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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2635



No. 402 Session of 2003

           SEPTEMBER 29, 2003


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Establishing a task force to study and implement the
     2     recommendations outlined in the "Final Report of the
     3     Pennsylvania Supreme Court Committee on Racial and Gender
     4     Bias in the Justice System."

     5     WHEREAS, Despite persistent progress in combating
     6  institutionalized racial, gender and ethnic biases, these biases
     7  persist in the administration of justice; and
     8     WHEREAS, De facto denial of equal justice under the law is
     9  contrary to our fundamental system of government, adversely
    10  impacts affected individuals and works to erode public
    11  confidence in our judiciary; and
    12     WHEREAS, As early as 1982, state courts and bar associations
    13  nationwide began to investigate the nature and extent of
    14  institutional biases in the courts and justice system; and
    15     WHEREAS, In the ensuing decades, nearly all 50 states and
    16  most Federal courts established task forces to investigate and
    17  compile recommendations designed to eliminate racial, gender and

     1  ethnic bias in the courts and justice system; and
     2     WHEREAS, Nationwide and almost without exception the task
     3  forces' final reports spoke with a consistent voice by
     4  concluding that racial, gender and ethnic biases permeated the
     5  judiciary; and
     6     WHEREAS, In 1993 the Philadelphia Bar Association petitioned
     7  the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to appoint a special commission
     8  to examine the issue of race and ethnicity in the Philadelphia
     9  courts; and
    10     WHEREAS, In 1999 the Supreme Court appointed the Committee on
    11  Racial and Gender Bias in the Justice System (hereinafter, the
    12  Committee) to investigate the issue of race and gender in the
    13  State court system, determine whether racial and gender bias
    14  plays a role in the administration of justice and compose a
    15  report of its findings and recommendations; and
    16     WHEREAS, In establishing the Committee and commissioning the
    17  report, the Supreme Court recognized that bias cannot be
    18  tolerated in the courts and the justice system, that the Supreme
    19  Court must actively work to address biases, real or perceived,
    20  within the court system and must take a leadership role to
    21  ensure that public confidence in the courts and the judicial
    22  process is not undermined; and
    23     WHEREAS, The Committee was instructed to present its findings
    24  and recommendations to the Supreme Court upon completion of its
    25  investigation, which findings and recommendations could be
    26  pursued to eliminate racial and gender biases in the
    27  administration of justice in this Commonwealth; and
    28     WHEREAS, The Committee presented its final report, the "Final
    29  Report of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Committee on Racial and
    30  Gender Bias in the Justice System," to the Supreme Court on
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     1  March 3, 2003; and
     2     WHEREAS, Although the Committee garnered many positive
     3  comments relative to the administration of justice in
     4  Pennsylvania, the Committee found that racial, ethnic and gender
     5  bias does exist and "that it infects the justice system at many
     6  key points in both overt and subtle ways"; and
     7     WHEREAS, The Supreme Court recognized that the courts are an
     8  institution in which all citizens must be treated with equality
     9  and fairness and that bias of any kind in the courts and justice
    10  system is intolerable and must be eliminated; and
    11     WHEREAS, In order to achieve fairness and equality in the
    12  administration of justice, the Committee concluded that
    13  Pennsylvania courts must undergo reform; and
    14     WHEREAS, The Committee made specific recommendations for
    15  reform which were addressed not only to the judiciary but to the
    16  Governor, the General Assembly, the Department of Public
    17  Welfare, the Attorney General and district attorneys, public
    18  defenders, the Pennsylvania Bar Association, trial courts, the
    19  private bar, law enforcement officers and agencies, county
    20  administrators and court administrators; and
    21     WHEREAS, The Supreme Court has initiated efforts to institute
    22  the recommendations directed toward the Pennsylvania courts and
    23  the judiciary; and
    24     WHEREAS, It is the duty and responsibility of the General
    25  Assembly as a deliberative body, constitutionally vested with
    26  legislative power, to work with the Supreme Court and the other
    27  entities to which recommendations were addressed to ensure that
    28  appropriate laws are enacted to eliminate biases in the
    29  administration of justice in this Commonwealth; therefore be it
    30     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives appoint an
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     1  advisory committee on racial and gender bias in the justice
     2  system to further the work of the Supreme Court's Committee on
     3  Racial and Gender Bias in the Justice System; and be it further
     4     RESOLVED, That members of the advisory committee shall be
     5  appointed as follows:
     6         (1)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives in
     7     consultation with the Majority Leader shall appoint five
     8     legislative members.
     9         (2)  The Minority Leader of the House of Representatives
    10     shall appoint five legislative members.
    11         (3)  The Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of
    12     Representatives shall collaborate in the appointment of an
    13     eleventh member to act as chairperson of the advisory
    14     committee and a twelfth member to act as vice chairperson,
    15     which persons may be members of the Pennsylvania Bar
    16     Association, local bar associations or persons from academia
    17     knowledgeable in matters related to the administration and
    18     operation of Pennsylvania courts and the justice system;
    19  and be it further
    20     RESOLVED, That all appointments to the advisory committee
    21  shall be made within 30 days of the adoption of this resolution;
    22  and be it further
    23     RESOLVED, That the appointing authorities shall provide
    24  support staff as needed to assist with the work of the advisory
    25  committee; and be it further
    26     RESOLVED, That the advisory committee shall have the
    27  authority to appoint subcommittees to study the recommendations
    28  of the Committee which the Supreme Court has no authority to
    29  address for the purpose of determining how such recommendations
    30  may be implemented; and be it further
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     1     RESOLVED, That the advisory committee may review the findings
     2  and recommendations of task forces established by other states
     3  to address racial, gender and ethnic bias in the courts and
     4  justice system to determine whether any of their findings should
     5  be considered as reform measures in this Commonwealth; and be it
     6  further
     7     RESOLVED, That the advisory committee shall develop
     8  legislation to implement the legislative and other
     9  recommendations presented by the Committee in its final report
    10  which could be implemented through the enactment of legislation;
    11  and be it further
    12     RESOLVED, That the nonlegislative members of the advisory
    13  committee shall receive no compensation for their work, but
    14  members shall be entitled to reimbursement for all reasonable
    15  and necessary expenses incurred or authorized by the advisory
    16  committee and paid from accounts under the control of the Chief
    17  Clerk; and be it further
    18     RESOLVED, That the advisory committee shall present a report
    19  of its work, including legislative proposals, to the Speaker of
    20  the House of Representatives and the Chief Justice of the
    21  Supreme Court no later than March 31, 2004, or no later than
    22  three months thereafter if the advisory committee determines
    23  that such additional time is required to complete its work.

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