No. 2028 Session of 1991

           CIVERA AND DENT, OCTOBER 16, 1991


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 17, 1913 (P.L.507, No.335), entitled
     2     "An act to provide revenue for State and county purposes,
     3     and, in cities coextensive with counties, for city and county
     4     purposes; imposing taxes upon certain classes of personal
     5     property; providing for the assessment and collection of the
     6     same; providing for the duties and compensation of
     7     prothonotaries and recorders in connection therewith; and
     8     modifying existing legislation which provided for raising
     9     revenue for State purposes," further providing for
    10     retroactive refunds in the case where the taxable value of a
    11     mutual fund was determined incorrectly.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 1 of the act of June 17, 1913 (P.L.507,
    15  No.335), referred to as the Intangible Personal Property Tax
    16  Law, amended July 25, 1963 (P.L.294, No.157), is amended to
    17  read:
    18     Section 1.  Be it enacted, &c., That all personal property of
    19  the classes hereinafter enumerated, owned, held or possessed by
    20  any resident, which, as used in this section, shall mean any
    21  person, persons, copartnership, or unincorporated association or
    22  company, resident, located, or liable to taxation within this

     1  Commonwealth, or by any joint-stock company or association,
     2  limited partnership, bank or corporation whatsoever, formed,
     3  erected or incorporated by, under, or in pursuance of any law of
     4  this Commonwealth or of the United States, or of any other state
     5  or government, and liable to taxation within this Commonwealth,
     6  whether such personal property be owned, held, or possessed by
     7  such resident in his, her, their, or its own right, or as active
     8  trustee, agent, attorney-in-fact, or in any other capacity, or
     9  by any resident as trustee, agent or attorney-in-fact, jointly
    10  with one or more trustees, agents or attorney-in-fact, domiciled
    11  in another state, where such personal property is held and
    12  managed in this Commonwealth, except as executor or
    13  administrator of the estate of a non-resident decedent, and
    14  except as trustee for a resident or non-resident religious,
    15  charitable or educational organization, no part of the net
    16  earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private
    17  stockholder or individual for the use, benefit, or advantage of
    18  any other person, copartnership, unincorporated association,
    19  company, joint-stock company or association, limited
    20  partnership, bank or corporation, and the equitable interest in
    21  any such personal property of the classes hereinafter
    22  enumerated, owned, held or possessed by any resident, where the
    23  legal title to such personal property is vested in a trustee,
    24  agent, or attorney-in-fact, domiciled in another state, or where
    25  the legal title to such personal property is vested in more than
    26  one trustee, agent or attorney-in-fact, one or more of whom are
    27  domiciled in another state, and one or more of whom are
    28  domiciled within this Commonwealth, and such personal property
    29  is held and managed in another state, and where such resident is
    30  entitled to receive all or any part of the income therefrom--is
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     1  hereby made taxable annually for county purposes, and, in cities
     2  coextensive with counties, for city and county purposes, at the
     3  rate of four mills of each dollar of the value thereof, and no
     4  failure to assess or return the same shall discharge such owner
     5  or holder thereof, from liability therefor, that is to say,--
     6     All mortgages; all moneys owing by solvent debtors, whether
     7  by promissory note, or penal or single bill, bond, or judgment;
     8  all articles of agreement and accounts bearing interest; all
     9  public loans whatsoever, except those issued by this
    10  Commonwealth or the United States, and except the public loans
    11  and obligations of any county, city, borough, town, township,
    12  school district, and incorporated district of this Commonwealth,
    13  and except the bonds and obligations of bodies corporate and
    14  politic of this Commonwealth, known as municipal authorities;
    15  all loans issued by any corporation, association, company, or
    16  limited partnership, created or formed under the laws of this
    17  Commonwealth or of the United States, or of any other state or
    18  government, including car-trust securities and loans secured by
    19  bonds or any other form of certificate or evidence of
    20  indebtedness, whether the interest be included in the principal
    21  of the obligation or payable by the terms thereof, except such
    22  loans as are made taxable for State purposes by section
    23  seventeen of the act, approved the twenty-second day of June,
    24  one thousand nine hundred thirty-five (Pamphlet Laws 414), as
    25  reenacted and amended; all shares of stock in any bank,
    26  corporation, association, company, or limited partnership,
    27  created or formed under the laws of this Commonwealth or of the
    28  United States, or of any other state or government, except
    29  shares of stock in any bank, bank and trust company, national
    30  banking association, savings institution, corporation, or
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     1  limited partnership liable to a tax on its shares or a gross
     2  premiums tax, or liable to or relieved from the capital stock or
     3  franchise tax for State purposes under the laws of this
     4  Commonwealth; and all moneys loaned or invested in other states,
     5  territories, the District of Columbia, or foreign countries; all
     6  other moneyed capital owing to individual citizens of the State:
     7  Provided, That this section shall not apply to bank notes, or
     8  notes discounted or negotiated by any bank or banking
     9  institution, savings institution, or trust company, nor to
    10  loans, shares of stock, or other securities, held by bankers or
    11  brokers solely for trading purposes; nor to accounts or debit
    12  balances owing by customers of bankers or brokers in the usual
    13  courses of business; nor to interest bearing accounts in any
    14  bank or banking institution, savings institution, employes'
    15  thrift or savings association, whether operated by employes or
    16  the employer, or trust company; nor to personal property held in
    17  the commercial department and owned in its own right by a
    18  banking institution, savings institution, or trust company, in
    19  liquidation by a receiver, trustee, or other fiduciary, nor to
    20  personal property formerly held by a banking institution in its
    21  own right, but assigned by it to one or more trustees for
    22  liquidation and payment to the creditors and stockholders of
    23  such banking institutions, it being the intent and purpose of
    24  this proviso that no tax be assessed or collected for the years
    25  one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, one thousand nine
    26  hundred and thirty-six, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-
    27  seven, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, one thousand
    28  nine hundred and thirty-nine, one thousand nine hundred and
    29  forty, and thereafter upon the personal property enumerated
    30  herein, nor shall this act apply to the proceeds of any life
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     1  insurance policy held in whole or in part by the insurer, nor
     2  the principal value of annuities nor to any personal property
     3  held in any trust, forming part of a stock, bonus, pension or
     4  profit sharing plan of an employer for the exclusive benefit of
     5  his employes, or their beneficiaries, which trust under the
     6  latest ruling of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue is
     7  exempted from Federal income tax, nor to any personal property
     8  held under the provisions of a plan established by or for an
     9  individual or individuals for retirement purposes if such plan
    10  meets the requirements for exemption from Federal income tax of
    11  income earned on investments held under its provisions: And
    12  provided further, That the provisions of this act shall not
    13  apply to building and loan associations, or to shares of stock
    14  issued by building and loan associations, or to savings
    15  institutions having no capital stock; and, if at any time,
    16  either now or hereafter, any persons, individuals, or bodies
    17  corporate have agreed or shall hereafter agree to issue his,
    18  their, or its securities, bonds or other evidences of
    19  indebtedness, clear of and free from the said four mills tax
    20  herein provided for, or any part thereof, or have agreed or
    21  shall hereafter agree to pay the same, nothing herein contained
    22  shall be so construed as to relieve or exempt him, it, or them
    23  from paying the said four mills tax on any of the said such
    24  securities, bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, as may be
    25  held, owned by, or owing to the said savings institution having
    26  no capital stock: And provided further, That the provisions of
    27  this act shall not apply to fire companies, firemen's relief
    28  associations, life, casualty or fire insurance corporations
    29  having no capital stock, secret and beneficial societies, labor
    30  unions and labor union relief associations, and all beneficial
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     1  organizations paying sick or death benefits, or either or both,
     2  from funds received from voluntary contributions or assessments
     3  upon members of such associations, societies, or unions: And
     4  provided further, That corporations, limited partnerships, and
     5  joint-stock associations, liable to tax on their shares or the
     6  aforesaid capital stock or franchise tax for State purposes,
     7  shall not be required to make any report or pay any further tax,
     8  under this section, on the mortgages, bonds, and other
     9  securities owned by them in their own right; but corporations,
    10  limited partnerships, and joint-stock associations, holding such
    11  securities as trustees, executors, administrators, guardians, or
    12  in any other manner, except as mere custodian for the real
    13  owner, and except as executor or administrator of the estate of
    14  a nonresident decedent, and except as trustee for a resident or
    15  nonresident religious, charitable or educational organization,
    16  no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of
    17  any private stockholder or individual, shall return and pay the
    18  tax imposed by this section upon all securities so held by them
    19  as in the case of individuals: And provided further, That none
    20  of the classes of property made taxable by this section for
    21  county purposes, and, in cities coextensive with counties, for
    22  city and county purposes, shall be taxed or taxable for any
    23  other local purpose, under the laws of this Commonwealth: And
    24  provided further, That the provisions of this section shall not
    25  apply to personal property, of the class hereinabove enumerated,
    26  received or acquired with proceeds of money or property received
    27  from any person or persons, copartnership, or unincorporated
    28  association or company, nonresident in or not located within
    29  this Commonwealth, or from any joint-stock company or
    30  association, limited partnership, bank or corporation formed,
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     1  erected, or incorporated by, under or in pursuance of, any law
     2  of the United States, or of any state or government other than
     3  this Commonwealth, by any person or persons, copartnership,
     4  unincorporated association, company, joint-stock company or
     5  association, limited partnership, bank, or corporation as active
     6  trustee, agent, attorney-in-fact, or in any other capacity, for
     7  the use, benefit, or advantage of any person or persons,
     8  copartnership, or unincorporated association or company,
     9  nonresident in or not located within this Commonwealth, or for
    10  the use, benefit or advantage of any joint-stock company or
    11  association, limited partnership, bank or corporation formed,
    12  erected, or incorporated by, under, or in pursuance of any law
    13  of the United States, or of any state or government other than
    14  this Commonwealth; nor shall the provisions of this section
    15  apply to personal property held for the use, benefit or
    16  advantage of any resident who shall have in each of the ten
    17  preceding calendar years given or contributed all of his net
    18  income to any corporation organized or operated exclusively for
    19  religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational
    20  purposes.
    21     The value of the equitable interest in any personal property
    22  made subject to tax by this section shall be measured by
    23  ascertaining the value of the personal property in which such
    24  resident has the sole equitable interest, or in case of divided
    25  equitable interests in the same personal property, then by
    26  ascertaining such part of the value of the whole of such
    27  personal property as represents the equitable interest of such
    28  resident therein.
    29     For the purposes of this act, the value of any taxable shares
    30  of stock issued by any regulated investment company as defined
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     1  under the provisions of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of
     2  1948, shall be that part of the current value of such shares, to
     3  be determined by multiplying said current value by a fraction,
     4  the numerator of which shall be the total value of so much of
     5  the personal property owned by the regulated investment company
     6  as would be taxable by this act if owned by a resident of
     7  Pennsylvania and the denominator of which shall be the total
     8  value of all of the personal property owned by the regulated
     9  investment company.
    10     Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, in the
    11  situation where a county incorrectly assesses the taxable value
    12  of shares in a regulated investment company, as defined in this
    13  section, retroactive refunds shall be paid to all taxpayers who
    14  are due refunds because of the incorrect assessment within 60
    15  days of the date on which the county discovers the incorrect
    16  assessment.
    17     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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