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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2039



No. 1664 Session of 1999

           JUNE 15, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     release or holding of hearing in certain juvenile matters.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 6335(a) and (f) of Title 42 of the
     7  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, amended December 15, 1998
     8  (P.L.949, No.126), are amended to read:
     9  § 6335.  Release or holding of hearing.
    10     (a)  General rule.--After the petition has been filed
    11  alleging the child to be dependent or delinquent, the court
    12  shall fix a time for hearing thereon, which, if the child is in
    13  detention or shelter care shall not be later than [ten] 20 days
    14  after the filing of the petition. Except as provided in
    15  subsection (f), if the hearing is not held within such time, the
    16  child shall be immediately released from detention or shelter
    17  care. A child may be detained or kept in shelter care for an
    18  additional single period not to exceed ten days where:

     1         (1)  the court determines at a hearing that:
     2             (i)  evidence material to the case is unavailable;
     3             (ii)  due diligence to obtain such evidence has been
     4         exercised; and
     5             (iii)  there are reasonable grounds to believe that
     6         such evidence will be available at a later date; and
     7         (2)  the court finds by clear and convincing evidence
     8     that:
     9             (i)  the life of the child would be in danger;
    10             (ii)  the community would be exposed to a specific
    11         danger; or
    12             (iii)  the child will abscond or be removed from the
    13         jurisdiction of the court.
    14  The court shall direct the issuance of a summons to the parents,
    15  guardian, or other custodian, a guardian ad litem, and any other
    16  persons as appear to the court to be proper or necessary parties
    17  to the proceeding, requiring them to appear before the court at
    18  the time fixed to answer the allegations of the petition. The
    19  summons shall also be directed to the child if he is 14 or more
    20  years of age or is alleged to be a delinquent. A copy of the
    21  petition shall accompany the summons.
    22     * * *
    23     (f)  Limitations on release.--The child shall not be released
    24  from detention or shelter care under authority of subsection (a)
    25  if the failure to hold a hearing within [ten] 20 days after the
    26  filing of the petition is the result of delay caused by the
    27  child. Delay caused by the child shall include, but not be
    28  limited to:
    29         (1)  Delay caused by the unavailability of the child or
    30     his attorney.
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     1         (2)  Delay caused by any continuance granted at the
     2     request of the child or his attorney.
     3         (3)  Delay caused by the unavailability of a witness
     4     resulting from conduct by or on behalf of the child.
     5  At the conclusion of any court proceeding in which the scheduled
     6  hearing is not held, the court shall state on the record whether
     7  the failure to hold the hearing resulted from delay caused by
     8  the child. Where the court determines that failure to hold a
     9  hearing is the result of delay caused by the child, the child
    10  may continue to be held in detention or shelter care. However,
    11  the additional period of detention shall not exceed ten days,
    12  provided that such detention may be continued by the court for
    13  successive ten-day intervals.
    14     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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