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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3364



No. 2386 Session of 2004

           MARCH 8, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for grants to schools for
     6     network linking educational services; and making an
     7     appropriation.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    11  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding a
    12  section to read:
    13     Section 2527.  Pennsylvania Education Network.--(a)  The
    14  General Assembly finds as follows:
    15     (1)  It is imperative for the future of Pennsylvania's
    16  students that the quality and equity of learning opportunities
    17  be enhanced by an advanced telecommunications network linking
    18  educational services and resources in this Commonwealth.

     1     (2)  In 1996, Project Link to Learn was enacted, in part, to
     2  create a widely accessible Statewide telecommunications
     3  infrastructure for the benefit of Pennsylvania schools.
     4     (3)  Sufficient financial resources have not been available
     5  to meet the network connectivity and network use needs of the
     6  Pennsylvania Education Network established by Project Link to
     7  Learn.
     8     (4)  The network and associated funding stream created by
     9  this section will significantly enhance the telecommunications
    10  abilities of intermediate units, school districts and schools
    11  within this Commonwealth to help Pennsylvanians learn.
    12     (b)  The department of shall establish and administer, under
    13  regulations promulgated by the department, a Pennsylvania
    14  Education Technology Fund. This fund shall be administered in a
    15  separate, tax-exempt account in the Treasury Department and
    16  shall be initially funded by an appropriation in this section.
    17  The department may use moneys from this fund to develop the
    18  network architecture and establish the department's connection
    19  to and participation in the PEN.
    20     (c)  (1)  Grants shall be allocated to intermediate units,
    21  school districts and area vocational-technical schools by the
    22  department from the fund. A nonpublic school may participate in
    23  the grant process only through a partnership with a school
    24  district or intermediate unit.
    25     (2)  Grants shall be used to enhance the ability of an
    26  intermediate unit, school district or area vocational-technical
    27  school to connect to and utilize the PEN by improving the
    28  quality of educational technology and services to meet the
    29  minimum standards and specifications established in subsection
    30  (d), including payment of monthly recurring charges, initial
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     1  installation charges and equipment costs as follows:
     2     (i)  Intermediate units shall receive grants for the purposes
     3  specified under subsection (d)(1)(i) and (ii).
     4     (ii)  School districts shall receive grants for the purposes
     5  specified under subsection (d)(1)(iii).
     6     (3)  Any moneys remaining in the fund after distribution of
     7  grant moneys for the purposes specified in clause (2) shall be
     8  utilized to equip public and nonpublic schools, intermediate
     9  units and other entities with the appropriate resources to
    10  ensure efficient use of the PEN for the purposes provided in
    11  subsection (e). Each intermediate unit, vocational-technical
    12  school and school district that did not receive an allocation of
    13  moneys sufficient to meet the purposes specified in subsection
    14  (e)(2) because all or part of the standards in subsection (d)
    15  were already achieved shall receive an allocation for the
    16  purposes under subsection (f) in an amount up to one hundred per
    17  centum (100%) of the moneys that would have been required to
    18  meet the purposes of subsection (d).
    19     (4)  Any moneys remaining in the fund after distribution of
    20  grant moneys for the purposes under clauses (2) and (3) shall be
    21  allocated through a competitive grant process for any purposes
    22  under subsection (d) or (e).
    23     (5)  (i)  Grants under clauses (2) and (3) shall be allocated
    24  through a grant review process established by the Secretary of
    25  Education.
    26     (ii)  The department may establish matching requirements for
    27  grant recipients.
    28     (iii)  The application for a grant shall be made at such time
    29  and in such form as the Secretary of Education may require.
    30     (iv)  An applicant may collaborate or form a partnership with
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     1  one or more of the following: a political subdivision, a school
     2  district, an area vocational-technical school, an intermediate
     3  unit or any other entity approved by the department.
     4     (d)  (1)  The department, in cooperation with the Department
     5  of Community and Economic Development and the Governor's Office
     6  of Administration, shall establish standards regarding the
     7  network architecture for the PEN. Any entity receiving moneys
     8  from the fund must comply with these standards. The minimum
     9  dedicated or equivalent upstream and downstream connection
    10  speeds shall be as follows:
    11     (i)  from the department to intermediate units, one hundred
    12  fifty-five (155) megabits per second;
    13     (ii)  from intermediate units to school districts and area
    14  vocational-technical schools, forty-five (45) megabits per
    15  second; and
    16     (iii)  from school districts to individual school buildings,
    17  one and five hundred forty-four thousandths (1.544) megabits per
    18  second.
    19     (2)  Three years after the effective date of this section,
    20  and annually thereafter, the department may increase the minimum
    21  connection speeds provided in subsection (d)(1).
    22     (3)  Nothing in this section shall prevent a grant recipient
    23  from establishing connection speeds in excess of the minimum
    24  speeds established pursuant to this section.
    25     (4)  The PEN and the standards referred to in this subsection
    26  must be completed for all school districts, intermediate units
    27  and area vocational-technical schools no later than December 31,
    28  2006.
    29     (e)  In addition to the payment of equipment and service
    30  costs to meet the minimum standards established in subsection
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     1  (d), grants under this section shall be utilized to provide and
     2  enhance all of the following:
     3     (1)  Twenty-four (24) hour access to educational resources.
     4     (2)  Teacher support services, including professional
     5  development.
     6     (3)  Curriculum support services.
     7     (4)  Remedial education.
     8     (5)  Student assessment.
     9     (6)  Collaboration among the PEN participants, including
    10  group purchasing of educational supplies and services.
    11     (7)  Parental access to educational resources.
    12     (8)  Data storage and management.
    13     (9)  Emergency management and security.
    14     (10)  Administrative and staff support.
    15     (11)  Connections, including maintenance of minimum
    16  connections in subsection (d) or connectivity upgrades in excess
    17  of the minimum speeds established pursuant to this section.
    18     (12)  Other uses of technology to enhance education in a
    19  manner approved by the department.
    20     (f)  The provisions of this section are intended to
    21  complement Federal technology initiatives, including those
    22  established pursuant to the Universal Service Support Mechanism
    23  for Schools and Libraries established in section 254 of the
    24  Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-104, 110 Stat.
    25  56). The department shall administer the grant program under
    26  this section to maximize the ability of grant recipients to
    27  access all sources of Federal funding. However, nothing in this
    28  section shall prohibit the department from authorizing grants
    29  for purposes specified in subsection (d) or (e) which are not
    30  eligible for Federal funding.
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     1     (g)  The sum of fifty million dollars ($50,000,000), or as
     2  much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the
     3  Department of Education for the fiscal year July 1, 2004, to
     4  June 30, 2005, in order to provide grants under this section.
     5     (h)  As used in this section, the following words and phrases
     6  shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
     7     "Department."  The Department of Education of the
     8  Commonwealth.
     9     "Fund."  The Pennsylvania Education Technology Fund
    10  established in subsection (b).
    11     "Intermediate unit."  An intermediate unit established
    12  pursuant to Article IX-A.
    13     "Pennsylvania Education Network" or "PEN."  The Statewide
    14  telecommunications network established by Article XV-A.
    15     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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