No. 2146 Session of 1993

           OCTOBER 7, 1993


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of January 24, 1966 (1965 P.L.1535, No.537),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act providing for the planning and
     3     regulation of community sewage systems and individual sewage
     4     systems; requiring municipalities to submit plans for systems
     5     in their jurisdiction; authorizing grants; requiring permits
     6     for persons installing such systems; requiring disclosure
     7     statements in certain land sale contracts; authorizing the
     8     Department of Environmental Resources to adopt and administer
     9     rules, regulations, standards and procedures; creating an
    10     advisory committee; providing remedies and prescribing
    11     penalties," adding and amending certain definitions; further
    12     providing for official plans, for grants and reimbursements,
    13     for permits, for land sale contracts, for the powers and
    14     duties of local agencies and the Department of Environmental
    15     Resources, for penalties and enforcement, for the disposition
    16     of fines, civil penalties and fees and for nuisances; and
    17     providing for civil actions.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of January 24, 1966 (1965
    21  P.L.1535, No.537), known as the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities
    22  Act, amended July 22, 1974 (P.L.621, No.208) and July 1, 1989
    23  (P.L.124, No.26), is amended to read:
    24     Section 2.  Definitions.--As used in this act:

     1     "Advisory committee" means the special committee created by
     2  the provisions of the act.
     3     "Certification board" means the administrative board within
     4  the department created by section 11 of this act.
     5     "Community sewage system" means any system, whether publicly
     6  or privately owned, for the collection of sewage or industrial
     7  wastes of a liquid nature from two or more lots, and the
     8  treatment and/or disposal of the sewage or industrial waste on
     9  one or more of the lots or at any other site.
    10     "Delegated agency" means a municipality (other than a
    11  municipality proposing a subdivision, or on whose behalf a
    12  subdivision is proposed within the municipality), local agency,
    13  multimunicipal local agency or county or joint county department
    14  of health to which the Department of Environmental Resources has
    15  delegated the authority to review and approve subdivisions for
    16  new land developments as supplements to the official plan of a
    17  municipality in which the subdivision is located.
    18     "Department" means the Department of Environmental Resources
    19  of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    20     "Environmental Hearing Board" means the board established
    21  pursuant to section 1921-A of The Administrative Code of 1929
    22  for the purposes set forth in that section.
    23     "Environmental Quality Board" means the board established
    24  pursuant to section 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929
    25  for the purposes set forth in that section.
    26     "Individual sewage system" means a system of piping, tanks or
    27  other facilities serving a single lot and collecting and
    28  disposing of sewage in whole or in part into the soil or into
    29  any waters of this Commonwealth or by means of conveyance to
    30  another site for final disposal; an alternate individual sewage
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     1  system shall mean any individual sewage system not heretofore
     2  recognized by rules, regulations and standards of the
     3  department.
     4     "Local agency" means a municipality, or any combination
     5  thereof acting cooperatively or jointly under the laws of the
     6  Commonwealth, county, county department of health or joint
     7  county department of health.
     8     "Lot" means a part of a subdivision or a parcel of land used
     9  as a building site or intended to be used for building purposes,
    10  whether immediate or future, which would not be further
    11  subdivided. Whenever a lot is used for a multiple family
    12  dwelling or for commercial or industrial purposes, the lot shall
    13  be deemed to have been subdivided into an equivalent number of
    14  single family residential lots as determined by estimated sewage
    15  flows.
    16     "Municipality" means a city, town, township, or borough.
    17     "Official plan" means a comprehensive plan for the provision
    18  of adequate sewage systems adopted by a municipality or
    19  municipalities possessing authority or jurisdiction over the
    20  provision of such systems and submitted to and approved by the
    21  State Department of Environmental Resources as provided herein.
    22     "Official plan revision" means a change in the municipality's
    23  official plan to provide for additional or newly identified or
    24  future sewage facilities needs, which may include, but not be
    25  limited to, any of the following:
    26     (1)  Update revision.--A comprehensive revision to an
    27  existing official plan required when the Department of
    28  Environmental Resources or municipality determines an official
    29  plan or any of its parts is inadequate for the existing or
    30  future sewage facilities needs of a municipality or its
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     1  residents or landowners.
     2     (2)  Revision for new land development.--A revision to a
     3  municipality's official plan resulting from a proposed
     4  subdivision.
     5     (3)  Special study.--A study, survey, investigation, inquiry,
     6  research report or analysis which is directly related to an
     7  update revision. This study shall provide documentation or other
     8  support necessary to solve specific problems identified in the
     9  update revision.
    10     (4)  Supplement.--A sewage facilities planning module for a
    11  subdivision for new land development which will not be served by
    12  sewage facilities requiring a new or modified permit from the
    13  Department of Environmental Resources under the act of June 22,
    14  1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as "The Clean Streams Law," and
    15  which is reviewed and approved by a delegated agency under
    16  section 7(f)(4.1)(iv) of this act.
    17     "Person" shall include any individual, association, public or
    18  private corporation for profit or not for profit, partnership,
    19  firm, trust, estate, department, board, bureau or agency of the
    20  Commonwealth, political subdivision, municipality, district,
    21  authority, or any other legal entity whatsoever which is
    22  recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties. Whenever
    23  used in any clause prescribing and imposing a penalty or
    24  imposing a fine or imprisonment, the term "person" shall include
    25  the members of an association, partnership or firm and the
    26  officers of any local agency or municipal, public or private
    27  corporation for profit or not for profit.
    28     "Qualified soil scientist" means a person certified as a
    29  sewage enforcement officer and who has submitted satisfactory
    30  documentation to the local agency of two years' experience in
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     1  the characterization, classification, mapping and interpretation
     2  of soils as they relate to the function of on-lot sewage
     3  disposal systems and either a bachelor of science degree in
     4  soils science from an accredited college or university or
     5  certification by the American Registry of Certified
     6  Professionals in Agronomy, Crops and Soils.
     7     "Residential subdivision plan" means a subdivision in which
     8  at least two-thirds of the proposed daily sewage flows will be
     9  generated by residential uses.
    10     ["Rural residence" means a structure occupied or intended to
    11  be occupied by not more than two families on a tract of land of
    12  ten acres or more.]
    13     "Secretary" means the Secretary of Environmental Resources of
    14  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    15     "Sewage" means any substance that contains any of the waste
    16  products or excrement or other discharge from the bodies of
    17  human beings or animals and any noxious or deleterious
    18  substances being harmful or inimical to the public health, or to
    19  animal or aquatic life, or to the use of water for domestic
    20  water supply or for recreation, or which constitutes pollution
    21  under the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as "The
    22  Clean Streams Law," as amended.
    23     "Sewage enforcement officer" means the official of the local
    24  agency who issues and reviews permit applications and conducts
    25  such investigations and inspections as are necessary to
    26  implement the act and the rules and regulations thereunder.
    27     "Subdivision" means the division or redivision of a lot,
    28  tract or other parcel of land into two or more lots, tracts,
    29  parcels or other divisions of land including changes in existing
    30  lot lines. The enumerating of lots shall include as a lot that
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     1  portion of the original tract or tracts remaining after other
     2  lots have been subdivided therefrom.
     3     Section 2.  Section 5(e) of the act, amended July 1, 1989
     4  (P.L.124, No.26), is amended to read:
     5     Section 5.  Official Plans.--* * *
     6     (e)  (1)  The department is hereby authorized to approve or
     7  disapprove official plans, special studies and update revisions
     8  to official plans for sewage systems submitted in accordance
     9  with this act within one year of date of submission [and].
    10     (2)  The department is authorized to approve or disapprove
    11  revisions of official plans within such [lesser] time as the
    12  regulations shall stipulate, except that the department shall
    13  approve or disapprove revisions constituting residential
    14  subdivision plans within [ninety days of the date of a complete
    15  submission, for the period of one year from the effective date
    16  of this amendatory act, and within] sixty days of the date of a
    17  complete submission [thereafter]. The department shall act on
    18  requests for exceptions to the requirement to revise official
    19  plans within the time limits established by regulation. The
    20  department shall determine if a submission is complete within
    21  ten working days of its receipt.
    22     (3)  Delegated agencies shall approve or disapprove
    23  supplements within sixty days of the date of a complete
    24  submission. The delegated agency shall determine if a submission
    25  is complete within ten days of its receipt.
    26     * * *
    27     Section 3.  Section 6 of the act, amended July 22, 1974
    28  (P.L.621, No.208), is amended to read:
    29     Section 6.  Grants and Reimbursements Authorized.--(a)  The
    30  department is authorized to administer grants to counties,
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     1  municipalities and authorities to assist them in preparing
     2  official plans and revisions to official plans for sewage
     3  systems required by this act, and for carrying out related
     4  studies, surveys, investigations, inquiries, research and
     5  analyses. Such grants shall be made from funds appropriated by
     6  the General Assembly for this purpose and shall equal one-half
     7  the cost of preparing such plans. Such grants shall not be
     8  withheld from any municipality which is complying with the terms
     9  of this act. For the purposes of this section, costs shall be
    10  exclusive of those reimbursed or paid by grants from the Federal
    11  Government.
    12     (b)  [Local] Except as provided in subsection (c), local
    13  agencies complying with the provisions of this act in a manner
    14  deemed satisfactory by the secretary shall be reimbursed
    15  annually by the department from funds specifically appropriated
    16  for such purpose equal to one-half of the cost of the expenses
    17  incurred by the local agency in enforcement of the provisions of
    18  this act. Such grants shall not be withheld from any local
    19  agency which is complying with the terms of this act. For the
    20  purposes of this section, costs shall be exclusive of those
    21  reimbursed or paid by grants from the Federal Government.
    22     (c)  (1)  A joint local agency complying with the provisions
    23  of this act in a manner deemed satisfactory by the department
    24  shall be reimbursed up to eighty-five percent of the cost of the
    25  expenses incurred in the administration and enforcement of this
    26  act from funds specifically appropriated by the General Assembly
    27  for this purpose. To qualify for up to eighty-five percent
    28  reimbursement, a joint local agency must:
    29     (i)  Document the acceptance, delegation or transfer of the
    30  administration of sections 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of this
    19930H2146B2639                  - 7 -

     1  act from a grouping of at least three municipalities.
     2     (ii)  Employ at least one sewage enforcement officer actively
     3  engaged in activities related to the administration of this act
     4  at least seven and one-half hours per workday, five days per
     5  week, including leave and holidays.
     6     (iii)  Employ adequate administrative support staff.
     7     (iv)  Employ one alternate sewage enforcement officer.
     8     (v)  Employ a qualified soil scientist or have a department-
     9  approved contractual arrangement with a qualified soil
    10  scientist.
    11     (vi)  Have department-approved administrative procedures,
    12  permit procedures, ordinances of the member municipalities
    13  related to the administration of this act, rules, regulations,
    14  permit-related fee schedules and contracted services proposed
    15  for use in the multimunicipal local agency.
    16     (vii)  Employ, or have a department-approved contractual
    17  arrangement with, sufficient technical staff to provide for
    18  local agency response to signed written requests for service
    19  within the time frames established by department-approved
    20  administrative procedures and regulations.
    21     (2)  For the purposes of this subsection, the term "joint
    22  local agency" shall mean any county department of health or
    23  joint county department of health established under the act of
    24  August 24, 1951 (P.L.1304, No.315), known as the "Local Health
    25  Administration Law," or any joint local agency established under
    26  the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the
    27  Intergovernmental Cooperation Law.
    28     (d)  Where the sole reason for disqualification of a local
    29  agency from eligibility for eighty-five percent reimbursement
    30  under subsection (c) is lack of participation of that local
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     1  agency in a joint local agency as that term is defined in
     2  subsection (c), the department may qualify that local agency for
     3  eighty-five percent reimbursement for the administration of
     4  sections 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of this act in accordance
     5  with subsection (c).
     6     Section 4.  Section 7 of the act, amended July 22, 1974
     7  (P.L.621, No.208), October 4, 1978 (P.L.1003, No.212) and July
     8  1, 1989 (P.L.124, No.26), is amended to read:
     9     Section 7.  Permits.--(a)  (1)  No person shall install,
    10  construct, or request bid proposals for construction, or alter,
    11  repair or connect to an individual sewage system or community
    12  sewage system or construct, or request bid proposals for
    13  construction, or install or occupy any building or structure for
    14  which an individual sewage system or community sewage system is
    15  to be installed without first obtaining a permit indicating that
    16  the site and the plans and specifications of such system are in
    17  compliance with the provisions of this act and the standards
    18  adopted pursuant to this act. No permit may be issued by the
    19  local agency in those cases where a permit from the department
    20  is required pursuant to the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987,
    21  No.394), known as "The Clean Streams Law," as amended, or where
    22  the department pursuant to its rules and regulations, determines
    23  that such permit is not necessary [either for a rural residence
    24  or] for the protection of the public health. Except where a
    25  local agency or municipality requires a permit by ordinance, no
    26  permit or plan revision shall be required for the installation
    27  of an individual on-lot sewage system for a residential
    28  structure occupied or intended to be occupied by [not more than
    29  two families, one of whom is the property owner,] the property
    30  owner or a member of his immediate family on a contiguous tract
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     1  of land ten acres or more if the owner of the property was the
     2  owner of record as of January 10, 1987.
     3     (2)  The installation of such a permit-exempt system shall
     4  not be required to be approved by or meet the standards of the
     5  department or local agency pursuant to their rules and
     6  regulations for the siting, design or installation of on-lot
     7  sewage systems unless a permit is required by a regulation or
     8  ordinance of a local agency or municipality, or the person
     9  qualifying for the permit exemption chooses to not use the
    10  permit exemption. A permit exemption may also be granted where a
    11  ten-acre parcel or lot is subdivided from a parent tract after
    12  January 10, 1987. When one permit exemption has been granted for
    13  a lot, tract or parcel under this section, any lot, tract or
    14  parcel remaining after subdivision of the lot or parcel which
    15  received the permit exemption or any lots or parcels subdivided
    16  therefrom in the future shall not be eligible for a ten-acre
    17  permit exemption and must meet the planning, permitting, siting
    18  and construction standards of the department for on-lot sewage
    19  systems. Persons otherwise qualified for a permit exemption who
    20  do not choose to use the permit exemption remain exempt from the
    21  planning requirements of this act.
    22     (3)  For the purposes of this section, the term "immediate
    23  family" shall mean brother, sister, son, daughter, stepson,
    24  stepdaughter, grandson, granddaughter, father or mother of the
    25  property owner.
    26     (a.1)  Owners of property qualifying for a permit exemption
    27  under subsection (a) shall install permit-exempt systems in
    28  accordance with the following standards. There shall be, at a
    29  minimum:
    30     (1)  Two septic tanks in series equipped with septic solids
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     1  retainers and with a combined capacity of not less than one
     2  thousand five hundred gallons.
     3     (2)  An absorption area constructed in accordance with the
     4  rules and regulations of the department regarding the design and
     5  construction of elevated sand mounds and sized at a minimum of
     6  seven hundred twenty-nine square feet.
     7     (3)  The perimeter of the septic tanks and absorption area
     8  shall be located at least two hundred feet from the perimeter of
     9  any property line, nonutility right-of-way, one hundred-year
    10  flood plain or any river, stream, creek, impoundment, well,
    11  watercourse, storm sewer, lake, dammed water, pond, spring,
    12  ditch, wetland, water supply or any other body of surface water
    13  and ten feet from any utility right-of-way.
    14     (a.2)  No parcel shall be considered for exemption from the
    15  permitting requirements of this act until the owner has
    16  submitted to the local agency a completed ten-acre permit waiver
    17  form provided by the department. The local agency shall confirm
    18  by signature of a duly authorized sewage enforcement officer,
    19  that the property qualifies for a permit exemption under
    20  subsection (a) and that the system installed meets the
    21  requirements for siting and design under subsection (b) of this
    22  section and ordinances of the local agency and municipality. The
    23  local agency may charge a fee of not more than fifty dollars
    24  ($50), or other such amount as may be authorized by the
    25  department by regulation, for processing the ten-acre permit
    26  waiver form. The applicant shall confirm in writing, as part of
    27  the waiver form, that the soil testing procedures normally
    28  required for on-lot sewage disposal systems were not conducted
    29  on the parcel and that there is no assurance that the system
    30  authorized by this section will function to prevent pollution or
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     1  the creation of public health hazards. The property owner shall
     2  provide additional notice to a subsequent purchaser of the
     3  parcel under the provisions of section 7.1(b) of this act.
     4     (a.3)  The permit waiver form shall stipulate that the
     5  property owner who installs a system under the permit exemption
     6  provisions of this section agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
     7  the Commonwealth, the local agency and sewage enforcement
     8  officer serving the municipality in which the system is located
     9  from and against damages to property or injuries to any persons
    10  and other losses, damages, expenses, claims, demands, suits and
    11  actions by any party against the Commonwealth, the local agency
    12  and sewage enforcement officer in connection with the
    13  malfunctioning of the on-lot sewage system installed under the
    14  permit exemption provisions of this section. It is the sole
    15  responsibility of the property owner who installed or contracted
    16  for the installation of a sewage system under the permit
    17  exemption provisions of this section or the property owner who
    18  accepted responsibility for the system upon purchase of the
    19  property under the disclosure provisions of section 7.1(b) of
    20  this act to correct or have corrected any system malfunction
    21  which contaminates surface or groundwater or discharges to the
    22  surface of the ground. Malfunctions of systems installed under
    23  the provisions of this section which contaminate ground or
    24  surface water or discharge to the surface of the ground shall
    25  constitute a nuisance and shall be abatable in a manner provided
    26  by law.
    27     (b)  (1)  Application for permit shall be in writing to the
    28  local agency in accordance with the provisions of section 8 of
    29  this act, and shall be made in such form and shall include such
    30  data as the department may prescribe.
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     1     (2)  Permits shall be issued or denied within seven days
     2  after receiving an application for permit except that, in case
     3  the local agency in accordance with the provisions of section 8
     4  of this act, finds the data submitted by an applicant is
     5  incomplete, or the local agency is unable to verify the
     6  information submitted, the local agency shall so notify the
     7  applicant within seven days after receiving said application and
     8  the time for acting thereon shall be extended fifteen days
     9  beyond the date of receipt of adequate supplementary or
    10  amendatory data. Denial of permit shall be supported by a
    11  statement in writing of the reasons for such action.
    12     (3)  No system or structure designed to provide individual or
    13  community sewage disposal shall be covered from view until
    14  approval to cover the same has been given by the body which
    15  issued the original permit or its authorized representative. If
    16  seventy-two hours have elapsed, excepting Sundays and holidays,
    17  since the body issuing the permit receive notification of
    18  completion of construction, the applicant may cover said system
    19  or structure unless permission has been refused by the issuing
    20  body.
    21     [(4)  The local agency shall not issue permits for individual
    22  sewage systems or community sewage systems unless the system
    23  proposed is consistent with the official plan of the
    24  municipality in which said system is to be located and the
    25  municipality is adequately implementing the official plan. In
    26  the event that the municipality has no plan or has not revised
    27  or implemented its plan as required by the rules and regulations
    28  of the department or by order of the department, no permits may
    29  be issued under this section 7 of this act in those areas of the
    30  municipality for which an official plan, revision thereto or
    19930H2146B2639                 - 13 -

     1  implementation thereof is required, until the municipality has
     2  submitted the said official plan or revision to, and received
     3  the approval of, the department, or has commenced implementation
     4  of its plan or revisions in accordance with a schedule approved
     5  by the department.]
     6     (4.1)  The local agency shall not issue permits for
     7  individual sewage systems or community sewage systems unless the
     8  system proposed in consistent with the official plan, a special
     9  duty or an update revision to the official plan of the
    10  municipality in which said system is to be located and the
    11  municipality is adequately implementing the official plan,
    12  special study or update revision in those areas of the
    13  municipality covered by such plan, study or revision. In the
    14  event that the municipality has no plan or has not received
    15  department approval of an update revision or special study to
    16  the official plan or implemented its plan as required by the
    17  rules and regulations of the department or by order of the
    18  department, no permits may be issued under this section in those
    19  areas of the municipality delineated in a departmental order as
    20  requiring an official plan, update revision, special study or
    21  implementation thereof until the municipality has submitted the
    22  said official plan, update revision or special study to the
    23  official plan to, and received the approval of, the department,
    24  or has commenced implementation of its plan, update revision or
    25  special study in accordance with a schedule approved by the
    26  department.
    27     (4.2)  The department may, by agreement, delegate to a local
    28  agency, joint local agency or county or joint county department
    29  of health which has been qualified by the department for receipt
    30  of eighty-five percent reimbursement under section 6(c) of this
    19930H2146B2639                 - 14 -

     1  act, the power and duty to require the submittal of and review
     2  and approve or disapprove sewage facilities planning for new
     3  land development proposing the use of on-lot sewage systems
     4  using planning module forms provided by the department.
     5  Additionally, the following shall apply:
     6     (i)  Sewage facilities planning approved by a delegated
     7  agency under this subsection shall not constitute a revision or
     8  exception to the requirement to revise under this act and the
     9  rules and regulations promulgated hereunder but shall be a
    10  supplement to the official sewage facilities plan.
    11     (ii)  Delegated agencies may assess fees for the review of
    12  supplements under this section. Fees received pursuant to this
    13  section shall be used solely for the purpose of administering
    14  the delegated powers and duties related to the new land
    15  development planning provisions of this act and the rules and
    16  regulations promulgated hereunder.
    17     (iii)  The department may limit the review of supplements in
    18  the delegation agreements to specific classifications of sewage
    19  facilities or new land developments.
    20     (iv)  Delegation of the review and approval of supplements
    21  for new land development may be granted by the department where
    22  the local agency, joint local agency or county or joint county
    23  department of health has adequately documented the following to
    24  the department:
    25     (A)  The municipalities or counties to be included in the
    26  delegation agreement have land use planning and zoning
    27  ordinances in effect under the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805,
    28  No.247), known as the "Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning
    29  Code."
    30     (B)  The municipalities to be included in the delegation
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     1  agreement have a current official sewage facilities plan which
     2  is being or will be implemented in accordance with the content
     3  of the plan's implementation schedule and the provisions of this
     4  act, the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as "The
     5  Clean Streams Law," and regulations promulgated hereunder.
     6     (C)  The municipalities or counties to be included in the
     7  delegation agreement have ordinances in place which require
     8  sewage facilities planning approval prior to preliminary plan
     9  approval under the "Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code."
    10     (D)  Where delegation is requested for the review of new land
    11  developments proposing the use of public sewerage facilities not
    12  requiring a new or modified permit under "The Clean Streams
    13  Law," the delegation agreement must include coordination
    14  procedures to be used with the department to assure continued
    15  compliance with the municipal wasteload management provisions of
    16  "The Clean Streams Law."
    17     (E)  The local agency and sewage enforcement officer employed
    18  by the local agency serving the municipalities to be included in
    19  the delegation agreement have not been issued a notice of
    20  violation or order by the department for any violations of this
    21  act or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder for the
    22  prior three years as determined by the department.
    23     (F)  A workload analysis is completed by the entity
    24  requesting delegation which analyzes the volume of work
    25  anticipated and the staffing and support resources needed to
    26  administer the program and documents that the fees proposed to
    27  be charged by the delegated agency to administer the sewage
    28  facilities planning reviews are sufficient to allow the
    29  delegated agency to act upon supplements within the time limits
    30  established by this act.
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     1     (v)  The department shall review and approve, prior to
     2  delegation, the administrative procedures, ordinances, rules,
     3  regulations, fee schedules and contracts for services proposed
     4  for use by the delegated agency in the administration of the
     5  delegated provisions of this act.
     6     (vi)  Supplements to the official plan shall be prepared by
     7  the person proposing the new land development and shall be
     8  reviewed and acted upon by the delegated agency. Upon approval
     9  or disapproval of the supplement, a copy of the completed
    10  planning modules and the approval or disapproval letter of the
    11  delegated agency shall be submitted to the department.
    12     (vii)  Supplements to official plans shall be deemed approved
    13  by the department upon submittal of the completed planning
    14  modules and the approval letter by the delegated agency to the
    15  department.
    16     (viii)  Lack of participation by a municipality, local
    17  agency, joint local agency or county or joint county department
    18  of health in this delegation shall not influence the eligibility
    19  of the local agency serving that municipality or the local
    20  agency itself to receive eighty-five percent reimbursement under
    21  section 6(c) of this act, if qualified.
    22     (4.3)  In those areas of the municipality where a revision
    23  for new land development is required to be approved by the
    24  department or a supplement is required to be approved by a
    25  delegated agency:
    26     (i)  The local agency shall not issue permits for individual
    27  sewage systems or community sewage systems until the
    28  municipality has received approval of a revision for new land
    29  development from the department or a supplement has been
    30  approved by a delegated agency.
    19930H2146B2639                 - 17 -

     1     (ii)  A preliminary plan approval under the "Pennsylvania
     2  Municipalities Planning Code," shall not be granted until a
     3  revision for new land development has been approved by the
     4  department or a supplement has been approved by a delegated
     5  agency.
     6     (iii)  The sale of a lot, as defined in this act, in any
     7  municipality which does not regulate subdivisions or land
     8  development under the "Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning
     9  Code" shall not be enforceable by the seller against the buyer
    10  when a revision for new land development has not been approved
    11  by the department or an approved supplement has not been
    12  submitted to the department by a delegated agency.
    13     [(5)  The limitations on permit issuance contained in
    14  paragraph (4) of this subsection shall not apply:
    15     (i)  to those sections of the municipality where the
    16  department finds that the zoning or applicable restrictive
    17  covenants running with the land and enforceable by other
    18  grantees in a subdivision provide for single family residential
    19  lots of one acre or more or the proportionate equivalent acreage
    20  for multiple family or commercial uses and provided that a
    21  replacement system could be installed on the lot in the event
    22  that the original system failed;]
    23     (5)  The limitations on permit issuance contained in
    24  paragraph (4) of this subsection shall not apply to those areas
    25  of the municipality outside of the areas delineated in an order
    26  of the department as requiring an update revision or
    27  implementation of an official plan or update revision. The
    28  filing of an appeal to a department order under this subsection
    29  shall not operate as an automatic supersedeas of the action of
    30  the department.
    19930H2146B2639                 - 18 -

     1     (5.1)  The limitations on permit issuance contained in
     2  paragraph (4.3) of this subsection shall not apply:
     3     [(ii)]  (i)  to existing subdivisions or sections thereof
     4  [(where subdivision plans therefor have been filed of record
     5  pursuant to applicable law and ordinance prior to the effective
     6  date of this subsection)] where the department or delegated
     7  agency finds that either lots or homes in the subdivision or
     8  sections thereof have been sold in good faith to a purchaser for
     9  value prior to May 15, 1972 and not for the purpose of avoiding
    10  the application of paragraph (4) of this subsection. This
    11  subsection shall not relieve the municipality of its planning
    12  responsibilities as specified in this act; or
    13     [(iii)] (ii)  where the department finds it necessary to
    14  issue permits for the abatement of pollution and/or the
    15  correction of health hazards.
    16     (5.2)  The limitations on permit issuance contained in
    17  paragraph (4.3) of this section shall not apply to, and
    18  revisions for new land development, exceptions to the
    19  requirement to revise and supplements will not be required where
    20  either the department or delegated agency determines that:
    21     (i)  The official plan shows that those areas of the
    22  municipality are to be served by on-lot sewage disposal
    23  facilities.
    24     (ii)  The geology of the area proposed for the use of
    25  individual or community sewage systems is not conductive to
    26  nitrate-nitrogen groundwater contamination.
    27     (iii)  The area proposed for development is outside of high
    28  quality or exceptional value watersheds established under the
    29  regulations and policies promulgated under "The Clean Streams
    30  Law."
    19930H2146B2639                 - 19 -

     1     (iv)  All subdivided lots and the remaining portion of the
     2  original tract after subdivision are one acre or larger.
     3     (v)  Soils testing and site evaluation establish that
     4  separate sites are available for both a permitted primary on-lot
     5  sewage system and a replacement on-lot sewage system on each lot
     6  of the subdivision.
     7     (5.3)  Revisions for new land development and supplements are
     8  not required for subdivisions proposing a connection to or an
     9  extension of public sewers where the department determines that:
    10     (i)  The existing collection, conveyance and treatment
    11  facilities are in compliance with "The Clean Streams Law" and
    12  the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
    13     (ii)  The permittee of the receiving sewerage facilities have
    14  submitted information under "The Clean Streams Law" which
    15  documents that the existing collection, conveyance and treatment
    16  system does not have an existing hydraulic or organic overload
    17  or five-year projected overload.
    18     (iii)  The additional wasteload from the proposed new land
    19  development will not create a hydraulic or organic overload or
    20  five-year projected overload.
    21     (iv)  The municipality has a current approved sewage
    22  facilities plan update revision which is being implemented.
    23     (5.4)  Where the determination under paragraph (5.2) of this
    24  subsection is made by a delegated agency, that agency shall
    25  submit to the department quarterly reports which include the
    26  names of the subdivisions, location of the subdivisions, number
    27  of lots and projected sewage flow for each subdivision exempted
    28  from the planning provisions under this subsection and such
    29  other information as may be required under the rules and
    30  regulations of the department.
    19930H2146B2639                 - 20 -

     1  The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to new land
     2  development proposals intended to be served by sewage facilities
     3  requiring a new or modified permit from the department under
     4  "The Clean Streams Law."
     5     (6)  If the local agency determines that: (i) any change has
     6  occurred in the physical conditions of any lands which will
     7  materially affect the operation of the community sewage system
     8  or individual sewage system covered by any permit issued by the
     9  local agency under section 7 of this act, or (ii) one or more
    10  tests material to the issuance of the permit has not been
    11  properly conducted, or (iii) information material to the
    12  issuance of the permit has been falsified, or (iv) the original
    13  decision of the local agency otherwise failed to conform to the
    14  provisions of this act or the rules and regulations of the
    15  department, or (v) the permittee has violated the rules and
    16  regulations of the department under which the permit was issued,
    17  the permit shall be revoked. Such action shall be taken after
    18  notice and opportunity for hearing has been given to the
    19  permittee.
    20     (7)  If construction or installation of an individual sewage
    21  system or community sewage system and of any building or
    22  structure for which such system is to be installed has not
    23  commenced within three years after the issuance of a permit for
    24  such system, the said permit shall expire, and a new permit
    25  shall be obtained prior to the commencement of said construction
    26  or installation.
    27     (8)  Upon completion of inspection of deep soil test pits and
    28  percolation tests, the inspector shall immediately notify the
    29  property owner that the tests are complete. Within [five] two
    30  days after receiving such notice, the property owner shall
    19930H2146B2639                 - 21 -

     1  backfill the test pits and holes. Any person who fails to comply
     2  with the provisions of this subsection shall be subject to the
     3  remedies and penalties provided in sections 12 and 13.
     4     Section 5.  Section 7.1 of the act, added December 2, 1976
     5  (P.L.1264, No.280), is amended to read:
     6     Section 7.1.  Land Sale Contracts.--(a)  Every contract for
     7  the sale of a lot as defined in section 2 for which there is no
     8  currently existing community sewage system available shall
     9  contain a statement in the contract clearly indicating to the
    10  buyer that there is no community sewage system available and
    11  that a permit for an individual sewage system will have to be
    12  obtained pursuant to section 7. The contract shall also clearly
    13  state that the buyer should contact the local agency charged
    14  with administering this act before signing the contract to
    15  determine the procedure and requirements for obtaining a permit
    16  for an individual sewage system if one has not already been
    17  obtained. For purposes of this section the terms "community
    18  sewage system" and "individual sewage system" shall be construed
    19  to exclude any drainage system for the control of surface water
    20  or the control of storm runoff water.
    21     (a.1)  Every contract for the sale of a lot as defined in
    22  section 2 of this act which is served by an individual sewage
    23  system which was installed under the ten-acre permit exemption
    24  provisions of section 7 of this act shall contain a statement in
    25  the contract that clearly indicates to the buyer that soils and
    26  site testing were not conducted and that the owner of the
    27  property or properties served by the system, at the time of a
    28  malfunction, may be held liable for any contamination,
    29  pollution, public health hazard or nuisance which occurs as the
    30  result of the malfunction of a sewage system installed in
    19930H2146B2639                 - 22 -

     1  accordance with the permit exemption provisions of section 7 of
     2  this act.
     3     (a.2)  Every contract for the sale of a lot served by a
     4  holding tank, whether permanent or temporary, to which sewage is
     5  conveyed by a water carrying system and which is designed and
     6  constructed to facilitate ultimate disposal of the sewage at
     7  another site, shall contain a statement in the contract that
     8  clearly indicates that the property is served by such a tank and
     9  shall provide a history of the annual cost of maintaining the
    10  tank from the date of its installation or the effective date of
    11  this amendatory act, whichever is later.
    12     (b)  Any contract for the sale of a lot which does not
    13  conform to the requirements of [subsection (a)] this section
    14  shall not be enforceable by the seller against the buyer. Any
    15  term of such contract purporting to waive the rights of the
    16  buyer to the disclosures required in [subsection (a)] this
    17  section shall be void.
    18     Section 6.  Section 8 of the act, amended July 22, 1974
    19  (P.L.621, No.208) and July 1, 1989 (P.L.124, No.26), is amended
    20  to read:
    21     Section 8.  Powers and Duties of Local Agencies.--(a)  County
    22  or joint county departments of health shall administer [section
    23  7] sections 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of this act in the area
    24  subject to their jurisdiction. In all other areas, [section 7]
    25  sections 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of this act shall be
    26  administered by each municipality unless said municipality has
    27  transferred or delegated the administration of [section 7]
    28  sections 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of this act to another
    29  local agency, or is cooperating in said administration, in
    30  conformance with the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.762, No.180), and
    19930H2146B2639                 - 23 -

     1  said other local agency has accepted administration of [section
     2  7] sections 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of this act.
     3  Municipalities are hereby encouraged jointly to administer
     4  [section 7] sections 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of this act on
     5  a county or joint county level. No local agency shall
     6  voluntarily surrender administration of the provisions of this
     7  act except to another local agency pursuant to this section.
     8     (b)  Each local agency in addition to the powers and duties
     9  conferred upon it by existing law shall have the power and the
    10  duty:
    11     (1)  To employ sewage enforcement officers to administer the
    12  provisions of section 7 of this act in accordance with the rules
    13  and regulations of the department. No person shall be employed
    14  as a sewage enforcement officer unless said person has been
    15  certified "qualified" by the department pursuant to standards
    16  set by the Environmental Quality Board. No person shall be
    17  employed as a sewage enforcement officer to administer the
    18  provisions of section 7 of this act with respect to a community
    19  sewage system for which he was or is the contractor. In such a
    20  case, the local agency shall employ a certified "qualified"
    21  enforcement officer from an adjoining local agency to administer
    22  the provisions of section 7 of this act with respect to the
    23  particular community sewage system.
    24     (1.1)  To have at least one alternate sewage enforcement
    25  officer as authorized by the local agency to work in the
    26  municipality or municipalities of the local agency.
    27     (2)  To employ other technical and administrative personnel
    28  necessary to support the activities of the sewage enforcement
    29  officer and the local agency.
    30     (3)  To set rates of compensation, maintain offices, purchase
    19930H2146B2639                 - 24 -

     1  necessary equipment and supplies.
     2     (4)  To set and collect application fees. The fee schedule
     3  may establish different charges for various types of individual
     4  sewage systems and community sewage systems consistent with the
     5  administrative costs of reviewing the application and
     6  supervising the installation of said system.
     7     (5)  To make or cause to be made, such inspections and tests
     8  as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of section 7 of
     9  this act, and its authorized representatives shall have the
    10  right to enter upon lands for said purpose.
    11     (6)  To cease issuing permits in designated areas after
    12  notice and opportunity for departmental hearing except for the
    13  abatement of existing health hazards or public nuisance,
    14  notwithstanding the provisions of section 7, upon receipt of a
    15  department order pursuant to section 10(7) of this act.
    16     (7)  To proceed under section 12 of this act to restrain
    17  violations of this act and the rules and regulations adopted
    18  hereunder.
    19     (8)  To submit such reports and data to the department as the
    20  department may by its rules and regulations or by order require.
    21     (9)  To adopt and maintain standards and procedures for
    22  applications and permits identical to those of the department.
    23  Any other rules or regulations which the local agency deems
    24  necessary in order to administer and enforce section 7 may only
    25  be adopted if they are consistent with this act and the rules
    26  and regulations adopted hereunder.
    27     (c)  Sewage enforcement officers employed by local agencies
    28  in accordance with this act, in performing their duties as
    29  required under this act, may accept prior testing data and
    30  information obtained by a previous sewage enforcement officer,
    19930H2146B2639                 - 25 -

     1  provided that the site and prior testing meets all of the
     2  [following criteria and the sewage enforcement officer certifies
     3  the same to the local agency:] criteria contained in the
     4  following paragraphs 1 through 9 of this subsection and the
     5  current sewage enforcement officer certifies the same to the
     6  local agency. There shall be a presumption that, unless the
     7  prior sewage enforcement officer's certification has been
     8  revoked or suspended by the department, the testing data and
     9  information obtained by the prior sewage enforcement officer is
    10  valid unless the currently employed sewage enforcement officer
    11  finds that one or more of the criteria in the following
    12  paragraphs 1 through 9 of this subsection are not met:
    13     (1)  The soil testing performed on the property in question
    14  has not been cited in a revocation, suspension or other
    15  agreement to surrender certification which indicates violations
    16  of soil testing procedures by the previous sewage enforcement
    17  officer.
    18     (2)  The exact location of the test to be used for issuance
    19  of a permit must be verifiable by at least one of the following
    20  methods:
    21     (i)  Location of the test pit and percolation hole remnants
    22  on the lot by the current sewage enforcement officer.
    23     (ii)  The existence of recorded measurements from at least
    24  two permanent landmarks on the property in question establishing
    25  the original test location.
    26     (iii)  A scale drawing of the lot or property in question
    27  indicating the location of the tests by reference to at least
    28  two permanent landmarks.
    29     (iv)  Identification of the exact location of the tests by
    30  the prior sewage enforcement officer, provided that his or her
    19930H2146B2639                 - 26 -

     1  certification has not been revoked, suspended or voluntarily
     2  surrendered to the department.
     3     (3)  Verification that the percolation test and soils
     4  evaluation was conducted in accordance with the applicable
     5  regulations.
     6     (4)  Soils description and percolation test data are
     7  available and recorded on the prescribed form, or its
     8  equivalent, in sufficient quantity and quality to be interpreted
     9  by others.
    10     (5)  The soil probes were conducted within ten feet of the
    11  proposed absorption area.
    12     (6)  The percolation test on the lot was performed on the
    13  site of the proposed absorption area.
    14     (7)  The person who originally observed or conducted the
    15  testing was certified under the current certification
    16  requirements of this act.
    17     (8)  No inaccuracies or falsifications of the test data are
    18  apparent or identifiable.
    19     (9)  No changes to the site have occurred since the time of
    20  the original testing.
    21     Section 7.  Sections 10 and 11 of the act, amended July 1,
    22  1989 (P.L.124, No.26), are amended to read:
    23     Section 10.  Powers and Duties of the Department of
    24  Environmental Resources.--The department shall have the power
    25  and its duty shall be:
    26     (1)  To order municipalities to submit official plans and
    27  revisions thereto within such time and under such conditions as
    28  the rules and regulations promulgated under this act may
    29  provide.
    30     (2)  To approve or disapprove official plans and [revisions
    19930H2146B2639                 - 27 -

     1  thereto.], at its discretion, to approve or disapprove revisions
     2  thereto in accordance with regulations of the department.
     3     (3)  To order the implementation of official plans and
     4  revisions thereto.
     5     (4)  To administer grants and reimbursements to local
     6  agencies as provided by section 6 of this act.
     7     (5)  To review the performance of local agencies in the
     8  administration of [section 7 of] this act.
     9     (6)  To cooperate with local agencies, the advisory committee
    10  and industry in studying and evaluating new methods of sewage
    11  disposal. For the purpose of investigating innovative or
    12  alternative on-lot sewage systems, the department may enter into
    13  contracts with private entities. [Such contracts shall be funded
    14  from funds specifically appropriated by the General Assembly for
    15  this purpose.]
    16     (7)  To order a local agency to undertake actions deemed by
    17  the department necessary to effectively administer [effectively
    18  section 7 of] this act in conformance with the rules and
    19  regulations of the department.
    20     (7.1)  To review the performance of delegated agencies in the
    21  performance of the duties established by delegation agreements
    22  authorized by sections 5 and 7 of this act and to revoke such
    23  agreements for cause.
    24     (8)  To enter upon lands and make inspections and to require
    25  the submission of papers, books and records by local agencies
    26  for the purposes set forth in this act.
    27     (9)  To train sewage enforcement officers and to require
    28  sewage enforcement officers to participate in training. [Such
    29  training shall be funded from funds specifically appropriated by
    30  the General Assembly for this purpose.]
    19930H2146B2639                 - 28 -

     1     (10)  To revoke or suspend the certification of sewage
     2  enforcement officers for cause, or to reinstate same, in
     3  accordance with the rules and regulations of the department:
     4  Provided, however, That such actions of the department shall
     5  become effective only after notice and an opportunity for
     6  hearing before the certification board has been given.
     7     (10.1)  To revoke or suspend the certification of a sewage
     8  enforcement officer for violations of this act committed by that
     9  sewage enforcement officer which are not related to the issuance
    10  of a permit by that sewage enforcement officer.
    11     (11)  To develop a list of firms or agencies that provide
    12  testing services for evaluating gradation specifications of sand
    13  for use in elevated sand mound on-lot disposal systems. A
    14  permittee that is the sand supplier for an elevated sand mound
    15  shall certify in writing that sand used in these systems meets
    16  the requirements established by the department.
    17     (12)  To set and collect a processing fee from applicants for
    18  review of sewage facilities planning modules for new land
    19  development by the department. The minimum fees shall be as
    20  follows:
    21     (i)  For any proposal to utilize on-lot sewage systems which
    22  proposal does not qualify as an exception to the requirement to
    23  revise an official plan in accordance with the rules and
    24  regulations of the department, the fee shall be one thousand
    25  seven hundred forty dollars ($1,740).
    26     (ii)  For any proposal which can reasonably be expected to
    27  result in a surface discharge to waters of the Commonwealth or
    28  the surface of the ground of greater than two thousand gallons
    29  per day, or a discharge to a subsurface absorption area for
    30  which a permit is required under the act of June 22, 1937
    19930H2146B2639                 - 29 -

     1  (P.L.1987, No.394), known as "The Clean Streams Law," the fee
     2  shall be five thousand eight hundred dollars ($5,800).
     3     (iii)  For any proposal to utilize public sewerage services
     4  which utilization does not qualify as or is not designated as a
     5  module for a minor sewer project pursuant to the regulations of
     6  the department, the fee shall be one thousand one hundred sixty
     7  dollars ($1,160).
     8     (iv)  For all other proposals not designated in subparagraphs
     9  (i), (ii) and (iii) of this paragraph, the fee shall be five
    10  hundred eighty dollars ($580).
    11  The department may, by regulation, make adjustments to the fees
    12  authorized by this subsection.
    13     (13)  To establish minimum qualifications and experience for
    14  applicants for certification as a sewage enforcement officer.
    15     (14)  To require a certified sewage enforcement officer to
    16  serve an apprenticeship under another certified sewage
    17  enforcement officer selected by the department for a time period
    18  established by the department as a condition of certification or
    19  as a requirement for reinstatement of a suspended certification.
    20     (15)  To delegate the review of certain alternate sewage
    21  systems as designated by the department to sewage enforcement
    22  officer qualified by the department to review such systems.
    23     (16)  To require local agencies to take necessary action to
    24  provide timely service, including, but not limited to, utilizing
    25  the services of an alternate sewage enforcement officer,
    26  employing temporary sewage enforcement officers and entering
    27  contracts for service.
    28     (17)  To collect a fee of fifty dollars ($50) for the
    29  technical manual for sewage enforcement officers, except that
    30  certified sewage enforcement officers, local agencies and
    19930H2146B2639                 - 30 -

     1  municipalities shall not be charged a fee.
     2     (18)  To establish a training course for on-lot sewage system
     3  installers, to issue certificates of completion, to publish a
     4  listing of those installers who successfully completed the
     5  course and to charge a fee for attendance at the course.
     6     Section 11.  Certification Board.--(a)  (1)  There is hereby
     7  created within the department a State Board for Certification of
     8  Sewage Enforcement Officers. The board shall consist of five
     9  members to be appointed by the secretary. One member shall be a
    10  representative of local government; one member shall be a sewage
    11  enforcement officer certified under the provisions of this act;
    12  one member shall be a representative of the engineering
    13  profession; and two additional members shall be chosen from a
    14  list of nominees submitted to the secretary by the advisory
    15  committee. The advisory committee shall designate a minimum of
    16  three nominees for the latter two positions. The original
    17  appointed members of the board in the order listed above shall
    18  hold office for one, two, three, three and four years,
    19  respectively. Thereafter, each appointment shall be for a period
    20  of four years' duration. The secretary may reappoint board
    21  members for successive terms. Members of the board shall remain
    22  in office until a successor is appointed and qualified. If
    23  vacancies occur prior to completion of a term, the secretary
    24  shall appoint another member in accordance with this section to
    25  fill the unexpired term.
    26     (2)  The secretary, or his representative, shall call the
    27  first meeting of the board at which time a chairman of the board
    28  shall be elected. Thereafter, the chairman shall be elected
    29  annually. Three members of the board shall constitute a quorum.
    30  Meetings may be called by the chairman as needed to conduct the
    19930H2146B2639                 - 31 -

     1  business of the board.
     2     (3)  The members of the board shall receive no compensation
     3  for their services but shall be reimbursed for actual and
     4  necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
     5     (b)  The board shall have the power and its duty shall be, in
     6  accordance with the rules and regulations of the department, to:
     7     (1)  Review and pass upon applications for certification of
     8  sewage enforcement officers within thirty days of the receipt of
     9  the test results from the testing contractor. If the board does
    10  not meet within this time period, the applicants who have
    11  achieved the necessary passing score on the certification
    12  examination and who are not in violation or restrained by any
    13  department regulation from certification shall be deemed to be
    14  certified.
    15     (2)  Administer such examinations as prepared by the
    16  department, as may be deemed necessary to determine the fitness
    17  of candidates for certification. Such examinations shall be held
    18  no less than four times in each calendar year. The board shall
    19  determine and shall announce, in sufficient time, the location
    20  and time for such examinations, except that the board shall
    21  allow the department to schedule special "walk-in" examinations
    22  when a local agency demonstrates an immediate need to obtain a
    23  sewage enforcement officer. During the first year of this act,
    24  no fees will be charged for said examinations. During the second
    25  and subsequent years, the board is hereby authorized to collect
    26  a fee of ten dollars ($10) from each applicant.
    27     (3)  Hold hearings and issue adjudications under the
    28  provisions of the act of June 4, 1945 (P.L.1388, No.442), known
    29  as the "Administrative Agency Law," on any revocation,
    30  suspension or reinstatement of certification by the department:
    19930H2146B2639                 - 32 -

     1  Provided, That the filing of an appeal with the board shall not
     2  operate as an automatic supersedeas of the action of the
     3  department. The provisions of section 1921-A of The
     4  Administrative Code notwithstanding, such actions of the
     5  department shall not be appealable to the Environmental Hearing
     6  Board.
     7     (4)  Consider for renewal biennially certificates issued
     8  under this section, and collect a fee of [five dollars ($5)]
     9  fifty dollars ($50) or such reasonable fee as the department
    10  shall establish by regulation from each certificate holder for
    11  such renewal. Fees collected in excess of the actual
    12  administrative cost to the board to process certification
    13  renewals shall be dedicated to training sewage enforcement
    14  officers. In considering an application for renewal, the board
    15  shall review and consider any recommendations submitted by the
    16  department related to the applicant.
    17     (5)  Compile and keep current a register showing the names
    18  and addresses of certified sewage enforcement officers. Copies
    19  of this register shall be furnished on request for the
    20  department and for municipalities and upon payment of such
    21  reasonable fee for all others, as the department shall
    22  establish.
    23     Section 8.  Section 13 of the act, amended November 26, 1978
    24  (P.L.1244, No.296) and repealed in part October 5, 1980
    25  (P.L.693, No.142), is amended to read:
    26     Section 13.  Penalties and Enforcement.--(a)  Any person who
    27  shall violate any provision of [section 7 of] this act or the
    28  rules, regulations or standards promulgated [thereunder] under
    29  this act or who is the owner of a property on which a condition
    30  exists which constitutes a nuisance under this act or who
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     1  resists or interferes with any officer, agent or employe of a
     2  local agency or the department, in accordance with the
     3  provisions of this act, in the performance of his duties, shall
     4  be guilty of a summary offense. Upon conviction thereof, such
     5  person shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than [one
     6  hundred dollars ($100) and costs, and not more than three
     7  hundred dollars ($300) and costs, or in default thereof, shall
     8  be confined in the county jail for a period of not more than
     9  thirty days.] five hundred dollars ($500) nor more than five
    10  thousand dollars ($5,000), plus costs, or to imprisonment not to
    11  exceed ninety days, or both.
    12     (b)  In addition to proceeding under any other remedy
    13  available at law or in equity for a violation of any provision
    14  of this act or any rule, regulation or order of the department,
    15  municipality or local agency, the department, municipality or
    16  local agency may assess a civil penalty against any person for
    17  the violation. The penalty may be assessed whether or not the
    18  violation was willful. The civil penalty so assessed shall not
    19  be less than three hundred dollars ($300) and shall not exceed
    20  ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per day for each violation. In
    21  determining the amount of the penalty, the department,
    22  municipality or local agency shall consider the willfulness of
    23  the violation; damage to water, land or other natural resources
    24  or their uses; cost of restoration and abatement; savings
    25  resulting to the person in consequence of the violation;
    26  deterrence of future violations; and other relevant factors.
    27     (c)  When the department, municipality or local agency
    28  proposes to assess a civil penalty under this act, it shall
    29  inform the person to be assessed of the proposed amount of the
    30  penalty. The person charged with the penalty shall then have
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     1  thirty days to pay the proposed penalty in full. If the person
     2  wishes to contest the penalty or the fact of the violation to
     3  the extent not already established, the person shall forward the
     4  proposed amount of the penalty to the department, municipality
     5  or the local agency proposing the assessment within the thirty-
     6  day period for placement in an escrow account with the State
     7  Treasurer or any bank in this Commonwealth, or post an appeal
     8  bond to the department, municipality or local agency within such
     9  thirty days in the amount of the proposed penalty: Provided,
    10  That such bond is executed by a surety licensed to do business
    11  in this Commonwealth and is satisfactory to the department,
    12  municipality or local agency. If, through administrative or
    13  final judicial review of the proposed penalty, it is determined
    14  that no violation occurred or that the amount of the penalty
    15  shall be reduced, the department, municipality or local agency
    16  shall, within thirty days, remit the appropriate amount to the
    17  person with any interest accumulated by the escrow deposit
    18  applicable to the amount remitted. Failure to forward the money
    19  or the appeal bond shall result in a waiver of all legal rights
    20  to contest the violation or the amount of the penalty. The
    21  amount assessed after a hearing or after waiver of a hearing
    22  shall be payable to the Commonwealth, the municipality or local
    23  agency and shall be collectible in any manner provided by law
    24  for the collection of debts. If any person liable to pay such
    25  penalty neglects or refuses to pay the same after demand, the
    26  amount, together with interest and any costs that may accrue,
    27  shall constitute a judgment in favor of the Commonwealth,
    28  municipality or local agency upon the property of such person
    29  from the date it has been entered and docketed on record by the
    30  prothonotary of the county where such is situated. The
    19930H2146B2639                 - 35 -

     1  department, municipality or local agency may, at any time,
     2  transmit to the prothonotaries of the respective counties
     3  certified copies of all such judgments, and it shall be the duty
     4  of each prothonotary to enter and docket them and to index the
     5  same as judgments are indexed, without requiring the payment of
     6  costs as a condition precedent to the entry thereof.
     7     (d)  Any municipality which fails to submit any official
     8  plan, update revision or special study thereto or has not
     9  revised or implemented its official plan as required by any
    10  rule, regulation or order of the department shall be subject to
    11  a civil penalty to be assessed in accordance with the provisions
    12  of subsection (b) of this section. The civil penalty so assessed
    13  shall be a minimum of three hundred dollars ($300) per day or
    14  such other amount as the department shall establish. Such
    15  penalty shall be assessed for each day of such failure
    16  commencing on the thirtieth day after a date specified for
    17  compliance in an order by the department and shall continue
    18  until such time as the municipality receives departmental
    19  approval of the required update revision or special study or has
    20  commenced implementation of its official plan in accordance with
    21  a schedule approved by the department. Said penalty shall be
    22  paid on the fifteenth day of each succeeding month and shall be
    23  sent to the regional office for the region of the department in
    24  which the municipality is located.
    25     (e)  Each violation of any provision of this act, rule,
    26  regulation, order of the department, municipality or local
    27  agency or condition of a permit, and each day of any such
    28  violation, shall constitute a separate violation.
    29     Section 9.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    30     Section 13.1.  Disposition of Fines, Civil Penalties and
    19930H2146B2639                 - 36 -

     1  Fees.--(a)  There is hereby created a restricted account for the
     2  deposit of all fees, fines and civil penalties authorized by
     3  this act to be collected by the department. All moneys in this
     4  account are hereby appropriated to the department, upon approval
     5  by the Governor, for the costs of administering the provisions
     6  of this act.
     7     (b)  Moneys authorized to be collected and received by the
     8  municipality or local agency pursuant to this act shall be
     9  administered in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. § 3573(a) (relating
    10  to municipal corporation portion of fines, etc.).
    11     Section 10.  Sections 14 and 16 of the act, amended or added
    12  July 22, 1974 (P.L.621, No.208), are amended to read:
    13     Section 14.  Nuisances.--A violation of section 7 of this act
    14  or the discharge of untreated or partially treated sewage to the
    15  surface of the ground or into the waters of this Commonwealth,
    16  except as specifically approved by the department under sections
    17  202 and 207 of the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394),
    18  known as "The Clean Streams Law," shall constitute a nuisance
    19  and shall be abatable in the manner provided by law.
    20     Section 16.  Hearings and Appeals.--(a)  Any person aggrieved
    21  by an action of a sewage enforcement officer in granting or
    22  denying a permit under this act shall have the right within
    23  thirty days after receipt of notice of the action to request a
    24  hearing before the local agency. Revocation of permits shall
    25  occur only after notice and opportunity for hearing has been
    26  given to the permittee. Hearings under this subsection [and any
    27  subsequent appeal] shall be conducted pursuant to the act of
    28  December 2, 1968 (P.L.1133, No.353), known as the "Local Agency
    29  Law." Any subsequent appeal shall be to the court of common
    30  pleas of the county where the land to which the permit pertains
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     1  is located. The Attorney General shall be notified in writing by
     2  the appellant of any appeal challenging the constitutionality of
     3  any provision of this act or the validity of any rule or
     4  regulation promulgated hereunder.
     5     (b)  Any order, permit, or decision of the department under
     6  this act, except as otherwise provided by section 10 (10) and
     7  section 11 of this act, shall be taken, subject to the right of
     8  notice and appeal to the Environmental Hearing Board, pursuant
     9  to section 1921-A of The Administrative Code of 1929, as
    10  amended, and the act of June 4, 1945 (P.L.1388, No.442), known
    11  as the "Administrative Agency Law," as amended.
    12     Section 11.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    13     Section 16.1.  Civil Actions.--(a)  Notwithstanding any other
    14  provision of this act, any person who has experienced, or is
    15  threatened with injury, property damage or loss of property
    16  value as a result of damage to the site proposed for
    17  installation of an individual or community on-lot sewage system
    18  or the siting or installation of an individual or community
    19  sewage system or from a condition resulting from, or which may
    20  result from, the malfunction of any such system, may file a
    21  civil action against the person who damaged the site or the
    22  person who installed the individual or community on-lot sewage
    23  system to recover damages from injury, property damage or loss
    24  of property value resulting from such action.
    25     (b)  The courts of common pleas shall have jurisdiction over
    26  any actions authorized under this section.
    27     (c)  The department may intervene as a matter of right in any
    28  action authorized under this section.
    29     Section 12.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    30         (1)  The amendment or addition of section 7(a)(1) and (b)
    19930H2146B2639                 - 38 -

     1     of the act shall take effect immediately.
     2         (2)  This section shall take effect immediately.
     3         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 240
     4     days.

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