1Providing for release of information by coroners and medical

3The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
4hereby enacts as follows:

5Section 1. Short title.

6This act shall be known and may be cited as the Release of
7Coroner and Medical Examiner Information Act.

8Section 2. Definitions.

9The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
10have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
11context clearly indicates otherwise:

12"County." A county of this Commonwealth, including a county
13within which is located a city of the first class or with which
14a city of the first class is coextensive.

15Section 3. Investigation information.

16(a) General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b), the

1following apply to public release of information by a coroner or
2medical examiner:

3(1) Following an investigation by a coroner or medical
4examiner to determine the cause of any death in this
5Commonwealth, the coroner or medical examiner shall not
6release to the public the name of the deceased and the cause
7and manner of death unless the release is in accordance with
8the requirements under paragraph (2).

9(2) Release of the information under paragraph (1) may
10not occur until either notification of the next of kin of the
11deceased individual is confirmed or 72 hours have elapsed
12following the determination of the identity of the deceased
13individual and the cause and manner of the death, whichever
14occurs first.

15(b) Exception.--This section shall not apply in cases of a
16public health emergency as determined by the coroner or medical

18Section 4. Applicability.

19This act shall apply in each county of this Commonwealth.

20Section 5. Effective date.

21This act shall take effect in 60 days.