No. 288 Session of 1986



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Establishing a special committee to investigate conditions at
     2     the State Correctional Institution at Huntingdon.

     3     WHEREAS, Serious allegations have been made by numerous
     4  inmates incarcerated in the State Correctional Institution at
     5  Huntingdon, inmates who have been transferred from that prison
     6  to other prisons, the families of those persons and interested
     7  outside parties; and
     8     WHEREAS, These allegations relate to the conditions of
     9  living, treatment of inmates, process for grievances and overall
    10  practices, policies and accountability of the Huntingdon State
    11  Prison administration and staff, and include the following:
    12         (1)  It is alleged that the staff is extremely prejudiced
    13     and biased against minority inmates.
    14         (2)  It is alleged that numerous members of the
    15     administration and staff are closely related by blood or
    16     marriage, and as a result, if one guard dislikes an inmate,
    17     the entire staff will single the inmate out for punishment

     1     and humiliation.
     2         (3)  Many instances of unwarranted beatings and torture
     3     have been reported.
     4         (4)  It is alleged that medical attention has been
     5     wrongfully withheld, resulting in the aggravation of
     6     illnesses and injuries, and even resulting in death.
     7         (5)  It is alleged that homosexual assaults have been
     8     made upon inmates by guards and, when reported, only lead to
     9     threats, harassment and punishment of the inmates.
    10         (6)  It is alleged that prison uprisings, and in
    11     particular the riot of January 8, 1985, are instigated by the
    12     guards.
    13         (7)  It is alleged that at least one person with AIDs has
    14     been placed in the general prison population.
    15         (8)  It is alleged that persons who report injustices or
    16     who act on behalf of those suffering injustices are singled
    17     out for punishment; and
    18     WHEREAS, There has been a lack of cooperation by the prison
    19  administration and prosecuting authorities in investigating
    20  these serious allegations; therefore be it
    21     RESOLVED, That the Speaker of the House of Representatives
    22  appoint a special committee of seven members, four from the
    23  majority party and three from the minority party, to investigate
    24  the allegations made by inmates and former inmates of the State
    25  Correctional Institution at Huntingdon and their families and
    26  other interested parties as to living conditions, treatment of
    27  inmates, process for grievances and overall practices, policies
    28  and accountability of the prison administration and staff; and
    29  be it further
    30     RESOLVED, That the committee shall hold public hearings, take
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     1  testimony and make its investigations at such places as it deems
     2  necessary in this Commonwealth. It may issue subpoenas under the
     3  hand and seal of its chairman commanding any person to appear
     4  before the committee and to answer questions touching matters
     5  properly being inquired into by the committee and to produce
     6  such books, papers, records and documents as the committee deems
     7  necessary. The subpoenas may be served upon any person and shall
     8  have the same effect as subpoenas issued out of the courts of
     9  this Commonwealth. Any person who willfully neglects or refuses
    10  to testify before the committee or to produce any books, papers,
    11  records or documents shall be subject to the penalties provided
    12  by the laws of this Commonwealth in such case. Each member of
    13  the committee shall have power to administer oaths and
    14  affirmations to witnesses appearing before the committee; and be
    15  it further
    16     RESOLVED, That within 30 calendar days after the committee
    17  has made its report or the mandate of the committee has expired,
    18  the chairman of the committee shall cause a record of all
    19  expenses incurred by the committee, or the members thereof,
    20  which are payable at Commonwealth expense, to be filed with the
    21  Chief Clerk; and be it further
    22     RESOLVED, That the committee shall report its findings and
    23  recommendations to the House of Representatives for its
    24  consideration as soon as possible.

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