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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1469



No. 1242 Session of 2005

           YOUNGBLOOD, MARCH 31, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for visual signals on authorized
     3     vehicles and for identification of certain vehicles.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Sections 4572 and 4573 of Title 75 of the
     7  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     8  § 4572.  Visual signals on authorized vehicles.
     9     (a)  Flashing or revolving blue lights.--Ambulance personnel,
    10  volunteer firefighters, certified volunteer search and rescue
    11  scuba divers and owners and handlers of dogs used in tracking
    12  humans may each equip one motor vehicle with no more than two
    13  flashing or revolving blue lights.
    14         (1)  In order to be eligible to display lights on their
    15     vehicles under this subsection, the names of the ambulance
    16     personnel, volunteer firefighters and certified volunteer
    17     search and rescue scuba divers shall be submitted to the
    18     nearest station of the Pennsylvania State Police on a list

     1     signed by the chief of the ambulance or fire department or
     2     company, the head of the search and rescue scuba diving
     3     organization, and each dog owner and handler shall register
     4     at the nearest Pennsylvania State Police station.
     5         (2)  The manner in which the lights are displayed and
     6     their intensity shall be determined by regulation of the
     7     department.
     8         (3)  The lights shall be operable by the driver from
     9     inside the vehicle.
    10         (4)  The lights may be used only while en route to or at
    11     the scene of a fire or emergency call.
    12         (5)  The lights shall be removed from the vehicle
    13     immediately upon receipt of notice from the chief of the
    14     ambulance or fire department or company or the head of the
    15     search and rescue scuba diving organization to remove the
    16     lights upon termination of the person's status as an active
    17     volunteer firefighter or ambulance person or upon termination
    18     of the person's active status as a certified volunteer search
    19     and rescue diver or dog owner or handler, or when the vehicle
    20     is no longer used in connection with the person's duties as a
    21     volunteer firefighter or ambulance person, certified
    22     volunteer search and rescue diver or dog owner or handler.
    23         (6)  This subsection does not relieve the driver from the
    24     duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons
    25     nor exempt the driver from complying with all provisions of
    26     this title.
    27     (b)  Flashing or revolving yellow lights.--[Vehicles
    28  authorized pursuant to the provisions of sections 6106 (relating
    29  to designation of emergency vehicles by Pennsylvania State
    30  Police) and 6107 (relating to designation of authorized vehicles
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     1  by department), tow trucks and vehicles used for snow removal
     2  may be equipped with one or more flashing or revolving yellow
     3  lights. The manner in which the light or lights shall be
     4  displayed and the intensity shall be determined by regulation of
     5  the department.]
     6         (1)  The following vehicles may be equipped with one or
     7     more flashing or revolving yellow lights:
     8             (i)  Vehicles authorized pursuant to the provisions
     9         of sections 6106 (relating to designation of emergency
    10         vehicles by Pennsylvania State Police) and 6107 (relating
    11         to designation of authorized vehicles by department).
    12             (ii)  Tow trucks.
    13             (iii)  Vehicles used for snow removal.
    14             (iv)  Vehicles driven in a funeral procession.
    15         (2)  The manner in which the light or lights shall be
    16     displayed and the intensity shall be determined by regulation
    17     of the department.
    18     (c)  Vehicles prohibited from using lights.--No vehicle other
    19  than a duly authorized vehicle may be equipped with lights
    20  identical or similar to those specified in subsections (a) and
    21  (b). A person who equips or uses a vehicle with visual systems
    22  in violation of this section commits a summary offense and
    23  shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
    24  than $100 nor more than $500.
    25  § 4573.  Identification of certain vehicles.
    26     (a)  Tow trucks.--Any truck which is used commercially to tow
    27  other motor vehicles shall have the name of the business, or
    28  person, operating such truck displayed on signs on both sides of
    29  such truck.
    30     (b)  Student driver vehicles.--
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     1         (1)  Any vehicle that is being operated by a person with
     2     a valid learner's permit issued under section 1505 (relating
     3     to learners' permits) shall display a sign alerting other
     4     drivers that the vehicle is being operated by a student
     5     driver.
     6         (2)  The type of and manner in which the sign shall be
     7     displayed shall be determined by regulation of the
     8     department.
     9     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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