1     loan made in violation of this subsection shall be void.
     2         (2)  An assignment to an incorporated or unincorporated
     3     organization of veterans, a nonprofit corporation formed
     4     solely for the purpose of aiding disabled or incapacitated
     5     veterans and the State Veterans' Commission shall be valid.
     6  Section 8.  Penalty for charging fees for assisting veterans.
     7     A person who charges or collects or attempts to charge or
     8  collect, either directly or indirectly, a fee or other
     9  compensation for assisting, in any manner, a veteran in
    10  obtaining any of the benefits provided under this act commits a
    11  misdemeanor of the second degree.
    12  Section 9.  Administration of compensation program.
    13     The Adjutant General shall:
    14         (1)  Administer the compensation program.
    15         (2)  Prepare, distribute and investigate applications
    16     and, if satisfied of the proof of an application, approve
    17     payment of compensation.
    18         (3)  Promulgate rules and regulations to implement,
    19     administer and enforce this act.
    20         (4)  As soon as practicable after the effective date of
    21     this act, prepare and distribute a digest explaining the
    22     provisions of this act to assist veterans in filing their
    23     applications and shall, from time to time, prepare and
    24     distribute additional or supplementary information as may be
    25     found necessary.
    26         (5)  Enlist, as far as possible, the services of veteran
    27     organizations in this Commonwealth in the dissemination of
    28     the information.
    29  Section 10.  Payment of compensation.
    30     The compensation payable under this act shall, upon
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     1  requisition by the Adjutant General, be paid by the State
     2  Treasurer from the fund. Payments shall be made as soon as
     3  possible after moneys are available in the fund.
     4  Section 11.  Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation Bond
     5                 Fund.
     6     (a)  Purpose of fund.--The Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans'
     7  Compensation Bond Fund, which is hereby established in the State
     8  Treasury, shall be the source from which all payments are
     9  authorized with the approval of the Governor to carry out the
    10  purposes of this act. The moneys in the fund shall only be
    11  utilized:
    12         (1)  For the purpose of providing compensation in
    13     accordance with the provisions of this act.
    14         (2)  For the administrative costs incurred for the
    15     purpose in paragraph (1), including the costs incurred in
    16     connection with the issuance of the bonds.
    17     (b)  Interfund transfers authorized.--
    18         (1)  Whenever the cash balance and the current estimated
    19     receipts of the fund shall be insufficient at any time during
    20     any State fiscal year to meet promptly the obligations of the
    21     Commonwealth from such fund, the State Treasurer is hereby
    22     authorized and directed, from time to time during such fiscal
    23     year, to transfer from the General Fund to the fund such sums
    24     as the Governor directs, but in no case less than the amount
    25     necessary to meet promptly the obligations to be paid from
    26     the fund nor more than an amount which is the smallest of:
    27             (i)  the difference between the amount of debt
    28         authorized to be issued under the authority of this act
    29         and the aggregate principal amount of bonds and notes
    30         issued, not including refunding bonds and replacement
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     1         notes; and
     2             (ii)  the difference between the aggregate principal
     3         amount of bonds and notes to be issued during a State
     4         fiscal year and the aggregate principal amount of bonds
     5         and notes, not including refunding bonds and replacement
     6         notes, issued during such State fiscal year.
     7         (2)  Any sums transferred under paragraph (1) shall be
     8     available only for the purposes for which funds are
     9     appropriated from the fund. The transfers shall be made under
    10     this section upon warrant of the State Treasurer upon
    11     requisition of the Governor.
    12         (3)  In order to reimburse the General Fund for moneys
    13     transferred from such funds under paragraph (1), there shall
    14     be transferred to the General Fund from the fund moneys from
    15     the proceeds obtained from bonds and notes issued under the
    16     authority of this act or from other available funds in such
    17     amounts and at such times as the Governor shall direct. The
    18     reimbursement transfers shall be made upon warrant of the
    19     State Treasurer upon requisition of the Governor.
    20  Section 12.  Commonwealth indebtedness.
    21     (a)  Borrowing authorized.--
    22         (1)  If and when the electorate approves a referendum
    23     question for the incurring of indebtedness in the amount and
    24     for the purposes prescribed in this act, the issuing
    25     officials, pursuant to the provisions of section 7(a)(3) of
    26     Article VIII of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, are
    27     authorized and directed to borrow, on the credit of the
    28     Commonwealth, money not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of
    29     $16,000,000, not including money borrowed to refund
    30     outstanding bonds, notes or replacement notes, as may be
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     1     found necessary to carry out the purposes of this act.
     2         (2)  As evidence of the indebtedness, general obligation
     3     bonds of the Commonwealth shall be issued, from time to time,
     4     to provide moneys necessary to carry out the purposes of this
     5     act for such total amounts, in such form, in such
     6     denominations and subject to such terms and conditions of
     7     issue, redemption and maturity, rate of interest and time of
     8     payment of interest as the issuing officials direct, except
     9     that the latest stated maturity date shall not exceed 20
    10     years from the date of the first obligation issued to
    11     evidence the debt.
    12         (3)  All bonds and notes issued under the authority of
    13     this act shall bear facsimile signatures of the issuing
    14     officials and a facsimile of the Great Seal of the
    15     Commonwealth and shall be countersigned by a duly authorized
    16     officer of a duly authorized loan and transfer agent of the
    17     Commonwealth.
    18         (4)  All bonds and notes issued in accordance with the
    19     provisions of this section shall be direct obligations of the
    20     Commonwealth, and the full faith and credit of the
    21     Commonwealth is hereby pledged for the payment of the
    22     interest thereon, as it becomes due, and the payment of the
    23     principal at maturity. The principal of and interest on the
    24     bonds and notes shall be payable in lawful money of the
    25     United States.
    26         (5)  All bonds and notes issued under the provisions of
    27     this section shall be exempt from taxation for State and
    28     local purposes.
    29         (6)  The bonds may be issued as coupon bonds or
    30     registered as to both principal and interest as the issuing
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     1     officials may determine. If interest coupons are attached,
     2     they shall contain the facsimile signature of the State
     3     Treasurer.
     4         (7)  The issuing officials shall provide for the
     5     amortization of the bonds in substantial and regular amounts
     6     over the term of the debt so that the bonds of each issue
     7     allocated to the programs to be funded from the bond issue
     8     shall mature within a period not to exceed the appropriate
     9     amortization period for each program as specified by the
    10     issuing officials but in no case in excess of 20 years. The
    11     first retirement of principal shall be stated to mature prior
    12     to the expiration of a period of time equal to one-tenth of
    13     the time from the date of the first obligation issued to
    14     evidence the debt to the date of the expiration of the term
    15     of the debt. Retirements of principal shall be regular and
    16     substantial if made in annual or semiannual amounts whether
    17     by stated serial maturities or by mandatory sinking fund
    18     retirements.
    19         (8)  The issuing officials are authorized to provide by
    20     resolution for the issuance of refunding bonds for the
    21     purpose of refunding any debt issued under the provisions of
    22     this act and then outstanding, either by voluntary exchange
    23     with the holders of the outstanding debt or providing funds
    24     to redeem and retire the outstanding debt with accrued
    25     interest, any premium payable thereon and the costs of
    26     issuance and retirement of the debt, at maturity or at any
    27     call date. The issuance of the refunding bonds, the
    28     maturities and other details thereof, the rights of the
    29     holders thereof and the duties of the issuing official in
    30     respect thereto shall be governed by the provisions of this
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     1     section, insofar as they may be applicable. Refunding bonds,
     2     which are not subject to the aggregate limitation of
     3     $16,000,000 of debt to be issued under this act, may be
     4     issued by the issuing officials to refund debt originally
     5     issued or to refund bonds previously issued for refunding
     6     purposes.
     7         (9)  Whenever any action is to be taken or decision made
     8     by the Governor, the Auditor General and the State Treasurer
     9     acting as issuing officials and the three officers are not
    10     able unanimously to agree, the action or decision of the
    11     Governor and either the Auditor General or the State
    12     Treasurer shall be binding and final.
    13     (b)  Sale of bonds.--
    14         (1)  Whenever bonds are issued, they shall be offered for
    15     sale at not less than 98% of the principal amount and accrued
    16     interest and shall be sold by the issuing officials to the
    17     highest and best bidder or bidders after due public
    18     advertisement on the terms and conditions and upon such open
    19     competitive bidding as the issuing officials shall direct.
    20     The manner and character of the advertisement and the time of
    21     advertising shall be prescribed by the issuing officials. No
    22     commission shall be allowed or paid for the sale of any bonds
    23     issued under the authority of this act.
    24         (2)  Any portion of any bond issue so offered and not
    25     sold or subscribed for at public sale may be disposed of by
    26     private sale by the issuing officials in such manner and at
    27     such prices, not less than 98% of the principal amount and
    28     accrued interest, as the Governor shall direct. No commission
    29     shall be allowed or paid for the sale of any bonds issued
    30     under the authority of this act.
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     1         (3)  When bonds are issued from time to time, the bonds
     2     of each issue shall constitute a separate series to be
     3     designated by the issuing officials or may be combined for
     4     sale as one series with other general obligation bonds of the
     5     Commonwealth.
     6         (4)  Until permanent bonds can be prepared, the issuing
     7     officials may in their discretion issue, in lieu of permanent
     8     bonds, temporary bonds in such form and with such privileges
     9     as to registration and exchange for permanent bonds as may be
    10     determined by the issuing officials.
    11         (5)  The proceeds realized from the sale of bonds and
    12     notes, except refunding bonds and replacement notes, under
    13     the provisions of this act shall be paid into the fund. The
    14     proceeds shall be paid by the State Treasurer periodically to
    15     those Commonwealth officers and Commonwealth agencies
    16     authorized to expend them at such times and in such amounts
    17     as may be necessary to satisfy the funding needs thereof. The
    18     proceeds of the sale of refunding bonds and replacement notes
    19     shall be paid to the State Treasurer and applied to the
    20     payment of principal, the accrued interest and premium, if
    21     any, and cost of redemption of the bonds and notes for which
    22     the obligations shall have been issued.
    23         (6)  Pending their application for the purposes
    24     authorized, moneys held or deposited by the State Treasurer
    25     may be invested or reinvested as are other funds in the
    26     custody of the State Treasurer in the manner provided by law.
    27     All earnings received from the investment or deposit of the
    28     funds shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of
    29     the fund. The earnings in excess of bond discounts allowed,
    30     expenses paid for the issuance of bonds and notes and
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     1     interest arbitrage rebates due to the Federal Government
     2     shall be transferred annually to the fund. Any interest or
     3     investment income shall be applied to assist in the payment
     4     of the debt service incurred in connection with this act.
     5         (7)  The Auditor General shall prepare the necessary
     6     registry book to be kept in the office of the duly authorized
     7     loan and transfer agent of the Commonwealth for the
     8     registration of any bonds, at the request of owners thereof,
     9     according to the terms and conditions of issue directed by
    10     the issuing officials.
    11         (8)  There is hereby appropriated to the State Treasurer
    12     from the fund as much money as may be necessary for all costs
    13     and expenses in connection with the issue of and sale and
    14     registration of the bonds and notes in connection with this
    15     act and the payment of interest arbitrage rebates or proceeds
    16     of such bonds and notes.
    17     (c)  Temporary financing authorization.--
    18         (1)  Pending the issuance of bonds of the Commonwealth as
    19     authorized, the issuing officials are hereby authorized, in
    20     accordance with the provisions of this act and on the credit
    21     of the Commonwealth, to make temporary borrowings not to
    22     exceed three years in anticipation of the issue of bonds in
    23     order to provide funds in such amounts as may, from time to
    24     time, be deemed advisable prior to the issue of bonds. In
    25     order to provide for and in connection with the temporary
    26     borrowings, the issuing officials are hereby authorized in
    27     the name and on behalf of the Commonwealth to enter into any
    28     purchase, loan or credit agreement or agreements, or other
    29     agreement or agreements with any banks or trust companies or
    30     other lending institutions, investment banking firms or
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     1     persons in the United States having power to enter into the
     2     same, which agreements may contain provisions not
     3     inconsistent with the provisions of this act as may be
     4     authorized by the issuing officials.
     5         (2)  All temporary borrowings made under the
     6     authorization of this section shall be evidenced by notes of
     7     the Commonwealth, which shall be issued, from time to time,
     8     for amounts not exceeding in the aggregate the applicable
     9     statutory and constitutional debt limitation, in the form and
    10     in the denominations and subject to terms and conditions of
    11     sale and issue, prepayment or redemption and maturity, rate
    12     or rates of interest and time of payment of interest as the
    13     issuing officials shall authorize and direct and in
    14     accordance with this act. The authorization and direction may
    15     provide for the subsequent issuance of replacement notes to
    16     refund outstanding notes or replacement notes, which
    17     replacement notes shall, upon issuance thereof, evidence the
    18     borrowing, and may specify other terms and conditions with
    19     respect to the notes and replacement notes thereby authorized
    20     for issuance as the issuing officials may determine and
    21     direct.
    22         (3)  When the authorization and direction of the issuing
    23     officials provide for the issuance of replacement notes, the
    24     issuing officials are hereby authorized in the name and on
    25     behalf of the Commonwealth to issue, enter into or authorize
    26     and direct the State Treasurer to enter into agreements with
    27     any banks, trust companies, investment banking firms or other
    28     institutions or persons in the United States having the power
    29     to enter the same:
    30             (i)  To purchase or underwrite an issue or series of
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     1         issues or notes.
     2             (ii)  To credit, to enter into any purchase, loan or
     3         credit agreements, to draw moneys pursuant to any such
     4         agreements on the terms and conditions set forth therein
     5         and to issue notes as evidence of borrowings made under
     6         any such agreements.
     7             (iii)  To appoint as issuing and payment agent or
     8         agents with respect to notes.
     9             (iv)  To do such other acts as may be necessary or
    10         appropriate to provide for the payment, when due, of the
    11         interest on and the principal of such notes. Such
    12         agreements may provide for the compensation of any
    13         purchasers or underwriters of notes or replacement notes
    14         by discounting the purchase price of the notes or by
    15         payment of a fixed fee or commission at the time of
    16         issuance thereof, and all other costs and expenses,
    17         including fees for agreements related to the notes,
    18         issuing and paying agent costs and costs and expenses of
    19         issuance, may be paid from the proceeds of the notes.
    20         (4)  When the authorization and direction of the issuing
    21     officials provide for the issuance of replacement notes, the
    22     State Treasurer shall, at or prior to the time of delivery of
    23     these notes or replacement notes, determine the principal
    24     amounts, dates of issue, interest rate or rates, or
    25     procedures for establishing such rates from time to time,
    26     rates of discount, denominations and all other terms and
    27     conditions relating to the issuance and shall perform all
    28     acts and things necessary to pay or cause to be paid, when
    29     due, all principal of and interest on the notes being
    30     refunded by replacement notes and to assure that the same may
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     1     draw upon any moneys available for that purpose pursuant to
     2     any purchase, loan or credit agreements established with
     3     respect thereto, all subject to the authorization and
     4     direction of the issuing officials.
     5         (5)  Outstanding notes evidencing such borrowings may be
     6     funded and retired by the issuance and sale of the bonds of
     7     the Commonwealth as hereinafter authorized. The refunding
     8     bonds must be issued and sold not later than a date three
     9     years after the date of issuance of the first notes
    10     evidencing the borrowings to the extent that payment of such
    11     notes has not otherwise been made or provided for by sources
    12     other than proceeds of replacement notes.
    13         (6)  The proceeds of all such temporary borrowing shall
    14     be paid to the State Treasurer to be held and disposed of in
    15     accordance with the provisions of this act.
    16     (d)  Debt retirement.--
    17         (1)  All bonds issued under the authority of this act
    18     shall be redeemed at maturity, together with all interest
    19     due, from time to time, on the bonds, and these principal and
    20     interest payments shall be paid from the Persian Gulf
    21     Conflict Veterans' Compensation Bond Sinking Fund, which is
    22     hereby created. For the specific purpose of redeeming the
    23     bonds at maturity and paying all interest thereon in
    24     accordance with the information received from the Governor,
    25     the General Assembly shall appropriate moneys to the Persian
    26     Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation Bond Sinking Fund for
    27     the payment of interest on the bonds and notes and the
    28     principal thereof at maturity. All moneys paid into the
    29     Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation Bond Sinking
    30     Fund and all of the moneys not necessary to pay accruing
    20030S0048B0031                 - 17 -     

     1     interest shall be invested by the State Treasurer in such
     2     securities as are provided by law for the investment of the
     3     sinking funds of the Commonwealth.
     4         (2)  The State Treasurer, with the approval of the
     5     Governor, is authorized at any time to use any of the moneys
     6     in the fund not necessary for the purposes of the referendum
     7     authorizing the indebtedness necessary to carry out this act,
     8     for the purchase and retirement of all or any part of the
     9     bonds and notes issued pursuant to the authorization of this
    10     act. In the event that all or any part of the bonds and notes
    11     are purchased, they shall be canceled and returned to the
    12     loan and transfer agent as canceled and paid bonds and notes,
    13     and thereafter all payments of interest thereon shall cease.
    14     The canceled bonds, notes and coupons, together with any
    15     other canceled bonds, notes and coupons, shall be destroyed
    16     as promptly as possible after cancellation but not later than
    17     two years after cancellation. A certification evidencing the
    18     destruction of the canceled bonds, notes and coupons shall be
    19     provided by the loan and transfer agent to the issuing
    20     officials. All canceled bonds, notes and coupons shall be so
    21     marked as to make the canceled bonds, notes and coupons
    22     nonnegotiable.
    23         (3)  The State Treasurer shall determine and report to
    24     the Secretary of the Budget by November 1 of each year the
    25     amount of money necessary for the payment of interest on
    26     outstanding obligations and the principal of the obligations,
    27     if any, for the following fiscal year and the times and
    28     amounts of the payments. It shall be the duty of the Governor
    29     to include in every budget submitted to the General Assembly
    30     full information relating to the issuance of bonds and notes
    20030S0048B0031                 - 18 -     

     1     under the provisions of this act and the status of the
     2     Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation Bond Sinking
     3     Fund of the Commonwealth for the payment of interest on the
     4     bonds and notes and the principal thereof at maturity.
     5         (4)  The General Assembly shall appropriate an amount
     6     equal to the sums as may be necessary to meet repayment
     7     obligations for principal and interest for deposit into the
     8     Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans' Compensation Bond Sinking
     9     Fund.
    10     (e)  Expiration.--Authorization to issue bonds and notes, not
    11  including refunding bonds and replacement notes, for the purpose
    12  of this act shall expire ten years from the effective date of
    13  this section.
    14  Section 13.  Question.
    15     (a)  Submission of question to electorate.--The question of
    16  incurring indebtedness of up to $16,000,000 for the purposes set
    17  forth in this act shall be submitted to the electors at the next
    18  primary, municipal or general election following enactment of
    19  this act.
    20     (b)  Certification.--The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall
    21  certify the question to the county boards of elections.
    22     (c)  Form of question.--The question shall be in
    23  substantially the following form:
    24         Do you favor indebtedness by the Commonwealth of up to
    25         $16,000,000 for the payment of compensation for service
    26         in the Persian Gulf Conflict?
    27     (d)  Election.--The election shall be conducted in accordance
    28  with the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the
    29  Pennsylvania Election Code, except that the time limits for
    30  advertisement of notice of the election may be waived as to the
    20030S0048B0031                 - 19 -     

     1  question.
     2     (e)  Proceeds.--Proceeds of the borrowing shall be used for
     3  the payment of compensation for service in or in support of the
     4  Persian Gulf Conflict.
     5  Section 14.  Appropriations.
     6     (a)  Compensation appropriation.--For the purpose of payment
     7  for the compensation to eligible veterans, staff services,
     8  postage and other necessary expenses incurred by the Adjutant
     9  General in the administration of this compensation program, such
    10  sums, or as much thereof as may be necessary, are specifically
    11  appropriated to the Adjutant General out of any moneys which
    12  have been deposited in the Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans'
    13  Compensation Bond Fund.
    14     (b)  Continuing appropriations.--The appropriation under
    15  subsection (a) shall be a continuing appropriation and shall not
    16  lapse.
    17  Section 15.  Effective date.
    18     This act shall take effect as follows:
    19         (1)  Section 13(a), (b), (c) and (d) shall take effect
    20     immediately.
    21         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect upon the
    22     certification of the approval by the electorate to incur the
    23     indebtedness necessary to carry out the provisions of this
    24     act.

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