No. 953 Session of 1993



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 7, 1963 (P.L.549, No.290), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act creating the Pennsylvania Higher
     3     Education Assistance Agency; defining its powers and duties;
     4     conferring powers and imposing duties on the Governor,
     5     President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Speaker of the House of
     6     Representatives, Superintendent of Public Instruction and the
     7     Department of Auditor General; and making appropriations,"
     8     establishing the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
     9     Agency as a creditor of bankrupt postsecondary or technical
    10     institutions of learning; and making editorial changes.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 3(a) of the act of August 7, 1963
    14  (P.L.549, No.290), referred to as the Pennsylvania Higher
    15  Education Assistance Agency Act, amended January 18, 1968 (1967
    16  P.L.952, No.424), is amended to read:
    17     Section 3.  Governing Bodies.--(a)  Such agency shall be
    18  governed and all of its corporate powers exercised by a board of
    19  directors which shall consist of twenty members, nineteen of
    20  whom shall be appointed as hereinafter provided, and the
    21  [Superintendent of Public Instruction] Secretary of Education.

     1  Three members shall be appointed by the Governor, eight shall be
     2  appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and eight
     3  shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of
     4  Representatives. All members shall be of full age, citizens of
     5  the United States and residents of the State, and shall be
     6  appointed for terms of six years each[, except that of the
     7  members first appointed by the Governor, one shall be appointed
     8  for a term which shall expire on June 30, 1965, one for a term
     9  which shall expire on June 30, 1967, and one for a term which
    10  shall expire on June 30, 1969, and of the members first
    11  appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, one shall
    12  be appointed for a term which shall expire on June 30, 1965, one
    13  for a term which shall expire on June 30, 1967, and one for a
    14  term which shall expire on June 30, 1969, and of the members
    15  first appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
    16  one shall be appointed for a term which shall expire on June 30,
    17  1965, one for a term which shall expire on June 30, 1967, and
    18  one for a term which shall expire on June 30, 1969; and of the
    19  five additional members to be appointed by the President Pro
    20  Tempore of the Senate under this amendment, one shall be
    21  appointed for a term which shall expire on June 30, 1969, two
    22  for a term which shall expire on June 30, 1971, one for a term
    23  which shall expire on June 30, 1973 and one for a term which
    24  shall expire on June 30, 1975, and of the five additional
    25  members to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of
    26  Representatives under this amendment, one shall be appointed for
    27  a term which shall expire on June 30, 1969, two for a term which
    28  shall expire on June 30, 1971, one for a term which shall expire
    29  on June 30, 1973 and one for a term which shall expire on June
    30  30, 1975]. The eight members appointed by the President Pro
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     1  Tempore of the Senate shall be members of the Senate, four of
     2  whom shall be of the majority party and four of the minority
     3  party, and the eight members appointed by the Speaker of the
     4  House of Representatives shall be members of the House of
     5  Representatives, four of whom shall be of the majority party and
     6  four of the minority party, and any member of the Senate or
     7  House of Representatives hereafter appointed shall serve on the
     8  board only so long as he is a member of the particular body of
     9  the General Assembly from which he was appointed to the board,
    10  in which event he shall be ineligible to continue as a member of
    11  the board as a legislative appointee and a vacancy shall exist.
    12  In such a case the President Pro Tempore of the Senate or the
    13  Speaker of the House of Representatives shall fill the vacancy
    14  for the unexpired term in the same manner as original
    15  appointments. A member of the board of directors who becomes
    16  ineligible to serve as a legislative appointee shall be eligible
    17  for appointment by the Governor. The board of directors shall
    18  elect from its own members each year a chairman and vice
    19  chairman who shall serve for terms of one year and who shall be
    20  eligible for reelection for successive terms. Vacancies shall be
    21  filled for the unexpired terms in the same manner as original
    22  appointments. Directors shall receive no compensation for their
    23  services, but shall be reimbursed for their expenses actually
    24  and necessarily incurred by them in the performance of their
    25  duties under this act.
    26     * * *
    27     Section 2.  Section 4(1) of the act, amended December 20,
    28  1983 (P.L.289, No.77), is amended to read:
    29     Section 4.  Powers and Duties.--In furtherance of the
    30  purposes set forth in this act, the board of directors shall
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     1  have the following powers:
     2     (1)  To make, guarantee, undertake commitments to make or
     3  acquire and participate with lending or postsecondary
     4  institutions in the making of loans, service or otherwise
     5  provide loans of money upon such terms and conditions as the
     6  board may prescribe within the limitations contained herein or
     7  applicable Federal law, at such rates of interest as are
     8  determined by the agency, to lenders, postsecondary institutions
     9  and to persons who are residents of this State and who plan to
    10  attend or are attending any approved institution of higher
    11  education eligible under this act or applicable Federal law, in
    12  this State or elsewhere to assist them in meeting their expenses
    13  of higher education. No such person shall receive any loan or
    14  loan guarantee in excess of annual and maximum limits as
    15  established by the board of directors or in compliance with
    16  limits established for loans funded, guaranteed or reinsured
    17  under Federal laws. Such loans or loan guarantees shall become
    18  due and payable at the direction of the board of directors.
    19  Loans made or guaranteed by the agency shall not be subject to
    20  the provisions of the act of January 30, 1974 (P.L.13, No.6),
    21  referred to as the Loan Interest and Protection Law, or to any
    22  other law which establishes a limit of interest rate which may
    23  be charged thereon. The board of directors of the agency shall
    24  have the sole authority and discretion to establish the interest
    25  rates on all loans made or guaranteed by the agency. Loans made
    26  or guaranteed by the agency which involve a postsecondary or
    27  technical institution of learning which declares bankruptcy,
    28  before academic credit or its equivalent can be earned for the
    29  academic term for which the loan was needed, shall be collected
    30  by the agency from the bankrupt institution, and the student
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     1  shall be required to assign to the agency any rights the student
     2  may have against the bankrupt institution and give over to the
     3  agency any amount which the bankrupt institution reimburses to
     4  the student; the student shall not be held liable by the agency
     5  for the loan in this instance, and the agency shall be deemed
     6  the bankrupt institution's creditor for all purposes of
     7  collection.
     8     * * *
     9     Section 2.  This act shall be retroactive to January 1, 1993.
    10     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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