No. 2723 Session of 1982



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing additional and supplemental appropriations from the
     2     Federal augmentation funds and the Federal Revenue Sharing
     3     Trust Fund to the Executive Department of the Commonwealth
     4     for the fiscal year July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1983 and making
     5     repeals.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the
     9  "Supplemental Federal Augmentation Appropriation Act of 1982."
    10     Section 2.  The following sums, or as much thereof as may be
    11  necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the Federal
    12  augmentation funds to the several hereinafter named agencies of
    13  the Executive and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth for
    14  the payment of the expenses of implementing and carrying out the
    15  programs stated herein for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
    16  1982 and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid
    17  at the close of the fiscal period ending June 30, 1982.
    18                      I.  EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
    19                      To the Executive Offices

     1             (a)  For the Office of Policy and Planning
     2     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     3  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     4  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
     6  administration:
     7     (1)  "EDA - Grants to States for Supplemental and
     8  Basic Funding" - To implement measures identified
     9  to improve Pennsylvania's manufacturing base by
    10  stimulating new and expanding small technology -
    11  intensive manufacturing industries...............      $133,000
    12     (2)  "EDA - Planning Assistance" - To under-
    13  take State economic development planning activi-
    14  ties (including a carryover of approximately
    15  $72,000).........................................       141,000
    16     (3)  "Human Services Assessment" - To under-
    17  take a comprehensive assessment of State and
    18  Federal funding streams which pass through the
    19  State to the local level for the provision of
    20  human services, and to design mechanisms for
    21  improving local flexibility and reducing adminis-
    22  trative costs in the use of these funds..........       130,000
    23              (b)  For the Human Relations Commission
    24     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    25  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    26  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    28  administration:
    29     (1)  "EEOC - Special Project Grant" - To
    30  undertake, identify and eliminate discrimination
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     1  in employment due to race, color, religion, sex,
     2  ancestry or national origin, in hiring, recruit-
     3  ment, placement, promotion, referral, transfer,
     4  lay-off, discharge and other employment prac-
     5  tices............................................    $1,010,000
     6     (2)  "HUD - Special Project Grant" - For the
     7  development of a complaint processing capability
     8  sufficient to enable PHRC to process all housing
     9  discrimination complaints under its jurisdic-
    10  tion.............................................       370,000
    11           (c)  For the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
    12     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    13  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    14  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    15  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    16  administration:
    17     (1)  "National Endowment for the Arts - Basic
    18  State Grant" - To assist State arts agencies
    19  throughout the State to improve the operating
    20  efficiency of art organizations..................      $380,000
    21               (d)  For the Governor's Energy Council
    22     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    23  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    24  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    25  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    26  administration:
    27     (1)  "Supplemental State Energy Conservation
    28  Plan (ECPA)" - For supplemental activities to
    29  carry out the State Energy Conservation Plan.....      $470,000
    30     (2)  "Institutional Conservation Program" -
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     1  To provide financial assistance for schools,
     2  hospitals, buildings owned by units of local
     3  government and public care institutions for the
     4  purpose of reducing the consumption and associated
     5  costs of energy resources (including a carryover
     6  of approximately $400,000).......................       725,000
     7    (e)  To the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
     8     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or as much
     9  thereof as may be necessary, are hereby specifically
    10  appropriated to supplement the sum appropriated from
    11  Commonwealth revenues for general government operations:
    12     (1)  "Jail Overcrowding and Technical
    13  Assistance" - To provide technical assistance to
    14  counties to help relieve overcrowding in jails...       $23,000
    15                    (f)  To the General Counsel
    16     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or as much
    17  thereof as may be necessary, are hereby specifically
    18  appropriated to supplement the sum appropriated from
    19  Commonwealth revenues for State Correctional Institutions:
    20     (1)  "Hearing Examiner Training" - For train-
    21  ing of 18 full-time regional hearing examiners...       $15,000
    22     (2)  "Criminal Justice Statistical Develop-
    23  ment" - To assist the Bureau of Corrections in
    24  the United States Department of Justice "National Prisoner
    25  Reporting" program................................        4,000
    26                     To the Department of Aging
    27     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    28  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    29  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    30  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for general
    19820H2723B3683                  - 4 -

     1  government operations:
     2     (1)  "Programs for the Aging - Title IV-A -
     3  Administration" - To support activities that
     4  attract qualified persons to the field of aging
     5  and train persons employed or preparing for
     6  employment in aging and related fields...........      $195,000
     7     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     8  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     9  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    10  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    11  services for the aging:
    12     (1)  "Programs for the Aging - Nutrition" - To
    13  provide eligible older citizens with low cost
    14  nutritious meals with appropriate supportive
    15  services.........................................    $4,500,000
    16                   To the Department of Commerce
    17     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    18  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    19  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    20  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for gen-
    21  eral government operations:
    22     (1)  "ARC - Enterprise Development" - To
    23  establish an Energy/Enterprise Development
    24  Revolving Loan Fund for small business located
    25  in Appalachian Pennsylvania......................    $3,000,000
    26     (2)  "Export Census Project" - To collect
    27  Statewide export data and develop a program for
    28  the maintenance and dissemination of statistical
    29  data to assist efforts of the United States Department of
    30  Commerce's Pennsylvania district offices and the
    19820H2723B3683                  - 5 -

     1  Pennsylvania Department of Commerce..............        30,000
     2     (3)  "EDA - Title IX Revolving Loan Program" -
     3  To establish a financing program for small busi-
     4  ness.............................................     1,000,000
     5               To the Department of Community Affairs
     6     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     7  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     8  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for gen-
    10  eral government operations:
    11     (1)  "Coastal Zone Management Program Adminis-
    12  tration" - For grants to local governments to
    13  study and plan for economic, social and environ-
    14  mental consequences resulting from siting,
    15  construction and operation of energy facilities
    16  in coastal zones.................................      $926,000
    17     (2)  "Safe Drinking Water Act" - For the train-
    18  ing of local government officials in meeting the
    19  requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act......        40,000
    20     (3)  "FEMA - Technical Assistance on Flood-
    21  plain Management" - To provide technical
    22  assistance to local municipalities on floodplain
    23  management matters...............................       315,000
    24     (4)  "Folk Arts Project" - To establish a
    25  Director of Folklife Programs to support extended
    26  working relationships between humanists and non-
    27  profit organizations.............................        32,000
    28     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    29  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    30  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    19820H2723B3683                  - 6 -

     1  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
     2  Housing and Redevelopment:
     3     (1)  "DOE - Weatherization" - For supplies and
     4  personnel to be used in a program of home weather-
     5  ization for low income households................   $18,500,000
     6     (2)  "CSA - Energy Conservation Program -
     7  Weatherization" - For a program of home weather-
     8  ization and to operate programs promoting energy
     9  efficiency among low income persons..............       350,000
    10                   To the Department of Education
    11     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    12  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    13  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    14  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for gen-
    15  eral government operations:
    16     (1)  "Education of Exceptional Children" -
    17  Administration of the initiation, expansion and
    18  improvement of educational programs for handi-
    19  capped children (including a carryover of approx-
    20  imately $524,000)................................    $2,530,000
    21     (2)  "ECIA Chapter (I) Programs - Administra-
    22  tion" - Administration of ECIA Chapter (I) programs
    23  (including a carryover of approximately $198,000).    1,406,000
    24     (3)  "State Approving Agency (VA)" - To
    25  approve and supervise educational institutions
    26  and training of veterans.........................       700,000
    27     (4)  "Food and Nutrition Service" - To
    28  administer all food nutrition programs, provide
    29  nutrition education and to assess the need for
    30  nutrition services (including a carryover of
    19820H2723B3683                  - 7 -

     1  approximately $846,000)..........................     2,304,000
     2     (5)  "Research and Development - Informa-
     3  tion" - To increase the exchange of information
     4  relating to the improvement of school programs
     5  (including a carryover of approximately
     6  $65,000).........................................        89,000
     7     (6)  "ESEA (VII) Bilingual Education" - Co-
     8  ordination of technical assistance for programs
     9  for non-English dominant children................        41,000
    10     (7)  "Transition Program for Refugee Children" -
    11  To provide special educational services to eligi-
    12  ble refugee children (including a carryover of
    13  approximately $6,000)............................        25,000
    14     (8)  "Career Education" - To administer a pro-
    15  gram for school districts to develop comprehensive
    16  career education programs (including a carryover
    17  of approximately $28,000).........................       81,000
    18     (9)  "Adult Basic Education - Grants to States"
    19  - To properly service Adult Basic Education pro-
    20  grams in the Commonwealth through monitoring,
    21  evaluating and providing technical assistance
    22  service..........................................       138,000
    23     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    24  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    25  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    26  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    27  State Library:
    28     (1)  "Nuclear Regulatory Commission Documents -
    29  Support Program" - To assist in operating the
    30  Local Public Documents Room housing large amounts
    19820H2723B3683                  - 8 -

     1  of materials related to three nuclear power facili-
     2  ties in central Pennsylvania (including a carry-
     3  over of approximately $3,000)....................        14,000
     4     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     5  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     6  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     7  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for Youth
     8  Development Centers:
     9     (1)  "ESEA - Neglected or Delinquent Transi-
    10  tion Services Program" - To provide for a State-
    11  wide system of computerized school and correc-
    12  tional institution pupil records retrieval, stor-
    13  age and dissemination for the incarcerated youth
    14  of Pennsylvania..................................       $97,000
    15     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    16  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    17  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    18  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    19  Special Education:
    20     (1)  "Parent Training Collaborative Consor-
    21  tium" - To establish and implement parent/surro-
    22  gate parent training instructional and support
    23  system model for parents of handicapped children.      $127,000
    24     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    25  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    26  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    28  State Colleges and State-owned University:
    29     (1)  "Basic Institutional Development Grant -
    30  Cheyney" - To strengthen the programs at Cheyney
    19820H2723B3683                  - 9 -

     1  State College through curriculum development,
     2  administrative development and student services..      $797,000
     3     (2)  "Vocational Personnel Program - Indiana
     4  University of Pennsylvania" - Prepare higher edu-
     5  cation unit teacher educators to function as part
     6  of a differentiated staffing team in a field-
     7  based, performance-based vocational teacher edu-
     8  cation program...................................       650,000
     9     (3)  "Migrant Education Program - Shippens-
    10  burg State College" - To provide preschool kinder-
    11  garten, special academic instruction and other ed-
    12  ucational activities in a bilingual form to child-
    13  ren of migrant workers (including a carryover of
    14  approximately $30,000)...........................       675,000
    15     (4)  "Head Start - Lock Haven" - To train
    16  workers to work Head Start programs in assigned
    17  areas............................................       110,000
    18     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    19  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    20  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    21  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    22  Scranton State School for the Deaf:
    23     (1)  "Adult Basic Education - Scranton" - To
    24  develop strategies for effective and innovative
    25  ways to motivate and recruit deaf citizens of
    26  Pennsylvania to attend Adult Basic Education
    27  programs.........................................        $4,000
    28     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    29  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    30  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    19820H2723B3683                 - 10 -

     1  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
     2  Scotland School for Veterans' Children:
     3     (1)  "National School Milk Lunch Program -
     4  Scotland" - To supplement the costs of providing
     5  milk and food services at the Scotland School
     6  for Veterans' Children...........................      $200,000
     7     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     8  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     9  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    10  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    11  Thaddeus Stevens State School of Technology:
    12     (1)  "Project Growth - Thaddeus Stevens" - To
    13  expand the electronics technology and machine shop
    14  program to serve additional students.............      $154,000
    15          To the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
    16     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    17  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    18  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    19  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    20  general government operations:
    21     (1)  "Flash Flood Project - Warning System" -
    22  To develop, install and operate local flash flood
    23  warning systems to help provide advance flood
    24  warnings.........................................      $288,000
    25     (2)  "Communications and Warning System" - For
    26  equipment to replace, upgrade and enhance the PEMA
    27  teletype system and the purchase and installation
    28  of UHF direction and control two-way radio communi-
    29  cations system to provide a waring and communica-
    30  tions capability for natural and man-made disasters
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     1  in the Commonwealth..............................        89,000
     2     (3)  "Shelter Survey" - For salaries, benefits
     3  and other administrative costs of personnel to
     4  conduct shelter surveys throughout the Common-
     5  wealth...........................................        50,000
     6            To the Department of Environmental Resources
     7     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     8  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     9  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    10  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for general
    11  government operations:
    12     (1)  "Surface Mine Conservation" - For activi-
    13  ties to achieve compliance with Federal
    14  regulations related to surface mining and to achieve
    15  improved erosion and sediment control, ground water
    16  quality and decreased blasting and water supply related
    17  problems.........................................    $1,489,000
    18     The following Federal augmentation amounts,
    19  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are
    20  hereby specifically appropriated to supplement the
    21  sum appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    22  the Office of Resources Management:
    23     (1)  "Coastal Zone Management Program" - For
    24  support of the coastal zone management program...    $1,300,000
    25     (2)  "National Water Use Data System" - For
    26  support activities connected with the Federal
    27  Water Use Report.................................       105,000
    28     (3)  "Bituminous Demonstration Project" - For
    29  field inspection and monitoring..................       100,000
    30     (4)  "Federal Surface Mining Control and Rec-
    19820H2723B3683                 - 12 -

     1  lamation" - To fully implement the regulatory
     2  program, support and development of information
     3  systems plan and evaluate the impacts of the
     4  Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act..       435,000
     5     (5)  "Topographic and Geologic Survey Grants" -
     6  For evaluating the impact of various activities on
     7  Pennsylvania's topography........................       117,000
     8     (6)  "Dam Safety Program - Army Corps of
     9  Engineers" - To support the dam safety program to
    10  mitigate potential flooding by regulating the con-
    11  struction, operation and maintenance of these
    12  hydraulic structures.............................        30,000
    13     (7)  "State 404 Program Assumption Study
    14  Grant" - To provide the department with practical
    15  experience for operating a State 404 program
    16  (dredging and filling operations in wet lands)...        59,000
    17     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    18  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    19  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    20  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    21  Office of Protection:
    22     (1)  "EPA - Planning Grant - Administration" -
    23  For the administration and operation of a
    24  program to implement the requirements of the
    25  Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act...    $4,783,000
    26     (2)  "Water Pollution Control Grants" -
    27  For the conduct and administration of the Statewide
    28  water pollution control program plan.............     2,229,000
    29     (3)  "Air Pollution Control Grants" - For the
    30  conduct and administration of a Statewide program
    19820H2723B3683                 - 13 -

     1  for the control, abatement and prevention of air
     2  pollution and achievement of Federal ambient air
     3  quality standards................................     3,100,000
     4     (4)  "Surface Mine Control and Reclamation" -
     5  For a program to implement the regulations
     6  of the Federal Surface Mining Control and
     7  Reclamation Act..................................     5,700,000
     8     (5)  "Deep Mine Daylighting" - To calculate
     9  procedures by which abandoned underground coal
    10  mines may be daylighted by surface mining methods
    11  in order to extract the remaining coal re-
    12  sources..........................................       111,000
    13     (6)  "Water Quality Outreach Operator Training
    14  Program" - To carry out a program of on-site
    15  training at a selected number of small waste-water
    16  treatment plants.................................       110,000
    17     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    18  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    19  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    20  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    21  forestry operations:
    22     (1)  "Cooperative Forest Insect and Disease
    23  Control" - For insect and disease control, forest
    24  fire protection and timber management activities
    25  of the Bureau of Forestry........................      $900,000
    26     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    27  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    28  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    29  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    30  State Parks:
    19820H2723B3683                 - 14 -

     1     (1)  "State Park Archaeological Studies" - To
     2  conduct archaeological studies on State Park lands
     3  in southeastern and southcentral counties........       $15,000
     4     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     5  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     6  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     7  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for gypsy
     8  moth and other insect control:
     9     (1)  "Forest Insect and Disease Control" - For
    10  spraying for gypsy moth and disease control......      $900,000
    11                    To the Department of Health
    12     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    13  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    14  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    15  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for gen-
    16  eral government operations:
    17     (1)  "Indochinese Refugee Program" - To serve
    18  the unmet public health needs associated with, and
    19  the general health needs of, the refugees (includ-
    20  ing a carryover of approximately $66,000)........      $190,000
    21     (2)  "NIAAA - State Training Systems
    22  Project" - To develop a comprehensive Statewide
    23  training system for professionals serving drug
    24  abuse clients....................................        76,000
    25     (3)  "SSA (XVI) Drug and Alcohol Referral and
    26  Monitoring Program" - To provide referral and
    27  monitoring services to medically determined drug
    28  addicts or alcoholics............................       107,000
    29     (4)  "Migrant Health Grants" - To provide
    30  clinic services at medical centers and intensify
    19820H2723B3683                 - 15 -

     1  public health nursing services and sanitary sur-
     2  veys of camps for migrant laborers and their fam-
     3  ilies in the Commonwealth and to provide for
     4  health services for migrant children (including
     5  a carryover of approximately $101,000)...........       493,000
     6     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     7  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     8  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    10  administration of the Quality Assurance Program:
    11     (1)  "Medicare - Health Services Agency Certi-
    12  fication" - Perform surveys and inspections to
    13  determine whether hospitals, home health
    14  agencies, laboratories, clinics and other pro-
    15  viders of health services meet requirements as
    16  set forth in section 1861 of the Social Security
    17  Act and certifying those that qualify to the Sec-
    18  retary of Health and Human Services (including
    19  a carryover of approximately $271,000)...........    $1,200,000
    20     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    21  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    22  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    23  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    24  operation of the State Laboratory:
    25     (1)  "Medicare - Health Services Agency Certi-
    26  fication" - Perform surveys and inspections to
    27  determine whether hospitals, home health agen-
    28  cies, laboratories, clinics and other providers
    29  of health services meet requirements as set forth
    30  in section 1861 of the Social Security Act and
    19820H2723B3683                 - 16 -

     1  certifying those that qualify to the Secretary of
     2  Health and Human Resources.......................      $125,000
     3     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     4  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     5  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     6  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
     7  Maternal and Child Health:
     8     (1)  "Crippled Children's Services - Projects"
     9  - To provide diagnostic, rehabilitative and follow-
    10  up treatment to children and their families......      $606,000
    11     (2)  "Improved Pregnancy Outcome" - To improve
    12  pregnancy outcome measures and expand the quality
    13  and quantity of prenatal care....................       200,000
    14     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    15  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    16  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    17  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for emer-
    18  gency health services:
    19     (1)  "ARC - Communications System" - To pur-
    20  chase and install microwave communications in
    21  several counties to provide an adequate communi-
    22  cations system for basic emergency medical ser-
    23  vices and hospital and county emergency operating
    24  centers..........................................      $350,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    26  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    27  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    28  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for Coal
    29  Worker's Pneumoconiosis Services:
    30     (1)  "Black Lung Clinic Program" - To expand
    19820H2723B3683                 - 17 -

     1  State effort into the screening, diagnosis, treat-
     2  ment and rehabilitation of coal workers with
     3  respiratory diseases (including a carryover of
     4  approximately $990,000)..........................    $1,900,000
     5                To the Department of Public Welfare
     6     The following Federal augmentation amounts,
     7  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     8  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    10  general government operations:
    11     (1)  "Child Welfare Services" - For administra-
    12  tive expenses incurred for general government
    13  operations in establishing, extending and
    14  strengthening services provided by the
    15  Commonwealth and local Public Welfare Programs
    16  for development services which will prevent the
    17  neglect, abuse, exploitation or delinquency of
    18  children.........................................    $2,000,000
    19     (2)  "Medical Assistance Program Administra-
    20  tion" - For administrative expenses incurred for
    21  general government operations in support of the
    22  provision of medical assistance on behalf of
    23  eligible persons.................................    14,507,000
    24     (3)  "Food Stamp Program - Administration" -
    25  For administrative expenses incurred for
    26  general government operations in relation to
    27  the Food Stamp Program...........................     1,500,000
    28     (4)  "Children and Youth Emergency Services
    29  Demonstration Grant" - For the planning and
    30  development of a comprehensive emergency services
    19820H2723B3683                 - 18 -

     1  program for children, youth and families in
     2  Philadelphia.....................................        35,000
     3     (5)  "Child Welfare Technical Assistance
     4  Project" - To identify and begin implementation
     5  of the steps necessary to comply with the
     6  Federal Child Welfare Amendments (Public Law
     7  96-272)..........................................        61,000
     8     (6)  "Elementary and Secondary Education
     9  Act - Title I" - For administration of the program
    10  to extend and improve comprehensive educational
    11  programs for the handicapped.....................       387,000
    12     (7)  "1115 Demonstration Grant - Public Ser-
    13  vices" - To simplify transportation service bill-
    14  ing and accounting requirements..................        65,000
    15     (8)  "Assistance Payments Research - Community
    16  Work Experience" - To demonstrate and evaluate a
    17  Statewide Community Work Experience Program (CWEP)
    18  in the context of Pennsylvania's Welfare Reform
    19  Law (Act 75 of 1982).............................       152,000
    20     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    21  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    22  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    23  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    24  Office of Information Systems:
    25     (1)  "Medical Assistance Information
    26  Systems" - For administrative expenses incurred by
    27  the Office of Information Systems in providing
    28  for medical assistance on behalf of eligible
    29  persons..........................................    $7,747,000
    30     (2)  "Child Support Enforcement" - For
    19820H2723B3683                 - 19 -

     1  administrative expenses incurred by the Office
     2  of Information Systems to enforce the support
     3  obligations owed by absent parents to their
     4  children, locate absent parents, establish
     5  paternity and obtain child support...............       314,000
     6     The following Federal augmentation amounts,
     7  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     8  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for county
    10  administration:
    11     (1)  "Medical Assistance - County Administra-
    12  tion" - For administrative expenses incurred for
    13  county administration in relation to the provi-
    14  sion of medical assistance services..............   $37,685,000
    15     (2)  "Food Stamp Program - County Administra-
    16  tion" - For administrative expenses incurred for
    17  county administration in relation to the Food
    18  Stamp Program....................................    23,257,000
    19     (3)  "Food Stamp Performance Improvement
    20  Project" - To identify, correct and prevent
    21  future occurrences of specified certification
    22  errors that occur in the processing of food
    23  stamp applications and recertifications..........       222,000
    24     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    25  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    26  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    28  Program Accountability:
    29     (1)  "Maintenance Assistance - Program Account-
    30  ability".........................................    $1,364,000
    19820H2723B3683                 - 20 -

     1     (2)  "Child Support Enforcement Program - Pro-
     2  gram Accountability" - For costs incurred by
     3  Program Accountability in support of the
     4  Child Support Enforcement Program................    27,919,000
     5     (3)  "Food Stamp Program - Program Account-
     6  ability" - For administrative expenses incurred
     7  by Program Accountability in relation to the
     8  Food Stamp Program...............................     1,148,000
     9     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    10  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    11  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    12  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    13  Pennsylvania Employables Program:
    14     (1)  "Maintenance Assistance" - For adminis-
    15  trative costs associated with the participation
    16  of AFDC recipients in the Pennsylvania
    17  Employables Program.............................     $1,551,000
    18     The following Federal augmentation amounts,
    19  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    20  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    21  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for sub-
    22  sidies for the visually handicapped:
    23     (1)  "Rehabilitation Services and Facilities -
    24  Basic Support" - For provision of vocational
    25  rehabilitation services to blind persons; also,
    26  to provide small business opportunities for the
    27  blind through vending operations.................    $4,700,000
    28     (2)  "Innovative Techniques for Teaching
    29  Legally Blind and Multiply Handicapped" - To
    30  teach social living and communications skills
    19820H2723B3683                 - 21 -

     1  to hard to reach blind and severely visually
     2  impaired adults ranging in ages from 17 to 59
     3  years............................................         5,000
     4     The following Federal augmentation amounts,
     5  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     6  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     7  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for rest-
     8  oration centers:
     9     (1)  "Medical Assistance - State Restoration
    10  Centers" - For the provision of medical assistance
    11  services to eligible persons at State restoration
    12  centers..........................................   $14,634,000
    13     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    14  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    15  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    16  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for State
    17  General Hospitals:
    18     (1)  "Medicare Services at State General Hos-
    19  pitals" - For the provision of medical services
    20  at State General Hospitals that are reimbursable
    21  under Medicare...................................   $42,461,000
    22     (2)  "Medical Assistance - State General Hospi-
    23  tals" - For the provision of medical assistance
    24  services to eligible persons at State General
    25  Hospitals........................................    10,506,000
    26     The following Federal augmentation amounts,
    27  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    28  specifically appropriated to supplement the sums
    29  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for State
    30  mental hospitals:
    19820H2723B3683                 - 22 -

     1     (1)  "Medicare Services - State Mental Hospi-
     2  tals" - For provision of medical services at State
     3  mental hospitals that are reimbursable under
     4  Medicare.........................................   $19,024,000
     5     (2)  "Library Services Title I - State Mental
     6  Hospitals" - To establish and expand State insti-
     7  tutional library services and library services to
     8  the physically handicapped.......................        10,000
     9     (3)  "Library Services Title III - State Men-
    10  tal Hospitals" - To expand and improve existing
    11  libraries........................................        28,000
    12     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    13  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    14  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    15  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    16  State centers for the mentally retarded:
    17     (1)  "Medical Assistance - State Centers" -
    18  For the provision of medical assistance services to
    19  eligible persons in State centers for the mentally
    20  retarded.........................................  $159,649,000
    21     (2)  "ESEA - Title I - State Centers" - To
    22  extend and improve comprehensive educational
    23  programs for handicapped children enrolled in
    24  State operated or State supported schools........       119,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    26  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    27  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    28  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for com-
    29  munity services for the mentally retarded:
    30     (1)  "Mainstreaming Demonstration Grant" - To
    19820H2723B3683                 - 23 -

     1  demonstrate the mainstreaming of handicapped chil-
     2  dren into day care programs with nonhandicapped
     3  children in order to establish a network of inte-
     4  grated day care programs.........................      $131,000
     5     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     6  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     7  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for long-
     9  term care facilities:
    10     (1)  "Medical Assistance - Long-term Care
    11  Facilities" - For provision of medical assistance
    12  services to patients in long-term care
    13  facilities.......................................  $273,821,000
    14     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    15  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    16  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    17  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    18  inpatient services:
    19     (1)  "Medical Assistance - Inpatient" - For
    20  provision of medical assistance services in
    21  institutional nonnursing homes..................  $237,429,000
    22     The following Federal augmentation amounts,
    23  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    24  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    25  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for pay-
    26  ments to counties for child welfare programs:
    27     (1)  "Child Welfare Services" - To establish,
    28  extend and strengthen services provided by local
    29  public welfare programs for development of
    30  services which will prevent the neglect, abuse,
    19820H2723B3683                 - 24 -

     1  exploitation or delinquency of children..........    $5,329,000
     2     (2)  "Refugees and Persons Seeking Asylum Pro-
     3  gram" - For provision of child welfare services to
     4  refugees and persons seeking asylum..............     1,700,000
     5                To the Department of Transportation
     6     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     7  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     8  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for Mass
    10  Transit Operations:
    11     (1)  "Urban Mass Transportation Technical
    12  Studies Grants" - For support of planning and
    13  technical studies directed at development of
    14  a unified and coordinated Urban
    15  Transportation System............................      $223,000
    16     (2)  "Urban Mass Transportation Capital
    17  Assistance" - To purchase on a pooled basis 1,000
    18  new transit buses to fulfill the combined needs
    19  of 16 State transit authorities over a three-year
    20  period...........................................    85,000,000
    21     The following Federal augmentation amounts,
    22  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are
    23  hereby specifically appropriated to supplement
    24  the sum appropriated from Commonwealth revenues
    25  for Intercity Rail and Rural Bus Transportation:
    26     (1)  "Surface Transportation Assistance -
    27  Capital" - To provide matching grants to be
    28  used for capital improvement projects for
    29  public transportation systems in rural and
    30  small urban areas and for the acquisition of
    19820H2723B3683                 - 25 -

     1  intercity passenger rail lines...................    $2,500,000
     2     (2)  "Northern Central Railroad Branch Reha-
     3  bilitation Project" - To rehabilitate 19.1 miles
     4  of rail from York to New Freedom.................       600,000
     5     Section 3.  The Secretary of the Budget may create the
     6  following restricted receipt accounts for the purpose of
     7  administering Federal grants only for the purposes herein
     8  designated during the fiscal period July 1, 1982 through June
     9  30, 1983.
    10                       Department of Commerce
    11     (1)  "EDA - Revolving Loan Program" - To estab-
    12  lish a financing program for small business.
    13     (2)  "ARC - Enterprise Development" - To establish
    14  a revolving loan fund for small businesses located in
    15  Appalachian Pennsylvania.
    16     Section 4.  The following sums, or as much thereof as may be
    17  necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the
    18  Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) Funds to the
    19  several hereinafter named agencies of the Executive Department
    20  of the Commonwealth for the payment of the expenses of
    21  implementing and carrying out the programs stated herein for the
    22  fiscal year beginning July 1, 1982 and for the payment of bills
    23  incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal period
    24  ending June 30, 1982.
    25                     To the Department of Aging
    26     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    27  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    28  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    29  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    30  services for the aging:
    19820H2723B3683                 - 26 -

     1     (1)  "CETA - Project POWER" - To administer a
     2  project to Promote Older Worker Equal Rights
     3  (POWER)..........................................      $200,000
     4               To the Department of Community Affairs
     5     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     6  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     7  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
     9  general government operations:
    10     (1)  "CETA - Management and Programmatic
    11  Capabilities" - To upgrade the management and
    12  programmatic capabilities of community-based
    13  nonprofit organizations..........................      $152,000
    14     (2)  "CETA - Spanish-Speaking Centers" - To
    15  provide planning and technical assistance to the
    16  Spanish-Speaking Centers of the Commonwealth to
    17  promote business and employment opportunities
    18  for Spanish-speaking persons.....................       148,000
    19     Section 5.  The following sums, or as much thereof as may be
    20  necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the Federal
    21  Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Funds to the several
    22  hereinafter named agencies of the Executive and Judicial
    23  Departments of the Commonwealth for the payment of the expenses
    24  of implementing and carrying out the programs stated herein for
    25  the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1982 and for the payment of
    26  bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal
    27  period ending June 30, 1982.
    28          Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
    29     The following Federal LEAA augmentation amounts,
    30  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    19820H2723B3683                 - 27 -

     1  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     2  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
     3  Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency:
     4     (1)  "LEAA - Plan for Juvenile Justice" -
     5  For development and administration of a compre-
     6  hensive Statewide plan for juvenile justice in
     7  accordance with the Juvenile Justice and Delin-
     8  quency Prevention Act of 1974....................      $287,000
     9     (2)  "LEAA - State Planning Agency" - To be
    10  used exclusively to administer the Pennsylvania
    11  Commission on Crime and Delinquency as the
    12  State Planning Agency required to distribute LEAA
    13  grants to political subdivisions.................     1,021,000
    14                    To the Department of Health
    15     The following Federal LEAA augmentation
    16  amounts, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    17  are hereby specifically appropriated to supple-
    18  ment the sum appropriated from Commonwealth
    19  revenues for the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program:
    20     (1)  "LEAA - Treatment Alternatives to Street
    21  Crime" - To identify, refer to treatment and
    22  monitor substance abusing offenders within the
    23  Pennsylvania Criminal Justice System.............      $488,000
    24                To the Office of the General Counsel
    25     The following Federal LEAA augmentation
    26  amounts, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    27  are hereby specifically appropriated to supple-
    28  ment the sum appropriated from Commonwealth
    29  revenues for State Correctional Institutions:
    30     (1)  "LEAA - Trailer Housing" - To relocate
    19820H2723B3683                 - 28 -

     1  inmates participating in a formal drug and alco-
     2  hol program to trailers located within the con-
     3  fines of the State Correctional Institution at
     4  Camp Hill........................................       $25,000
     5     The following Federal LEAA augmentation amounts,
     6  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     7  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
     9  Juvenile Court Judges' Commission:
    10     (1)  "LEAA - Statistical Analysis Center for
    11  Juvenile Courts" - For a Statistical Analysis
    12  Center for the juvenile courts (including a carry-
    13  over of approximately $8,000)....................       $95,000
    14     (2)  "LEAA - Data Communications Project" - To
    15  support the on-line data communications system cur-
    16  rently tied into the main processing center......         2,000
    17     (3)  "LEAA - Restitution Training" - To pro-
    18  vide training on restitution programs to the 67
    19  county juvenile courts...........................        40,000
    20     (4)  "LEAA - Juvenile Probation Standards" -
    21  To develop and implement Statewide standards for
    22  juvenile probation in case management, detention,
    23  and the administration of juvenile courts........        30,000
    24     Section 6.  The following block grant amounts, or as much
    25  thereof as may be necessary, are hereby specifically
    26  appropriated to the various hereinafter named departments of the
    27  Executive Department of the Commonwealth for the purposes, and
    28  under such restrictions, for which such block grants are
    29  provided for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1982.
    30           A.  Small Communities Development Block Grant
    19820H2723B3683                 - 29 -

     1     To assist small cities and communities that have
     2  a high concentration of impoverished citizens and
     3  substandard housing to expand their low and moderate
     4  income housing opportunities and to meet community
     5  development needs.
     6               To the Department of Community Affairs
     7     (1)  To assist small cities and communities that
     8  have a high concentration of impoverished citizens
     9  and substandard housing to expand their low and
    10  moderate income housing opportunities and to meet
    11  community development needs......................   $41,922,000
    12                 B.  Community Services Block Grant
    13     To provide a range of services and activities
    14  having a measurable and potentially major impact
    15  on the causes of poverty in the community or those
    16  areas of the community where poverty is a particu-
    17  larly acute problem.
    18               To the Department of Community Affairs
    19     (1)  To provide a range of services and
    20  activities having a measurable and potentially major
    21  impact on the causes of poverty in the community or
    22  those areas of the community where poverty is a
    23  particularly acute problem (including a carry-
    24  over of approximately $10,800,000)...............   $18,000,000
    25     (2)  For on-site management reviews of Commun-
    26  ity Services Block Grant Programs and prepare pre-
    27  sentations of, and a handbook for, the Neighbor-
    28  hood Assistance Program..........................       173,000
    29                To the Department of Public Welfare
    30     For Head Start Child Day Care.................      $982,000
    19820H2723B3683                 - 30 -

     1       C.  Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant
     2     For the provision of preventive health and
     3  other health services related to emergency medical
     4  comprehensive public health, hypertension, fluori-
     5  dation, health education, risk reduction, home
     6  health, rape crisis and rodent control.
     7                    To the Department of Health
     8     (1)  For emergency medical services programs..      $907,000
     9     (2)  For health education and prevention
    10  including hypertension and fluoridation
    11  programs.........................................     1,323,000
    12                To the Department of Public Welfare
    13     (1)  For providing services to rape victims and
    14  rape prevention..................................      $219,000
    15         D.  Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant
    16     To assure mothers and children access to quality
    17  maternal and child health services, to reduce infant
    18  mortality and the incidence of preventable disease
    19  and handicapping condition among children, provide
    20  rehabilitative services for blind and disabled
    21  individuals under the age of 16 receiving supple-
    22  mental security income benefits; and providing
    23  medical services for children with crippling
    24  conditions.
    25                    To the Department of Health
    26     (1)  For administration and State audit costs
    27  of the Maternal and Child Programs...............    $1,562,000
    28            E.  Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Mental Health
    29                        Services Block Grant
    30     This block grant will be used for the adminis-
    19820H2723B3683                 - 31 -

     1  tration and provision of drug and alcohol abuse
     2  services and community mental health services in
     3  accordance with the requirements of the Omnibus
     4  Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981.
     5                    To the Department of Health
     6     (1)  For administration and State audit costs
     7  of the alcohol and drug abuse programs...........    $1,597,000
     8     (2)  For alcohol grant programs...............     4,624,000
     9     (3)  For drug grant programs..................     8,397,000
    10       F.  Low Income Emergency Energy Assistance Block Grant
    11     To help lessen the impact of the high cost of
    12  energy on low income families and individuals.
    13               To the Department of Community Affairs
    14     (1)  For low income residential energy conservation;
    15  moneys to be spent for comprehensive, cost-effective
    16  permanent weatherization improvements consisting of
    17  attic insulation/ventilation, including minor repairs
    18  not exceeding $150 per home necessary to complete such
    19  insulation; infiltration control measures, including
    20  caulking, weather stripping, storm windows and doors;
    21  natural gas and oil furnace retrofit; and computerized
    22  energy audits to be done by the department (including a
    23  carryover of approximately $9,100,000)...........   $16,300,000
    24                To the Department of Public Welfare
    25     (1)  For the administration and State audit
    26  costs of the Federal 1983 low income emergency
    27  assistance program (including a carryover of
    28  approximately $400,000)..........................   $10,180,000
    29     (2)  To help lessen the impact of the high
    30  cost of energy on low income families and
    19820H2723B3683                 - 32 -

     1  individuals (including a carryover of approxi-
     2  mately $16,000,000)..............................   123,820,000
     3     Section 7.  It is the intent of the General Assembly that any
     4  appropriation under the provisions of sections 2, 3, 4 and 5,
     5  which is the same or similar to an appropriation under the act
     6  of May 11, 1982 (No.2A), known as the "General Appropriation Act
     7  of 1982," shall replace that appropriation.
     8     Section 8.  The following appropriations of the act of May
     9  11, 1982 (No.2A), known as the "General Appropriation Act of
    10  1982," are repealed:
    11         (1)  Section 511 insofar as it relates to Item (1) under
    12     the Department of Environmental Resources for "Surface Mine
    13     Conservation."
    14         (2)  Section 551 insofar as it relates to Item (1) under
    15     the Department of Community Affairs in the Low Income
    16     Emergency Energy Assistance Block Grant.
    17         (3)  The act of May 11, 1982 (No.2A), known as the
    18     "General Appropriation Act of 1982," is repealed insofar as
    19     it is inconsistent with this act.
    20     Section 9.  The following sums, or as much thereof as may be
    21  necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the Federal
    22  Revenue Sharing Trust Fund to the hereinafter named agency of
    23  the Executive Department of the Commonwealth for the programs
    24  stated herein for the period beginning July 1, 1982 and
    25  continuing until such time as all balances in the fund are
    26  expended.
    27               To the Department of General Services
    28     For payment of costs associated with moving,
    29  consolidating or abandoning facilities of the
    30  various departments..............................      $362,000
    19820H2723B3683                 - 33 -

     1     Any additional interest earnings of the Federal Revenue
     2  Sharing Trust Fund are also hereby appropriated to the above
     3  appropriation in order to close out the fund.
     4     Section 10.  This act shall take effect immediately.

    K8L84RZ/19820H2723B3683         - 34 -