No. 1444 Session of 1978



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for motorized pedalcycles.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5     Section 1.  The definitions of "motorcycle" and "motor-driven
     6  cycle," in section 102, and sections 1102 and 1302 of Title 75,
     7  act of November 25, 1970 (P.L.707, No.230), known as the
     8  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, added June 17, 1976
     9  (P.L.162, No.81), are amended to read:
    10  § 102.  Definitions.
    11     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
    12  provisions of this title which are applicable to specific
    13  provisions of this title, the following words and phrases when
    14  used in this title shall have, unless the content clearly
    15  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
    16     * * *
    17     "Motorcycle."  A motor vehicle, other than a motorized
    18  pedalcycle, having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and

     1  designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with
     2  the ground.
     3     "Motor-driven cycle."  A motorcycle, including a motor
     4  scooter, with a motor which produces not to exceed five brake
     5  horsepower, [and every pedalcycle with motor attached] but not
     6  including a motorized pedalcycle.
     7     * * *
     8  § 1102.  Vehicles not requiring certificate of title.
     9     No certificate of title shall be issued for:
    10         (1)  A vehicle owned by the United States unless it is
    11     registered in this Commonwealth.
    12         (2)  A golf cart, motor-driven cycle, go-cart or other
    13     similar vehicle unless it is registered in this Commonwealth.
    14         (3)  A new vehicle owned by a manufacturer or registered
    15     dealer before and until sale.
    16         (4)  A vehicle owned by a nonresident of this
    17     Commonwealth and not required by law to be registered in this
    18     Commonwealth.
    19         (5)  A vehicle owned by a resident legally required to be
    20     registered in another state, based and used principally
    21     outside of this Commonwealth, and not required by law to be
    22     registered in this Commonwealth.
    23         (6)  A vehicle regularly engaged in the interstate
    24     transportation of persons or property for which a currently
    25     effective certificate of title has been issued in another
    26     state.
    27         (7)  A vehicle moved solely by human or animal power.
    28         (8)  An implement of husbandry unless required to be
    29     registered.
    30         (9)  Special mobile equipment unless required to be
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     1     registered.
     2         (10)  A mobile home.
     3         (11)  A motorized pedalcycle.
     4  § 1302.  Vehicles subject to registration.
     5     (a)  General rule.--No vehicle shall be operated upon any
     6  highway in this Commonwealth until the vehicle is properly
     7  registered with the department as provided in this chapter.
     8     (b)  Exceptions.--Subsection (a) does not apply to the
     9  following:
    10         (1)  Any vehicle in conformance with the provisions of
    11     this chapter relating to dealers, persons registered under
    12     any of the miscellaneous motor vehicle business classes or
    13     nonresidents.
    14         (2)  Any implement of husbandry or trailer determined by
    15     the department to be used exclusively for agricultural
    16     operations and only incidentally operated upon highways.
    17             (i)  A certificate of exemption shall be required for
    18         trailers.
    19             (ii)  Vehicles exempt from registration under this
    20         paragraph shall be used exclusively upon a farm or farms
    21         owned or operated by the owner of the vehicle or upon
    22         highways between:
    23                 (A)  Parts of one farm.
    24                 (B)  Farms located not more than 25 miles apart.
    25                 (C)  A farm and a place of business located
    26             within a radius of 25 miles from the farm for the
    27             purpose of buying or selling agricultural commodities
    28             or supplies or for the inspection, repair or
    29             servicing of the vehicle.
    30         (3)  Any self-propelled golf cart used for the
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     1     transportation of persons engaged in the game of golf while
     2     crossing any public highway during any game of golf.
     3         (4)  Any vehicle moved by special permit as provided for
     4     in sections 4965 (relating to single permits for multiple
     5     highway crossings), 4966 (relating to permit for movement of
     6     quarry equipment), and 4970 (relating to permit for movement
     7     of utility construction equipment).
     8         (5)  Any vehicle registered and displaying plates issued
     9     in a foreign country by the armed forces of the United States
    10     for a period of 45 days from the date of the return of the
    11     owner to the United States.
    12         (6)  Any vehicle owned by a resident legally required to
    13     be registered in another state based and used principally
    14     outside of this Commonwealth.
    15         (7)  Any vehicle moved solely by human or animal power.
    16         (8)  Any self-propelled invalid wheel chair.
    17         (9)  Any mobile home.
    18         (10)  Any motorized pedalcycle.
    19     (c)  Certificate of title required.--No vehicle shall be
    20  registered unless a certificate of title has been obtained, if
    21  one is required by Chapter 11 (relating to certificate of title
    22  and security interests).
    23     Section 2.  Chapter 35 of Title 75 is amended by adding a
    24  subchapter to read:
    25                            SUBCHAPTER B
    27  Sec.
    28  3511.  Applicability of traffic laws to motorized pedalcycles.
    29  3512.  Riding on motorized pedalcycles.
    30  3513.  Operating motorized pedalcycles on roadways laned for
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     1         traffic.
     2  3514.  Lamps and other equipment on motorized pedalcycles.
     3  3515.  Parking.
     4  § 3511.  Applicability of traffic laws to motorized pedalcycles.
     5     Every persons operating a motorized pedalcycle shall be
     6  granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the
     7  duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under this
     8  title, except as to special provisions in this subchapter and
     9  except as to those provisions of this title which by their
    10  nature can have no application.
    11  § 3512.  Riding on motorized pedalcycles.
    12     (a)  Use of seat by operator and passengers.--A person
    13  operating a motorized pedalcycle shall ride only upon the
    14  permanent and regular seat attached to the motorized pedalcycle,
    15  and the operator shall not carry any other person nor shall any
    16  other person ride on a motorized pedalcycle unless the motorized
    17  pedalcycle is designed to carry more than one person, in which
    18  event a passenger may ride upon the permanent and regular seat
    19  if designed for two person, or upon another seat firmly attached
    20  to the motorized pedalcycle at the rear of the operator. In no
    21  event shall a passenger sit in front of the operator of the
    22  motorized pedalcycle.
    23     (b)  Method of seating.--A person shall ride upon a motorized
    24  pedalcycle only while sitting astride the seat, facing forward,
    25  with one leg on each side of the motorized pedalcycle.
    26     (c)  Articles carried by operator.--No person shall operate a
    27  motorized pedalcycle while carrying any package, bundle or other
    28  article which prevents him from keeping both hands on the
    29  handlebars.
    30     (d)  Interference with operation.--No operator shall carry
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     1  any person, nor shall any person ride, in a position that will
     2  interfere with the operation or control of the motorized
     3  pedalcycle or the view of the operator.
     4  § 3513.  Operating motorized pedalcycles on roadways laned for
     5           traffic.
     6     (a)  Right to use of lane.--All motorized pedalcycles are
     7  entitled to full use of a lane and no motor vehicle shall be
     8  driven in such a manner as to deprive any motorized pedalcycles
     9  of the full use of a lane.
    10     (b)  Overtaking and passing.--The operator of a motorized
    11  pedalcycle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied
    12  by the vehicle being overtaken.
    13     (c)  Operation between lanes or vehicles.--No person shall
    14  operate a motorized pedalcycle between lanes of traffic or
    15  between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles.
    16     (d)  Limitation on operating abreast.--Motorized pedalcycles
    17  shall not be operated more than two abreast in a single lane.
    18     (e)  Limited access highways.--No motorized pedalcycle shall
    19  be operated on any limited access highway.
    20  § 3514.  Lamps and other equipment on motorized pedalcycles.
    21     (a)  Lamps and reflectors.--Every motorized pedalcycle when
    22  in use between sunset and sunrise shall be equipped on the front
    23  with a lamp which emits a white light visible from a distance of
    24  at least 500 feet to the front and with a red reflector on the
    25  rear of a type approved by the department which shall be visible
    26  from all distances from 100 feet to 600 feet to the rear and
    27  with an amber reflector on each side. A lamp emitting a red
    28  light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be
    29  used in addition to the red reflector.
    30     (b)  Audible signal devices.--A pedalcycle may be equipped
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     1  with a device capable of giving a signal audible for a distance
     2  of at least 100 feet except that a pedalcycle shall not be
     3  equipped with nor shall any person use upon a pedalcycle any
     4  siren.
     5     (c)  Brakes.--Every pedalcycle shall be equipped with a
     6  braking system which will stop the pedalcycle in 15 feet from an
     7  initial speed of 15 miles per hour on a dry, level and clean
     8  pavement.
     9  § 3515.  Parking.
    10     (a)  Sidewalks.--
    11         (1)  A person may park a motorized pedalcycle on a
    12     sidewalk unless prohibited or restricted by an official
    13     traffic-control device.
    14         (2)  A motorized pedalcycle parked on a sidewalk shall
    15     not impede the normal and reasonable movement of pedestrian
    16     or other traffic.
    17     (b)  Roadways.--
    18         (1)  A motorized pedalcycle may be parked on the roadway
    19     at any angle to the curb or edge of the roadway at any
    20     location where parking is allowed.
    21         (2)  A motorized pedalcycle may be parked on the roadway
    22     abreast of another motorized pedalcycle or motorized
    23     pedalcycles near the side of the roadway at any location
    24     where parking is allowed.
    25         (3)  A person shall not park a motorized pedalcycle on a
    26     roadway in such a manner as to obstruct the movement of any
    27     other legally parked motor vehicle.
    28         (4)  In all other respects motorized pedalcycles parked
    29     anywhere on a highway shall conform with the provisions of
    30     Subchapter E of Chapter 33 (relating to stopping, standing
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     1     and parking).
     2     Section 3.  The heading of Subchapter B of Chapter 35 of
     3  Title 75 is amended to read:
     4                         SUBCHAPTER [B] (C)
     5                   SPECIAL RULES FOR MOTORCYCLES
     6     Section 4.  Section 3523(d) of Title 75 is repealed.
     7     Section 5.  Section 3525 of Title 75 is amended to read:
     8  § 3525.  Protective equipment for motorcycle riders.
     9     (a)  Protective headgear.--No person shall operate or ride
    10  upon a motorcycle or a motor-driven cycle [(other than a
    11  motorized pedalcycle)] unless he is wearing protective headgear
    12  which complies with standards established by the department.
    13     (b)  Eye-protective devices.--No person shall operate or ride
    14  upon a motorcycle unless he is wearing an eye-protective device
    15  of a type approved by the department.
    16     (c)  Approval of equipment.--The department may approve or
    17  disapprove protective headgear and eye-protective devices
    18  required under this section and may issue and enforce
    19  regulations establishing standards and specifications for the
    20  approval of the headgear and devices. The department shall
    21  publish lists of all protective headgear and eye-protective
    22  devices by name and type which have been approved.
    23     Section 6.  The heading of Subchapter C of Chapter 35 of
    24  Title 75 is amended to read:
    25                          SUBCHAPTER [C] D
    26                  RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF PEDESTRIANS
    27     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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