No. 636 Session of 1979



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 1, 1966 (1965 P.L.1656, No.581),
     2     entitled "An act concerning boroughs, and revising, amending
     3     and consolidating the law relating to boroughs," adding
     4     provisions relating to conflict of interest and standards of
     5     ethics involving borough officers and employes.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 1404, act of February 1, 1966 (1965
     9  P.L.1656, No.581), known as "The Borough Code," is amended to
    10  read:
    11     Section 1404.  Penalty for Personal Interest in Contracts or
    12  Purchases.--Except as otherwise provided in this act, no borough
    13  official either elected or appointed, who knows or who by the
    14  exercise of reasonable diligence could know, shall be interested
    15  to any appreciable degree either directly or indirectly in any
    16  purchase made or contract entered into or expenditure of money
    17  made by the borough or relating to the business of the borough,
    18  involving the expenditure by the borough of more than one
    19  thousand dollars ($1000) in any calendar year, but this

     1  limitation shall not apply to cases where such officer or
     2  appointee of the borough is an employe of the person, firm or
     3  corporation to which the money is to be paid in a capacity with
     4  no possible influence on the transaction, and in which he cannot
     5  be possibly benefited thereby either financially or otherwise.
     6  But in the case of a councilman or mayor, if he knows that he is
     7  within the exception just mentioned he shall so inform council
     8  and shall refrain from voting on the expenditure or any
     9  ordinance relating thereto, and shall in no manner participate
    10  therein. Any official or appointee who shall knowingly violate
    11  the provisions of this section shall be subject to surcharge to
    12  the extent of the damage shown to be thereby sustained by the
    13  borough and to ouster from office, and shall be guilty of a
    14  misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced to
    15  pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000), or not
    16  exceeding [one hundred eighty days'] one year imprisonment, or
    17  both.
    18     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
    19                          ARTICLE XXXIV-A
    21                     FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES
    22     Section 3401-A.  Scope.--This article shall not repeal or
    23  supersede any other provision of this code or lessen any
    24  prohibition or standards of conduct required thereunder. The
    25  intent of this article is to deal with and cover situations not
    26  previously covered.
    27     Section 3402-A.  Definitions.--As used in this article,
    28  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following
    29  words shall be construed as follows:
    30     (1)  "Agency," any department, bureau, authority, commission,
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     1  board or other governmental body including borough council
     2  within or established by a borough including a borough governed
     3  by a Home Rule Charter.
     4     (2)  "Appointed officer," (i) an individual holding office,
     5  named in this code or in any other act of the Commonwealth, to
     6  which he is named by borough council, whether that individual
     7  serves full time or part time, whether or not he receives
     8  compensation from the borough for his services; and whether or
     9  not he holds a single named office or is one of several
    10  individuals serving on a board, commission or authority, (ii) an
    11  individual employed by the borough on a full-time or part-time
    12  basis, exercising supervisory authority over any other borough
    13  employe and/or performing nonministerial action in connection
    14  with borough affairs.
    15     (3)  "Business," (i) any corporation, partnership, sole
    16  proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, self-
    17  employed individual, holding company, joint-stock company,
    18  receivership, trust or any entity organized for profit, (ii) any
    19  nonprofit corporation or organization in which an individual is
    20  employed or holds office.
    21     (4)  "Business with which he is connected," any business in
    22  which the person or a member of the person's immediate family is
    23  a director, officer, owner, employe, or holder of stock.
    24     (5)  "Elected officer," an individual holding an elected
    25  borough office.
    26     (6)  "Employe," an individual employed by the borough on a
    27  full-time or part-time basis and not coming within the
    28  definition of "elected officer" or "appointed officer."
    29     (7)  "Gift,"  a payment, advance, forbearance, rendering or
    30  deposit of money, services or anything of value, unless
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     1  consideration of equal or greater value is received by the
     2  donor, but shall not include: (i) a political contribution
     3  otherwise reported as required by law, (ii) a commercially
     4  reasonable loan made in the ordinary course of business, or
     5  (iii) a gift received from a relative.
     6     (8)  "Immediate family," the spouse of an individual and
     7  those related by blood, adoption or marriage who are full-time
     8  residents of that individual's household.
     9     (9)  "Individual," a natural person.
    10     (10)  "Ministerial action," an action that an individual
    11  performs in a prescribed manner in obedience to the mandate of
    12  legal authority, whether by law, ordinance, regulation or the
    13  instructions of a superior, and without regard to, or the
    14  exercise of, the individual's own judgment as to the
    15  desirability of the action being taken.
    16     (11)  "Nonministerial action," an action that an individual
    17  performs as part of his official powers, duties, authority or
    18  functions, in which he has authority to exercise discretion or
    19  judgment as to the legality or desirability of  the action being
    20  taken.
    21     (12)  "Person,"  an individual, partnership, association or
    22  corporation, firm, committee, club or other organization or
    23  group of persons.
    24     (13)  "Relative," a member of an individual's immediate
    25  family and also that individual's father, mother, grandfather,
    26  grandmother, son, daughter or sibling, whether by blood,
    27  adoption or marriage, the latter including, for example,
    28  stepparents, stepchildren and half brothers and half sisters.
    29     (14)  "Valuable," having a value of more than twenty-five
    30  dollars ($25).
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     1     (15)  "Value," the intrinsic worth, expressed in dollars, of
     2  anything, if that worth is known or easily obtainable; otherwise
     3  a good faith estimate of that worth.
     4     Section 3403-A.  Financial Gain from Borough Office or
     5  Employment Prohibited.--No elected or appointed officer and no
     6  employe shall use his borough office or employment in order to
     7  obtain any financial gain for himself, any relative of his or
     8  any business with which he is connected. "Financial gain" shall
     9  not apply to or include the authorized salary or other
    10  compensation paid that individual by the borough and applicable
    11  to his office, position, rank or class.
    12     Section 3404-A.  Acceptance of Valuable Things Based upon
    13  Certain Understanding.--It shall be unlawful for any elected or
    14  appointed officer, or for any employe, or for any candidate for
    15  elected office, to solicit or accept from any other person, or
    16  to allow any of his relatives or any business with which he is
    17  connected to solicit or accept any valuable thing, including a
    18  gift, loan, political contribution or reward, based upon an
    19  understanding that the vote, official action or judgment or the
    20  recipient will be influenced by that action.
    21     Section 3405-A.  Representation of Persons Before Borough
    22  Agencies.--It shall be unlawful for any elected or appointed
    23  officer or for any employe to appear on behalf of another person
    24  before any agency of the borough, or to represent any person in
    25  any action or proceeding against the interests of the borough in
    26  any litigation to which the borough is a party. No former
    27  elected official, appointed officer or employe shall represent
    28  another person before any agency of the borough for one year
    29  after he leaves that body.
    30     Section 3406-A.  Disclosure or Use of Confidential
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     1  Information.--It shall be unlawful for any elected or appointed
     2  officer or for any employe, without proper authorization, to
     3  disclose confidential information concerning the property,
     4  government or affairs of the borough. Nor shall any such officer
     5  or employe use that information to advance the financial,
     6  personal or private interest of himself or any other person.
     7     Section 3407-A.  Restrictions on Incompatible Employment or
     8  Service.--It shall be unlawful for any elected or appointed
     9  officer or for any employe to engage in or accept employment or
    10  to render services for any public or private agency or entity
    11  when that employment or service would conflict with the proper
    12  and impartial discharge of his official or designated or
    13  assigned duties for the borough, or would tend to impair his
    14  independence of judgment or action in the performance of those
    15  borough duties.
    16     Section 3408-A.  Partiality and Favoritism Unlawful.--In the
    17  conduct of his official duties, or in the exercise of his
    18  authority under the borough government, no elected or appointed
    19  officer, and no employe, shall grant any special favor or
    20  consideration to any person or individual beyond that which is
    21  available to every other person or individual, other than
    22  through the exercise of specific legislative, administrative or
    23  judicial authority vested in his office or position
    24  individually, or as a member of an executive, legislative,
    25  judicial or administrative agency of the borough.
    26     Section 3409-A.  Restrictions on Use of Public Property.--It
    27  shall be unlawful for any elected or appointed officer or for
    28  any employe to use or to request or permit the use of any
    29  vehicle, equipment, material or property owned or under the
    30  control of the borough for the convenience or profit to himself
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     1  or any relative or business associate, except under conditions
     2  when that use is available to the public generally or is
     3  provided as borough policy.
     4     Section 3410-A.  Penalty for Violation.--Any person who
     5  violates sections 3403-A and 3404-A of this article shall be
     6  guilty of a felony and upon conviction, shall be sentenced to
     7  pay a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or to
     8  imprisonment for not more than five years or both. Any person
     9  who violates sections 3405-A, 3406-A, 3407-A, 3408-A and 3409-A
    10  of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
    11  conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than one
    12  thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned for not more than one
    13  year. If that person is an elected or appointed officer, he
    14  shall be subject to surcharge to the extent of the damage shown
    15  to be sustained by the borough from his unlawful act, and also
    16  to removal from his office or position.
    17     Section 3411-A.  Referendum.--(a)  Upon petition to the
    18  county board of elections of at least ten percent of the
    19  electors of the borough, a question shall be placed on the
    20  ballot at any municipal election to determine the will of the
    21  electors thereof with respect to the application of the act of
    22  October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170), referred to as the Public
    23  Official and Employee Ethics Law, in the borough. Petitions
    24  shall be submitted to the county board of elections and shall be
    25  governed, to the extent consistent with this section, by the
    26  deadlines and procedures required for submission of nomination
    27  petitions by candidates seeking elective municipal office:
    28  Provided, however, That said petitions shall be submitted prior
    29  to the municipal election rather than the primary. Said petition
    30  shall be submitted, the referendum thereon conducted and the
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     1  results thereon certified in the manner provided by the election
     2  laws of this Commonwealth.
     3     (b)  The question shall be in the following form:
     4         Do you favor the application of the         Yes
     5     State Public Official and Employee Ethics
     6     Law to the ___________ Borough?                  No
     7     (c)  If a majority of the electors voting on the question
     8  vote "yes," then the act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170),
     9  referred to as the Public Official and Employee Ethics Law shall
    10  apply to the borough and the other provisions of this article
    11  shall not apply.
    12     (d)  Until there is an affirmative vote under subsection (c)
    13  on the question presented in subsection (b), the act of October
    14  4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170), referred to as the Public Official
    15  and Employee Ethics Law shall not apply to borough officials,
    16  borough employes, candidates for borough office and their
    17  immediate families and businesses with which they are connected.
    18     Section 3412-A.  Borough Code of Ethics.--(a)  A borough may
    19  adopt by ordinance a code of ethics for borough officers and
    20  employes. The code may contain provisions relating to ethical
    21  standards, including conflict of interest and disclosure
    22  requirements and shall be no less restrictive than this article.
    23  Any code of ethics adopted pursuant to this section may be more
    24  restrictive than the act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170),
    25  referred to as the Public Official and Employee Ethics Law.
    26     (b)  A Borough Code of Ethics shall supersede any other
    27  similar provisions of this act.
    28     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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