House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

February 26, 2015

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives Convened at 10:00 A.M.



Communications Received



Communications Received From the Senate



Voting Schedule






Bills on Second Consideration


HB 73 PN 0064

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 186 PN 0178

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 446 PN 0490

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration


Bills on Third Consideration


HB 466 PN 0521

114 – 87       Sent to Senate for Concurrence


Bills Signed by the Speaker



Bills Referred


HR 83           Rules


HR 113         State Government

HR 114         To Calendar Under Rule 35


HR 119         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 120         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35


HR 122         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 123         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 124         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 125         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 126         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 127         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 128         Education

HR 129         To Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 130         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 131         To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35


HB 170         State Government


HB 566         State Government

HB 567         State Government


HB 583         Finance


HB 601         Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness

HB 602         Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness


HB 604         Labor & Industry


HB 610         Labor & Industry


HB 617         Finance

HB 618         Education


HB 621         Commerce

HB 622         Education

HB 623         Judiciary

HB 624         Labor & Industry

HB 625         Transportation

HB 626         Transportation

HB 627         Judiciary

HB 628         Judiciary

HB 629         Transportation

HB 630         Health

HB 631         Finance

HB 632         Commerce

HB 633         Agriculture & Rural Affairs

HB 634         Transportation

HB 635         Labor & Industry

HB 636         Labor & Industry

HB 637         Education

HB 638         Judiciary

HB 639         Agriculture & Rural Affairs

HB 640         State Government

HB 641         Tourism & Recreational Development

HB 642         Tourism & Recreational Development

HB 643         Consumer Affairs

HB 644         Gaming Oversight

HB 645         Finance

HB 646         Judiciary


HB 648         Urban Affairs


HB 649         Gaming Oversight

HB 650         Insurance

HB 651         Commerce

HB 652         Transportation

HB 653         Transportation

HB 654         Judiciary

HB 655         Judiciary

HB 656         Judiciary

HB 657         Liquor Control


SB 4               Finance


SB 9               State Government


SB 166          Judiciary


SB 179          Tourism & Recreational Development


SB 293          Insurance


SB 316          State Government


Bills Re-Referred



Bills Recommitted


HB 73        To Appropriations

HB 186     To Appropriations

HB 446     To Appropriations


Bills Reported from Committee


HB 446           From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 400           From Labor & Industry as Amended

HB 568           From Labor & Industry as Committed


Bills Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar


HB 140

HB 188

HB 512

HB 530


Bills Placed on the Table



House Resolutions Adopted



This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

until Monday, March 2, 2015 at 1 P.M.

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.