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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1681



No. 1241 Session of 2008

           JANUARY 14, 2008


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for Faculty and College
     6     Excellence; establishing the Higher Education Faculty
     7     Restoration and Equity Fund; and making an appropriation.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    11  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding an
    12  article to read:
    13                           ARTICLE XIX-G
    14                   FACULTY AND COLLEGE EXCELLENCE
    15  Section 1901-G.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this article
    17  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Fund."  The Higher Education Faculty Restoration and Equity
    20  Fund established in section 1908-G.

     1     "Public institution of higher education."  A community
     2  college or an institution which is part of the State System of
     3  Higher Education pursuant to Article XX-A. This term shall
     4  include The Pennsylvania State University, the University of
     5  Pittsburgh, Temple University, Lincoln University and their
     6  branch campuses.
     7  Section 1902-G.  Purpose.
     8     The General Assembly sets the following goals and objectives
     9  as the purpose of this article:
    10         (1)  All part-time/adjunct and other nontenure-track
    11     faculty members shall receive pay that is equal, on a pro
    12     rata basis, with that of tenured or tenure-track faculty of
    13     comparable qualifications doing comparable work.
    14         (2)  All part-time/adjunct and other nontenure-track
    15     faculty members shall be eligible to participate in the
    16     employee retirement plan and all part-time/adjunct faculty
    17     members teaching at least 50% of the established workload for
    18     full-time tenured faculty shall be eligible for the same
    19     health care benefits as full-time tenured faculty.
    20         (3)  At least 75% of the undergraduate courses offered
    21     within each department on each campus of each public
    22     institution of higher education, if the department has at
    23     least eight full-time equivalent faculty positions, shall be
    24     taught by full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty.
    25  Section 1903-G.  General rule.
    26     Each academic department at a public institution of higher
    27  education that has at least eight full-time equivalent faculty
    28  positions shall have at least 75% of the undergraduate courses
    29  offered within the department taught by full-time tenured and
    30  tenure-track faculty.
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     1  Section 1904-G.  Determination.
     2     Within the requirements of section 1903-G, each public
     3  institution of higher education shall determine the number of
     4  undergraduate courses taught by part-time, nontenured, tenure-
     5  track and tenured faculty in each academic department.
     6  Section 1905-G.  Plan to increase.
     7     (a)  General rule.--Each academic department of a public
     8  institution of higher education that does not meet the
     9  requirements of section 1903-G shall, beginning in September
    10  2008, and in each succeeding academic year, increase the share
    11  of courses taught by full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty
    12  by 10% or more over the previous academic year so that by 2013
    13  the requirements of section 1903-G are met.
    14     (b)  Plan.--Each public institution of higher education shall
    15  create a plan to meet the requirements of section 1903-G. The
    16  plan shall be subject to collective bargaining with the
    17  exclusive representatives of the full-time and part-time faculty
    18  at the public institution of higher education. Staffing levels
    19  shall be a mandatory subject of bargaining for all faculty
    20  unions at public institutions of higher education.
    21     (c)  Fund distribution.--The system shall distribute moneys
    22  in the Higher Education Faculty Restoration and Equity Fund to
    23  State institutions of higher education such that by 2013 average
    24  faculty salaries will be equal to or greater than the median
    25  salary of their peer groups as established by the system.
    26  Section 1906-G.  Part-time and adjunct faculty.
    27     (a)  Salary.--Each public institution of higher education
    28  shall determine a salary standard for part-time or adjunct
    29  faculty employed in each academic department that is equal, on a
    30  pro rata basis, with that of tenured and tenure-track faculty of
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     1  comparable qualifications doing comparable work. This
     2  determination is subject to collective bargaining with the
     3  exclusive representatives of part-time and other nontenure-track
     4  faculty.
     5     (b)  Health-care benefits.--If, over the course of a 12-month
     6  calendar year, a part-time or other nontenure-track faculty
     7  member at a public institution of higher education carries at
     8  least 50% of the established teaching load of tenure-track
     9  faculty, that part-time faculty member shall be eligible for the
    10  same health-care benefits as tenure-track faculty members.
    11     (c)  Retirement plan.--If, during a 12-month calendar year, a
    12  part-time or other nontenure-track faculty member teaches at
    13  multiple State institutions of higher education and in aggregate
    14  teaches 50% or more of an established teaching load, that
    15  faculty member shall receive credit toward the retirement plan
    16  available to tenured and tenure-track faculty.
    17     (d)  Priority consideration.--
    18         (1)  Each public institution of higher education shall
    19     establish a process through which part-time and other
    20     nontenure-track faculty, after successful completion of a
    21     probationary period, receive advance notice of and priority
    22     consideration for:
    23             (i)  Part-time and nontenure-track teaching
    24         assignments consistent with other institutional and State
    25         policies.
    26             (ii)  Tenure-track faculty positions consistent with
    27         other institutional and State policies.
    28         (2)  Each public institution of higher education shall
    29     ensure that nontenure-track faculty:
    30             (i)  Accumulate seniority.
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     1             (ii)  Are notified of job openings prior to the job
     2         being posted outside of the institution.
     3             (iii)  Have preferential consideration for
     4         appointments.
     5         (3)  The provisions of this subsection are subject to
     6     collective bargaining between the public institution of
     7     higher education and the exclusive representatives of part-
     8     time and nontenure-track faculty.
     9     (e)  Student fees.--A public institution of higher education
    10  shall waive the student fees of teachers and employees who are
    11  attending the institution for the purpose of receiving a
    12  graduate degree if the teacher or employee is receiving a
    13  tuition remission.
    14  Section 1907-G.  Salary increase.
    15     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding section 1906-G, if a
    16  public institution of higher education is not meeting the
    17  requirements of section 1906-G(a), beginning in the fall
    18  semester of 2008, the public institution of higher education
    19  shall increase part-time and nontenure-track faculty salaries by
    20  a sufficient amount to meet the requirements of section 1906-G
    21  prior to the beginning of the fall semester of 2013. Each
    22  academic year, the gap between part-time salary and comparable
    23  pro rata full-time salary in any academic department shall be
    24  diminished by 15% or more of the gap from the previous year.
    25     (b)  Deadline.--Each public institution of higher education
    26  shall meet the requirements of section 1906-G prior to the fall
    27  semester of 2013.
    28  Section 1908-G.  Higher Education Faculty Restoration and Equity
    29                     Fund.
    30     The Higher Education Faculty Restoration and Equity Fund is
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     1  established as a separate fund in the State Treasury. Interest
     2  earned by the Higher Education Faculty Restoration and Equity
     3  Fund shall be credited to the fund. Moneys in the fund are
     4  continuously appropriated to the Department of Education for
     5  distribution for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this
     6  article.
     7  Section 1909-G.  Limitation.
     8     Nothing in this article shall be construed to either limit or
     9  reduce salaries, benefits or hiring rights in existence at a
    10  public institution of higher education on or after the effective
    11  date of this article.
    12  Section 1910-G.  Appropriation.
    13     There is hereby appropriated the sum thereof that may be
    14  necessary, to the Department of Education, for the fiscal year
    15  beginning July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009, to carry out the
    16  provisions of this act.
    17     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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