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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 589



No. 516 Session of 2007


           PREPAREDNESS, MARCH 6, 2007

                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to the reimbursement of municipalities for cleanup
     2     costs incurred as a result of certain events; providing for
     3     liability insurance coverage; and providing for penalties.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Municipal
     8  Government Emergency Services Reimbursement Act.
     9  Section 2.  Legislative findings and declaration.
    10     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    11         (1)  Municipal and volunteer emergency services
    12     organizations are experiencing ever-increasing financial
    13     burdens.
    14         (2)  The increasing financial burdens and costs are
    15     having an adverse and seriously negative impact upon
    16     maintaining and providing adequate emergency services

     1     response capabilities for communities across this
     2     Commonwealth.
     3         (3)  Municipal and volunteer emergency services
     4     organizations can no longer realistically afford or be
     5     expected to exist and provide services at a financial loss.
     6         (4)  It is vital to establish for our municipal and
     7     volunteer emergency services providers a mechanism and
     8     process whereby they can be reimbursed financially for real
     9     and reasonable expenses related to responding to emergency
    10     situations, incidents or events.
    11         (5)  Such a process and mechanism should be self-
    12     supporting.
    13  Section 3.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Emergency situation, incident or event."  An automobile
    18  accident that necessitates fire suppression, rescue services or
    19  emergency site cleanup services by a municipal or volunteer
    20  emergency services organization.
    21     "Municipal emergency services organization."  A fire company,
    22  rescue squad or hazardous material response team that is funded
    23  and operated by a municipality.
    24     "Officially recognized dispatch."  Either of the following:
    25         (1)  The dispatch of a municipal or volunteer emergency
    26     services organization by an officially recognized and
    27     approved emergency communication center or response to a
    28     special call or request from the Pennsylvania State Police or
    29     local police, regardless of whether the call or request comes
    30     through an emergency communications center where the
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     1     emergency communication center approves the response and
     2     assigns a dispatch number to the municipal or volunteer
     3     emergency services organization and then contacts the
     4     municipal or volunteer emergency services department,
     5     organization or person making the request to confirm the
     6     request.
     7         (2)  The response of a municipal or volunteer emergency
     8     services organization to a call or request from the
     9     Pennsylvania State Police or local police that has not come
    10     through an officially recognized and approved emergency
    11     communication center prior to the special call or request.
    12     "Person."  The term includes a corporation, partnership,
    13  business trust, other association, governmental entity other
    14  than the Commonwealth, estate, trust, foundation or natural
    15  person.
    16     "Volunteer emergency services organization."  A volunteer
    17  fire company, volunteer rescue squad or volunteer hazardous
    18  material response team.
    19  Section 4.  Requirement to pay for response to emergencies.
    20     A person involved in an emergency situation, incident or
    21  event that necessitates a response from a municipal or volunteer
    22  emergency services organization shall be liable for the real and
    23  reasonable response costs incurred in the response unless the
    24  person:
    25         (1)  has paid to the municipality wherein the municipal
    26     or volunteer emergency services organization is located a tax
    27     that funds at least in part the municipal or volunteer
    28     emergency services; or
    29         (2)  has made a monetary contribution, as defined by the
    30     municipality, to an annual fund drive of the municipal or
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     1     volunteer emergency organization recognized by the resident's
     2     municipality within the preceding 12 months from the date of
     3     the emergency situation, incident or event that necessitates
     4     a response from the municipal or volunteer emergency services
     5     organization.
     6  Section 5.  Establishment of reimbursement procedures.
     7     (a)  Billing.--A municipal government may bill for real and
     8  reasonable reimbursement for costs related to an officially
     9  recognized dispatch to an emergency situation, incident or event
    10  to which a municipal or volunteer emergency services
    11  organization responded within the municipal government's
    12  borders.
    13     (b)  Reimbursement.--
    14         (1)  When a person receives a bill for reimbursement from
    15     a municipal government, the person shall be responsible for
    16     payment.
    17         (2)  If the person forwards the bill for reimbursement to
    18     an insurance company, the person shall notify the municipal
    19     government from which the bill for reimbursement was
    20     received.
    21         (3)  Forwarding the bill for reimbursement to an
    22     insurance company does not relieve the person from financial
    23     responsibility for payment.
    24     (c)  Legal process.--
    25         (1)  If negotiations to recover response costs do not
    26     resolve the dispute to the satisfaction of the parties
    27     involved, the municipality may recover its response costs in
    28     an action at law or in equity brought before a court of
    29     competent jurisdiction.
    30         (2)  If more than one municipality incurs response costs
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     1     for the same emergency situation, incident or event, the
     2     municipality involved may file a joint action at law or in
     3     equity and may designate one such organization to represent
     4     the others in the action.
     5     (d)  Use of funds.--
     6         (1)  A municipal government may retain no more than 2% of
     7     the funds collected from each person's bill for
     8     administrative costs. The remainder of this collected bill
     9     amount shall be remitted to the volunteer emergency services
    10     organization which rendered the emergency response.
    11         (2)  If the emergency response was performed by a
    12     municipal emergency services organization, funds collected
    13     may be remitted to the municipality's general operating fund
    14     or a designated emergency services fund.
    15  Section 6.  Liability insurance coverage.
    16     A liability insurer that insures any motor vehicle of the
    17  type required to be registered under 75 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    18  vehicles) shall make available purchase insurance coverage with
    19  benefits up to the maximum of $1,000 for real and reasonable
    20  expenses related to an emergency situation, incident or event.
    21  Section 7.  Rules and regulations.
    22     The Office of State Fire Commissioner, in consultation with
    23  the Fire Safety Advisory Committee established under the act of
    24  November 13, 1995 (P.L.604, No.61), known as the State Fire
    25  Commissioner Act, shall promulgate rules and regulations
    26  pertaining to the real and reasonable expenses related to
    27  emergency situations, incidents or events that are eligible for
    28  reimbursement by municipal and volunteer emergency services
    29  organizations.
    30  Section 8.  Penalties.
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     1     A municipal government that files a false request for
     2  reimbursement commits a summary offense and shall, upon
     3  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $100 for
     4  each false request.
     5  Section 9.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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