House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

October 26, 2016



Communications Received


The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, informed that the Senate has: appointed Senators Corman, Scarnati, and Blake to a Committee of Conference; Authorized President Pro Tempore to appoint Committee of Conference on behalf of the Senate to confer with a similar committee of the House of Representatives already appointed Representatives Tobash, Kampf, and Frankel, on the subject of the differences existing between the two House in relation to (SB 1071, PN 1913) said bill.


Communications Received From the Senate


The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, returned bills from the House of Representatives numbered and entitled as follows, viz:


HB 263

HB 319

HB 1403

HB 1437

HB 1496

HB 1699

HB 1737

HB 1885

HB 1887

HB 1907

HB 2338


With information that the Senate has passed the same with amendments in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives is requested.

The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, returned bills from the House of Representatives numbered and entitled as follows, viz:


HB 1703

HB 2014

HB 2078

HB 2241

HB 2303

HB 2338


With information that the Senate has passed the same without amendments.

The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, informed that the Senate has concurred in the amendments made by the House of Representatives by amending said amendments to Senate Bills numbered and entitled as follows, viz:


SB 385

SB 1062


Ordered, That the Clerk present the same to the House of Representatives for its concurrence.

The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, informed that the Senate has concurred in the amendments made by the House of Representatives by amending said amendments to House Bill numbered and entitled as follows, viz:


HB 568


Ordered, That the Clerk present the same to the House of Representatives for its concurrence.

The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, informed that the Senate has concurred in the amendments made by the House of Representatives to Senate Bills numbered and entitled as follows, viz:


SB 356

SB 613

SB 1235

SB 1265

SB 1367

SB 1368


Voting Schedule



Committee of Conference Report



Concurrence in Senate Amendments


HB 245 PN 4110

148 – 42        

HB 319 PN 4123


Motion to Suspend Rules on

HB 319, PN 4123 to Revert to

HB 319, PN 324 (Knowles)



42 – 149         (Failed)


161 – 30        

HB 516 PN 4043

183 – 7           

HB 850 PN 3932

185 – 5

HB 1403 PN 4124

190 – 0

HB 1437 PN 3952

192 – 0

HB 1496 PN 3918

178 – 12

HB 1600 PN 4107

190 – 0

HB 1699 PN 4108

191 – 0

HB 1737 PN 4028

191 – 0

HB 1864 PN 3305

190 – 0

HB 1907 PN 4045

185 – 6

HB 1968 PN 4113

190 – 0

HB 2107 PN 4118

181 – 9

HB 2025 PN 4069

123 – 71        

SB 385 PN 2081

191 – 0

SB 1062 PN 1679

191 – 1


Concurrence in Senate Amendments to House Amendments


HB 1196 PN 4132


Motion to Recommit

HB 1196, PN 4132  

to Liquor (Masser)



52 – 140         (Failed)


133 – 59

SB 1219 PN 2187

190 – 0


Bills on Second Consideration



Bills on Third Consideration


HB 975 PN 4131

160 – 30         Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 2266 PN 3738

184 – 6            Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 2350 PN 3898

192 – 0            Sent to Senate for Concurrence

SB 486 PN 2065

164 – 25         Sent to Senate With Amendment

SB 562 PN 1897

109 – 81         Sent to Senate Without Amendment

SB 613 PN 2189

191 – 1            Sent to Senate With Amendment

SB 881 PN 2198

187 – 3            Sent to Senate With Amendment

SB 898 PN 1064

191 – 0            Sent to Senate Without Amendment

SB 899 PN 1065

191 – 0            Sent to Senate Without Amendment

SB 1018 PN 1936

191 – 0            Sent to Senate With Amendment

SB 1202 PN 2199

190 – 0            Sent to Senate With Amendment

SB 1235 PN 2162

195 – 0            Sent to Senate With Amendment

SB 1282 PN 2066

177 – 13         Sent to Senate With Amendment

SB 1367 PN 2157

191 – 0            Sent to Senate With Amendment

SB 1368 PN 2190

191 – 0            Sent to Senate With Amendment


Bills Signed by the Speaker


HB 245

HB 319

HB 516

HB 850

HB 1403

HB 1437

HB 1496

HB 1600

HB 1699

HB 1703

HB 1737

HB 1864

HB 1907

HB 1968

HB 2014

HB 2025

HB 2078

HB 2107

HB 2241

HB 2303

HB 2338

SB 356

SB 613

SB 898

SB 899

SB 1018

SB 1219

SB 1235

SB 1265

SB 1367

SB 1368


Bills Referred


HR 1107    To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35 – Supplemental Calendar

HR 1108    Environmental Resources & Energy

HR 1109    To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35 – Supplemental Calendar

HR 1110    To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35 – Supplemental Calendar


HB 2430    Environmental Resources & Energy

HB 2431    Environmental Resources & Energy


SB 805        Consumer Affairs


SB 1331     Insurance


Bills Recommitted


HB 869           To Rules


Bills ReReferred



Bills Reported from Committee


HB 975           From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2266        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

SB 486            From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

SB 562            From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

SB 683            From Appropriations Re-Reported as Amended

SB 881            From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

SB 1202         From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

SB 1292         From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2228        From Local Government Reported as Amended

HB 245           From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 263           From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 319           From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 516           From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 850           From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1403        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1437        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1496        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1699        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1737        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1907        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1600        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1864        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1968        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2107        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

SB 385            From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

SB 1062         From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

SB 1219         From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

SB 1229         From Rules Re-Reported as Amended


Concurrent Resolutions Reported from Committee



Bill Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar


SB 316


Bill Removed from the Active Calendar and Placed on the Tabled Calendar


SB 316


House Resolutions Adopted


HR 705

A Resolution commemorating the 200th anniversary of the York Water Company, the oldest publicly traded company in America with the longest consecutive dividend record and the oldest business in both York County and the City of York.

194 – 0

HR 876

A Resolution honoring the life and expressing condolences upon the passing of Willie L. Williams.

192 – 0

HR 1056

A Resolution encouraging the Department of Health to provide programs to firehouses in this Commonwealth that focus on bladder cancer education, prevention and early detection and to provide voluntary testing for each firefighter in this Commonwealth.

194 – 0

HR 1066

A Resolution designating the month of November 2016 as "Alzheimer's Disease Awareness and Caregivers Month" in Pennsylvania.

191 – 0

HR 1085

A Resolution urging the President of the United States and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to halt implementation of the new 15-day limit on Medicaid coverage for addiction treatment in residential addiction treatment programs with more than 16 beds.

194 – 0

HR 1091

A Resolution honoring the 225th birthday of the United States Constitutional Bill of Rights on December 15, 2016.

194 – 0

HR 1092

A Resolution commemorating December 7, 2016, as "Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day."

194 – 0

HR 1094

A Resolution designating the month of October 2016 as "Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

191 – 0

HR 1097

A Resolution honoring all Pennsylvania veterans who served during war and peace on the occasion of Veterans Day, November 11, 2016.

192 – 0

HR 1098

A Resolution designating November 12, 2016, as "Pennsylvania Veterans Day of Caring."

191 – 0

HR 1102

A Resolution recognizing the month of November 2016 as "Small Business and Shop Small Month" in Pennsylvania.

191 – 0

HR 1104

A Resolution designating the week of November 11 through 17, 2016, as "Veterans Week of Service" in Pennsylvania to coincide with the annual Veterans Day observance on November 11, 2016.

191 – 0

HR 1107

A Resolution recognizing November 1, 2016, as "National Family Literacy Day" in Pennsylvania.

194 – 0

HR 1109

A Resolution designating the month of November 2016, as "William Shakespeare Month" in Pennsylvania.

194 – 0

HR 1110

A Resolution designating the month of November 2016 as "Infant Safe Sleep Month" in Pennsylvania.

194 – 0

SR 448

A Concurrent Resolution commemorating the 200th session of the General Assembly.

194 – 0


This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

until Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 9:00 A.M.

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.