1Commemorating June 6, 2014, as "D-Day" in Pennsylvania.

2WHEREAS, June 6, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the D-
3Day invasion of Normandy, an Allied Forces operation to end the
4occupation of Germany in France; and

5WHEREAS, Armed forces of the United States, England, Canada
6and France banded together to deploy 156,000 troops, of which
773,000 were American, 11,590 planes and 6,939 vessels to produce
8the long planned "Operation Overlord"; and

9WHEREAS, The initial assault phase, "Operation Neptune,"
10began at midnight, on June 6, 1944, with an airborne assault
11choreographed by the American, British and Canadian Air Corps;

1WHEREAS, Soldiers landed on Gold Beach, Sword Beach, Omaha
2Beach, Juno Beach and Utah Beach in the early morning of June 6,
31944, to begin the assault on the German forces; and

4WHEREAS, The casualties of D-Day numbered 10,500 allies,
5including 2,700 Americans, resulting in the death of 4,413
6allies, with 1,465 Americans losing their lives in the invasion,
7while 7,500 allies were injured, including 3,184 Americans, with
8many more missing or captured; and

9WHEREAS, The assault continued under "Operation Overlord" by
10pushing further into France and ended once the allies crossed
11the River Seine on August 19, 1944; and

12WHEREAS, There were 226,386 allied casualties, including
1336,976 deaths and 153,475 wounded, of which 20,838 Americans
14were killed and 94,881 were injured, during "Operation Overload;
15therefore be it

16RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives commemorate June
176, 2014, as "D-Day"; and be it further

18RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage local
19governments and communities throughout this Commonwealth to
20conduct appropriate "D-Day" observances to ensure that the many
21sacrifices of that day are not forgotten.