House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

February 23, 2015

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives Convened at 1:00 P.M.


Submissions by The Speaker


In compliance with the provisions of Act No. 181 of 1982, as amended, the Regulatory Review Act, he submitted for the record a listing of the jurisdiction of each standing committee of the House over the various State agencies, departments, boards, and commissions for the purpose of reviewing proposed regulations.


The naming of the Committee’s Sub-Committee Chairs, Vice Chairs and Secretaries of various Standing Committees.


Communications Received


The Speaker acknowledged receipt of the Pennsylvania Firearm Education and Training Commission’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2013-2014.


The Speaker acknowledged receipt of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Annual Report regarding the Used Tire Pile remediation Restricted Account and the Remediation of Used Tire Piles.


Committee on Committees

Supplemental Report


In the House of Representatives

February 23, 2015




Representative Ryan Mackenzie, Berks and Lehigh Counties, is resigning as a member of the Tourism and Recreational Development Committee.


Representative David Parker, Monroe County, is resigning as a member of the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.


Representative Parke Wentling, Crawford, Erie, Lawrence and Mercer Counties, is resigning as a member of the Labor and Industry Committee.


Representative Ryan Mackenzie, Berks and Lehigh Counties, is elected as a member of the Environmental Resources Committee.


Representative David Parker, Monroe County, is elected as a member of the Labor and Industry Committee.


Representative Parke Wentling, Crawford, Erie, Lawrence and Mercer Counties, is elected as a member of the Tourism and Recreational Development Committee.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Godshall, Chairman

Committee on Committees


Communications Received From the Senate


The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, presented the following extract from the Journal of the Senate, which was read as follows, viz:


In the Senate,

February 17, 2015


RESOLVED, (the House of Representatives concurring), That the Senate and House of Representatives meet in Joint Session on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 11:30 a.m., in the Hall of the House of Representatives for the purpose of hearing an address by His Excellency, Governor Tom Wolf; and be it further


RESOLVED, That a committee of three on the part of the Senate, be appointed to act with a similar committee on the part of the House of Representatives, to escort his Excellency, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Hall of the House of Representatives.


Ordered, That the Clerk present the same to the House of Representatives for its concurrence.


Voting Schedule






Bills on Second Consideration


HB 14 PN 0162

 Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 59 PN 0051

 Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 60 PN 0052

 Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 147 PN 0139

 Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 166 PN 0150

 Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 251 PN 0480


       A00120 (DAVIDSON)

 72 – 126   (Failed)


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration


Bills on Third Consideration


HB 93 PN 0083

 198 – 0     Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 229 PN 0486

 193 – 5     Sent to Senate for Concurrence


Bills Signed by the Speaker



Bills Referred


HR 87             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 88             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 89             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 90             To Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 91             Judiciary

HR 92             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 93             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 94             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 95             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 96             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 97             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 98             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 99             To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 100           To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 101           To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 102           Education

HR 103           State Government

HR 104           To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HB 105           To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35

HR 106           To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35


HR 121           To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35


HB 16             Judiciary

HB 17             Judiciary

HB 18             Judiciary


HB 100           Consumer Affairs


HB 129           Consumer Affairs


HB 162           Children & Youth


HB 200           Consumer Affairs


HB 250           Labor & Industry


HB 400           Labor & Industry


HB 444           Finance


HB 451           State Government

HB 452           Consumer Affairs

HB 453           Children & Youth

HB 454           Education

HB 455           Game & Fish


HB 458           Agriculture & Rural Affairs

HB 459           Commerce

HB 460           Commerce

HB 461           Education

HB 462           Judiciary

HB 463           Judiciary

HB 464           Judiciary

HB 465           Judiciary

HB 466           Liquor Control

HB 467           Labor & Industry

HB 468           Judiciary

HB 469           Gaming Oversight

HB 470           Judiciary

HB 471           Environmental Resources & Energy

HB 472           State Government

HB 473           Judiciary

HB 474           Transportation

HB 475           Transportation

HB 476           Health

HB 477           Children & Youth

HB 478           Judiciary

HB 479           Health

HB 480           Transportation

HB 481           Judiciary

HB 482           Labor & Industry

HB 483           Liquor Control

HB 484           Health

HB 485           Education

HB 486           Judiciary

HB 487           State Government

HB 488           Liquor Control

HB 489           Judiciary

HB 490           Education

HB 491           Judiciary

HB 492           Agriculture & Rural Affairs

HB 493           Aging & Older Adult Services

HB 494           Finance

HB 495           Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness

HB 496           Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness

HB 497           Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness

HB 498           Health

HB 499           Education


HB 501           Transportation

HB 502           Judiciary

HB 503           Judiciary

HB 504           Finance

HB 505           Judiciary

HB 506           Transportation

HB 507           Environmental Resources & Energy


HB 509           Environmental Resources & Energy

HB 510           Judiciary

HB 511           Judiciary

HB 512           Education

HB 513           Game & Fish

HB 514           Judiciary

HB 516           Professional Licensure

HB 517           Finance

HB 518           Education

HB 519           Environmental Resources & Energy

HB 520           Consumer Affairs

HB 521           State Government

HB 522           Environmental Resources & Energy

HB 523           Environmental Resources & Energy

HB 524           Environmental Resources & Energy

HB 525           Transportation

HB 526           Environmental Resources & Energy


HB 528           Environmental Resources & Energy

HB 529           Transportation

HB 530           Education

HB 531           Education

HB 532           Judiciary

HB 533           Health

HB 534           Education

HB 535           Judiciary

HB 536           Education

HB 537           Education

HB 538           Labor & Industry

HB 539           Education

HB 540           Judiciary

HB 541           Labor & Industry

HB 542           Health

HB 543           Judiciary


HB 545           Transportation

HB 546           Consumer Affairs

HB 547           State Government

HB 548           Transportation

HB 549           Education

HB 550           Transportation

HB 551           Gaming Oversight

HB 552           Judiciary

HB 553           State Government

HB 554           Children & Youth

HB 555           Transportation

HB 556           Transportation

HB 557           Judiciary

HB 558           Education

HB 559           Commerce

HB 560           State Government

HB 561           Finance

HB 562           State Government

HB 563           Judiciary


HB 565           Gaming Oversight


HB 568           Labor & Industry


HB 570           Judiciary

HB 571           Judiciary

HB 572           Judiciary

HB 573           Consumer Affairs

HB 574           State Government

HB 575           State Government

HB 576           Education

HB 577           Environmental Resources & Energy

HB 578           Gaming Oversight

HB 579           Consumer Affairs

HB 580           Consumer Affairs

HB 581           Labor & Industry

HB 582           Transportation

HB 584           Finance

HB 585           Judiciary

HB 586           Health

HB 587           Judiciary

HB 588           Local Government

HB 589           Local Government

HB 590           Local Government

HB 591           Education

HB 592           Labor & Industry

HB 593           Professional Licensure

HB 594           Labor & Industry


SB 279            Environmental Resources & Energy


SB 397            Judiciary


Bills Re-Referred



Bills Recommitted


HB 14        To Appropriations

HB 59        To Appropriations

HB 60        To Appropriations

HB 147     To Appropriations

HB 166     To Appropriations

HB 251     To Appropriations


Bills Reported from Committee


HB 93          From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 466       From Liquor Control as Committed


Bills Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar


HB 75

HB 141

HB 158

HB 209

HB 210


Bills Placed on the Table



House Resolutions Adopted


HR 37

A Resolution designating February 24, 2015, as "Spay Day" in Pennsylvania.

  198 – 0

HR 62

A Resolution designating the week of February 22 through 28, 2015, as "FFA Week" in Pennsylvania.

  198 – 0

HR 86

A Resolution honoring Representative Rosita Youngblood for becoming the first African-American female to hold a leadership position in the history of the General Assembly.

  198 – 0

HR 87

A Resolution designating February 25, 2015, as "Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania; and urging the National Institutes of Health to recognize "Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Awareness Day" and to advance research relating to peripartum cardiomyopathy.

  198 – 0

HR 90

A Resolution recognizing and honoring the work, activism, leadership and courage of Frances P. Aulston of the City of Philadelphia during "Black History Month 2015."

  198 – 0


This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

until Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 11 A.M.

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.