1Amending the act of December 21, 1998 (P.L.1307, No.174),
2entitled "An act relating to cities of the first class,
3establishing Neighborhood Improvement Districts; conferring
4powers and duties on municipal corporations and Neighborhood
5Improvement Districts; and providing for annual audits and
6for tourism and marketing," further providing for definitions
7relating to tourism and marketing tax.

8The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
9hereby enacts as follows:

10Section 1. Section 3 of the act of December 21, 1998
11(P.L.1307, No.174), known as the Community and Economic
12Improvement Act, is amended by adding definitions to read:

13Section 3. Definitions.

14The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
15have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
16context clearly indicates otherwise:

17* * *

18"Consideration." Receipts, fees, charges, rentals, leases,
19cash, credits, property of any kind or nature, any amount
20charged by an intermediary to an occupant and retained by the

1intermediary, or other payment received by operators in exchange
2for or in consideration of the use or occupancy by a transient
3of a room or rooms in a hotel for any temporary period.

4* * *

5"Intermediary." A person who facilitates the booking of
6hotel reservations and who is not an operator.

7* * *

8Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.