PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 97, 3232                 PRINTER'S NO. 3399



No. 88 Session of 1983

                     Report of the Committee of Conference

        To the Members of the House of Representatives and Senate:

           We, the undersigned, Committee of Conference on the part of
        the House of Representatives and Senate for the purpose of
        considering House Bill No. 88, entitled:
        "An act amending Title 42 (Judicial and Judiciary Procedure) of
        the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, FURTHER providing for
        the temporary assignment of SENIOR Philadelphia Municipal Court

        respectfully submit the following bill as our report:

                                           SAMUEL RAPPAPORT

                                           MATTHEW J. RYAN

                (Committee on the part of the House of Representatives.)

                                           RICHARD A. SNYDER

                                           D. MICHAEL FISHER

                                           MICHAEL A. O'PAKE

                                  (Committee on the part of the Senate.)

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for additional
     3     judges for the courts of common pleas, compensation of
     4     assigned district justices and assignment of senior
     5     Philadelphia Municipal Court judges.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Sections 911 and 4122 of Title 42 of the
     9  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended as follows:
    10  § 911.  Courts of common pleas.
    11     (a)  General rule.--There shall be one court of common pleas
    12  for each judicial district of this Commonwealth consisting of
    13  the following number of judges:

    14                                                  Number of
    15             Judicial District                     Judges

    16                 First                               81
    17                 Second                               [6] 7
    18                 Third                                5
    19                 Fourth                               1
    20                 Fifth                               [39] 41
    21                 Sixth                                [6] 8
    22                 Seventh                             [10] 11
    23                 Eighth                               2
    24                 Ninth                                [3] 4
    25                 Tenth                                [8] 9
    26                 Eleventh                             7
    27                 Twelfth                              6
    28                 Thirteenth                           1

     1                 Fourteenth                           4
     2                 Fifteenth                            [7] 8
     3                 Sixteenth                            2
     4                 Seventeenth                          [1] 2
     5                 Eighteenth                           1
     6                 Nineteenth                           [6] 7
     7                 Twentieth                            1
     8                 Twenty-first                         5
     9                 Twenty-second                        1
    10                 Twenty-third                         [6] 7
    11                 Twenty-fourth                        [3] 4
    12                 Twenty-fifth                         1
    13                 Twenty-sixth                         1
    14                 Twenty-seventh                       5
    15                 Twenty-eighth                        1
    16                 Twenty-ninth                         3
    17                 Thirtieth                            2
    18                 Thirty-first                         [6] 7
    19                 Thirty-second                       [14] 15
    20                 Thirty-third                         1
    21                 Thirty-fourth                        1
    22                 Thirty-fifth                         3
    23                 Thirty-sixth                         5
    24                 Thirty-seventh                       1
    25                 Thirty-eighth                       15
    26                 Thirty-ninth                         2
    27                 Fortieth                             2
    28                 Forty-first                          1
    29                 Forty-second                         1
    30                 Forty-third                          [2] 3
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     1                 Forty-fourth                         1
     2                 Forty-fifth                          5
     3                 Forty-sixth                          [1] 2
     4                 Forty-seventh                        [4] 5
     5                 Forty-eighth                         1
     6                 Forty-ninth                          2
     7                 Fiftieth                             3
     8                 Fifty-first                          [1] 2
     9                 Fifty-second                         3
    10                 Fifty-third                          [2] 3
    11                 Fifty-fourth                         1
    12                 Fifty-fifth                          1
    13                 Fifty-sixth                          1
    14                 Fifty-seventh                        1
    15                 Fifty-eighth                         1
    16                 Fifty-ninth                          1
    17                 Sixtieth                             1

    18     (b)  Single county districts.--In single county judicial
    19  districts the court of common pleas of the district shall be
    20  known as the "Court of Common Pleas of (the respective) County."
    21     (c)  Multicounty districts.--In multicounty judicial
    22  districts the court of common pleas of the district shall be
    23  known as the "Court of Common Pleas of the (respective) Judicial
    24  District." There shall be a separate branch of the court in each
    25  county comprising the judicial district.
    26  § 4122.  Assignment of district justices.
    27     (a)  General rule.--Subject to general rules any district
    28  justice may be temporarily assigned to any other magisterial
    29  district or the Pittsburgh Magistrates Court or the Traffic
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     1  Court of Philadelphia, and may there hear and determine any
     2  matter with like effect as if duly commissioned to sit in such
     3  other district or in such court.
     4     (b)  Senior district justices.--A senior district justice who
     5  shall not have been defeated for reelection or been suspended or
     6  removed from office may, with his consent, be assigned on
     7  temporary magisterial service pursuant to subsection (a). A
     8  senior district justice shall be paid a per diem salary at the
     9  same annual rate as is applicable in the district where he is
    10  temporarily assigned and shall receive expenses at the same per
    11  diem rate as other justices temporarily assigned.
    12     (c)  Additional compensation.--A district justice, assigned
    13  by the court of common pleas to perform additional part-time
    14  duties in a district other than the one in which he is elected,
    15  shall be entitled to receive additional compensation of $20 per
    16  day for each day he performs assigned duties. Any assignment
    17  which exceeds five days within any 30-day period shall be
    18  approved by the Court Administrator of Pennsylvania.
    19     Section 2.  Title 42 is amended by adding a section to read:
    20  § 4124.  Assignment of senior Philadelphia Municipal Court
    21             judges.
    22     A senior judge of the Philadelphia Municipal Court who has
    23  not been defeated for reelection or suspended or removed from
    24  office and who has served an aggregate of four years as an
    25  elected judge and who is required to retire at age 70 may, with
    26  his consent, be assigned on temporary judicial service to that
    27  court.
    28     Section 3.  The vacancies created by the new judgeships added
    29  by section 1 of this act shall be filled by election at the
    30  first municipal election occurring after the effective date of
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     1  this act, except that the vacancies created in the fifth,
     2  twenty-fourth and thirty-second judicial districts shall be
     3  filled pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 3135 (relating to increase in
     4  number of judges).
     5     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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