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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3917



No. 2830 Session of 1998



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for the levying of
     6     taxes in school districts lying in more than one county or
     7     one municipality.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 672.1 of the act of March 10, 1949
    11  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
    12  amended November 20, 1979 (P.L.465, No.97), is amended to read:
    13     Section 672.1.  School Districts Lying in More Than One
    14  County or in More Than One Municipality; Limitation on Total Tax
    15  Revenues.--(a)  Whenever a school district shall lie in more
    16  than one county, the total taxes levied on real estate within
    17  the school district in each county shall be subject to:
    18     (1)  the limitation that the ratio which such total taxes
    19  bears to the most recent valuation of the same properties by the
    20  State Tax Equalization Board shall be uniform in all of the

     1  counties, and the school district shall adjust its rate of
     2  taxation applicable to the portion of the district in each
     3  county to the extent necessary to achieve such uniformity; or
     4     [(b)   As]  (2) as an alternative to the method provided in
     5  [subsection (a)] clause (1) or (3), whenever a school district
     6  shall lie in more than one county the board of assessment and
     7  revision of taxes in any of the counties or all of the counties
     8  in which the school district is located shall, at the request of
     9  the school directors of the district, furnish the market value
    10  of each parcel of property on the tax roll required to be
    11  furnished to the school directors under any assessment law of
    12  the Commonwealth. The market value of each parcel shall be (i)
    13  the quotient of the assessed value divided by the latest ratio
    14  of assessed value to market value in the municipality as
    15  determined by the State Tax Equalization Board, or, (ii) at the
    16  option of the school district, the market value of each parcel
    17  shall be the quotient of the assessed value divided by the
    18  latest ratio of assessed value to market value as determined by
    19  the State Tax Equalization Board in the aggregate of all
    20  municipalities of the school district within the county, or
    21  (iii) at the option of the school district where there are two
    22  or more ratios of assessed value to market value, the school
    23  directors of that school district shall select the lowest of the
    24  ratios for a uniform assessed value to market value throughout
    25  the school district, or (iv) at the option of the school
    26  district where such school district is located in a home rule
    27  county, the school directors of that school district may use the
    28  county assessments. [The] Under this clause, the school
    29  directors shall set a tax rate based upon a percentage not
    30  exceeding seventy-five (75) per centum of such market values
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     1  which shall be uniform throughout the district[.]; or
     2     (3)  as an alternative to the methods provided in clauses (1)
     3  and (2), whenever a school district shall lie in more than one
     4  county, the school directors of the district may set the millage
     5  at a uniform rate for the entire district, if the counties are
     6  assessed at one hundred (100) per centum of the market value and
     7  the counties are using the same base year for assessed value and
     8  market value.
     9     [(c)] (b)  In the event a school district or part thereof
    10  located within one county is composed of two or more municipal
    11  governments at least one of which levies property taxes upon
    12  assessments made for county tax purposes and at least one of
    13  which utilizes separate assessments made for municipal tax
    14  purposes, the property tax levy for school district purposes
    15  shall be equalized by either of the methods prescribed in
    16  [subsections (a) or (b)] subsection (a)(1) or (2). If the former
    17  method is adopted, the ratio which the total taxes levied in
    18  each part of the school district bears to the most recent
    19  valuation of the same properties by the State Tax Equalization
    20  Board shall be uniform; if the latter method is adopted, the
    21  market value of each parcel of property on the tax roll shall be
    22  (i) in the case of the assessment made for county tax purposes,
    23  the quotient of the assessed value divided by the latest ratio
    24  of assessed value to market value for that portion of the school
    25  district as determined by the State Tax Equalization Board and,
    26  (ii) in the case of the separate assessment for municipal tax
    27  purposes, the quotient of the assessed value divided by the
    28  product of the latest ratio of assessed value to market value in
    29  the municipality as determined by the State Tax Equalization
    30  Board and the ratio of the total assessed valuation of the same
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     1  properties for municipal tax purposes to the total assessed
     2  valuation of said properties for county tax purposes: Provided,
     3  however, That the taxpayers of no municipality or political
     4  subdivision within a school district shall pay an aggregate
     5  amount in school property taxes which, as a percentage of total
     6  school property taxes, shall exceed the ratio of its market
     7  value to the total market value of the school district as
     8  determined by the State Tax Equalization Board.
     9     [(d)] (c)  Whenever a revision of assessment is completed in
    10  any portion of a school district and the revised assessments are
    11  to be used for school tax purposes the method prescribed in
    12  subsection [(b)] (a)(2) above to equalize school property tax
    13  levies shall not be used until the latest ratio of assessed
    14  value to market value as determined by the State Tax
    15  Equalization Board for that portion of the school district is
    16  based upon the revised assessments.
    17     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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