<-1Amending the act of May 3, 1933 (P.L.242, No.86), entitled, as 
2amended, "An act to promote the public health and safety by 
3providing for examination, licensing and granting of permits 
4for those who desire to engage in the profession of 
5cosmetology; defining cosmetology, and regulating cosmetology 
6salons, schools, students, apprentices, teachers, managers, 
7manicurists and cosmetologists; conferring powers and duties 
8upon the Commissioner of Professional and Occupational 
9Affairs in the Department of State; providing for appeals to 
10certain courts by applicants and licensees; and providing 
11penalties," providing for authorization of school of 
12cosmetology as institution

<-13Providing for authorization of certain schools as institutions 
14of postsecondary education.

15The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
16hereby enacts as follows:

<-17Section 1. The act of May 3, 1933 (P.L.242, No.86), referred
18to as the Cosmetology Law, is amended by adding a section to

20Section 6.1. Authorization of School of Cosmetology as
21Institution of Postsecondary Education.--A school of cosmetology

1shall be recognized and authorized as an institution of
2postsecondary education if it meets the following conditions:

3(1) The school admits as regular students only those
4individuals who are either beyond the age of compulsory
5education or have a high school diploma or a diploma based on
6passing general educational development (GED) tests or their

8(2) The school is licensed by name and authorized by the
9Department of State and the board under this act to offer one or
10more training programs beyond the secondary level.

11Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.

<-12Section 1. Short title.

13This act shall be known and may be cited as the Higher
14Education Eligibility Act.

15Section 2. Recognition.

16For purposes of establishing institutional eligibility under
17Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-329,
1879 Stat. 1232), the schools enumerated in section 3 are
19recognized by name as educational institutions by the
20Commonwealth and authorized to operate as educational
21institutions in this Commonwealth if they satisfy the following

23(1) The school admits as regular students only those
24individuals who are eligible beyond the age of compulsory
25education or have a high school diploma or a diploma based on
26passing general educational development tests or an
27equivalent test.

28(2) The school is licensed <-or approved by name and
29authorized by a State licensing board, the Department of
30State or the State Board of Education, under State law to

1offer at least one training program beyond the secondary

3Section 3. Schools.

4The following schools are included under section 2:

5(1) A licensed barber school under the act of June 19,
61931 (P.L.589, No.202), referred to as the Barbers' License

8(2) A school of cosmetology as defined by section 1 of
9the act of May 3, 1933 (P.L.242, No.86), referred to as the
10Cosmetology Law.

11(3) A school which provides an approved program of
12professional nursing under the act of May 22, 1951 (P.L.317,
13No.69), known as The Professional Nursing Law.

14(4) A regionally accredited college or university
15approved under section 6(b)(2) and (3) of The Professional
16Nursing Law for education as a dietitian-nutritionist.

<-17(5) A school, hospital or other educational institution
18that provides a program in practical nursing prescribed and
19approved by the State Board of Nursing under the act of March
202, 1956 (1955 P.L.1211, No.376), known as the Practical Nurse

22Section 20. Effective date.

23This act shall take effect immediately.