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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 559



No. 504 Session of 2007

           FEBRUARY 26, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 20, 1968 (P.L.1075, No.329),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the growth and development of
     3     noncommercial educational television; creating the
     4     Pennsylvania Public Television Network Commission as an
     5     independent commission and defining its powers and duties,"
     6     providing for the establishment of a Public Access,
     7     Educational Access and Governmental Access Television
     8     Advisory Council and defining its powers and duties;
     9     establishing the Public Access, Educational Access and
    10     Governmental Access Capital Improvement Fund; and making an
    11     appropriation.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 1 of the act of November 20, 1968
    15  (P.L.1075, No.329), referred to as the Public Television Network
    16  System Law, is amended to read:
    17     Section 1.  Declaration of Public Policy.--The General
    18  Assembly hereby declares that [it]:
    19     (1) It is in the public interest of the Commonwealth to
    20  encourage and develop the growth of noncommercial educational,
    21  public access and governmental access television broadcasting,
    22  including the use of such media for instructional purposes[;

     1  that the], public access and governmental access.
     2     (2)  The expansion and development of noncommercial
     3  educational, public access and governmental access television
     4  broadcasting and its programming diversity depend on freedom,
     5  imagination and initiative[; that it].
     6     (3)  It furthers the general welfare to encourage such
     7  programming which will be responsive to the interests of people
     8  throughout [the] this Commonwealth and which will constitute an
     9  expression of diversity and excellence[; that it].
    10     (4)  It is necessary and appropriate for the State government
    11  to complement, assist and support a policy that will most
    12  effectively make noncommercial educational, public access and
    13  governmental television service available to the people of [the]
    14  this Commonwealth[; and that an].
    15     (5)  An independent commission should be created to
    16  facilitate the development of educational, public access and
    17  governmental television broadcasting and to afford maximum
    18  protection from extraneous interference and control.
    19     (6)  The formation and operation of public access,
    20  educational access and governmental access cable television
    21  stations throughout this Commonwealth provides important
    22  services to the residents and communities they serve.
    23     (7)  These television stations provide an opportunity for
    24  residents, educators, schools, community colleges, universities,
    25  nonprofit organizations and governments to directly communicate
    26  with the communities served by the stations.
    27     (8)  The stations also provide an important fabric to the
    28  democratic process by giving residents, educational
    29  institutions, nonprofit organizations and governments an
    30  unfettered ability to promote the important rights of freedom of
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     1  speech and freedom of press.
     2     (9)  Each station provides the only noncommercial opportunity
     3  for the residents, educators, educational institutions,
     4  nonprofit organizations and governments to directly produce
     5  television programs that broadcast directly to homes, schools
     6  and businesses through the cable television systems served by
     7  the stations.
     8     (10)  It is in the best interest of this Commonwealth and its
     9  residents to promote the operations of such public access,
    10  educational access and governmental access cable television
    11  stations.
    12     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    13     Section 4.2.  Public Access, Educational Access and
    14  Governmental Access Television Advisory Council.--There is
    15  hereby established and placed within the commission a Public
    16  Access, Educational Access and Governmental Access Television
    17  Advisory Council, whose members shall consist of: the president
    18  of the Pennsylvania Cable Television and Communications
    19  Association or his designee; the president or chief executive
    20  officer or his designee of each of the cable television stations
    21  organized in this Commonwealth to provide one or all of the
    22  following services to the public: public access, educational
    23  access or governmental access; the Secretary of Education or his
    24  designee; the director of communications for majority and
    25  minority caucuses of the Senate and the House of
    26  Representatives; the chairman of the Pennsylvania Public
    27  Television Network Commission; the chief telecommunications
    28  technology policy officer of the Executive Department of the
    29  Commonwealth or the officer's designee and the Pennsylvania
    30  coordinator of the Alliance for Community Media. The council
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     1  shall elect from its members a chairman and vice chairman. The
     2  chairman or his designee shall serve as an ad hoc, nonvoting
     3  representative to the commission. The members of the council
     4  shall meet from time to time as they deem necessary to advise
     5  the commission on promoting and assisting the operations of
     6  public access, educational access and governmental access cable
     7  television stations within this Commonwealth. They also shall
     8  review all applications for grants from the Public Access,
     9  Educational Access and Governmental Access Capital Improvement
    10  Fund established by section 4.3 and recommend to the
    11  Pennsylvania Public Television Network Commission the recipients
    12  of grants from the fund.
    13     Section 4.3.  Public Access, Educational Access and
    14  Governmental Access Capital Improvement Fund.--The Public
    15  Access, Educational Access and Governmental Access Capital
    16  Improvement Fund is hereby established in the State Treasury.
    17  All television stations organized and operated to provide public
    18  access, educational access or governmental access or a
    19  combination of any of those services through a cable television
    20  system shall qualify to receive grant money from the fund. Each
    21  of the stations shall be established as a nonprofit corporation
    22  under the laws of this Commonwealth or shall be organized
    23  through a school district, intermediate unit, community college
    24  or related public educational institution, public university or
    25  political subdivision within this Commonwealth. Grants paid from
    26  moneys of the fund shall be used for new equipment or other
    27  capital improvements. The commission shall establish the forms
    28  and regulations for awarding grant funding under this act. All
    29  public access, educational access or governmental television
    30  stations receiving funding must submit a form documenting how
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     1  the grant will specifically benefit the communities and the
     2  residents that they serve.
     3     Section 3.  The sum of $1,000,000 is hereby appropriated from
     4  the General Fund to the Pennsylvania Public Television Network
     5  Commission for transfer to the Public Access, Educational Access
     6  and Governmental Access Capital Improvement Fund.
     7     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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