1Declaring March 2013 as "Irish American Heritage Month" in

3WHEREAS, On March 17, 2013, the Irish community in this
4Commonwealth will celebrate the occasion of the feast of the
5glorious Apostle of Ireland, Saint Patrick; and

6WHEREAS, "The Philadelphia Irish Memorial: A Decade of
7Remembrance" is the theme of the 2013 St. Patrick's Day Parade
8in Philadelphia; and

9WHEREAS, Fleeing political, religious and racial persecution
10in their homeland, Irish immigrants arrived on our shores
11penniless and unwanted, yet filled with hope that America held a
12future in which they and their children would enjoy the
13bountiful fruits of a nation founded upon the principles of

1liberty and justice for all; and

2WHEREAS, In every phase of our national history, Irish
3Americans have taken their place at the forefront in the
4political, economic, religious, social and artistic fields; and

5WHEREAS, Their contribution to the good and welfare of this
6Commonwealth is immeasurable and unflinching; therefore be it

7RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives declare March
82013 to be "Irish American Heritage Month" in Pennsylvania and
9extend its felicitations and best wishes to the Irish community
10in this Commonwealth on this momentous occasion; and be it

12RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the
13Taoiseach, Enda Kenny T.D., Department of Taoiseach, Government
14Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2, Ireland, and Robert
15M. Gessler, St. Patrick's Day Observance Association, P.O. Box
1640744, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107.