PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1414, 1585               PRINTER'S NO. 1911



No. 1196 Session of 1977

           JUNE 1, 1977

           AUGUST 10, 1977

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 28, 1937 (P.L.1053, No.286), entitled
     2     "An act relating to the regulation of public utilities;
     3     defining as public utilities certain corporations, companies,
     4     associations, and persons; providing for the regulation of
     5     public utilities, including, to a limited extent,
     6     municipalities engaging in public utility business, by
     7     prescribing, defining, and limiting their duties, powers, and
     8     liabilities, and regulating the exercise, surrender or
     9     abandonment of their powers, privileges, and franchises;
    10     defining and regulating contract carriers by motor vehicle
    11     and brokers in order to regulate effectively common carriers
    12     by motor vehicle; conferring upon the Pennsylvania Public
    13     Utility Commission the power and duty of supervising and
    14     regulating persons, associations, companies, and
    15     corporations, including, to a limited extent, municipal
    16     corporations subject to this act, and administering the
    17     provisions of this act; authorizing the commission to fix
    18     temporary rates; placing the burden of proof on public
    19     utilities to sustain their rates and certain other matters;
    20     authorizing a permissive or mandatory sliding scale method of
    21     regulating rates; providing for the supervision of financial
    22     and contractural relations between public utilities and
    23     affiliated interests, and supervision and regulation of
    24     accounts and securities or obligations issued, assumed, or
    25     kept by persons, associations, companies, corporations or
    26     municipal corporations subject to this act; conferring upon
    27     the commission power to vary, reform, or revise certain
    28     contracts; conferring upon the commission the exclusive power
    29     to regulate or order the construction, alteration,
    30     relocation, protection, or abolition of crossings of
    31     facilities of public utilities, and of such facilities by or
    32     over public highways, to appropriate property for the

     1     construction or improvement of such crossings, and to award
     2     or apportion resultant costs and damages; authorizing owners
     3     of such property to sue the Commonwealth for such damages;
     4     providing for ejectment proceedings in connection with the
     5     appropriation of property for crossings; conferring upon the
     6     commission power to control and regulate budgets of public
     7     utilities; imposing upon persons, associations, companies,
     8     and corporations (except municipal corporations) subject to
     9     regulation, the cost of administering this act; prescribing
    10     and regulating practice and procedure before the commission
    11     and procedure for review by the courts of commission action;
    12     giving the court of common pleas of Dauphin County exclusive
    13     original jurisdiction over certain proceedings; prescribing
    14     penalties, fines, and imprisonment for violations of the
    15     provisions of this act and regulations and orders of the
    16     commission, and the procedure for enforcing such fines and
    17     penalties; and repealing legislation supplied and superseded
    18     by or inconsistent with this act," further providing for
    19     refunds.

    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22     Section 1,  Subsection (a) of section 313, act of May 28,
    23  1937 (P.L.1053, No.286), known as the "Public Utility Law,"
    24  repealed in part June 3, 1971 (P.L.118, No.6), is amended to
    25  read:
    26     Section 313.  Refunds.--(a) If, in any proceeding involving
    27  rates, the commission shall determine that any rate received by
    28  a public utility was unjust or unreasonable, or was in violation
    29  of any regulation or order of the commission, or was in excess
    30  of the applicable rate contained in an existing and effective
    31  tariff of such public utility, the commission shall have the
    32  power and authority to make an order requiring the public
    33  utility to refund the amount of any excess paid by any patron,
    34  in consequence of such unlawful collection, within [two] three    <--
    35  FOUR years prior to the date of the filing of the complaint,      <--
    36  together with interest at the legal rate from the date of each
    37  such excessive payment. In making a determination under this
    38  section, the commission need not find that the rate complained
    39  of was extortionate or oppressive. Any order of the commission
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     1  awarding a refund shall be made for and on behalf of all patrons
     2  subject to the same rate of the public utility. The commission
     3  shall state in any refund order the exact amount to be paid, the
     4  reasonable time within which payment shall be made, and shall
     5  make findings upon pertinent questions of fact.
     6     * * *
     7     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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