1Amending Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania
2Consolidated Statutes, further providing for investment of
3authority funds.

4The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
5hereby enacts as follows:

6Section 1. Section 5611(d) of Title 53 of the Pennsylvania
7Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a paragraph to read:

8§ 5611. Investment of authority funds.

9* * *

10(d) Types.--Authorized types of investments for authority
11funds shall be:

12* * *

13(7) Commercial paper rated in the highest rating
14category, without reference to a subcategory, by a rating
15agency. This paragraph shall only apply to an airport
16authority board in a county of the second class.

17* * *

18Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.