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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2097



No. 1719 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 24, 1976 (P.L.1176, No.261),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the rights and duties of
     3     mobile home owners or operators and mobile home residents,"
     4     further providing for evictions.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of November 24, 1976
     8  (P.L.1176, No.261), known as the Mobile Home Park Rights Act, is
     9  amended by adding definitions to read:
    10     Section 2.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
    11     "Blind" means having 3/60 or 2/100, or less, normal vision.
    12     "Disabled" means having a mental or physical condition which,
    13  as certified by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts,
    14  impedes the performance of activities essential to normal
    15  living.
    16     * * *
    17     "Protected resident" means a mobile home resident who:

     1     (1)  is blind or disabled;
     2     (2)  is 62 years of age or older; and
     3     (3)  has been a mobile home resident for the immediately
     4  preceding two years.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  Section 3 of the act is amended to read:
     7     Section 3.  Evictions.--(a)  A mobile home resident shall
     8  only be evicted for any of the following reasons:
     9     (1)  Nonpayment of rent.
    10     (2)  A second or subsequent violation of the rules of the
    11  mobile home park occurring within a six-month period.
    12     (3)  If there is a change in use of the park land or parts
    13  thereof.
    14     (4)  Termination of mobile home park.
    15     (b)  A mobile home resident shall only be evicted in
    16  accordance with the following procedure:
    17     (1)  A resident shall not be evicted by any self-help
    18  measure.
    19     (2)  Prior to the commencement of any eviction proceeding,
    20  the mobile home park owner shall notify the mobile home park
    21  resident in writing of the particular breach or violation of the
    22  lease or park rules by certified or registered mail.
    23     (i)  In the case of nonpayment of rent, the notice shall
    24  state that an eviction proceeding may be commenced if the mobile
    25  home resident does not pay the overdue rent within 20 days from
    26  the date of service if the notice is given on or after April 1
    27  and before September 1, and 30 days if given on or after
    28  September 1 and before April 1 or an additional nonpayment of
    29  rent occurring within six months of the giving of the notice may
    30  result in immediate eviction proceedings.
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     1     (ii)  In the case of a breach of the lease or violation of
     2  the park rules, other than nonpayment of rent, the notice shall
     3  describe the particular breach or violation. No eviction action
     4  shall be commenced unless the mobile home park resident has been
     5  notified as required by this section, and upon a second or
     6  subsequent violation or breach occurring within six months, the
     7  mobile home park owner may commence eviction proceedings at any
     8  time within 60 days of the last violation or breach.
     9     (3)  Prior to the commencement of any eviction proceeding due
    10  to a change in use of the park land or due to the termination of
    11  the mobile home park, the owner or operator of a mobile home
    12  park shall give notice of change in land use or termination of
    13  the mobile home park to the mobile home resident in writing at
    14  least one year before the owner or operator of a mobile home
    15  park will require the mobile home resident to vacate a mobile
    16  home space.
    17     (i)  The notice of change in use of park land or termination
    18  of the mobile home park shall set forth generally the rights of
    19  mobile home residents under this act, including paragraph (4),
    20  and shall be mailed by prepaid registered mail, return-receipt
    21  requested, to the mobile home resident. No mobile home resident
    22  may be required by the owner or operator of the mobile home park
    23  to vacate upon less than one year's notice, except by reason of
    24  nonpayment of rent, waste or conduct that disturbs other
    25  residents' peaceful enjoyment of the mobile home park and that
    26  is in violation of this act. Eviction shall be in accordance
    27  with this act, and the terms of the residents may not be altered
    28  during the notice period. Failure of the mobile home park owner
    29  or operator to give notice as required by this paragraph shall
    30  be a defense to an action for possession of the mobile home
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     1  space.
     2     (ii)  At least 30 days before the notice of change in use of
     3  park land or termination of the mobile home park is given, the
     4  mobile home park owner or operator shall hold a mobile home
     5  residents' meeting, open to the public, in the municipality
     6  where the mobile home park is located, at a place and time
     7  convenient to the mobile home residents who may be directly
     8  affected by the proposed change or termination.
     9     (4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (3), a
    10  protected resident, upon furnishing proof of status as a
    11  protected resident to the owner or operator of the mobile home
    12  park within 30 days of receipt of notice under paragraph (3),
    13  shall be entitled to remain in possession of the mobile home
    14  space for two years following the date of notice under paragraph
    15  (3), notwithstanding a prior termination date in the lease,
    16  except by reason of nonpayment of rent, waste or conduct that
    17  disturbs other residents' peaceful enjoyment of the mobile home
    18  park and that is in violation of this act. Eviction shall be in
    19  accordance with this act, and the terms of the resident's lease
    20  may not be altered during the time period between the date on
    21  which the resident's lease would otherwise terminate and the
    22  expiration of this two-year period. The provisions of this
    23  paragraph give rise to a defense to an action for possession of
    24  a mobile home space.
    25     (c)  A mobile home resident shall not be evicted when there
    26  is proof that the rules he is accused of violating are not
    27  enforced with respect to the other mobile home residents or
    28  nonresidents on the park premises.
    29     (d)  Nothing in this section permits termination of a lease
    30  by an owner or operator of a mobile home park in violation of
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     1  its terms.
     2     (e)  Nothing in this act or in any lease shall prohibit a
     3  mobile home resident, after receiving notice under subsection
     4  (b)(3), from terminating a lease without liability for
     5  termination if the mobile home resident gives the owner or
     6  operator of the mobile home park 90 days' written notice of the
     7  intent to terminate the lease.
     8     (f)  Where there is a proposed change in use of park land or
     9  proposed termination of the mobile home park, the owner or
    10  operator of the mobile home park may not engage in activity
    11  which would coerce the resident into terminating any lease,
    12  including, but not limited to, stampeding, harassing residents
    13  or withholding normal services or repairs. A clean pattern of
    14  exploitive and harassing actions by the owner or operator of a
    15  mobilehome park shall give rise to a rebuttable presumption of a
    16  violation of this subsection. The following are examples of a
    17  clear pattern of exploitive and harassing action:
    18         (1)  Successive rent increases.
    19         (2)  Withholding normal services or repairs.
    20         (3)  Failure to attend to persistent disrepair or roads.
    21     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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