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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1633                      PRINTER'S NO. 2048



No. 1203 Session of 2007

           O'PAKE AND WOZNIAK, DECEMBER 7, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     forfeiture, for modification of wills, for advertisement of
     4     grant of letters, FOR DUTY OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, for     <--
     5     enforcement of contribution or exoneration of Federal estate
     6     tax, for implementation of power of attorney, for
     7     applicability of rule against perpetuities, for modification
     8     of conveyance by divorce, for effect of divorce on
     9     designation of beneficiaries, for notice of representation,
    10     for creditor's claim against settlor, for actions contesting
    11     validity of revocable trusts, for claims and distribution
    12     after settlor's death, for trustee's duty to inform and
    13     report, for illustrative powers of trustee, for limitation of
    14     action against trustee, for power to convert to unitrust and
    15     for retirement benefits, individual retirement accounts,
    16     deferred compensation, annuities and similar payments; and
    17     making conforming amendments to Title 15.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Sections 2106(a), 2507(2), 3162, 3301(C), 3706,    <--
    21  5603(p) and (q), 6107.1, 6111.1, 6111.2, 7725 and 7745 of Title
    22  20 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to
    23  read:
    24  § 2106.  Forfeiture.
    25     (a)  Spouse's share.--

     1         (1)  A spouse who, for one year or upwards previous to
     2     the death of the other spouse, has willfully neglected or
     3     refused to perform the duty to support the other spouse, or
     4     who for one year or upwards has willfully and maliciously
     5     deserted the other spouse, shall have no right or interest
     6     under this chapter in the real or personal estate of the
     7     other spouse.
     8         (2)  A spouse shall have no right or interest under this
     9     chapter in the real or personal estate of the other spouse
    10     if:
    11             (i)  the other spouse dies domiciled in this
    12         Commonwealth during the course of divorce proceedings;
    13             (ii)  no decree of divorce has been entered pursuant
    14         to 23 Pa.C.S. § 3323 (relating to decree of court); and
    15             (iii)  grounds have been established as provided in
    16         23 Pa.C.S. § 3323(g).
    17     * * *
    18  § 2507.  Modification by circumstances.
    19     Wills shall be modified upon the occurrence of any of the
    20  following circumstances, among others:
    21         * * *
    22         (2)  Divorce or pending divorce.--[If the testator is
    23     divorced from the bonds of matrimony after making a will,
    24     any] Any provision in [the] a testator's will in favor of or
    25     relating to [his] the testator's spouse [so divorced] shall
    26     [thereby] become ineffective for all purposes unless it
    27     appears from the will that the provision was intended to
    28     survive [the divorce.] a divorce, if the testator:
    29             (i)  is divorced from such spouse after making the
    30         will; or
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     1             (ii)  dies domiciled in this Commonwealth during the
     2         course of divorce proceedings, no decree of divorce has
     3         been entered pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 3323 (relating to
     4         decree of court) and grounds have been established as
     5         provided in 23 Pa.C.S. § 3323(g).
     6         * * *
     7  § 3162.  Advertisement of grant of letters.
     8     (a)  Notice generally.--The personal representative,
     9  immediately after the grant of letters, shall cause notice
    10  thereof to be given in one newspaper of general circulation
    11  published at or near the place where the decedent resided or, in
    12  the case of a nonresident decedent, at or near the place where
    13  the letters were granted, and in the legal periodical, if any,
    14  designated by rule of court for the publication of legal
    15  notices, once a week for three successive weeks, together with
    16  his name and address; and in every such notice, he shall request
    17  all persons having claims against the estate of the decedent to
    18  make known the same to him or his attorney, and all persons
    19  indebted to the decedent to make payment to him without delay.
    20     (b)  Proofs of advertisement to trustee.--A personal
    21  representative who has advertised the grant of letters and
    22  received the notice required by section 7780.3(c) (relating to
    23  duty to inform and report) shall promptly send copies of the
    24  proofs of that advertisement to the trustee.
    25  § 3301.  DUTY OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE.                         <--
    26     * * *
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     9  § 3706.  Enforcement of contribution or exoneration of Federal
    10             estate tax.
    11     (a)  Duty to pay.--Parties liable for apportionment of the
    12  Federal estate tax, whether residents or nonresidents of this
    13  Commonwealth, shall pay the amounts apportioned against them
    14  [respectively.] at the time the Federal estate tax is due,
    15  without regard to any extension of time for paying such tax.
    16     (b)  [Duty] Power of fiduciary.--The fiduciary charged with
    17  the duty to pay the Federal estate tax may recover from parties
    18  liable to apportionment the amounts of Federal estate tax
    19  [apportionable] apportioned to them [respectively]. If the
    20  fiduciary pays the tax apportioned against another party, the
    21  fiduciary may recover from the other party the tax payment so
    22  advanced, together with interest of 5% per annum from the date
    23  of payment.
    24     (c)  Suspending distribution.--Distribution or delivery of
    25  property to any party, other than a fiduciary charged with a
    26  duty to pay the Federal estate tax, shall not be required of any
    27  fiduciary until [the Federal estate tax apportionable with
    28  respect thereto is paid or, if the Federal estate tax has not
    29  been determined and apportionment made, until adequate security
    30  for payment is furnished to the fiduciary making the
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     1  distribution or delivery.] that party pays the Federal estate
     2  tax apportioned to that party.
     3     (d)  Court decrees.--[The] Notwithstanding subsections (a)
     4  and (b), the court, upon petition or at an accounting or in any
     5  appropriate action or proceeding, shall make such decrees or
     6  orders as it shall deem advisable apportioning the Federal
     7  estate tax. The court may direct a fiduciary to collect the
     8  apportioned amounts from the property or interests in his
     9  possession of any parties against whom apportionment has been
    10  made and may direct all other parties against whom the Federal
    11  estate tax has been or may be apportioned or from whom any part
    12  of the Federal estate tax may be recovered to make payment of
    13  the apportioned amounts to the fiduciary. When a fiduciary holds
    14  property of a party liable to apportionment insufficient to
    15  satisfy the apportioned Federal estate tax, the court may direct
    16  that the balance of the apportioned amount of Federal estate tax
    17  shall be paid to the fiduciary by the party liable. Should an
    18  overpayment of the Federal estate tax be made by any party or on
    19  his behalf, the court may direct an appropriate reimbursement
    20  for the overpayment. If the court apportions any part of the
    21  Federal estate tax against any party interested in
    22  nontestamentary property or among the respective interests
    23  created by any nontestamentary instrument, the court, in its
    24  discretion, may assess against those properties or interests an
    25  equitable share of the expenses incurred in connection with the
    26  determination and apportionment of the Federal estate tax. If
    27  the fiduciary cannot recover the Federal estate tax apportioned
    28  against a party benefited, the unrecovered amount shall be
    29  charged in such manner as the court may determine.
    30  § 5603.  Implementation of power of attorney.
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     1     * * *
     2     (p)  Power to engage in insurance transactions.--A power to
     3  "engage in insurance transactions" shall mean that the agent
     4  may:
     5         (1)  Purchase, continue, renew, convert or terminate any
     6     type of insurance (including, but not limited to, life,
     7     accident, health, disability or liability insurance) and pay
     8     premiums and collect benefits and proceeds under insurance
     9     policies.
    10         (2)  Exercise nonforfeiture provisions under insurance
    11     policies.
    12         (3)  In general, exercise all powers with respect to
    13     insurance that the principal could if present; however, the
    14     agent cannot designate himself beneficiary of a life
    15     insurance policy unless the agent is the spouse, child,
    16     grandchild, parent, brother or sister of the principal. An
    17     agent and a beneficiary of a life insurance policy shall be
    18     liable as equity and justice may require to the extent that,
    19     as determined by the court, a beneficiary designation made by
    20     the agent is inconsistent with the known or probable intent
    21     of the principal.
    22     (q)  Power to engage in retirement plan transactions.--A
    23  power to "engage in retirement plan transactions" shall mean
    24  that the agent may contribute to, withdraw from and deposit
    25  funds in any type of retirement plan (including, but not limited
    26  to, any tax qualified or nonqualified pension, profit sharing,
    27  stock bonus, employee savings and retirement plan, deferred
    28  compensation plan or individual retirement account), select and
    29  change payment options for the principal, make roll-over
    30  contributions from any retirement plan to other retirement plans
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     1  and, in general, exercise all powers with respect to retirement
     2  plans that the principal could if present. However, the agent
     3  cannot designate himself beneficiary of a retirement plan unless
     4  the agent is the spouse, child, grandchild, parent, brother or
     5  sister of the principal. An agent and a beneficiary of a
     6  retirement plan shall be liable as equity and justice may
     7  require to the extent that, as determined by the court, a
     8  beneficiary designation made by the agent is inconsistent with
     9  the known or probable intent of the principal.
    10     * * *
    11  § 6107.1.  Applicability of rule against perpetuities.
    12     (a)  Traditional rule.--Sections 6104 (relating to rule
    13  against perpetuities), 6105 (relating to rule against
    14  perpetuities; disposition when invalidity occurs), 6106
    15  (relating to income accumulations; when valid) and 6107
    16  (relating to income accumulations; disposition when invalidity
    17  occurs):
    18         (1)  shall apply to every interest created before January
    19     1, 2007; but
    20         (2)  shall not apply to any interest created after
    21     December 31, 2006.
    22     (b)  Modern rule.--All of the following apply to every
    23  interest created after December 31, 2006:
    24         (1)  [No] Except as provided in paragraph (3), no
    25     interest shall be void as a perpetuity.
    26         (2)  No direction or authorization to [accumulated]
    27     accumulate income shall be void as a perpetuity.
    28         (3)  If a power of appointment is exercised to create a
    29     new power of appointment, any interest created by the
    30     exercise of the new power of appointment is invalid if it
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     1     does not vest within 360 years of the creation of the
     2     original power of appointment, unless the exercise of the new
     3     power of appointment expressly states that this provision
     4     shall not apply to the interests created by the exercise.
     5         (4)  Void interests shall be disposed of in the manner
     6     provided in section 6105.
     7  § 6111.1.  Modification by divorce or pending divorce.
     8     [If the conveyor is divorced from the bonds of matrimony
     9  after making a conveyance, any] Any provision in [the] a
    10  conveyance which was revocable by [him] a conveyor at the time
    11  of [his] the conveyor's death and which was to take effect at or
    12  after [his] the conveyor's death in favor of or relating to [his
    13  spouse so divorced shall thereby] the conveyor's spouse shall
    14  become ineffective for all purposes unless it appears in the
    15  governing instrument that the provision was intended to survive
    16  [the divorce.] a divorce, if the conveyor:
    17         (1)  is divorced from such spouse after making the
    18     conveyance; or
    19         (2)  dies domiciled in this Commonwealth during the
    20     course of divorce proceedings, no decree of divorce has been
    21     entered pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 3323 (relating to decree of
    22     court) and grounds have been established as provided in 23
    23     Pa.C.S. § 3323(g).
    24  § 6111.2.  Effect of divorce or pending divorce on designation
    25             of beneficiaries.
    26     [If a person domiciled in this Commonwealth at the time of
    27  his death is divorced from the bonds of matrimony after
    28  designating his spouse as beneficiary of a life insurance
    29  policy, annuity contract, pension or profit-sharing plan or
    30  other contractual arrangement providing for payments to his
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     1  spouse, any designation in favor of his former spouse which was
     2  revocable by him after the divorce shall become ineffective for
     3  all purposes and shall be construed as if such former spouse had
     4  predeceased him unless it appears from the wording of the
     5  designation, a court order or a written contract between the
     6  person and such former spouse that the designation was intended
     7  to survive the divorce.]
     8     (a)  Applicability.--This section is applicable if an
     9  individual:
    10         (1)  is domiciled in this Commonwealth;
    11         (2)  designates the individual's spouse as beneficiary of
    12     the individual's life insurance policy, annuity contract,
    13     pension or profit-sharing plan or other contractual
    14     arrangement providing for payments to the spouse; and
    15         (3)  either:
    16             (i)  at the time of the individual's death is
    17         divorced from the spouse; or
    18             (ii)  dies during the course of divorce proceedings,
    19         no decree of divorce has been entered pursuant to 23
    20         Pa.C.S. § 3323 (relating to decree of court) and grounds
    21         have been established as provided in 23 Pa.C.S. §
    22         3323(g).
    23     (b)  General rule.--Any designation described in subsection
    24  (a)(2) in favor of the individual's spouse or former spouse that
    25  was revocable by the individual at the individual's death shall
    26  become ineffective for all purposes and shall be construed as if
    27  the spouse or former spouse had predeceased the individual,
    28  unless it appears the designation was intended to survive the
    29  divorce based on:
    30         (1)  the wording of the designation;
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     1         (2)  a court order; or
     2         (3)  a written contract between the individual and the
     3     spouse or former spouse.
     4     (c)  Liability.--
     5         (1)  Unless restrained by court order, no insurance
     6     company, pension or profit-sharing plan trustee or other
     7     obligor shall be liable for making payments to a spouse or
     8     former spouse which would have been proper in the absence of
     9     this section.
    10         (2)  Any spouse or former spouse to whom payment is made
    11     shall be answerable to anyone prejudiced by the payment.
    12  § 7725.  Notice of representation.
    13     A person representing another must be given written notice by
    14  the trustee that the person is representing the other person.
    15  [The person to whom the notice is given may decline the
    16  representation by a writing that is given to the trustee no
    17  later than 60 days after receipt of the trustee's notice.] A
    18  person to whom the notice is given is presumed to accept the
    19  representation unless the person declines the representation in
    20  a writing delivered to the trustee no later than 30 days after
    21  receipt of the notice.
    22  § 7745.  Creditor's claim against settlor - UTC 505(a).
    23     Whether or not a trust instrument contains a spendthrift
    24  provision and notwithstanding section 7744 (relating to
    25  discretionary trusts; effect of standard - UTC 504):
    26         (1)  During the lifetime of the settlor, the property of
    27     a revocable trust is subject to claims of the settlor's
    28     creditors.
    29         (2)  A judgment creditor or assignee of the settlor of an
    30     irrevocable trust may reach the maximum amount that can be
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     1     distributed to or for the settlor's benefit. If a trust has
     2     more than one settlor, the creditor or assignee of a
     3     particular settlor may reach the portion of the trust
     4     attributable to that settlor's contribution. However, the
     5     assets of an irrevocable trust are not subject to the claims
     6     of a creditor of the settlor solely because of the existence
     7     of the trustee's discretionary power to pay directly to the
     8     taxing authorities or to reimburse the settlor for any income
     9     tax payable by the settlor attributable to trust income or
    10     principal.
    11         (3)  After the death of the settlor and subject to the
    12     settlor's right to direct the source from which liabilities
    13     will be paid, the property of a revocable trust is subject to
    14     claims of the settlor's creditors, costs of administration of
    15     the settlor's estate, the expenses of the settlor's funeral
    16     and disposal of remains and the family exemption to the
    17     extent the settlor's probate estate is inadequate to satisfy
    18     those claims, costs, expenses and exemption and no other
    19     statute specifically exempts the property from those claims.
    20     Section 2.  Section 7754 of Title 20 is amended by adding a
    21  subsection to read:
    22  § 7754.  Actions contesting validity of revocable trust.
    23     * * *
    24     (d)  Competency of witnesses.--The competency of a witness in
    25  an action contesting the validity of a revocable trust shall be
    26  governed by the same rules that apply in actions contesting the
    27  validity of a will.
    28     Section 3.  Sections 7755(c), 7780.3(a), (f), (g), (i), (k)
    29  and (l), 7780.6(a), 7785(a), 8105(d) and (e) and 8149(c) of
    30  Title 20 are amended to read:
    20070S1203B2048                 - 11 -     

     1  § 7755.  Claims and distribution after settlor's death.
     2     * * *
     3     (c)  [No personal representative.--If no personal
     4  representative is appointed within 90 days after the settlor's
     5  death, the trustee shall advertise the trust's existence and the
     6  name and address of the trustee in the manner set forth in
     7  section 3162 (relating to advertisement of grant of letters).]
     8  Trustee's duty to advertise.--
     9         (1)  A trustee of a revocable trust:
    10             (i)   May advertise at any time after the settlor's
    11         death.
    12             (ii)  Shall advertise if the first advertisement of
    13         the grant of letters by the settlor's personal
    14         representative does not occur within 90 days after the
    15         settlor's death.
    16         (2)  Advertisements by the trustee under this subsection
    17     shall be in the manner set forth in section 3162 (relating to
    18     advertisement of grant of letters) and shall include:
    19             (i)  The fact of the trust's existence.
    20             (ii)  The trustee's name and address.
    21         (3)  The personal representative of the settlor of a
    22     revocable trust shall send to the trustee copies of the proof
    23     of publication of the advertisement of the grant of letters.
    24     * * *
    25  § 7780.3.  Duty to inform and report.
    26     (a)  Duty to respond to requests.--A trustee shall promptly
    27  respond to a [beneficiary's] reasonable request by the settlor
    28  of a trust or by a beneficiary of an irrevocable trust for
    29  information related to the trust's administration.
    30     * * *
    20070S1203B2048                 - 12 -     

     1     (f)  Notice to current beneficiaries.--No later than 30 days
     2  after the date on which the trustee of an irrevocable trust
     3  learns that a person who did not previously receive the notice
     4  described in subsection (i) is a current beneficiary of the
     5  trust, the trustee shall send the notice described in subsection
     6  (i) to the current beneficiary if, at that time, the trustee
     7  knows that the settlor is then deceased or has been adjudicated
     8  incapacitated. With respect to a testamentary trust, the time
     9  specified in this subsection commences to run when the trust is
    10  first funded, whether or not the trust is completely funded on
    11  that date.
    12     (g)  Change in trusteeship.--[Apart from the other
    13  requirements of this section, the trustee shall send the notice
    14  described in subsection (i) to the current beneficiaries each
    15  time there is a change in trusteeship.]
    16         (1)  Each time there is a change in trusteeship of any
    17     trust, the trustee shall notify the settlor in writing of the
    18     change.
    19         (2)  Each time there is a change in trusteeship of any
    20     trust whose settlor is deceased or of an irrevocable trust
    21     whose settlor has been adjudicated incapacitated, the trustee
    22     shall notify the current beneficiaries in writing of the
    23     change.
    24         (3)  Notice under this subsection shall include the
    25     trustee's name, address and telephone number.
    26     * * *
    27     (i)  Contents of notice.--[Any] Except as provided in
    28  subsection (g), any notice under this section shall be written
    29  and convey the following information:
    30         (1)  The fact of the trust's existence.
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     1         (2)  The identity of the settlor.
     2         (3)  The trustee's name, address and telephone number.
     3         (4)  The recipient's right to receive upon request a copy
     4     of the trust instrument.
     5         (5)  [The recipient's] Each current beneficiary's right
     6     to receive, [at least annually, a] upon request, an annual
     7     written report of the trust's assets and their market values
     8     if feasible, the trust's liabilities and the trust's receipts
     9     and disbursements since the date of the last such report.
    10     * * *
    11     (k)  Notice to settlor's appointee.--The settlor of a trust
    12  may in the trust instrument appoint one or more persons or a
    13  succession of persons to receive, on behalf of one or more named
    14  current beneficiaries of the trust, the notices required by this
    15  section. The trustee giving the notice required by this section
    16  to that appointee satisfies the trustee's duty to give to the
    17  named current beneficiary the notice required by this section
    18  if:
    19         (1)  the trustee notifies the appointee that the notice
    20     is being given to the appointee as representing the named
    21     current beneficiary; and
    22         (2)  the appointee does not decline to receive the notice
    23     in a writing [that is given] delivered to the trustee no
    24     later than [60] 30 days after receipt of the trustee's
    25     notice.
    26     (l)  Applicability.--
    27         (1)  If the death or adjudication of incapacity described
    28     in subsection (b), (c), (d) or (e) occurs on or after
    29     November 6, 2006, the time limit for notice set forth in that
    30     subsection shall apply.
    20070S1203B2048                 - 14 -     

     1         (2)  If the death or adjudication of incapacity described
     2     in subsection (b), [(c),] (d) or (e) has occurred before
     3     November 6, 2006, the time limit for notice set forth in that
     4     subsection shall be November 6, 2008.
     5         (3)  The notice under subsection (f) shall not be
     6     required to be completed until two years after November 6,
     7     2006.
     8  § 7780.6.  Illustrative powers of trustee.
     9     (a)  Listing.--The powers which a trustee may exercise
    10  pursuant to section 7780.5 (relating to powers of trustees - UTC
    11  815) include the following powers:
    12         (1)  To accept, hold, invest in and retain investments as
    13     provided in Chapter 72 (relating to prudent investor rule).
    14         (2)  To pay or contest a claim; settle a claim by or
    15     against the trust by compromise, arbitration or otherwise;
    16     and release, in whole or in part, any claim belonging to the
    17     trust.
    18         (3)  To resolve a dispute regarding the interpretation of
    19     the trust or the administration of the trust by mediation,
    20     arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution
    21     procedures.
    22         (4)  To prosecute or defend actions, claims or
    23     proceedings for the protection of trust assets and of the
    24     trustee in the performance of the trustee's duties.
    25         (5)  To abandon or decline to administer any property
    26     which is of little or no value, transfer title to abandoned
    27     property and decline to accept title to and administer
    28     property which has or may have environmental or other
    29     liability attached to it.
    30         (6)  To insure the assets of the trust against damage or
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     1     loss and, at the expense of the trust, protect the trustee,
     2     the trustee's agents and the beneficiaries from liability to
     3     third persons arising from the administration of the trust.
     4         (7)  To advance money for the protection of the trust and
     5     for all expenses, losses and liability sustained in the
     6     administration of the trust or because of the holding or
     7     ownership of any trust assets. The trustee has a lien on the
     8     trust assets as against the beneficiary for an advance under
     9     this paragraph, including interest on the advance.
    10         (8)  To pay taxes, assessments, compensation of the
    11     trustee and employees and agents of the trustee and other
    12     expenses incurred in the administration of the trust.
    13         (9)  To receive additions to the assets of the trust.
    14         (10)  To sell or exchange any real or personal property
    15     at public or private sale, without obligation to repudiate an
    16     otherwise binding agreement in favor of better offers. If the
    17     trustee has been required to give bond, no proceeds of the
    18     sale of real estate, including proceeds arising by the reason
    19     of involuntary conversion, shall be paid to the trustee
    20     until:
    21             (i)  the court has made an order excusing the trustee
    22         from entering additional security; or
    23             (ii)  the court has made an order requiring
    24         additional security and the trustee has entered the
    25         additional security.
    26         (11)  To enter for any purpose into a lease as lessor or
    27     lessee with or without option to purchase or renew for a term
    28     within or extending beyond the term of the trust.
    29         (12)  To grant options for sales or leases of a trust
    30     asset and acquire options for the acquisition of assets,
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     1     including options exercisable after the trust terminates.
     2         (13)  To join in any reorganization, consolidation,
     3     merger, dissolution, liquidation, voting trust plan or other
     4     concerted action of securityholders and to delegate
     5     discretionary duties with respect thereto.
     6         (14)  To vote a security, in person or by general or
     7     limited proxy, with or without power of substitution.
     8         (15)  To borrow funds and mortgage or pledge trust assets
     9     as security for repayment of the funds borrowed, including
    10     repayments after the trust terminates.
    11         (16)  To make loans to and buy property from the personal
    12     representatives of the settlor and the settlor's spouse.
    13     Loans under this paragraph shall be adequately secured, and
    14     the purchases under this paragraph shall be for fair market
    15     value.
    16         (17)  To partition, subdivide, repair, improve or develop
    17     real estate; enter into agreements concerning the partition,
    18     subdivision, repair, improvement, development, zoning or
    19     management of real estate; impose or extinguish restrictions
    20     on real estate; dedicate land and easements to public use;
    21     adjust boundaries; and do anything else regarding real estate
    22     which is commercially reasonable or customary under the
    23     circumstances.
    24         (18)  With respect to possible liability for violation of
    25     environmental law:
    26             (i)  to inspect or investigate property the trustee
    27         holds or has been asked to hold or property owned or
    28         operated by an organization in which the trustee holds or
    29         has been asked to hold an interest, for the purpose of
    30         determining the application of environmental law with
    20070S1203B2048                 - 17 -     

     1         respect to the property;
     2             (ii)  to take action to prevent, abate or otherwise
     3         remedy any actual or potential violation of environmental
     4         law affecting property held directly or indirectly by the
     5         trustee, whether taken before or after the assertion of a
     6         claim or the initiation of governmental enforcement;
     7             (iii)  to decline to accept property into trust or
     8         disclaim a power with respect to property that is or may
     9         be burdened with liability for violation of environmental
    10         law;
    11             (iv)  to compromise claims against the trust which
    12         may be asserted for an alleged violation of environmental
    13         law; and
    14             (v)  to pay the expense of inspection, review,
    15         abatement or remedial action to comply with environmental
    16         law.
    17         (19)  To operate, repair, maintain, equip and improve any
    18     farm or farm operation; to purchase and sell livestock,
    19     crops, feed and other property that is normally perishable;
    20     and to purchase, use and dispose of farm equipment and employ
    21     one or more farm managers and others in connection with farm
    22     equipment and pay them reasonable compensation.
    23         (20)  To make ordinary or extraordinary repairs or
    24     alterations in buildings or other structures; demolish
    25     improvements; and raze existing or erect new party walls or
    26     buildings.
    27         (21)  To enter into a lease or arrangements for
    28     exploration and removal of minerals or other natural
    29     resources or enter into a pooling or utilization agreement.
    30         (22)  To exercise all rights and incidents of ownership
    20070S1203B2048                 - 18 -     

     1     of life insurance policies held by the trust, including
     2     borrowing on policies, entering into and terminating split-
     3     dollar plans, exercising conversion privileges and rights to
     4     acquire additional insurance and selecting settlement
     5     options.
     6         (23)  To employ a custodian; hold property unregistered
     7     or in the name of a nominee, including the nominee of any
     8     institution employed as custodian, without disclosing the
     9     fiduciary relationship and without retaining possession and
    10     control of securities or other property so held or
    11     registered; and pay reasonable compensation to the custodian.
    12         (24)  To apply funds distributable to a beneficiary who
    13     is, in the trustee's opinion, disabled by illness or other
    14     cause and unable properly to manage the funds directly for
    15     the beneficiary's benefit or to pay such funds for
    16     expenditure on the beneficiary's behalf to:
    17             (i)  the beneficiary;
    18             (ii)  a guardian of the beneficiary's estate;
    19             (iii)  an agent acting under a general power of
    20         attorney for the beneficiary; or
    21             (iv)  if there is no agent or guardian, a relative or
    22         other person having legal or physical custody or care of
    23         the beneficiary.
    24         (25)  To pay funds distributable to a minor beneficiary
    25     to the minor or to a guardian of the minor's estate or to
    26     apply the funds directly for the minor's benefit.
    27         (26)  To do any of the following:
    28             (i)  Pay any funds distributable to a beneficiary who
    29         is not 21 years of age or older to:
    30                 (A)  the beneficiary;
    20070S1203B2048                 - 19 -     

     1                 (B)  an existing custodian for the beneficiary
     2             under Chapter 53 (relating to Pennsylvania Uniform
     3             Transfers to Minors Act) or under any other state's
     4             version of the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act;
     5                 (C)  an existing custodian for the beneficiary
     6             under the former Pennsylvania Uniform Gifts to Minors
     7             Act or under any other state's version of the Uniform
     8             Gifts to Minors Act; or
     9                 (D)  a custodian for the beneficiary appointed by
    10             the trustee under Chapter 53.
    11             (ii)  Apply the funds for the beneficiary.
    12         (27)  To pay calls, assessments and other sums chargeable
    13     or accruing against or on account of securities.
    14         (28)  To sell or exercise stock subscription or
    15     conversion rights.
    16         (29)  To continue or participate in the operation of any
    17     business or other enterprise and to effect incorporation,
    18     merger, consolidation, dissolution or other change in the
    19     form of the organization of the business or enterprise.
    20         (30)  To select a mode of payment under a qualified
    21     employee benefit plan or a retirement plan payable to the
    22     trustee and exercise rights under the plan.
    23         (31)  To distribute in cash or in kind or partly in each
    24     and allocate particular assets in proportionate or
    25     disproportionate shares.
    26         (32)  To appoint a trustee to act in another jurisdiction
    27     with respect to trust property located in the other
    28     jurisdiction, confer upon the appointed trustee all the
    29     powers and duties of the appointing trustee, require that the
    30     appointed trustee furnish security and remove the appointed
    20070S1203B2048                 - 20 -     

     1     trustee.
     2         (33)  To exercise elections with respect to Federal,
     3     State and local taxes.
     4         [(33)] (34)  To execute and deliver instruments which
     5     will accomplish or facilitate the exercise of the trustee's
     6     powers.
     7     * * *
     8  § 7785.  Limitation of action against trustee.
     9     (a)  Imposed by trustee's written reports.--
    10         (1)  A beneficiary may not challenge a transaction or
    11     assert a claim against a trustee for breach of trust on the
    12     basis of a transaction if:
    13             (i)  the trustee provided the beneficiary with a
    14         single written report of the trust's assets and their
    15         market values if feasible, the trust's liabilities and
    16         the trust's receipts and disbursements for the full
    17         calendar year or entire part of the calendar year during
    18         which the trust was in existence in which the transaction
    19         occurred and for each of the four subsequent calendar
    20         years;
    21             (ii)  the transaction was disclosed in the first of
    22         the five reports to which subparagraph (i) refers;
    23             (iii)  the beneficiary did not notify the trustee in
    24         writing within six months after receiving the fifth
    25         [annual] report that the beneficiary objects to the
    26         transaction and provide the basis in writing for that
    27         objection; and
    28             (iv)  all five reports were accompanied by a
    29         conspicuous written statement describing the effect of
    30         this paragraph.
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     1         (2)  A claim not barred by paragraph (1) may nevertheless
     2     be barred by subsection (b).
     3     * * *
     4  § 8105.  Power to convert to unitrust.
     5     * * *
     6     (d)  Post conversion.--After a trust is converted to a
     7  unitrust, all of the following apply:
     8         (1)  The trustee shall follow an investment policy
     9     seeking a total return for the investments held by the trust,
    10     whether the return is to be derived:
    11             (i)  from appreciation of capital;
    12             (ii)  from earnings and distributions from capital;
    13         or
    14             (iii)  from both.
    15         (2)  The trustee shall make regular distributions in
    16     accordance with the governing instrument construed in
    17     accordance with the provisions of this section.
    18         (3)  The term "income" in the governing instrument shall
    19     mean an annual distribution (the unitrust distribution) equal
    20     to 4% (the payout percentage) of the net fair market value of
    21     the trust's assets, whether such assets would be considered
    22     income or principal under other provisions of this chapter,
    23     averaged over the lesser of:
    24             (i)  the [three] preceding years in the smoothing
    25         period selected by the trustee; or
    26             (ii)  the period during which the trust has been in
    27         existence.
    28     (e)  Discretion of trustee.--The trustee may, in the
    29  trustee's discretion from time to time, determine all of the
    30  following:
    20070S1203B2048                 - 22 -     

     1         (1)  The effective date of a conversion to a unitrust.
     2         (2)  The provisions for prorating a unitrust distribution
     3     for a short year in which a beneficiary's right to payments
     4     commences or ceases.
     5         (3)  The frequency of unitrust distributions during the
     6     year.
     7         (4)  The effect of other payments from or contributions
     8     to the trust on the trust's valuation.
     9         (5)  Whether to value the trust's assets annually or more
    10     frequently.
    11         (5.1)  Whether to average the net assets of the trust
    12     over a smoothing period of three, four or five years.
    13         (6)  What valuation dates to use.
    14         (7)  How frequently to value nonliquid assets and whether
    15     to estimate their value.
    16         (8)  Whether to omit from the calculations trust property
    17     occupied or possessed by a beneficiary.
    18         (9)  Any other matters necessary for the proper
    19     functioning of the unitrust.
    20     * * *
    21  § 8149.  Retirement benefits, individual retirement accounts,
    22             deferred compensation, annuities and similar
    23             payments.
    24     * * *
    25     (c)  Allocation when internal net income of fund is readily
    26  ascertained.--
    27         (1)  If no portion of a payment from a separate fund held
    28     exclusively for the benefit of the trust is allocable to
    29     income under subsections (a) and (b) but the internal net
    30     income of the fund determined as if the fund were a separate
    20070S1203B2048                 - 23 -     

     1     trust subject to Subchapters [B (relating to decedent's
     2     estate or terminating income interest)] A (relating to
     3     preliminary provisions; power to adjust; power to convert to
     4     unitrust) through E (relating to allocation of disbursements
     5     during administration of trust) is readily ascertainable by
     6     the trustee, the internal net income of the fund shall be
     7     considered to be the income earned by the fund, and the
     8     portion of the payment equal to the then undistributed net
     9     income of the fund realized since the trust acquired its
    10     interest in the fund shall be deemed to be a distribution of
    11     such income and shall be allocated to the trust income
    12     account.
    13         (2)  The balance of any such payment shall be allocated
    14     to principal.
    15         (3)  The power to adjust under section 8104 (relating to
    16     trustee's power to adjust), the power to convert to a
    17     unitrust under section 8105 (relating to power to convert to
    18     unitrust) and the provisions governing express trusts under
    19     section 8107 (relating to express trusts) shall apply to
    20     retirement benefits covered by this subsection which are
    21     payable to a trust. These powers may be exercised separately
    22     and independently by the payee trustee or in the governing
    23     instrument as between the retirement benefits and the trust
    24     as if they were separate trusts subject to this chapter.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 4.  Sections 5547(b) and 5548(b) of Title 15 are
    27  amended to read:
    28  § 5547.  Authority to take and hold trust property.
    29     * * *
    30     (b)  Nondiversion of certain property.--Property committed to
    20070S1203B2048                 - 24 -     

     1  charitable purposes shall not, by any proceeding under Chapter
     2  59 (relating to fundamental changes) or otherwise, be diverted
     3  from the objects to which it was donated, granted or devised,
     4  unless and until the board of directors or other body obtains
     5  from the court an order under 20 Pa.C.S. [Ch. 61 (relating to
     6  estates)] Ch. 77 Subch. D (relating to creation, validity,
     7  modification and termination of trust) specifying the
     8  disposition of the property.
     9  § 5548.  Investment of trust funds.
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  Use and management.--Except as otherwise permitted under
    12  20 Pa.C.S. [Ch. 61 (relating to estates)] Ch. 77 Subch. D
    13  (relating to creation, validity, modification and termination of
    14  trust), the board of directors or other body shall apply all
    15  assets thus received to the purposes specified in the trust
    16  instrument. The directors or other body shall keep accurate
    17  accounts of all trust funds, separate and apart from the
    18  accounts of other assets of the corporation.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 5.  The amendment of 20 Pa.C.S. § 6107.1 shall apply
    21  to any interest created after December 31, 2006.
    22     Section 6.  (a)  The following provisions shall be
    23  retroactive to November 6, 2006:
    24         (1)  The amendment of 20 Pa.C.S. § 7745.
    25         (2)  The amendment of 20 Pa.C.S. § 7780.3(l)(2).
    26         (3)  The amendment of 20 Pa.C.S. § 7780.6(a).
    27     (b)  The amendment of 20 Pa.C.S. § 6107.1 shall be
    28  retroactive to January 1, 2007.
    29     Section 7.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    30         (1)  The following provisions shall take effect
    20070S1203B2048                 - 25 -     

     1     immediately:
     2             (i)  This section.
     3             (ii)  Sections 5 and 6 of this act.
     4             (iii)  The amendment of 20 Pa.C.S. §§ 6107.1, 7745,
     5         7780.3(l)(2) and 7780.6(a).
     6         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 60
     7     days.

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