See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4246



No. 2988 Session of 1990

           NOVEMBER 12, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the Department of General Services,
     2     with the approval of the Governor and the Department of
     3     Agriculture, to convey to the Susquehanna Economic
     4     Development Association-Council of Governments several tracts
     5     of land and the buildings erected thereon in Hartley
     6     Township, Union County.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The Department of General Services, with the
    10  approval of the governor and the Department of Agriculture, is
    11  hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the Commonwealth of
    12  Pennsylvania, to grant and convey for a consideration of $1 to
    13  the Susquehanna Economic Development Association-Council of
    14  Governments, the following described tracts of land and the
    15  buildings erected thereon:
    16     All those certain pieces or parcels of land situate in
    17  Hartley Township, Union County, more particularly bounded and
    18  described as follows, to wit:
    19                            PARCEL NO. 1

     1     Beginning at a point marked by stones at the common corner of
     2  lands now or formerly of Robert Lukens and the Laurelton Center
     3  being a point on a 33.46 acre tract granted to the Department of
     4  Environmental Resources; thence north 12 degrees 19 minutes 05
     5  seconds west a distance of 1462.55 feet; thence north 82 degrees
     6  10 minutes 54 seconds east a distance of 1736.50 feet; thence
     7  south 73 degrees 38 minutes 40 seconds east a distance of 627.69
     8  feet; thence south 07 degrees 23 minutes 07 seconds west a
     9  distance of 864.61 feet; thence south 71 degrees 30 minutes 54
    10  seconds east a distance of 523.53 feet; thence south 21 degrees
    11  10 minutes 57 seconds east a distance of 363.86 feet; thence
    12  south 75 degrees 05 minutes 34 seconds east a distance of 446.53
    13  feet; thence south 08 degrees 59 minutes 24 seconds west a
    14  distance of 3181.53 feet; thence north 76 degrees 13 minutes 06
    15  seconds west a distance of 732.31 feet; thence north 08 degrees
    16  15 minutes 24 seconds east a distance of 768.93 feet; thence
    17  north 87 degrees 21 minutes 29 seconds west a distance of 363.68
    18  feet; thence north 07 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds east a
    19  distance of 776.55 feet; thence north 78 degrees 24 minutes 22
    20  seconds west a distance of 909.49 feet; thence north 18 degrees
    21  23 minutes 28 seconds west a distance of 1261.73 feet; thence
    22  north 84 degrees 33 minutes 02 seconds west a distance of 313.50
    23  feet to the point of beginning.
    24     Containing 190.6800 acres.
    25                            PARCEL NO. 2
    26     Beginning at a point on the southern right-of-way line of
    27  Route 45 at the junction with Stoney Run Road; thence south 69
    28  degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds east a distance of 2277.77 feet;
    29  thence south 62 degrees 48 minutes 04 seconds east a distance of
    30  177.91 feet; thence south 07 degrees 58 minutes 43 seconds west
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     1  a distance of 1289.10 feet; thence north 80 degrees 01 minutes
     2  57 seconds west a distance of 852.92 feet; thence north 19
     3  degrees 15 minutes 55 seconds west a distance of 926.84 feet;
     4  thence south 72 degrees 16 minutes 48 seconds west a distance of
     5  792.95 feet; thence north 25 degrees 45 minutes 31 seconds west
     6  a distance of 237.95 feet; thence south 74 degrees 18 minutes 11
     7  seconds west a distance of 641.68 feet; thence north 41 degrees
     8  35 minutes 14 seconds west a distance of 189.32 feet; thence
     9  north 28 degrees 32 minutes 45 seconds west a distance of 196.42
    10  feet; thence north 78 degrees 35 minutes 06 seconds east a
    11  distance of 296.50 feet; thence north 12 degrees 28 minutes 22
    12  seconds west a distance of 271.13 feet; thence north 48 degrees
    13  08 minutes 18 seconds east a distance of 330.96 feet; thence
    14  north 27 degrees 48 minutes 38 seconds east a distance of 535.61
    15  feet to the point of beginning.
    16     Containing 73.0642 acres.
    17                            PARCEL NO. 3
    18     Beginning at an iron pin on the road to the old sewage
    19  disposal plant and being a common corner with a 4.2305 acre
    20  tract now belonging to the Department of Environmental
    21  Resources; thence along said tract south 70 degrees 34 minutes
    22  31 seconds east a distance of 129.11 feet; thence north 78
    23  degrees 36 minutes 15 seconds east a distance of 335.11 feet;
    24  thence south 16 degrees 35 minutes 53 seconds east a distance of
    25  306.94 feet; thence south 20 degrees 39 minutes 14 seconds west
    26  a distance of 70.63 feet; thence south 46 degrees 46 minutes 35
    27  seconds west a distance of 229.08 feet; thence south 72 degrees
    28  43 minutes 22 seconds west a distance of 116.93 feet; thence
    29  north 21 degrees 52 minutes 38 seconds west a distance of 202.22
    30  feet; thence north 02 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds west a
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     1  distance of 167.36 feet; thence north 28 degrees 27 minutes 11
     2  seconds west a distance of 83.73 feet; thence north 48 degrees
     3  30 minutes 22 seconds west a distance of 151.03 feet to the
     4  point of beginning.
     5     Containing 3.7360 acres.
     6                            PARCEL NO. 4
     7     Beginning at a point on the southern side of the road from
     8  Laurelton to Hartleton and being a common point with the
     9  community cemetery; thence along said road north 64 degrees 01
    10  minutes 42 seconds east a distance of 316.11 feet; thence north
    11  71 degrees 23 minutes 58 seconds east a distance of 476.91 feet;
    12  thence north 77 degrees 20 minutes 42 seconds east a distance of
    13  2201.32 feet; thence north 20 degrees 22 minutes 55 seconds west
    14  a distance of 1488.68 feet; thence south 74 degrees 27 minutes
    15  56 seconds west a distance of 1005.55 feet; thence north 20
    16  degrees 31 minutes 31 seconds west a distance of 504.41 feet;
    17  thence north 65 degrees 21 minutes 06 seconds east a distance of
    18  435.10 feet; thence north 10 degrees 21 minutes 11 seconds east
    19  a distance of 2027.78 feet; thence north 11 degrees 25 minutes
    20  34 seconds west a distance of 52.51 feet; thence north 05
    21  degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds east a distance of 118.47 feet;
    22  thence north 32 degrees 49 minutes 27 seconds east a distance of
    23  78.72 feet; thence north 39 degrees 52 minutes 37 seconds east a
    24  distance of 99.50 feet; thence south 40 degrees 30 minutes 56
    25  seconds east a distance of 167.68 feet; thence south 70 degrees
    26  06 minutes 14 seconds east a distance of 125.50 feet; thence
    27  north 88 degrees 15 minutes 54 seconds east a distance of 948.42
    28  feet; thence south 01 degrees 57 minutes 07 seconds east a
    29  distance of 1363.59 feet; thence north 81 degrees 15 minutes 00
    30  seconds east a distance of 677.79 feet; thence south 18 degrees
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     1  12 minutes 02 seconds east a distance of 636.27 feet; thence
     2  north 69 degrees 39 minutes 01 seconds east a distance of
     3  1724.09 feet; thence south 18 degrees 23 minutes 29 seconds east
     4  a distance of 1199.96 feet; thence south 71 degrees 32 minutes
     5  49 seconds west a distance of 2846.48 feet; thence south 24
     6  degrees 02 minutes 50 seconds east a distance of 469.89 feet;
     7  thence south 13 degrees 36 minutes 29 seconds east a distance of
     8  826.79 feet; thence north 75 degrees 19 minutes 23 seconds east
     9  a distance of 2080.92 feet; thence south 15 degrees 24 minutes
    10  01 seconds east a distance of 243.79 feet; thence south 68
    11  degrees 07 minutes 18 seconds west a distance of 1714.70 feet;
    12  thence south 00 degrees 15 minutes 24 seconds east a distance of
    13  64.64 feet; thence south 76 degrees 09 minutes 58 seconds west a
    14  distance of 836.17 feet; thence south 04 degrees 46 minutes 19
    15  seconds west a distance of 2858.67 feet; thence north 73 degrees
    16  37 minutes 52 seconds west a distance of 867.90 feet; thence
    17  south 87 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds west a distance of
    18  1211.10 feet; thence south 83 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds west
    19  a distance of 181.50 feet; thence north 31 degrees 22 minutes 52
    20  seconds west a distance of 87.45 feet; thence north 88 degrees
    21  22 minutes 52 seconds west a distance of 325.05 feet; thence
    22  north 65 degrees 22 minutes 52 seconds west a distance of 133.60
    23  feet; thence south 67 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds west a
    24  distance of 198.00 feet; thence south 82 degrees 37 minutes 08
    25  seconds west a distance of 143.55 feet; thence north 01 degrees
    26  07 minutes 08 seconds east a distance of 912.45 feet; thence
    27  south 78 degrees 13 minutes 18 seconds west a distance of 572.08
    28  feet; thence north 28 degrees 46 minutes 42 seconds west a
    29  distance of 259.05 feet; thence north 03 degrees 46 minutes 42
    30  seconds west a distance of 354.75 feet; thence north 79 degrees
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     1  13 minutes 18 seconds east a distance of 145.20 feet; thence
     2  north 25 degrees 04 minutes 04 seconds east a distance of 420.74
     3  feet; thence north 22 degrees 38 minutes 56 seconds east a
     4  distance of 484.44 feet; thence north 19 degrees 48 minutes 54
     5  seconds west a distance of 154.66 feet; thence south 64 degrees
     6  32 minutes 17 seconds west a distance of 195.22 feet; thence
     7  north 17 degrees 43 minutes 08 seconds west a distance of 284.89
     8  feet; thence north 00 degrees 40 minutes 12 seconds east a
     9  distance of 239.68 feet; thence north 28 degrees 44 minutes 36
    10  seconds west a distance of 109.36 feet; thence north 62 degrees
    11  00 minutes 49 seconds east a distance of 156.03 feet; thence
    12  south 25 degrees 07 minutes 26 seconds east a distance of 151.29
    13  feet; thence north 65 degrees 25 minutes 59 seconds east a
    14  distance of 179.04 feet; thence north 24 degrees 35 minutes 14
    15  seconds west a distance of 160.60 feet to the point of
    16  beginning.
    17     Containing 523.8246 acres.
    18     Section 2.  The conveyance shall be made under and subject to
    19  all easements, servitudes and rights of others, including, but
    20  not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of any telephone,
    21  telegraph, water, electric, sewer, gas or pipeline companies, as
    22  well as under and subject to any interest, estates or tenancies
    23  vested in third persons, whether or not appearing of record, for
    24  any portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.
    25     Section 3.  The land and buildings shall only be used for a
    26  regional prison work camp and, if at any time the property is
    27  used for other purposes, the title thereto shall immediately
    28  revert to and revest in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    29     Section 4.  The deed of conveyance shall be approved as
    30  provided by law and shall be executed by the Secretary of
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     1  General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of
     2  Pennsylvania.
     3     Section 5.  Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
     4  shall be borne by the grantee.
     5     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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