1Urging the Congress of the United States to pass an amendment to
2the Constitution of the United States to ban the burning or
3desecration of the United States flag.

4WHEREAS, The United States flag embodies the spirit of this
5nation and is widely deemed to be a venerated and sacred object
6of this nation wherever it is displayed; and

7WHEREAS, Some citizens desecrate the United States flag by
8burning it in public; and

9WHEREAS, Most Americans disapprove of flag burning and other
10forms of desecration of this revered national symbol; and

11WHEREAS, Flag burning and desecration is not a form of
12speech, but is an act that is considered offensive, is
13disrespectful to veterans, tends to incite violence and is anti-
14American; and

15WHEREAS, An amendment to the Constitution of the United
16States is necessary to ban burning and desecration of the United
17States flag; therefore be it

1RESOLVED, That the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
2urge Congress to pass an amendment to the Constitution of the
3United States to ban the burning or desecration of the United
4States flag; and be it further

5RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
6the presiding officers of each house of Congress and to each
7member of Congress from Pennsylvania.