H0377B2849A05326        RZ:DM  01/15/08    #90             A05326
                        AMENDMENTS TO HOUSE BILL NO. 377
                                    Sponsor:  REPRESENTATIVE LEVDANSKY
                                           Printer's No. 2849

     1       Amend Title, page 1, line 11, by removing the period after
     2    "poverty" and inserting
     3               ; further providing for the carryover of the research
     4               and development tax credit; and increasing the annual
     5               limitation on credits.

     6       Amend Bill, page 2, line 27, by striking out all of said line
     7    and inserting
     8       Section 2.  Section 1704-B of the act, amended December 23,
     9    2003 (P.L.250, No.46), is amended to read:
    10       Section 1704-B.  Carryover, Carryback, Refund and Assignment
    11    of Credit.--(a)  If the taxpayer, purchaser or assignee cannot
    12    use the entire amount of the research and development tax credit
    13    for the taxable year in which the research and development tax
    14    credit is first approved, purchased or assigned, then the excess
    15    may be carried over to succeeding taxable years and used as a
    16    credit against the qualified tax liability of the taxpayer for
    17    those taxable years. Each time that the research and development
    18    tax credit is carried over to a succeeding taxable year, it is
    19    to be reduced by the amount that was used as a credit during the
    20    immediately preceding taxable year. The research and development
    21    tax credit provided by this article may be carried over and
    22    applied to succeeding taxable years for no more than fifteen
    23    taxable years following the first taxable year for which the
    24    taxpayer was entitled to claim the credit.
    25       (b)  A research and development tax credit approved by the
    26    department for Pennsylvania qualified research and development
    27    expense in a taxable year first shall be applied against the
    28    taxpayer's qualified tax liability for the current taxable year
    29    as of the date on which the credit was approved before the
    30    research and development tax credit is applied against any tax
    31    liability under subsection (a).
    32       (c)  A taxpayer, purchaser or assignee is not entitled to
    33    carry back or obtain a refund of an unused research and
    34    development tax credit.
    35       (d)  A taxpayer, upon application to and approval by the
    36    Department of Community and Economic Development, may sell or
    37    assign, in whole or in part, a research and development tax
    38    credit granted to the taxpayer under this article if no claim
    39    for allowance of the credit is filed [within one year] from the

     1    date the credit is approved by the department under section
     2    1703-B. The Department of Community and Economic Development
     3    shall establish guidelines for the approval of applications
     4    under this subsection.
     5       (e)  The purchaser or assignee of a portion of a research and
     6    development tax credit under subsection (d) shall immediately
     7    claim the credit in the taxable year in which the purchase or
     8    assignment is made. The amount of the research and development
     9    credit that a purchaser or assignee may use against any one
    10    qualified tax liability may not exceed seventy-five per cent of
    11    such qualified tax liability for the taxable year. The purchaser
    12    or assignee may not [carry over,] carry back, obtain a refund of
    13    or assign the research and development tax credit. The purchaser
    14    or assignee shall notify the department of the seller or
    15    assignor of the research and development tax credit in
    16    compliance with procedures specified by the department.
    17       Section 3.  Section 1709-B(a) of the act, amended July 12,
    18    2006 (P.L.1137, No.116), is amended to read:
    19       Section 1709-B.  Limitation on Credits.--(a)  The total
    20    amount of credits approved by the department shall not exceed
    21    [forty million dollars ($40,000,000)] seventy-five million
    22    dollars ($75,000,000) in any fiscal year. Of that amount, [eight
    23    million dollars ($8,000,000)] fifteen million dollars
    24    ($15,000,000) shall be allocated exclusively for small
    25    businesses. However, if the total amounts allocated to either
    26    the group of applicants exclusive of small businesses or the
    27    group of small business applicants is not approved in any fiscal
    28    year, the unused portion will become available for use by the
    29    other group of qualifying taxpayers.
    30       * * *
    31       Section 4.  The amendment of sections 1704-B and 1709-B(a) of
    32    the act shall apply to taxable years beginning after December
    33    31, 2007.
    34       Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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