1Encouraging the NCAA to utilize in Pennsylvania all of the fines
2received from The Pennsylvania State University to educate
3parents, students and teachers about child abuse and towards
4the prevention of child abuse.

5WHEREAS, Serious sanctions were imposed upon The Pennsylvania
6State University for failure to protect minors; and

7WHEREAS, Many of the sanctions were appropriate; and

8WHEREAS, The House of Representatives believes that some of
9the sanctions imposed do not relate to the infractions, such as
10sanctions against the football team, which was not involved with
11the inappropriate conduct; and

12WHEREAS, Through its Infractions Appeals Committee, the NCAA
13reviewed violations that were unjust against Boise State
14University; therefore be it

15RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives acknowledge,
16confirm and support the sanctions imposed against The
17Pennsylvania State University with regards to child abuse and

1encourage the NCAA to review through the Infractions Appeals
2Committee the sanctions imposed to ensure that they relate to
3the offenses committed and do not punish those students and
4athletes who were not involved and are innocent; and be it

6RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage the
7NCAA to utilize in Pennsylvania all of the fines received from
8The Pennsylvania State University to educate parents, students
9and teachers about child abuse and towards the prevention of
10child abuse.