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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 646



No. 596 Session of 2007

           AND McILHINNEY, MARCH 20, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 24 (Education) and 71 (State Government) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, adding and amending
     3     certain definitions; prohibiting creation of local government
     4     police employee retirement systems; providing for mandatory
     5     membership of local government police employees; revising
     6     general municipal pension system State aid; and providing for
     7     supplemental local government police benefit accumulation
     8     plans and for local government contributions and guarantees.

     9     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    10         (1)  A number of police employee retirement systems
    11     established and administered by local governments in this
    12     Commonwealth are encountering serious problems of rising
    13     costs caused, in part, by the lack of sufficient members to
    14     provide a sound basis for computing contribution requirements
    15     over an extended period of time.
    16         (2)  Divergent provisions among these systems preclude
    17     the opportunity of local government police employees to
    18     transfer from one local government employer to another.
    19         (3)  Similarly situated local government police employees
    20     are eligible for dissimilar retirement benefits.

     1         (4)  There are substantial inefficiencies in the
     2     administration of local government police employee retirement
     3     systems.
     4         (5)  The great number of local government police employee
     5     retirement systems make adequate monitoring difficult and
     6     expensive.
     7         (6)  The anticipated gains from consolidation are found
     8     to exceed expected costs.
     9         (7)  It is the purpose of this act to provide for the
    10     systematic transition of existing individual local government
    11     police employee retirement systems into a single State-
    12     administered system of a size, scope and structure that will
    13     assure:
    14             (i)  Fiscal and actuarial stability.
    15             (ii)  An adequate, uniform and certain level of
    16         financial security protections for local government
    17         police employees.
    18             (iii)  A properly funded local government police
    19         employee retirement system.
    20             (iv)  An economy of scale in administrative costs.
    21             (v)  Improved public employee mobility.
    22             (vi)  A pooled and prudent investment of assets.
    23             (vii)  Procedures for an orderly and equitable
    24         transfer of assets and liabilities from any superseded
    25         local government police employee system into the
    26         Government Employees' Retirement System.
    27             (viii)  An adequate and consistent level of
    28         membership services for local government police
    29         employees.
    30     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
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     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2     Section 1.  The definitions of "eligibility points,"
     3  "inactive member," "multiple service," "State Employees'
     4  Retirement System" and "State service" in section 8102 of Title
     5  24 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended and the
     6  section is amended by adding definitions to read:
     7  § 8102.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
     9  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    10  meanings given to them in this section:
    11     * * *
    12     "Eligibility points."  Points which are accrued by an active
    13  member or a multiple service member who is an active member of
    14  the [State] Government Employees' Retirement System for credited
    15  service and are used in the determination of eligibility for
    16  benefits as provided in section 8306 (relating to eligibility
    17  points).
    18     * * *
    19     "Government Employees' Retirement System."  The retirement
    20  system established under 71 Pa.C.S. (relating to State
    21  Government).
    22     "Government service."  Service rendered as a government
    23  employee and credited as service in the Government Employees'
    24  Retirement System.
    25     * * *
    26     "Inactive member."  A member for whom no pickup contributions
    27  are being made, except in the case of an active member for whom
    28  such contributions otherwise required for current school service
    29  are not being made solely by reason of any provision of this
    30  part relating to the limitations under section 401(a)(17) or
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     1  415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514,
     2  26 U.S.C. § 401(a)(17) or 415(b)), who has accumulated
     3  deductions standing to his credit in the fund and for whom
     4  contributions have been made within the last two school years or
     5  a multiple service member who is active in the [State]
     6  Government Employees' Retirement System.
     7     * * *
     8     "Multiple service."  Credited service of a member who has
     9  elected to combine his credited service in both the Public
    10  School Employees' Retirement System and the [State] Government
    11  Employees' Retirement System.
    12     * * *
    13     ["State Employees' Retirement System."  The retirement system
    14  established by the act of June 27, 1923 (P.L.858, No.331) and
    15  codified by the act of June 1, 1959 (P.L.392, No.78) and by Part
    16  XXV of Title 71 (relating to retirement for State employees and
    17  officers), added March 1, 1974 (P.L.125, No.31).
    18     "State service."  Service rendered as a State employee and
    19  credited as service in the State Employees' Retirement System.]
    20     * * *
    21     Section 2.  Sections 8301(a)(1), 8303(c), 8306(a), 8346(d),
    22  8501(d), 8503(c), 8504, 8505(b), 8506(d), (e), (g) and (h) and
    23  8507(a), (c) and (d) of Title 24 are amended to read:
    24  § 8301.  Mandatory and optional membership.
    25     (a)  Mandatory membership.--Membership in the system shall be
    26  mandatory as of the effective date of employment for all school
    27  employees except the following:
    28         (1)  Any officer or employee of the Department of
    29     Education, State-owned educational institutions, community
    30     colleges, area vocational-technical schools, technical
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     1     institutes, or the Pennsylvania State University and who is a
     2     member of the [State] Government Employees' Retirement System
     3     or a member of another retirement program approved by the
     4     employer.
     5         * * *
     6  § 8303.  Eligibility points for retention and reinstatement of
     7             service credits.
     8     * * *
     9     (c)  Purchase of previous creditable service.--Every active
    10  member of the system or a multiple service member who is an
    11  active member of the [State] Government Employees' Retirement
    12  System on or after the effective date of this part may purchase
    13  credit and receive eligibility points:
    14         (1)  as a member of Class T-C for previous school service
    15     or creditable nonschool service; or
    16         (2)  as a member of Class T-D for previous school
    17     service, provided the member elects to become a Class T-D
    18     member pursuant to section 8305.1 (relating to election to
    19     become a class T-D member);
    20  upon written agreement by the member and the board as to the
    21  manner of payment of the amount due for credit for such service;
    22  except, that any purchase for reinstatement of service credit
    23  shall be for all service previously credited.
    24  § 8306.  Eligibility points.
    25     (a)  General rule.--An active member of the system shall
    26  accrue one eligibility point for each year of credited service
    27  as a member of the school or [State] government retirement
    28  system. A member shall accrue an additional two-thirds of an
    29  eligibility point for each year of Class D-3 credited service
    30  under the [State] Government Employees' Retirement System. In
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     1  the case of a fractional part of a year of credited service, a
     2  member shall accrue the corresponding fractional portion of an
     3  eligibility point.
     4     * * *
     5  § 8346.  Termination of annuities.
     6     * * *
     7     (d)  Elimination of the effect of frozen present value.--
     8         (1)  An annuitant who returns to school service and earns
     9     three eligibility points by performing credited school
    10     service following the most recent period of receipt of an
    11     annuity under this part, or an annuitant who enters [State]
    12     government service and:
    13             (i)  is a multiple service member; or
    14             (ii)  who elects multiple service membership, and
    15     earns three eligibility points by performing credited [State]
    16     government service or credited school service following the
    17     most recent period of receipt of an annuity under this part,
    18     and who had the present value of his annuity frozen in
    19     accordance with subsection (a), shall qualify to have the
    20     effect of the frozen present value resulting from all
    21     previous periods of retirement eliminated, provided that all
    22     payments under Option 4 and annuity payments payable during
    23     previous periods of retirement plus interest as set forth in
    24     paragraph (3) shall be returned to the fund in the form of an
    25     actuarial adjustment to his subsequent benefits or in such
    26     form as the board may otherwise direct.
    27         (2)  Upon subsequent discontinuance of service and the
    28     filing of an application for an annuity, a former annuitant
    29     who qualifies to have the effect of a frozen present value
    30     eliminated under this subsection shall be entitled to receive
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     1     the higher of either:
     2             (i)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
     3         calculated as if the freezing of the former annuitant's
     4         account pursuant to subsection (a) had not occurred,
     5         adjusted according to paragraph (3), provided that a
     6         former annuitant of the system or a former annuitant of
     7         the [State] Government Employees' Retirement System who
     8         retired under a provision of law granting additional
     9         service credit if termination of school or [State]
    10         government service or retirement occurred during a
    11         specific period of time shall not be permitted to retain
    12         the additional service credit under the prior law when
    13         the annuity is computed for his most recent retirement;
    14         or
    15             (ii)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
    16         calculated as if the former annuitant did not qualify to
    17         have the effect on the frozen present value eliminated,
    18         unless the former annuitant notifies the board in writing
    19         by the later of the date the application for annuity is
    20         filed or the effective date of retirement that the former
    21         annuitant wishes to receive the lower annuity.
    22         (3)  In addition to any other adjustment to the present
    23     value of the maximum single life annuity that a member may be
    24     entitled to receive that occurs as a result of any other
    25     provision of law, the present value of the maximum single
    26     life annuity shall be reduced by all amounts paid or payable
    27     to him during all previous periods of retirement plus
    28     interest on these amounts until the date of subsequent
    29     retirement. The interest for each year shall be calculated
    30     based upon the annual interest rate adopted for that school
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     1     year by the board for the calculation of the normal
     2     contribution rate pursuant to section 8328(b) (relating to
     3     actuarial cost method).
     4  § 8501.  Public School Employees' Retirement Board.
     5     * * *
     6     (d)  Compensation and expenses.--The members of the board who
     7  are members of the system shall serve without compensation.
     8  Members of the board who are members of the system and who are
     9  employed by a governmental entity shall not suffer loss of
    10  salary or wages through serving on the board. The board, on
    11  request of the employer of any member of the board who is an
    12  active professional or nonprofessional member of the system, may
    13  reimburse such employer for the salary or wages of the member,
    14  or for the cost of employing a substitute for such member, while
    15  the member is necessarily absent from employment to execute the
    16  duties of the board. The members of the board who are not
    17  members of either the school system or the [State] Government
    18  Employees' Retirement System may be paid $100 per day when
    19  attending meetings and all board members shall be reimbursed for
    20  any necessary expenses. However, when the duties of the board as
    21  mandated are not executed, no compensation or reimbursement for
    22  expenses of board members shall be paid or payable during the
    23  period in which such duties are not executed.
    24     * * *
    25  § 8503.  Duties of board to advise and report to employers and
    26             members.
    27     * * *
    28     (c)  Purchase of credit for previous service.--Upon receipt
    29  of an application from an active member or a [State] government
    30  employee with multiple service credit to purchase credit for
    20070S0596B0646                  - 8 -     

     1  previous school or creditable nonschool service, the board shall
     2  determine and certify to the member the amount required to be
     3  paid by the member. When necessary, the board shall certify to
     4  the proper employer the amount which would have been paid
     5  together with statutory interest into the State accumulation
     6  account had such employee been an active member in the system
     7  during said period.
     8     * * *
     9  § 8504.  Duties of board to report to State Employees'
    10             Retirement Board and Local Government Police
    11             Employees' Retirement Board.
    12     (a)  Multiple service membership of school employees.--Upon
    13  receipt of an application for membership in the system of a
    14  school employee who is a former [State] government employee and
    15  who has elected multiple service membership, the board shall
    16  advise the State Employees' Retirement Board or the Local
    17  Government Police Employees' Retirement Board, or both,
    18  accordingly.
    19     (b)  Multiple service membership of [State] government
    20  employees.--Upon receipt of notification from the State
    21  Employees' Retirement Board or the Local Government Police
    22  Employees' Retirement Board that a former school employee has
    23  become an active member in the [State] Government Employees'
    24  Retirement System and has elected to receive credit for multiple
    25  service, the board shall certify to the State Employees'
    26  Retirement Board or the Local Government Police Employees'
    27  Retirement Board and concurrently to the member:
    28         (1)  The total credited service in the system and the
    29     number of years and fractional part of a year of service
    30     credited in each class of service.
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     1         (2)  The annual compensation received each school year by
     2     the member for credited school service.
     3         (3)  The amount of the deductions and the period over
     4     which they are to be made if the member has elected payroll
     5     deductions pursuant to section 8323 (relating to member
     6     contributions for creditable school service) or 8324
     7     (relating to contributions for purchase of credit for
     8     creditable nonschool service).
     9     (c)  Applications for benefits for [State] government
    10  employees.--Upon receipt of notification and the required data
    11  from the State Employees' Retirement Board or the Local
    12  Government Police Employees' Retirement Board that a former
    13  school employee who elected multiple service has applied for a
    14  [State] government employee's retirement benefit or, in the
    15  event of his death, his legally constituted representative has
    16  applied for such benefit, the board shall:
    17         (1)  Certify to the State Employees' Retirement Board or
    18     the Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Board:
    19             (i)  The salary history as a member of the Public
    20         School Employees' Retirement System and the final average
    21         salary as calculated on the basis of the compensation
    22         received as a [State] government and school employee.
    23             (ii)  The annuity or benefit which the member or his
    24         beneficiary is entitled to receive under this part and
    25         modified according to the option selected.
    26         (2)  Transfer to the State Employees' Retirement Fund or
    27     the Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund the
    28     accumulated deductions standing to such member's credit and
    29     the actuarial reserve required on account of the member's
    30     years of credited service in the school system and his final
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     1     average salary determined on the basis of his compensation in
     2     both systems.
     3  § 8505.  Duties of board regarding applications and elections of
     4             members.
     5     * * *
     6     (b)  [State] Government employees electing multiple service
     7  status.--Upon receipt of notification from the State Employees'
     8  Retirement Board or the Local Government Police Employees'
     9  Retirement Board that a former school employee has become an
    10  active member in the [State] Government Employees' Retirement
    11  System and has elected to become a member with multiple service
    12  status, the board shall:
    13         (1)  In case of a member who is receiving an annuity from
    14     the system:
    15             (i)  Discontinue payments, transfer the present value
    16         of the member's annuity at the time of entering State
    17         service, plus the amount withdrawn in a lump sum payment,
    18         on or after the date of entering [State] government
    19         service, pursuant to section 8345 (relating to member's
    20         options), with statutory interest to date of transfer,
    21         minus the amount to be returned to the board on account
    22         of return to service that the board has determined is to
    23         be credited in the members' savings account, from the
    24         annuity reserve account to the members' savings account
    25         and resume crediting of statutory interest on the amount
    26         restored to his credit.
    27             (ii)  Transfer the balance of the present value of
    28         the total annuity, minus the amount to be returned to the
    29         board on account of return to service that the board has
    30         determined is to be credited in the State accumulation
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     1         account, from the annuity reserve account to the State
     2         accumulation account.
     3             (iii)  Certify to the member the amount of lump sum
     4         and annuity payments with statutory interest the member
     5         is to return to the board and, of those amounts, which
     6         amount shall be credited to the members' savings account
     7         and credited with statutory interest as such payments are
     8         returned and which amount shall be credited to the State
     9         accumulation account.
    10         (2)  In case of a member who is not receiving an annuity
    11     from the system and who has not withdrawn his accumulated
    12     deductions, continue or resume the crediting of statutory
    13     interest on his accumulated deductions.
    14         (3)  In case of a member who is not receiving an annuity
    15     from the system and his accumulated deductions were
    16     withdrawn, certify to the member the accumulated deductions
    17     as they would have been at the time of his separation had he
    18     been a full coverage member together with statutory interest
    19     for all periods of subsequent [State] government and school
    20     service to the date of repayment. Such amount shall be
    21     restored by him and shall be credited with statutory interest
    22     as such payments are restored.
    23     * * *
    24  § 8506.  Duties of employers.
    25     * * *
    26     (d)  New employees subject to mandatory membership.--Upon the
    27  assumption of duties of each new school employee whose
    28  membership in the system is mandatory, the employer shall no
    29  later than 30 days thereafter cause an application for
    30  membership, which application shall include the employee's home
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     1  address, birthdate certified by the employer, previous school or
     2  [State] government service and any other information requested
     3  by the board, and a nomination of beneficiary to be made by such
     4  employee and filed with the board and shall make pickup
     5  contributions from the effective date of school employment.
     6     (e)  New employees subject to optional membership.--The
     7  employer shall inform any eligible school employee whose
     8  membership in the system is not mandatory of his opportunity to
     9  become a member of the system provided that he elects to
    10  purchase credit for all such continuous creditable service. If
    11  such employee so elects, the employer shall no later than 30
    12  days thereafter cause an application for membership which
    13  application shall include the employee's home address, birthdate
    14  certified by the employer, previous school or [State] government
    15  service and any other information requested by the board, and a
    16  nomination of beneficiary to be made by him and filed with the
    17  board and shall cause proper contributions to be made from the
    18  date of election of membership.
    19     * * *
    20     (g)  Former [State] government employee contributors.--The
    21  employer shall, upon the employment of a former member of the
    22  [State] Government Employees' Retirement System who is not an
    23  annuitant of the [State] Government Employees' Retirement
    24  System, advise such employee of his right to elect multiple
    25  service membership within 30 days of entry into the system and,
    26  in the case any such employee who so elects has withdrawn his
    27  accumulated deductions, require him to restore his accumulated
    28  deductions as they would have been at the time of his separation
    29  had he been a full coverage member, together with statutory
    30  interest for all periods of subsequent [State] government and
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     1  school service to date of repayment. The employer shall advise
     2  the board of such election.
     3     (h)  Former [State] government employee annuitants.--The
     4  employer shall, upon the employment of an annuitant of the
     5  [State] Government Employees' Retirement System who applies for
     6  membership in the system, advise such employee that he may elect
     7  multiple service membership within 365 days of entry into the
     8  system and that if he so elects his annuity from the [State]
     9  Government Employees' Retirement System will be discontinued
    10  effective upon the date of his return to school service and,
    11  upon termination of school service and application for an
    12  annuity, the annuity will be adjusted in accordance with section
    13  8346 (relating to termination of annuities). The employer shall
    14  advise the board of such election.
    15     * * *
    16  § 8507.  Rights and duties of school employees and members.
    17     (a)  Information on new employees.--Upon his assumption of
    18  duties, each new school employee shall furnish his employer with
    19  a complete record of his previous school or [State] government
    20  service, or creditable nonschool service, proof of his date of
    21  birth, his home address, his current status in the system and in
    22  the [State] Government Employees' Retirement System and such
    23  other information as the board may require. Willful failure to
    24  provide the information required by this subsection to the
    25  extent available or the provision of erroneous information upon
    26  entrance into the system shall result in the forfeiture of the
    27  right of the member to subsequently assert any right to benefits
    28  based on erroneous information or on any of the required
    29  information which he failed to provide. In any case in which the
    30  board finds that a member is receiving an annuity based on false
    20070S0596B0646                 - 14 -     

     1  information, the additional amounts received predicated on such
     2  false information together with statutory interest doubled and
     3  compounded shall be deducted from the present value of any
     4  remaining benefits to which the member is legally entitled and
     5  such remaining benefits shall be correspondingly decreased.
     6     * * *
     7     (c)  Multiple service membership.--Any active member who was
     8  formerly an active member in the [State] Government Employees'
     9  Retirement System may elect to become a multiple service member.
    10  Such election shall occur no later than 365 days after becoming
    11  an active member in this system.
    12     (d)  Credit for previous service or change in membership
    13  status.--Any active member or multiple service member who is a
    14  [State] government employee who desires to receive credit for
    15  his previous school service or creditable nonschool service to
    16  which he is entitled, or a member of Class T-A or Class T-B who
    17  desires to become a member of Class T-C, or a joint coverage
    18  member who desires to become a full coverage member shall so
    19  notify the board. Upon written agreement by the member and the
    20  board as to the manner of payment of the amount due, the member
    21  shall receive credit for such service as of the date of such
    22  agreement subject to the provisions of section 8325 (relating to
    23  incomplete payments).
    24     * * *
    25     Section 3.  Section 5101 of Title 71 is amended to read:
    26  § 5101.  Short title of part.
    27     This part shall be known and may be cited as the ["State]
    28  Government Employees' Retirement Code.["]
    29     Section 4.   Section 5102 of Title 71, amended October 27,
    30  2006 (P.L.1177, No.120), is amended to read:
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     1  § 5102.  Definitions.
     2     The following words and phrases as used in this part, unless
     3  a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall
     4  have the following meanings:
     5     "Academic administrator."  A management employee in the field
     6  of public education whose work is directly related to academic
     7  instruction, excluding any employee in a position that is
     8  nonacademic in nature, such as, without limitation, a position
     9  that relates to admissions, financial aid, counseling,
    10  secretarial and clerical services, records management, housing,
    11  food service, maintenance and security.
    12     "Active member."  A [State] government employee, or a member
    13  on leave without pay, for whom pickup contributions are being
    14  made to [the] either fund or for whom such contributions
    15  otherwise required for current [State] government service are
    16  not being made solely by reason of section 5502.1 (relating to
    17  waiver of regular member contributions and Social Security
    18  integration member contributions) or any provision of this part
    19  relating to the limitations under section 401(a)(17) or section
    20  415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514,
    21  26 U.S.C. § 401(a)(17) or 415(b)).
    22     "Actuarial increase factor."  A factor calculated at the
    23  member's birthday by dividing the cost of a dollar annuity based
    24  on the age of the member on the member's immediately previous
    25  birthday by the cost of a one-year deferred dollar annuity
    26  calculated at that same age. Unless the member terminates State
    27  or school service on the member's birthday, the actuarial
    28  increase factor for the year of termination shall be adjusted
    29  by:
    30         (1)  subtracting one from the calculated factor; then
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     1         (2)  dividing the difference by twelve; then
     2         (3)  multiplying the resulting quotient by the number of
     3     whole months between the member's immediately previous
     4     birthday and the date of termination of service; then
     5         (4)  adding one to the resulting product.
     6     "Actuarially equivalent."  Equal present values, computed on
     7  the basis of statutory interest and the mortality tables adopted
     8  by the board.
     9     "Actuary."  The consultant to the board who shall be:
    10         (1)  a member of the American Academy of Actuaries; or
    11         (2)  an individual who has demonstrated to the
    12     satisfaction of the Insurance Commissioner of Pennsylvania
    13     that he has the educational background necessary for the
    14     practice of actuarial science and has had at least seven
    15     years of actuarial experience; or
    16         (3)  a firm, partnership, or corporation of which at
    17     least one member meets the requirements of (1) or (2).
    18     "Additional accumulated deductions."  The total of the
    19  additional member contributions paid into the fund on account of
    20  current service or previous [State] government or creditable
    21  nonstate service, together with the statutory interest credited
    22  thereon until the date of termination of service. In the case of
    23  a vestee, statutory interest shall be credited until the
    24  effective date of retirement. A member's account shall not be
    25  credited with statutory interest for more than two years during
    26  a leave without pay.
    27     "Alternate payee."  Any spouse, former spouse, child or
    28  dependent of a member who is recognized by a domestic relations
    29  order as having a right to receive all or a portion of the
    30  moneys payable to that member under this part.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 17 -     

     1     "Alternative investment."  An investment in a private equity
     2  fund, private debt fund, venture fund, real estate fund, hedge
     3  fund or absolute return fund.
     4     "Alternative investment vehicle."  A limited partnership,
     5  limited liability company or any other legal vehicle for
     6  authorized investments under section 5931(i) (relating to
     7  management of fund and accounts) through which the system makes
     8  an alternative investment.
     9     "Annuitant."  Any member on or after the effective date of
    10  retirement until his annuity is terminated.
    11     "Approved domestic relations order."  Any domestic relations
    12  order which has been determined to be approved in accordance
    13  with section 5953.1 (relating to approval of domestic relations
    14  orders).
    15     "Average noncovered salary."  The average of the amounts of
    16  compensation received each calendar year since January 1, 1956
    17  exclusive of the amount which was or could have been covered by
    18  the Federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq., during
    19  that portion of the member's service since January 1, 1956 for
    20  which he has received social security integration credit.
    21     "Basic contribution rate."  Five percent (5%), except that in
    22  no case shall any member's rate, excluding the rate for social
    23  security integration credit, be greater than his contribution
    24  rate on the effective date of this part so long as he does not
    25  elect additional coverage or membership in another class of
    26  service.
    27     "Beneficiary."  The person or persons last designated in
    28  writing to the board by a member to receive his accumulated
    29  deductions or a lump sum benefit upon the death of such member.
    30     "Board."  The State Employees' Retirement Board [or],  the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 18 -     

     1  State Employes' Retirement Board or the Local Government Police
     2  Employees' Retirement Board.
     3     "Boards."  The State Employees' Retirement Board and the
     4  Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Board.
     5     "Class of service multiplier."
     6  Class of Service           Multiplier
     7     A                          1
     8     AA     for all purposes
     9            except
    10            calculating regular
    11            member contributions
    12            on compensation
    13            paid prior to
    14            January 1, 2002     1.25
    15     AA     for purposes
    16            of calculating
    17            regular member
    18            contributions
    19            on compensation
    20            paid prior to
    21            January 1, 2002     1
    22     B                           .625
    23     C                          1
    24     D                          1.25
    25     D-1    prior to
    26            January 1, 1973     1.875
    27     D-1    on and
    28            subsequent to
    29            January 1, 1973     1.731
    30     D-2    prior to
    20070S0596B0646                 - 19 -     

     1            January 1, 1973     2.5
     2     D-2    on and
     3            subsequent to
     4            January 1, 1973     1.731
     5     D-3    prior to
     6            January 1, 1973     3.75
     7     D-3    on and
     8            subsequent to
     9            January 1, 1973     1.731   except prior to December
    10                                        1, 1974 as applied to any
    11                                        additional legislative
    12                                        compensation as an officer
    13                                        of the General Assembly
    14                                3.75
    15     D-4    for all purposes
    16            except
    17            calculating
    18            regular member
    19            contributions
    20            on compensation
    21            paid prior to
    22            July 1, 2001        1.5
    23     D-4    for purposes of
    24            calculating
    25            regular member
    26            contributions
    27            on compensation
    28            paid prior to
    29            July 1, 2001        1
    30     E, E-1 prior to
    20070S0596B0646                 - 20 -     

     1            January 1, 1973     2       for each of the first ten
     2                                        years of judicial service,
     3                                        and
     4                                1.5     for each subsequent year
     5                                        of judicial service
     6     E, E-1 on and
     7            subsequent to
     8            January 1, 1973     1.50    for each of the first
     9                                        ten years of judicial
    10                                        service and
    11                                1.125   for each subsequent year
    12                                        of judicial service
    13     E-2    prior to
    14            September 1, 1973   1.5
    15     E-2    on and
    16            subsequent to
    17            September 1, 1973   1.125
    18     G                          0.417
    19     H                          0.500
    20     I                          0.625
    21     J                          0.714
    22     K                          0.834
    23     L                          1.000
    24     M                          1.100
    25     N                          1.250
    26     T-C (Public School         1
    27         Employees'
    28         Retirement Code)
    29     P-1                     1.25       for each of the
    30                                        first 20 years of
    20070S0596B0646                 - 21 -     

     1                                        local government
     2                                        public safety service,
     3                                        and
     4                                1       for each subsequent
     5                                        year of local
     6                                        government public
     7                                        safety service
     8     P-2                        1.125   for each year of
     9                                        local government
    10                                        public safety
    11                                        service
    12     P-3                        1       for each year of local
    13                                        government public
    14                                        safety service
    15     P-4                         .875   for each year of
    16                                        local government
    17                                        public safety
    18                                        service
    19     "Commissioner."  The Commissioner of the Internal Revenue
    20  Service.
    21     "Compensation."  Pickup contributions plus remuneration
    22  actually received as a [State] government employee excluding
    23  refunds for expenses, contingency and accountable expense
    24  allowances, and excluding any severance payments or payments for
    25  unused vacation or sick leave: Provided, however, That
    26  compensation received as a State employee prior to January 1,
    27  1973, shall be subject to the limitations for retirement
    28  purposes in effect December 31, 1972, if any: Provided further,
    29  That the limitation under section 401(a)(17) of the Internal
    30  Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 401(a)(17))
    20070S0596B0646                 - 22 -     

     1  taken into account for the purpose of member contributions,
     2  including any additional member contributions in addition to
     3  regular or joint coverage member contributions and Social
     4  Security integration contributions, regardless of class of
     5  service, shall apply to each member who first became a member of
     6  the [State] Government Employees' Retirement System on or after
     7  January 1, 1996, and who by reason of such fact is a noneligible
     8  member subject to the application of the provisions of section
     9  5506.1(a) (relating to annual compensation limit under IRC §
    10  401(a)(17)).
    11     "Concurrent service."  Service credited in more than one
    12  class of service during the same period of time.
    13     "Correction officer."  Any full-time State employee assigned
    14  to the Department of Corrections or the Department of Public
    15  Welfare whose principal duty is the care, custody and control of
    16  inmates or direct therapeutic treatment, care, custody and
    17  control of inmates of a penal or correctional institution,
    18  community treatment center, forensic unit in a State hospital or
    19  secure unit of a youth development center operated by the
    20  Department of Corrections or by the Department of Public
    21  Welfare.
    22     "County service."  Service credited in a retirement system or
    23  pension plan established or maintained by a county to provide
    24  retirement benefits for its employees to the account of county
    25  employees who are transferred to State employment and become
    26  State employees pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to
    27  county-level court administrators) regardless of whether the
    28  service was performed for the county or another employer or
    29  allowed to be purchased in the county retirement system or
    30  pension plan.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 23 -     

     1     "Creditable nonstate service."  Service other than:
     2         (1)  service as a [State] government employee;
     3         (2)  service converted to State service pursuant to
     4     section 5303.1 (relating to election to convert county
     5     service to State service); or
     6         (3)  school service converted to State service pursuant
     7     to section 5303.2 (relating to election to convert school
     8     service to State service)
     9  for which an active member may obtain credit.
    10     "Credited service."  State or creditable nonstate service for
    11  which the required contributions have been made or for which the
    12  contributions otherwise required for such service were not made
    13  solely by reason of section 5502.1 (relating to waiver of
    14  regular member contributions and Social Security integration
    15  member contributions) or any provision of this part relating to
    16  the limitations under section 401(a)(17) or 415(b) of the
    17  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. §
    18  401(a)(17) or 415(b)), or for which salary deductions or lump
    19  sum payments have been agreed upon in writing.
    20     "Date of termination of service."  The last day of service
    21  for which pickup contributions are made for an active member or
    22  in the case of an inactive member on leave without pay the date
    23  of his resignation or the date his employment is formally
    24  discontinued by his employer.
    25     "Department."  Any department, agency, authority, independent
    26  board or commission or a local government.
    27     "Disability annuitant."  A member on and after the effective
    28  date of disability until his annuity or the portion of his
    29  annuity payments in excess of any annuity to which he may
    30  otherwise be entitled is terminated.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 24 -     

     1     "Distribution."  Payment of all or any portion of a person's
     2  interest in the Government Employees' Retirement Fund or the 
     3  State Employees' Retirement Fund which is payable under this
     4  part.
     5     "Domestic relations order."  Any judgment, decree or order,
     6  including approval of a property settlement agreement, entered
     7  on or after the effective date of this definition by a court of
     8  competent jurisdiction pursuant to a domestic relations law
     9  which relates to the marital property rights of the spouse or
    10  former spouse of a member, including the right to receive all or
    11  a portion of the moneys payable to that member under this part
    12  in furtherance of the equitable distribution of marital assets.
    13  The term includes orders of support as that term is defined by
    14  23 Pa.C.S. § 4302 (relating to definitions) and orders for the
    15  enforcement of arrearages as provided in 23 Pa.C.S. § 3703
    16  (relating to enforcement of arrearages).
    17     "Effective date of retirement."  The first day following the
    18  date of termination of service of a member if he has properly
    19  filed an application for an annuity within 90 days of such date;
    20  in the case of a vestee or a member who does not apply for an
    21  annuity within 90 days after termination of service, the date of
    22  filing an application for an annuity or the date specified on
    23  the application, whichever is later. In the case of a finding of
    24  disability, the date certified by the board as the effective
    25  date of disability.
    26     "Eligibility points."  Points which are accrued by an active
    27  member or a multiple service member who is an active member in
    28  the Public School Employees' Retirement System for credited
    29  service and are used in the determination of eligibility for
    30  benefits.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 25 -     

     1     "Enforcement officer."
     2         (1)  Any enforcement officer or investigator of the
     3     Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board who is a peace officer
     4     vested with police power and authority throughout the
     5     Commonwealth and any administrative or supervisory employee
     6     of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board vested with police
     7     power who is charged with the administration or enforcement
     8     of the liquor laws of the Commonwealth.
     9         (2)  Special agents, narcotics agents, asset forfeiture
    10     agents, medicaid fraud agents and senior investigators
    11     hazardous waste prosecutions unit, classified as such and
    12     employed by the Office of Attorney General who have within
    13     the scope of their employment as law enforcement officers the
    14     power to enforce the law and make arrests under the authority
    15     of the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as
    16     the Commonwealth Attorneys Act.
    17         (3)  Parole agents, classified as such by the Executive
    18     Board and employed by the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and
    19     Parole.
    20         (4)  Waterways conservation officers and other
    21     commissioned law enforcement personnel employed by the
    22     Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission who have and exercise
    23     the same law enforcement powers as waterways conservation
    24     officers. This paragraph shall not apply to deputy waterways
    25     conservation officers.
    26     "Final average salary."  The highest average compensation
    27  received as a member during any three nonoverlapping periods of
    28  four consecutive calendar quarters during which the member was a
    29  [State] government employee, with the compensation for part-time
    30  service being annualized on the basis of the fractional portion
    20070S0596B0646                 - 26 -     

     1  of the year for which credit is received; except if the employee
     2  was not a member for three nonoverlapping periods of four
     3  consecutive calendar quarters, the total compensation received
     4  as a member, annualized in the case of part-time service,
     5  divided by the number of nonoverlapping periods of four
     6  consecutive calendar quarters of membership; in the case of a
     7  member with multiple service, the final average salary shall be
     8  determined on the basis of the compensation received by him as a
     9  [State] government employee or as a school employee, or both;
    10  and, in the case of a member who first became a member of the
    11  Government Employees' Retirement System or the State Employees'
    12  Retirement System on or after January 1, 1996, the final average
    13  salary shall be determined as hereinabove provided but subject
    14  to the application of the provisions of section 5506.1(a)
    15  (relating to annual compensation limit under IRC § 401(a)(17)).
    16     "Full coverage member."  Any member for whom member pickup
    17  contributions are being picked up or who has paid or has agreed
    18  to pay to the fund the actuarial equivalent of regular member
    19  contributions due on account of service prior to January 1,
    20  1982.
    21     "Fund."  The State Employees' Retirement Fund[.] or the Local
    22  Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund.
    23     "Funds."  The State Employees' Retirement Fund and the Local
    24  Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund.
    25     "Government employee."  A local government police employee or
    26  a State employee.
    27     "Government service."  Service rendered as a local government
    28  police employee or as a State employee.
    29     "Head of department."  The chief administrative officer of
    30  the department, the chairman or executive director of the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 27 -     

     1  agency, authority, or independent board or commission, the chief
     2  administrative officer of a local government, the Court
     3  Administrator of Pennsylvania, and the Chief Clerk of the
     4  Senate, or the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives.
     5     "Inactive member."  A member for whom no pickup contributions
     6  are being made, except in the case of an active member for whom
     7  such contributions otherwise required for current [State]
     8  government service are not being made solely by reason of
     9  section 5502.1 (relating to waiver of regular member
    10  contributions and Social Security integration member
    11  contributions) or any provision of this part relating to the
    12  limitations under section 401(a)(17) or 415(b) of the Internal
    13  Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 401(a)(17)
    14  or 415(b)), but who has accumulated deductions standing to his
    15  credit in [the] either fund and who is not eligible to become or
    16  has not elected to become a vestee or has not filed an
    17  application for an annuity.
    18     "Intervening military service."  Active military service of a
    19  member who was a [State] government employee immediately
    20  preceding his induction into the armed services or forces of the
    21  United States in order to meet a military obligation excluding
    22  any voluntary extension of such service and who becomes a
    23  [State] government employee within 90 days of the expiration of
    24  such service.
    25     "IRC."  The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as designated and
    26  referred to in section 2 of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (Public
    27  Law 99-514, 100 Stat. 2085, 2095). A reference in this part to
    28  "IRC §    " shall be deemed to refer to the identically numbered
    29  section and subsection or other subdivision of such section in
    30  26 United States Code (relating to Internal Revenue Code).
    20070S0596B0646                 - 28 -     

     1     "Irrevocable beneficiary."  The person or persons permanently
     2  designated by a member in writing to the State Employees'
     3  Retirement Board or the Local Government Police Employees'
     4  Retirement Board pursuant to an approved domestic relations
     5  order to receive all or a portion of the accumulated deductions
     6  or lump sum benefit payable upon the death of such member.
     7     "Irrevocable survivor annuitant."  The person permanently
     8  designated by a member in writing to the State Employees'
     9  Retirement Board or the Local Government Police Employees'
    10  Retirement Board pursuant to an approved domestic relations
    11  order to receive an annuity upon the death of such member.
    12     "Joint coverage member."  Any member who agreed prior to
    13  January 1, 1966 to make joint coverage member contributions to
    14  the fund and has not elected to become a full coverage member.
    15     "Joint coverage member contributions."  Regular member
    16  contributions reduced for a joint coverage member.
    17     "Local government."  The term shall mean:
    18         (1)  a municipality, except a county, however
    19     constituted, whether operating under a legislative charter,
    20     municipal code, optional charter, home rule charter, optional
    21     plan or other arrangement; or
    22         (2)  an association of these municipalities cooperating
    23     under 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 23 Subch. A (relating to
    24     intergovernmental cooperation).
    25     "Local Government Police Employees' Retirement System."  An
    26  entity, whether a separate entity or part of a local government
    27  entity, that:
    28         (1)  collects retirement and other employee benefit
    29     contributions from local government police employees and
    30     local governments;
    20070S0596B0646                 - 29 -     

     1         (2)  holds and manages the resulting assets as reserves
     2     for present and future retirement benefit payments; and
     3         (3)  makes provisions for these payments to qualified
     4     retirees and beneficiaries.
     5  The term does not include a county employees' retirement system
     6  established under either Article XVII of the act of July 28,
     7  1953 (P.L.723, No.230), known as the Second Class County Code,
     8  or the act of August 31, 1971 (P.L.398, No.96), known as the
     9  County Pension Law. The term does not include a plan, program or
    10  arrangement that is financed solely with local government
    11  employee earnings or compensation reported to the Internal
    12  Revenue Service, United States Department of the Treasury, as
    13  local government police employee earnings or compensation on
    14  Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, or is established under
    15  sections VIII.1, VIII.2 and VIII.3 of the act of March 30, 1811
    16  (P.L.145, No.99), entitled "An act to amend and consolidate the
    17  several acts relating to the settlement of the public accounts
    18  and the payment of the public monies, and for other purposes,"
    19  or under section 408 or 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
    20  (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 408 or 457).
    21     "Local government police employee."  An employee of a local
    22  government who holds a full-time position in the police service
    23  of a local government and who is a peace officer vested with
    24  police power.
    25     "Local government police service."  Service rendered as a
    26  local government police employee.
    27     "Member."  Active member, inactive member, annuitant, vestee
    28  or special vestee.
    29     "Member of the judiciary."  Any justice of the Supreme Court,
    30  any judge of the Superior Court, the Commonwealth Court, any
    20070S0596B0646                 - 30 -     

     1  court of common pleas, the Municipal Court and the Traffic Court
     2  of Philadelphia, or any community court.
     3     "Member's annuity."  The single life annuity which is
     4  actuarially equivalent, at the effective date of retirement, to
     5  the sum of the regular accumulated deductions, the additional
     6  accumulated deductions and the social security integration
     7  accumulated deductions standing to the member's credit in the
     8  members' savings account.
     9     "Military service."  All active military service for which a
    10  member has received a discharge other than an undesirable, bad
    11  conduct, or dishonorable discharge.
    12     "Multiple service."  Credited service of a member who has
    13  elected to combine his credited service in both the [State]
    14  Government Employees' Retirement System and the Public School
    15  Employees' Retirement System.
    16     "Noneligible member."  For the purposes of section 5506.1
    17  (relating to annual compensation limit under IRC § 401(a)(17)),
    18  a member who first became a member on or after January 1, 1996.
    19     "Nonstudent service."  Employment in an educational
    20  institution that is not contingent on the employee's enrollment
    21  as a student or maintenance of student status at such
    22  institution and for which only monetary compensation is
    23  received, excluding tuition waivers or reimbursement, academic
    24  credit, housing, meals and other in-kind compensation.
    25     "Pickup contributions."  Regular or joint coverage member
    26  contributions, social security integration contributions and
    27  additional member contributions which are made by the
    28  Commonwealth or other employer for active members for current
    29  service on and after January 1, 1982.
    30     "Previous [State] government service."  Service rendered as a
    20070S0596B0646                 - 31 -     

     1  [State] government employee prior to his most recent entrance in
     2  the system.
     3     "Psychiatric security aide."  Any government employee whose
     4  principal duty is the care, custody and control of the
     5  criminally insane inmates of a maximum security institution for
     6  the criminally insane or detention facility operated by the
     7  Department of Public Welfare.
     8     "Public School Employees' Retirement System."  The retirement
     9  system established by the act of July 18, 1917 (P.L.1043,
    10  No.343), and codified by the act of June 1, 1959 (P.L.350,
    11  No.77) and 24 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV (relating to retirement for school
    12  employees).
    13     "Regular accumulated deductions."  The total of the regular
    14  or joint coverage member contributions paid into the fund on
    15  account of current service or previous [State] government or
    16  creditable nonstate service, together with the statutory
    17  interest credited thereon until the date of termination of
    18  service. In the case of a vestee or a special vestee, statutory
    19  interest shall be credited until the effective date of
    20  retirement. A member's account shall not be credited with
    21  statutory interest for more than two years during a leave
    22  without pay.
    23     "Regular member contributions."  The product of the basic
    24  contribution rate, the class of service multiplier if greater
    25  than one and the compensation of the member.
    26     "Retirement counselor."  The [State] Government Employees'
    27  Retirement System employee whose duty it shall be to advise each
    28  employee of his rights and duties as a member of the system.
    29     "Salary deductions."  The amounts certified by the board,
    30  deducted from the compensation of an active member, or the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 32 -     

     1  school service compensation of a multiple service member who is
     2  an active member of the Public School Employees' Retirement
     3  System, and paid into the fund.
     4     "School service."  Service rendered as a public school
     5  employee and credited as service in the Public School Employees'
     6  Retirement System.
     7     "Service connected disability."  A disability resulting from
     8  an injury arising in the course of [State] government
     9  employment, and which is compensable under the applicable
    10  provisions of the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), known
    11  as ["The Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Act,"] the Worker's
    12  Compensation Act, or the act of June 21, 1939 (P.L.566, No.284),
    13  known as ["]The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act.["]
    14     "Social security integration accumulated deductions."  The
    15  total of the member contributions paid into the fund on account
    16  of social security integration credit, together with the
    17  statutory interest credited thereon until the date of
    18  termination of service or until the date of withdrawal thereof,
    19  whichever is earlier. In the case of a vestee statutory interest
    20  shall be credited until the effective date of retirement. A
    21  member's account shall not be credited with statutory interest
    22  for more than two years during a leave without pay.
    23     "Special vestee."  An employee of The Pennsylvania State
    24  University who is a member of the [State] Government Employees'
    25  Retirement System with five or more but less than ten
    26  eligibility points and who has a date of termination of service
    27  from The Pennsylvania State University of June 30, 1997, because
    28  of the transfer of his job position or duties to a controlled
    29  organization of the Penn State Geisinger Health System or
    30  because of the elimination of his job position or duties due to
    20070S0596B0646                 - 33 -     

     1  the transfer of other job positions or duties to a controlled
     2  organization of the Penn State Geisinger Health System, provided
     3  that:
     4         (1)  subsequent to termination of State service as an
     5     employee of The Pennsylvania State University, the member has
     6     not returned to State service in any other capacity or
     7     position as a State employee;
     8         (2)  The Pennsylvania State University certifies to the
     9     board that the member is eligible to be a special vestee;
    10         (3)  the member files an application to vest the member's
    11     retirement rights pursuant to section 5907(f) (relating to
    12     rights and duties of State employees and members) on or
    13     before September 30, 1997; and
    14         (4)  the member elects to leave the member's total
    15     accumulated deductions in the fund and to defer receipt of an
    16     annuity until attainment of superannuation age.
    17     "Standard single life annuity."  An annuity equal to 2% of
    18  the final average salary, multiplied by the total number of
    19  years and fractional part of a year of credited service of a
    20  member.
    21     "State employee."  Any person holding a State office or
    22  position under the Commonwealth, employed by the State
    23  Government of the Commonwealth, in any capacity whatsoever,
    24  except an independent contractor or any person compensated on a
    25  fee basis or any person paid directly by an entity other than a
    26  [State] Government Employees' Retirement System employer, and
    27  shall include members of the General Assembly, and any officer
    28  or employee of the following:
    29         (1)  (i)  The Department of Education.
    30             (ii)  State-owned educational institutions.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 34 -     

     1             (iii)  Community colleges.
     2             (iv)  The Pennsylvania State University, except an
     3         employee in the College of Agriculture who is paid wholly
     4         from Federal funds or an employee who is participating in
     5         the Federal Civil Service Retirement System. The
     6         university shall be totally responsible for all employer
     7         contributions under section 5507 (relating to
     8         contributions by the Commonwealth and other employers).
     9         (2)  The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, the Delaware
    10     River Port Authority, the Port Authority Transit Corporation,
    11     the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, the Delaware River
    12     Joint Toll Bridge Commission, the State Public School
    13     Building Authority, The General State Authority, the State
    14     Highway and Bridge Authority, the Delaware Valley Regional
    15     Planning Commission, the Interstate Commission of the
    16     Delaware River Basin, and the Susquehanna River Basin
    17     Commission any time subsequent to its creation, provided the
    18     commission or authority agrees to contribute and does
    19     contribute to the fund, from time to time, the moneys
    20     required to build up the reserves necessary for the payment
    21     of the annuities of such officers and employees without any
    22     liability on the part of the Commonwealth to make
    23     appropriations for such purposes, and provided in the case of
    24     employees of the Interstate Commission of the Delaware River
    25     Basin, that the employee shall have been a member of the
    26     system for at least ten years prior to January 1, 1963.
    27         (3)  Any separate independent public corporation created
    28     by statute, not including any municipal or quasi-municipal
    29     corporation, so long as he remains an officer or employee of
    30     such public corporation, and provided that such officer or
    20070S0596B0646                 - 35 -     

     1     employee of such public corporation was an employee of the
     2     Commonwealth immediately prior to his employment by such
     3     corporation, and further provided such public corporation
     4     shall agree to contribute and contributes to the fund, from
     5     time to time, the moneys required to build up the reserves
     6     necessary for the payment of the annuities of such officers
     7     and employees without any liability on the part of the
     8     Commonwealth to make appropriations for such purposes.
     9     "State police officer."  Any officer or member of the
    10  Pennsylvania State Police who, on or after July 1, 1989, shall
    11  have been subject to the terms of a collective bargaining
    12  agreement or binding interest arbitration award established
    13  pursuant to the act of June 24, 1968 (P.L.237, No.111), referred
    14  to as the Policemen and Firemen Collective Bargaining Act.
    15     "State service."  Service converted from county service
    16  pursuant to section 5303.1 (relating to election to convert
    17  county service to State service), converted from school service
    18  pursuant to section 5303.2 (relating to election to convert
    19  school service to State service) or rendered as a State
    20  employee.
    21     "Statutory interest."  Interest at 4% per annum, compounded
    22  annually.
    23     "Superannuation age."
    24         (1)  Any age upon accrual of 35 eligibility points or age
    25     60, except for a member of the General Assembly, an
    26     enforcement officer, a correction officer, a psychiatric
    27     security aide, a Delaware River Port Authority policeman, a
    28     Class P-2 or P-3 local government police employee or an
    29     officer of the Pennsylvania State Police, age 50, and, except
    30     for a member with Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class
    20070S0596B0646                 - 36 -     

     1     K, Class L, Class M or Class N service, age 55 upon accrual
     2     of 20 eligibility points.
     3         (2)  A Class P-1 local government police officer, any age
     4     upon accrual of 20 eligibility points or age 50.
     5         (3)  A Class P-4 local government police employee, age
     6     55.
     7     "Superannuation annuitant."  An annuitant whose annuity first
     8  became payable on or after the attainment of superannuation age
     9  and who is not a disability annuitant.
    10     "Survivor annuitant."  The person or persons last designated
    11  by a member under a joint and survivor annuity option to receive
    12  an annuity upon the death of such member.
    13     "System."  The [State] Government Employees' Retirement
    14  System of Pennsylvania as established by the act of June 27,
    15  1923 (P.L.858, No.331), and codified by the act of June 1, 1959
    16  (P.L.392, No.78) and the provisions of this part.
    17     "Total accumulated deductions."  The sum of the regular
    18  accumulated deductions, additional accumulated deductions, the
    19  social security integration accumulated deductions, and all
    20  other contributions paid into the fund for the purchase,
    21  transfer or conversion of credit for service or other coverage
    22  together with all statutory interest credited thereon until the
    23  date of termination of service. In the case of a vestee or a
    24  special vestee, statutory interest shall be credited until the
    25  effective date of retirement. A member's account shall not be
    26  credited with statutory interest for more than two years during
    27  a leave without pay.
    28     "Valuation interest."  Interest at 5 1/2% per annum
    29  compounded annually and applied to all accounts other than the
    30  members' savings account.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 37 -     

     1     "Vestee."  A member with five or more eligibility points, or
     2  a member with Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class
     3  L, Class M or Class N service with five or more eligibility
     4  points, who has terminated [State] government service and has
     5  elected to leave his total accumulated deductions in the fund
     6  and to defer receipt of an annuity.
     7     Section 5.  Section 5301(d) of Title 71 is amended and the
     8  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
     9  § 5301.  Mandatory and optional membership.
    10     * * *
    11     (a.1)  Mandatory membership for full-time local government
    12  police employees.--Membership in the system shall be mandatory
    13  as of the effective date of employment for all full-time local
    14  government police employees whose effective dates of local
    15  government employment are after December 31, 2005, and for whom
    16  retirement benefits are provided except those in a particular
    17  group who are covered by a collective bargaining agreement in
    18  effect on December 31, 2005, that requires all full-time local
    19  government police employees hired during the period of the
    20  agreement to become members of an existing local government
    21  police employee retirement system on their effective dates of
    22  local government employment. For all full-time local government
    23  police employees in that particular group who are hired after
    24  the termination date of the collective bargaining agreement in
    25  effect on December 31, 2005, membership in the system shall be
    26  mandatory as of the effective date of employment.
    27     * * *
    28     (d)  Return to service.--An annuitant who returns to service
    29  as a [State] government employee shall resume active membership
    30  in the system as of the effective date of employment, except as
    20070S0596B0646                 - 38 -     

     1  otherwise provided in section 5706(a) (relating to termination
     2  of annuities), regardless of the optional membership category of
     3  the position.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 6.  Sections 5302 heading and (a), 5303(b)(1), (c)
     6  and (g), 5304(a) and (c)(2) and 5305(b) of Title 71 are amended
     7  to read:
     8  § 5302.  Credited [State] government service.
     9     (a)  Computation of credited service.--
    10         (1)  In computing credited [State] government service of
    11     a member for the determination of benefits, a full-time
    12     salaried [State] government employee, including any member of
    13     the General Assembly, shall receive credit for service in
    14     each period for which contributions as required are made, or
    15     for which contributions otherwise required for such service
    16     were not made solely by reason of section 5502.1 (relating to
    17     waiver of regular member contributions and Social Security
    18     integration member contributions) or any provision of this
    19     part relating to the limitations under IRC § 401(a)(17) or
    20     415(b), but in no case shall he receive more than one year's
    21     credit for any 12 consecutive months or 26 consecutive
    22     biweekly pay periods. A per diem or hourly [State] government
    23     employee shall receive one year of credited service for each
    24     nonoverlapping period of 12 consecutive months or 26
    25     consecutive biweekly pay periods in which he is employed and
    26     for which contributions are made or would have been made but
    27     for such waiver under section 5502.1 or limitations under the
    28     IRC for at least 220 days or 1,650 hours of employment. If
    29     the member was employed and contributions were made for less
    30     than 220 days or 1,650 hours, he shall be credited with a
    20070S0596B0646                 - 39 -     

     1     fractional portion of a year determined by the ratio of the
     2     number of days or hours of service actually rendered to 220
     3     days or 1,650 hours, as the case may be. A part-time salaried
     4     employee shall be credited with the fractional portion of the
     5     year which corresponds to the number of hours or days of
     6     service actually rendered in relation to 1,650 hours or 220
     7     days, as the case may be.
     8         (2)  In computing credited local government police
     9     service of a member for determination of benefits, a full-
    10     time salaried local government police employee shall receive
    11     credit for service in each period for which contributions as
    12     required are made or for which contributions otherwise
    13     required for such service were not made solely by reason of
    14     any provision of this part relating to the limitation under
    15     IRC § 401(a)(17), but in no case shall he receive more than
    16     one year's credit for any 12 consecutive months, 26
    17     consecutive biweekly pay periods or 52 consecutive weekly pay
    18     periods. A full-time per diem or hourly local government
    19     police employee shall receive one year of credited service
    20     for each nonoverlapping period of 12 consecutive months, 26
    21     consecutive biweekly pay periods or 52 consecutive weekly pay
    22     periods in which he is employed and for which contributions
    23     are made or would have been made but for such limitation
    24     under the IRC for at least 220 days of employment in the case
    25     of a per diem employee or 1,650 hours of employment in the
    26     case of an hourly employee.
    27         (3)  In no case shall a member who has elected multiple
    28     service receive an aggregate in the two systems of more than
    29     one year of credited service for any 12 consecutive months.
    30     * * *
    20070S0596B0646                 - 40 -     

     1  § 5303.  Retention and reinstatement of service credits.
     2     * * *
     3     (b)  Eligibility points for prospective credited service.--
     4         (1)  Every active member of the system or a multiple
     5     service member who is a school employee and a member of the
     6     Public School Employees' Retirement System on or after the
     7     effective date of this part shall receive eligibility points
     8     in accordance with section 5307 for current [State]
     9     government service, previous [State] government service, or
    10     creditable nonstate service upon compliance with sections
    11     5501 (relating to regular member contributions for current
    12     service), 5504 (relating to member contributions for the
    13     purchase of credit for previous [State] government service or
    14     to become a full coverage member), 5505 (relating to
    15     contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable
    16     nonstate service), 5505.1 (relating to additional member
    17     contributions) or 5506 (relating to incomplete payments).
    18     Subject to the limitations in sections 5306.1 (relating to
    19     election to become a Class AA member) and 5306.2 (relating to
    20     elections by members of the General Assembly), the class or
    21     classes of service in which the member may be credited for
    22     previous [State] government service prior to the effective
    23     date of this part shall be the class or classes in which he
    24     was or could have at any time elected to be credited for such
    25     service. The class of service in which a member shall be
    26     credited for service subsequent to the effective date of this
    27     part shall be determined in accordance with section 5306
    28     (relating to classes of service).
    29         * * *
    30     (c)  Election for purchase of certain creditable service.--
    20070S0596B0646                 - 41 -     

     1  Every active member of the system or a multiple service member
     2  who is a school employee and a member of the Public School
     3  Employees' Retirement System who was employed by the Applied
     4  Research Laboratory of The Pennsylvania State University prior
     5  to June 3, 1984, and did not receive or is not receiving a
     6  retirement or pension benefit as a result of that service may
     7  elect to have the period of employment with the Applied Research
     8  Laboratory treated as previous State service upon compliance
     9  with sections 5504 and 5506 upon waiver in writing of any
    10  benefit that he is entitled to under any other pension or
    11  retirement plan by virtue of that service. If a member elects to
    12  receive this previous State service credit, The Pennsylvania
    13  State University shall make employer contributions equal to the
    14  amount that would have been contributed had employer
    15  contributions been made to the system concurrently with the
    16  rendering of the service, plus valuation interest to the day of
    17  the crediting of the service. Notwithstanding the provisions of
    18  section 5504, the amount due as member contributions and
    19  interest for an employee who is employed by the Applied Research
    20  Laboratory on June 3, 1984, who elects to purchase this credit
    21  with the [State] Government Employees' Retirement System shall
    22  not exceed the amount of contributions and interest certified as
    23  having been made to the pension plan administered by the Applied
    24  Research Laboratory during his employment with the Applied
    25  Research Laboratory. The Pennsylvania State University shall pay
    26  as member contributions the difference between this amount and
    27  the amount otherwise due under sections 5504 and 5506. The
    28  additional contributions paid by The Pennsylvania State
    29  University shall not be considered compensation for purposes of
    30  this part.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 42 -     

     1     * * *
     2     (g)  Credit for employees of Juvenile Court Judges'
     3  Commission.--An employee of the Juvenile Court Judges'
     4  Commission who elects membership in an independent retirement
     5  program approved by the employer under section 5301(f) shall
     6  have all service credited pursuant to section 5302(a) (relating
     7  to credited [State] government service) for State service with
     8  the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission on or after the effective
     9  date of the interagency transfer canceled and thereafter
    10  ineligible to be credited as State service. Additionally, all
    11  creditable State service and nonstate service reinstated or
    12  purchased while an employee of the Juvenile Court Judges'
    13  Commission shall be canceled. Such employees shall be prohibited
    14  from receiving credited service for State service performed
    15  while a member of an alternate retirement system approved by an
    16  employer.
    17     * * *
    18  § 5304.  Creditable nonstate service.
    19     (a)  Eligibility.--
    20         (1)  An active member who is a government employee or a
    21     multiple service member who is a school employee and an
    22     active member of the Public School Employees' Retirement
    23     System shall be eligible for Class A service credit for
    24     creditable nonstate service as set forth in subsections (b)
    25     and (c) except that intervening military service shall be
    26     credited in the class of service for which the member was
    27     eligible at the time of entering into military service and
    28     for which he makes the required contributions and except that
    29     a multiple service member who is a school employee and an
    30     active member of the Public School Employees' Retirement
    20070S0596B0646                 - 43 -     

     1     System shall not be eligible to purchase service credit for
     2     creditable nonstate service set forth in subsection (c)(5).
     3         (2)  An active member who is a local government police
     4     employee shall be eligible for service credit for creditable
     5     nonstate service as set forth in subsections (b) and (c)(1)
     6     provided that the intervening military service shall be
     7     credited in the class of service for which the member was
     8     eligible at the time of entering into military service and
     9     for which he makes the required contributions.
    10     * * *
    11     (c)  Limitations on nonstate service.--Creditable nonstate
    12  service credit shall be limited to:
    13         * * *
    14         (2)  military service other than intervening military
    15     service and military service purchasable under section
    16     5302(d) (relating to credited [State] government service) not
    17     exceeding five years, provided that a member with multiple
    18     service may not purchase more than a total of five years of
    19     military service in both the system and the Public School
    20     Employees' Retirement System;
    21         * * *
    22  § 5305.  Social security integration credits.
    23     * * *
    24     (b)  Accrual of subsequent credits.--Any member who has
    25  social security integration accumulated deductions to his credit
    26  or is receiving a benefit on account of social security
    27  integration credits may accrue one social security integration
    28  credit for each year of service as a State employee on or
    29  subsequent to March 1, 1974 and a fractional credit for a
    30  corresponding fractional year of service provided that
    20070S0596B0646                 - 44 -     

     1  contributions are made, or would have been made but for section
     2  5502.1 (relating to waiver of regular member contributions and
     3  Social Security integration member contributions) or the
     4  limitations under IRC § 401(a)(17) or 415(b), in accordance with
     5  section 5502 (relating to Social Security integration member
     6  contributions), and he:
     7         (1)  continues subsequent to March 1, 1974 as an active
     8     member in either the [State] government or school system;
     9         (2)  terminates such continuous service in the [State]
    10     government or school system and returns to active membership
    11     in the [State] government system within six months; or
    12         (3)  terminates his status as a vestee or an annuitant
    13     and returns to [State] government service.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 7.  Section 5306 of Title 71, amended November 29,
    16  2006 (P.L.1628, No.188), is amended to read:
    17  § 5306.  Classes of service.
    18     (a)  Class A membership.--A State employee who is a member of
    19  Class A on the effective date of this part or who becomes a
    20  member of the system subsequent to the effective date of this
    21  part shall be classified as a Class A member and receive credit
    22  for Class A service upon payment of regular and additional
    23  member contributions for Class A service, provided that the
    24  State employee does not become a member of Class AA pursuant to
    25  subsection (a.1) or a member of Class D-4 pursuant to subsection
    26  (a.2).
    27     (a.1)  Class AA membership.--
    28         (1)  A person who becomes a State employee and an active
    29     member of the system after June 30, 2001, and who is not a
    30     State police officer and not employed in a position for which
    20070S0596B0646                 - 45 -     

     1     a class of service other than Class A is credited or could be
     2     elected shall be classified as a Class AA member and receive
     3     credit for Class AA State service upon payment of regular
     4     member contributions for Class AA service and, subject to the
     5     limitations contained in paragraph (7), if previously a
     6     member of Class A or previously employed in a position for
     7     which Class A service could have been earned, shall have all
     8     Class A State service (other than State service performed as
     9     a State police officer or for which a class of service other
    10     than Class A was earned or could have been elected)
    11     classified as Class AA service.
    12         (2)  A person who is a State employee on June 30, 2001,
    13     and July 1, 2001, but is not an active member of the system
    14     because membership in the system is optional or prohibited
    15     pursuant to section 5301 (relating to mandatory and optional
    16     membership) and who becomes an active member after June 30,
    17     2001, and who is not a State police officer and not employed
    18     in a position for which a class of service other than Class A
    19     is credited or could be elected shall be classified as a
    20     Class AA member and receive credit for Class AA State service
    21     upon payment of regular member contributions for Class AA
    22     service and, subject to the limitations contained in
    23     paragraph (7), if previously a member of Class A or
    24     previously employed in a position for which Class A service
    25     could have been earned, shall have all Class A State service
    26     (other than State service performed as a State Police officer
    27     or for which a class of service other than Class A was earned
    28     or could have been elected) classified as Class AA service.
    29         (3)  Provided that an election to become a Class AA
    30     member is made pursuant to section 5306.1 (relating to
    20070S0596B0646                 - 46 -     

     1     election to become a Class AA member), a State employee,
     2     other than a State employee who is a State police officer on
     3     or after July 1, 1989, who on June 30, 2001, and July 1,
     4     2001, is:
     5             (i)  a member of Class A, other than a member of
     6         Class A who could have elected membership in a Class C,
     7         Class D-3, Class E-1 or Class E-2; or
     8             (ii)  an inactive member on a leave without pay from
     9         a position in which the State employee would be a Class A
    10         active member if the employee was not on leave without
    11         pay, other than a position in which the State employee
    12         could elect membership in Class C, Class D-3, Class E-1
    13         or Class E-2;
    14     shall be classified as a Class AA member and receive credit
    15     for Class AA State service performed after June 30, 2001,
    16     upon payment of regular member contributions for Class AA
    17     service and, subject to the limitations contained in
    18     paragraph (7), shall receive Class AA service credit for all
    19     Class A State service, other than State service performed as
    20     a State police officer or as a State employee in a position
    21     for which the member could have elected membership in Class
    22     C, Class D-3, Class E-1 or Class E-2, performed before July
    23     1, 2001.
    24         (4)  Provided that an election to become a Class AA
    25     member is made pursuant to section 5306.1, a former State
    26     employee, other than a former State employee who was a State
    27     police officer on or after July 1, 1989, who on June 30,
    28     2001, and July 1, 2001, is a multiple service member and a
    29     school employee and a member of the Public School Employees'
    30     Retirement System, subject to the limitations contained in
    20070S0596B0646                 - 47 -     

     1     paragraph (7), shall receive Class AA service credit for all
     2     Class A State service, other than State service performed as
     3     a State police officer or as a State employee in a position
     4     in which the former State employee could have elected a class
     5     of service other than Class A, performed before July 1, 2001.
     6         (5)  A former State employee, other than a former State
     7     employee who was a State police officer on or after July 1,
     8     1989, who is a school employee and who on or after July 1,
     9     2001, becomes a multiple service member, subject to the
    10     limitations contained in paragraph (7), shall receive Class
    11     AA service credit for all Class A State service other than
    12     State service performed as a State employee in a position in
    13     which the former State employee could have elected a class of
    14     service other than Class A.
    15         (6)  A State employee who after June 30, 2001, becomes a
    16     State police officer or who is employed in a position in
    17     which the member could elect membership in a class of service
    18     other than Class AA or Class D-4 shall retain any Class AA
    19     service credited prior to becoming a State police officer or
    20     being so employed but shall be ineligible to receive Class AA
    21     credit thereafter and instead shall receive Class A credit
    22     unless a class of membership other than Class A is elected.
    23         (7)  (i)  State service performed as Class A service
    24         before July 1, 2001, and State service for which Class A
    25         service could have been credited but was not credited
    26         because membership in the system was optional or
    27         prohibited pursuant to section 5301 shall be credited as
    28         Class AA service only upon the completion of all acts
    29         necessary for the State service to be credited as Class A
    30         service had this subsection not been enacted and upon
    20070S0596B0646                 - 48 -     

     1         payment of required Class AA member contributions as
     2         provided in section 5504 (relating to member
     3         contributions for the purchase of credit for previous
     4         [State] government service or to become a full coverage
     5         member).
     6             (ii)  A person who is not a State employee or a
     7         school employee on June 30, 2001, and July 1, 2001, and
     8         who has previous State service (except a disability
     9         annuitant who returns to State service after June 30,
    10         2001, upon termination of the disability annuity) shall
    11         not receive Class AA service credit for State service
    12         performed before July 1, 2001, until such person becomes
    13         an active member, or an active member of the Public
    14         School Employees' Retirement System and a multiple
    15         service member, and earns three eligibility points by
    16         performing credited State service or credited school
    17         service after June 30, 2001.
    18     (a.2)  Class of membership for members of the General
    19  Assembly.--
    20         (1)  A person who:
    21             (i)  becomes a member of the General Assembly and an
    22         active member of the system after June 30, 2001; or
    23             (ii)  is a member of the General Assembly on July 1,
    24         2001, but is not an active member of the system because
    25         membership in the system is optional pursuant to section
    26         5301 and who becomes an active member after June 30,
    27         2001;
    28     and who was not a State police officer on or after July 1,
    29     1989, shall be classified as a Class D-4 member and receive
    30     credit as a Class D-4 member for all State service as a
    20070S0596B0646                 - 49 -     

     1     member of the General Assembly upon payment of regular member
     2     contributions for Class D-4 service and, subject to the
     3     limitations contained in subsection (a.1)(7), if previously a
     4     member of Class A or employed in a position for which Class A
     5     service could have been earned, shall receive Class AA
     6     service credit for all Class A State service, other than
     7     State service performed as a State police officer or for
     8     which a class of service other than Class A or Class D-4 was
     9     or could have been elected or credited.
    10         (2)  Provided an election to become a Class D-4 member is
    11     made pursuant to section 5306.2 (relating to elections by
    12     members of the General Assembly), a State employee who was
    13     not a State police officer on or after July 1, 1989, who on
    14     July 1, 2001, is a member of the General Assembly and an
    15     active member of the system and not a member of Class D-3
    16     shall be classified as a Class D-4 member and receive credit
    17     as a Class D-4 member for all State service performed as a
    18     member of the General Assembly not credited as another class
    19     other than Class A upon payment of regular member
    20     contributions for Class D-4 service and, subject to the
    21     limitations contained in paragraph (a.1)(7), shall receive
    22     Class AA service credit for all Class A State service, other
    23     than State service performed as a State police officer or as
    24     a State employee in a position in which the member could have
    25     elected a class of service other than Class A, performed
    26     before July 1, 2001.
    27         (3)  A member of the General Assembly who after June 30,
    28     2001, becomes a State police officer shall retain any Class
    29     AA service or Class D-4 service credited prior to becoming a
    30     State police officer or being so employed but shall be
    20070S0596B0646                 - 50 -     

     1     ineligible to receive Class AA or Class D-4 credit thereafter
     2     and instead shall receive Class A credit.
     3     (b)  Other State employee class membership.--
     4         (1)  A State employee who is a member of a class of
     5     service other than Class A on the effective date of this part
     6     shall retain his membership in that class until such service
     7     is discontinued; any service thereafter shall be credited as
     8     Class A service, Class AA service or Class D-4 service as
     9     provided for in this section.
    10         (2)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,
    11     a State employee who is appointed bail commissioner of the
    12     Philadelphia Municipal Court under 42 Pa.C.S. § 1123(a)(5)
    13     (relating to jurisdiction and venue) may, within 30 days of
    14     the effective date of this sentence or within 30 days of his
    15     initial appointment as a bail commissioner, whichever is
    16     later, elect Class E-2 service credit for service performed
    17     as a bail commissioner. This class of service multiplier for
    18     E-2 service as a bail commissioner shall be 1.5.
    19     (c)  Class membership for county service.--Notwithstanding
    20  subsection (a), county service that is converted to State
    21  service pursuant to section 5303.1 (relating to election to
    22  convert county service to State service) shall be credited as
    23  the following class of service:
    24     Class of service in a county of the
    25     second class A, third class, fourth
    26     class, fifth class, sixth class,
    27     seventh class or eighth class
    28     maintaining a retirement system or
    29     pension plan under the act of August
    30     31, 1971 (P.L.398, No.96), known as
    20070S0596B0646                 - 51 -     

     1     the County Pension Law
     2                                                System Class of
     3                                                    Service
     4     Class 1-120                                          G
     5     Class 1-100                                          H
     6     Class 1-80                                           I
     7     Class 1-70                                           J
     8     Class 1-60                                           K
     9     Rate of accrual of benefit for each
    10     year of service in a county of the
    11     first class or second class or
    12     credited in the Pennsylvania
    13     Municipal Retirement System
    14                                                 System Class of
    15                                                     Service
    16     .833%                                                G
    17     1.00%                                                H
    18     1.250%                                               I
    19     1.428%                                               J
    20     1.667%                                               K
    21     2.000%                                               L
    22     2.200%                                               M
    23     2.500%                                               N
    24     (d)  Class of service for converted school service and
    25  nonschool service.--If a member elects to convert credited
    26  service from the Public School Employees' Retirement System to
    27  the system pursuant to section 5303.2 (relating to election to
    28  convert school service to State service), then Class T-C school
    29  service and all nonschool service credited in the Public School
    30  Employees' Retirement System shall be converted to credited
    20070S0596B0646                 - 52 -     

     1  service in the system and credited as Class A State service or
     2  nonstate service respectively, and Class T-D school service
     3  credited in the Public School Employees' Retirement System shall
     4  be converted to credited service in the system and credited as
     5  Class AA State service.
     6     (e)  Local government police employee class membership.--A
     7  local government police employee who becomes a member of the
     8  system after December 31, 2005, shall be classified as a Class
     9  P-1, P-2, P-3 or P-4 member as provided in section 5405
    10  (relating to designation of class of service multiplier) and
    11  receive credit for that class of service upon payment of regular
    12  member contributions for that class of service.
    13     Section 8.  Sections 5307(a), 5308, 5308.1 and 5309 of Title
    14  71 are amended to read:
    15  § 5307.  Eligibility points.
    16     (a)  General rule.--An active member of the system shall
    17  accrue one eligibility point for each year of credited service
    18  as a member of the [State] system or the Public School
    19  Employees' Retirement System. A member shall accrue an
    20  additional two-thirds of an eligibility point for each year of
    21  Class D-3 credited service. In the case of a fractional part of
    22  a year of credited service, a member shall accrue the
    23  corresponding fractional portion of eligibility points to which
    24  the class of service entitles him.
    25     * * *
    26  § 5308.  Eligibility for annuities.
    27     (a)  Superannuation annuity.--Attainment of superannuation
    28  age by an active member or an inactive member on leave without
    29  pay with three or more years of credited [State] government or
    30  school service shall entitle him to receive a superannuation
    20070S0596B0646                 - 53 -     

     1  annuity upon termination of [State] government service and
     2  compliance with section 5907(f) (relating to rights and duties
     3  of [State] government employees and members).
     4     (b)  Withdrawal annuity.--Any vestee or any active member or
     5  inactive member on leave without pay who terminates [State]
     6  government service having five or more eligibility points, or
     7  who has Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L,
     8  Class M or Class N service and terminates State service having
     9  five or more eligibility points, upon compliance with section
    10  5907(f), (g) or (h) shall be entitled to receive an annuity.
    11     (c)  Disability annuity.--An active member or inactive member
    12  on leave without pay who has credit for at least five years of
    13  service or any active member or inactive member on leave without
    14  pay who is a local government police employee, an officer of the
    15  Pennsylvania State Police or an enforcement officer shall, upon
    16  compliance with section 5907(k), be entitled to a disability
    17  annuity if he becomes mentally or physically incapable of
    18  continuing to perform the duties for which he is employed and
    19  qualifies in accordance with the provisions of section
    20  5905(c)(1) (relating to duties of the [board] boards regarding
    21  applications and elections of members).
    22  § 5308.1.  Eligibility for special early retirement.
    23     Notwithstanding any provisions of this title to the contrary,
    24  the following special early retirement provisions shall be
    25  applicable to specified eligible members who are State employees
    26  as follows:
    27         (1)  During the period of July 1, 1985, to September 30,
    28     1991, an active member who has attained the age of at least
    29     53 years and has accrued at least 30 eligibility points shall
    30     be entitled, upon termination of State service and compliance
    20070S0596B0646                 - 54 -     

     1     with section 5907(f) (relating to rights and duties of
     2     [State] government employees and members), to receive a
     3     maximum single life annuity calculated under section 5702
     4     (relating to maximum single life annuity) without a reduction
     5     by virtue of an effective date of retirement which is under
     6     the superannuation age.
     7         (2)  During the period of July 1, 1985, to September 30,
     8     1991, an active member who is a State employee and has
     9     attained the age of at least 50 years but not greater than 53
    10     years and has accrued at least 30 eligibility points shall be
    11     entitled, upon termination of State service and compliance
    12     with section 5907(f), to receive a maximum single life
    13     annuity calculated under section 5702 with a reduction by
    14     virtue of an effective date of retirement which is under the
    15     superannuation age of a percentage factor which shall be
    16     determined by multiplying the number of months, including a
    17     fraction of a month as a full month, by which the effective
    18     date of retirement precedes the attainment of age 53 by
    19     0.25%.
    20         (3)  During the period of October 1, 1991, to June 30,
    21     1993, a member who is a State employee and has credit for at
    22     least 30 eligibility points shall be entitled, upon
    23     termination of service and filing of a proper application, to
    24     receive a maximum single life annuity calculated pursuant to
    25     section 5702 without any reduction by virtue of an effective
    26     date of retirement which is under the superannuation age.
    27         (4)  During the period of July 1, 1993, to July 1, 1997,
    28     a member who is a State employee and has credit for at least
    29     30 eligibility points shall be entitled, upon termination of
    30     service and filing of a proper application, to receive a
    20070S0596B0646                 - 55 -     

     1     maximum single life annuity calculated pursuant to section
     2     5702 without any reduction by virtue of an effective date of
     3     retirement which is under the superannuation age.
     4  § 5309.  Eligibility for vesting.
     5     Any member who terminates [State] government service with
     6  five or more eligibility points, or any member with Class G,
     7  Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N
     8  service with five or more eligibility points, shall be eligible
     9  until attainment of superannuation age to vest his retirement
    10  benefits.
    11     Section 9.  Title 71 is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    12                             CHAPTER 54
    13                    LOCAL GOVERNMENT RETIREMENT
    14  Subchapter
    15     A.  Local Government Police Employee Retirement Benefits
    16     B.  Revision and Continuation of Intergovernmental Revenue
    17     C.  Supplemental Local Government Benefit Accumulation Plan
    18                            SUBCHAPTER A
    20  Sec.
    21  5401.  Provision of local government police employee retirement
    22         benefits.
    23  5402.  Establishment of local government police employee
    24         retirement systems restricted.
    25  5403.  Continuation of existing local government police employee
    26         retirement systems.
    27  5404.  Application for participation required.
    28  5405.  Designation of class of service multiplier.
    29  5406.  Optional transfer of members and beneficiaries.
    30  5407.  Optional election of membership for certain existing
    20070S0596B0646                 - 56 -     

     1         police employees.
     2  5408.  Service credit for prior government service.
     3  5409.  Board actions preceding transfer of members and
     4         beneficiaries to local government police employee
     5         retirement system.
     6  5410.  Provision of retirement benefits for part-time local
     7         government police employees.
     8  § 5401.  Provision of local government police employee
     9             retirement benefits.
    10     (a)  General rule.--After December 31, 1996, a local
    11  government shall not provide retirement benefits to its local
    12  government police employees except as provided in this part.
    13     (b)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    14  "retirement benefits" means an annuity, pension, health or
    15  welfare benefit, insurance coverage, retirement allowance or
    16  other retirement benefit provided to an annuitant or beneficiary
    17  after the retirement of the annuitant except benefits provided
    18  through participation in a postemployment hospital, medical,
    19  surgical or major medical insurance program or a deferred
    20  compensation program under sections VIII.1 or VIII.2 and VIII.3
    21  of the act of March 30, 1811 (P.L. 145, No. 99), entitled "An
    22  act to amend and consolidate the several acts relating to the
    23  settlement of the public accounts and the payment of the public
    24  monies, and for other purposes," or section 457 of the Internal
    25  Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-154, 26 U.S.C. § 457).
    26  § 5402.  Establishment of local government police employee
    27             retirement systems restricted.
    28     (a)  Establishment of new retirement systems for full-time
    29  local government police employees prohibited.--After December
    30  31, 2005, a local government shall not establish a retirement or
    20070S0596B0646                 - 57 -     

     1  pension fund, plan or system for its full-time police employees
     2  except through participation in the system as provided by this
     3  part.
     4     (b)  Establishment of retirement systems for part-time local
     5  government police employees restricted.--After December 31,
     6  2005, a local government shall not establish any retirement or
     7  pension fund, plan or system for its part-time police employees
     8  except through the establishment of simplified employee pension
     9  individual retirement accounts as provided under section 5410
    10  (relating to provision of retirement benefits for part-time
    11  local government employees).
    12     (c)  Effective date for new retirement systems.--If a local
    13  government establishes a retirement or pension fund, plan or
    14  system after December 31, 2005, the local government shall
    15  establish the retirement or pension fund, plan or system only as
    16  of January 1 of the year in which the resolution or ordinance
    17  creating the fund, plan or system is passed in final form.
    18  § 5403.  Continuation of existing local government police
    19             employee retirement systems.
    20     A local government police employee retirement system
    21  established and maintained by a local government and created
    22  before January 1, 2006, may continue to operate until all its
    23  members and beneficiaries have been transferred into the system
    24  under the terms and conditions set forth in section 5406
    25  (relating to optional transfer of members and beneficiaries) or
    26  until it has no members or beneficiaries representing actual or
    27  potential liabilities, whichever occurs earlier. Upon the
    28  occurrence of either circumstance, the local government police
    29  employee retirement system shall be terminated under section
    30  5406(d).
    20070S0596B0646                 - 58 -     

     1  § 5404.  Application for participation required.
     2     (a)  Submission of application for participation.--After
     3  December 31, 2005, a local government shall submit an
     4  application for participation in the system no later than 15
     5  days after the employment of a local government police employee
     6  unless no retirement system exists for previously hired police
     7  employees and the local government has no plans to provide
     8  retirement benefits for police employees. Where a local
     9  government declines to submit an application for participation
    10  under the provision of this section and subsequently elects to
    11  provide retirement benefits for police employees, the local
    12  government shall submit an application for participation in the
    13  system to be effective on the following January 1 on a
    14  prospective basis for all police employees who were employed
    15  after December 31, 2005.
    16     (b)  Designation of class of service multiplier.--Each
    17  application for participation submitted by a local government
    18  under this section shall designate the class of service
    19  multiplier to be applied to the police employees. A local
    20  government may designate a higher class of service multiplier
    21  for police employees on any subsequent January 1 by submitting a
    22  revised application for participation.
    23     (c)  Specification of procedures.--Local governments shall
    24  adhere to the procedures adopted by the Local Government Police
    25  Employees' Retirement Board regarding the content and submission
    26  of applications for participation in the system.
    27  § 5405.  Designation of class of service multiplier.
    28     (a)  Local government police employee retirement system with
    29  defined benefits exists.--When a local government police
    30  employee retirement system for the police employees of a local
    20070S0596B0646                 - 59 -     

     1  government exists on December 31, 2005, the local government
     2  shall designate the class of service multiplier as follows:
     3         (1)  If the local government transfers the members and
     4     beneficiaries of a local government police employee
     5     retirement system to the system under section 5406 (relating
     6     to optional transfer of member and beneficiaries), the local
     7     government shall designate a class of service multiplier in
     8     the system for the transferred members and for police
     9     employees entering local government service after December
    10     31, 2005, that provides aggregate benefits not less than
    11     those provided under the local government police employee
    12     retirement system as determined under subsection (d), except
    13     as provided in paragraph (3).
    14         (2)  If the local government does not transfer the
    15     members and beneficiaries of a local government police
    16     employee retirement system to the system under section 5406,
    17     the local government may designate any class of service
    18     multiplier in the system for employees entering local
    19     government service as police employees after December 31,
    20     2005, unless a collective bargaining agreement, mediation
    21     agreement or arbitration award between the local government
    22     and its police employees or their collective bargaining
    23     representatives restricts the class of service multiplier
    24     that may be designated for police employees entering local
    25     government service after December 31, 2005.
    26         (3)  If the aggregate benefits provided under the local
    27     government police employee retirement system exceed the
    28     highest applicable class of service multiplier for police
    29     employees, the local government shall designate the highest
    30     applicable class of service multiplier in the system for
    20070S0596B0646                 - 60 -     

     1     police employees entering local government service after
     2     December 31, 2005, and for any members in that particular
     3     group transferred to the system under section 5406.
     4     (b)  No local government police employee retirement system or
     5  a local government police employee retirement system without
     6  defined benefits exists.--When a local government police
     7  employee retirement system for police employees of a local
     8  government has no defined benefits or does not exist on December
     9  31, 2005:
    10         (1)  The local government may designate any of the four
    11     class of service multipliers in the system for police
    12     employees entering local government service after December
    13     31, 2005.
    14         (2)  If individuals who are active, full-time police
    15     employees of the local government on December 31, 2005, later
    16     become members of the system as police employees of that
    17     local government, the local government shall designate the
    18     same class of service multiplier in the system for those
    19     police employees as it designated for police employees
    20     entering local government service after December 31, 2005,
    21     under paragraph (1).
    22     (c)  Subsequent modification of designation of class of
    23  service multiplier.--After the designation of a class of service
    24  multiplier under subsection (a) or (b), a local government may
    25  designate a higher class of service multiplier effective on any
    26  subsequent January 1, subject to any collective bargaining
    27  agreement, mediation agreement or arbitration award between the
    28  local government and its police employees or their collective
    29  bargaining representatives, provided that the local government
    30  agrees to pay an amount equal to the increase in the actuarial
    20070S0596B0646                 - 61 -     

     1  accrued liability over not more that a 20-year period based on a
     2  level dollar amortization schedule. The amortization payments so
     3  incurred shall be added to the employer contributions of the
     4  individual local government determined under section 5508(a.1)
     5  (relating to actuarial cost method).
     6     (d)  Benefit structure.--Before the January 1 transfer date
     7  of full-time local government police employees under subsection
     8  (a)(1), the Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Board
     9  shall cause the actuary of the system to value both the benefit
    10  structure of the local government police employee retirement
    11  system and the benefit structure of the system using the
    12  system's standard methodology and the demographic data for the
    13  prospective members to determine actuarial present value of
    14  future benefits under each system. The resulting values shall
    15  determine the lowest class of service multiplier that may be
    16  designated by the local government.
    17  § 5406.  Optional transfer of members and beneficiaries.
    18     (a)  Optional transfer of members and beneficiaries
    19  permitted.--On any January 1 after December 31, 2006, a local
    20  government may transfer all of the members and beneficiaries of
    21  its local government police employee retirement system to the
    22  system under the conditions provided in subsections (b) and (c).
    23     (b)  Conditions for optional transfer.--The optional transfer
    24  of members and beneficiaries of a local government police
    25  employee retirement system shall require, among other
    26  conditions, all of the following:
    27         (1)  approval by two-thirds majority of active members of
    28     the local government police employee retirement system in an
    29     election conducted by the Local Government Police Employees'
    30     Retirement Board;
    20070S0596B0646                 - 62 -     

     1         (2)  a duly passed resolution of the governing body of
     2     the local government under which the local government police
     3     employee retirement system is operating declaring the
     4     governing body's desire and intent to transfer all of the
     5     members and beneficiaries to and to participate in the
     6     system;
     7         (3)  prepayment to the Local Government Police Employees'
     8     Retirement Fund by the local government of the amount equal
     9     to the actuarial accrued liabilities attributable to the
    10     members and beneficiaries of the local government police
    11     employee retirement system on the January 1 the transfer is
    12     effective as determined by the actuary;
    13         (4)  agreement by the local government to pay to the
    14     Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund the pickup
    15     contributions and employer contributions under Chapter 55
    16     (relating to contributions); and
    17         (5)  approval by the Local Government Police Employees'
    18     Retirement Board of an application for transfer of the
    19     members and beneficiaries to and participation of the local
    20     government and its full-time police employees in the system.
    21     (c)  Six-months limitation of time for civil actions and
    22  proceedings.--
    23         (1)  A civil action or proceeding at law or in equity
    24     seeking to prohibit or rescind the optional transfer to or
    25     subsequent participation in the system of one or more members
    26     or beneficiaries of the local government police employee
    27     retirement system shall be commenced within six months of the
    28     January 1 the transfer is to be or was effective.
    29         (2)  If, as a result of a civil action or proceeding, the
    30     transfer to or participation in the system of one or more
    20070S0596B0646                 - 63 -     

     1     members or beneficiaries of the local government police
     2     employee retirement system is prohibited or rescinded before
     3     the January 1 the transfer is to be effective, the transfer
     4     to and participation in the system by all members and
     5     beneficiaries of the local government police employee
     6     retirement system shall not occur.
     7         (3)  If, as a result of a civil action or proceeding, the
     8     transfer to or participation in the system of one or more
     9     members or beneficiaries of the local government police
    10     employee retirement system is prohibited or rescinded on or
    11     after the January 1 the transfer was effective, the transfer
    12     to and participation in the system by all members and
    13     beneficiaries of the local government police employee
    14     retirement system shall be permanently rescinded and the
    15     assets transferred and contributed by the local government
    16     and the members of the local government police employee
    17     retirement system shall be refunded with statutory interest
    18     to the public employee pension trust fund of the local
    19     government police employee retirement system.
    20         (4)  If a civil action or proceeding at law or in equity
    21     seeking to prohibit or rescind the optional transfer to or
    22     subsequent participation in the system of one or more members
    23     or beneficiaries of a local government police employee
    24     retirement system is not commenced within six months of the
    25     January 1 the transfer is effective, any civil action or
    26     proceeding commenced against the local government, the local
    27     government police employee retirement system, the system, the
    28     Commonwealth or their officers or employees shall be
    29     dismissed and the person to whom any such cause of action
    30     accrued for any injury shall be forever barred from
    20070S0596B0646                 - 64 -     

     1     proceeding further thereon within this Commonwealth or
     2     elsewhere. As used in this paragraph, the word "commenced"
     3     shall have the meaning given it under 42 Pa.C.S. § 5503
     4     (relating to commencement of matters).
     5     (d)  Use of residual assets and termination of local
     6  government police employee retirement system.--After the local
     7  government police employee retirement system has paid the amount
     8  required under subsection (b)(3) and transferred all its members
     9  and beneficiaries to the system, the local government police
    10  employee retirement system shall use the residual assets of the
    11  police pension fund to pay any remaining liabilities and to make
    12  future employer contributions to the Local Government Police
    13  Employees' Retirement Fund under section 5507 (relating to
    14  contributions by the Commonwealth and other employers). When the
    15  residual assets of the police pension fund of the municipality
    16  are depleted, the local government police employee retirement
    17  system shall be then terminated.
    18  § 5407.  Optional election of membership for certain existing
    19             police employees.
    20     (a)  Optional election of membership for certain existing
    21  police employees permitted.--On any January 1 after December 31,
    22  2006, a local government may elect membership in the system for
    23  all of its full-time police employees who on December 31, 2006,
    24  were active, full-time police employees of the local government
    25  and were not members of the local government's local government
    26  police employee retirement system.
    27     (b)  Conditions for optional election of membership.--The
    28  optional election of membership in the system by a local
    29  government for all the full-time police employees shall require,
    30  among other conditions, all of the following:
    20070S0596B0646                 - 65 -     

     1         (1)  a duly passed resolution of the governing body of
     2     the local government declaring the governing body's desire
     3     and intent to elect membership in the system for all of the
     4     affected local government police employees;
     5         (2)  designation of the class of service multiplier for
     6     its local government police employees under section 5405(b)
     7     (relating to designation of class of service multiplier);
     8         (3)  prepayment to the Local Government Police Employees'
     9     Retirement Fund by the local government of the amount equal
    10     to the actuarial accrued liabilities attributable to the
    11     local government police employees on the January 1 the
    12     transfer is effective as determined by the actuary;
    13         (4)  agreement by the local government to pay to the
    14     Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund the pickup
    15     contributions and employer contributions under Chapter 55
    16     (relating to contributions); and
    17         (5)  approval by the Local Government Police Employees'
    18     Retirement Board of an application for participation of the
    19     local government and its full-time police employees in the
    20     system. The Local Government Police Employees' Retirement
    21     Board may establish any other conditions as it deems
    22     appropriate.
    23  § 5408.  Service credit for prior government service.
    24     (a)  New local government police employees.--A full-time
    25  local government police employee who enters local government
    26  service and joins the system after December 31, 2005, shall only
    27  receive service credit in the system for local government police
    28  service from the date of membership in the system.
    29     (b)  Existing local government police employee retirement
    30  system members.--A full-time local government police employee
    20070S0596B0646                 - 66 -     

     1  whose retirement membership is transferred from a local
     2  government police employee retirement system to the system under
     3  section 5406 (relating to optional transfer of members and
     4  beneficiaries) shall only receive service credit in the system
     5  for the service credit the employee had in the local government
     6  police employee retirement system on the date of transfer.
     7     (c)  Existing local government police employees not members
     8  of a local government police employee retirement system.--A
     9  local government electing membership in the system under section
    10  5407 (relating to optional election of membership for certain
    11  existing police employees) for local government police employees
    12  may permit members to receive service credit in the system only
    13  for the full-time local government police service the local
    14  government police employees had with the local government on the
    15  December 31 immediately before joining the system, provided the
    16  local government prepays the Local Government Police Employees'
    17  Retirement Fund the amount of the resulting actuarial accrued
    18  liabilities as required under section 5406(b)(3).
    19  § 5409.  Board actions preceding transfer of members and
    20             beneficiaries to local government police employee
    21             retirement system.
    22     Before the January 1 transfer date of members and
    23  beneficiaries of the local government police employee retirement
    24  system under section 5406 (relating to optional transfer of
    25  members and beneficiaries) or local government police employees
    26  under section 5407 (relating to optional election of membership
    27  for certain existing police employees), the Local Government
    28  Police Employees' Retirement Board shall:
    29         (1)  Cause its actuary to value the actuarial accrued
    30     liabilities that are attributable to members and
    20070S0596B0646                 - 67 -     

     1     beneficiaries to be transferred as of the transfer date.
     2         (2)  Determine the amount of accumulated member
     3     contributions and interest for each active member, together
     4     with statutory interest during all periods of subsequent
     5     local government police service to the date of transfer and
     6     credit the resulting amounts to the members' savings account
     7     of the Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund on
     8     the transfer date.
     9  § 5410.  Provision of retirement benefits for part-time local
    10             government police employees.
    11     (a)  Establishment of simplified employee pension individual
    12  retirement account plans for part-time local government police
    13  employees permitted.--A local government may establish eligible
    14  simplified employee pension individual retirement account plans
    15  under section 408 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public
    16  Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 408) for its part-time local government
    17  police employees.
    18     (b)  Administration by governing body.--Any simplified
    19  employee pension individual retirement account plans established
    20  for the part-time local government police employees of a local
    21  government shall be established and administered by the
    22  governing body of the local government and shall provide for
    23  contributions by the local government to be specified as a
    24  uniform percentage of compensation.
    25     (c)  Definitions.--The following words and phrases when in
    26  this section shall have, unless the context clearly indicates
    27  otherwise, the meanings given to them in this subsection:
    28     "Compensation."  Remuneration actually received as a local
    29  government police employee, excluding refunds for expenses,
    30  contingency and accountable expense allowances and severance
    20070S0596B0646                 - 68 -     

     1  payments or payments for unused vacation or sick leave.
     2     "Part-time local government police employee."  Any individual
     3  employed and compensated for less than 1,650 hours of employment
     4  for each nonoverlapping period of 12 consecutive months, 26
     5  consecutive biweekly pay periods or 52 consecutive weekly pay
     6  periods. The term shall not mean an independent contractor or
     7  any individual compensated on a fee or commission basis.
     8                            SUBCHAPTER B
    10  Sec.
    11  5421.  Revision of general municipal pension system State aid
    12         program.
    13  § 5421.  Revision of general municipal pension system State aid
    14             program.
    15     (a)  Maximum allocation.--Notwithstanding the provisions of
    16  section 402(f)(2) of the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005,
    17  No.205), known as the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard
    18  and Recovery Act, the allocation of each eligible municipality
    19  participating in the distribution of general municipal pension
    20  system State aid under Chapter 4 of the Municipal Pension Plan
    21  Funding Standard and Recovery Act during calendar year 2006 and
    22  thereafter shall not exceed the aggregate actual employer
    23  financial requirements of its employee pension plans calculated
    24  under section 402(f)(2) of the Municipal Pension Plan Funding
    25  Standard and Recovery Act and subsection (b).
    26     (b)  Adjustment of allocation.--Notwithstanding the
    27  provisions of section 402(f)(2) of the Municipal Pension Plan
    28  Funding Standard and Recovery Act, the aggregate actual employer
    29  financial requirements calculated for each eligible municipality
    30  under section 402(f)(2) of the Municipal Pension Plan Funding
    20070S0596B0646                 - 69 -     

     1  Standard and Recovery Act for use in the allocation made during
     2  calendar year 2007 and thereafter shall not include the actual
     3  employer financial requirements of the police pension plan of
     4  the municipality if the municipality has elected to transfer
     5  members and beneficiaries under section 5406 (relating to
     6  optional transfer of members and beneficiaries) and is funding
     7  or could be funding its actual employer financial requirements
     8  through disbursements from the residual assets of the police
     9  pension fund of the municipality under section 5406(d).
    10     (c)  Reserve for allocation.--Notwithstanding the provisions
    11  of section 402(b) of the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard
    12  and Recovery Act, if in any year the application of the maximum
    13  allocation in subsection (a) results in unallocated moneys in
    14  the general municipal pension system state aid program, the
    15  unallocated moneys shall be held as a reserve for allocation in
    16  the subsequent year. In the event that the unallocated moneys in
    17  any year exceed 10% of the total moneys available for allocation
    18  in that year, the excess moneys shall be paid to the General
    19  Fund.
    20     (d)  Construction of section.--Nothing in this section shall
    21  be construed to repeal any of the provisions of Chapters 5 and 6
    22  of the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act.
    23     (e)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    24  "municipality" has the meaning given such term by section 102 of
    25  the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
    26  Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act.
    27                            SUBCHAPTER C
    29                         ACCUMULATION PLAN
    30  Sec.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 70 -     

     1  5441.  Definitions.
     2  5442.  Supplemental local government retirement benefit
     3         accumulation plan.
     4  5443.  Contributions.
     5  5444.  Contributions taxable.
     6  5445.  Losses, expenses and obligations.
     7  5446.  Prompt investment.
     8  5447.  No assignment or alienation.
     9  5448.  Withdrawals.
    10  5449.  Eligible individual members.
    11  5450.  Qualified fund managers; payment of commissions.
    12  5451.  Eligibility for vesting.
    13  5452.  Benefits.
    14  § 5441.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    16  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     "Compensation."  Remuneration actually received as a local
    19  government police employee excluding refunds for expenses,
    20  contingency and accountable expense allowances and severance
    21  payments or payments for unused vacation or sick leave.
    22     "Employee group."  All the full-time police employees of a
    23  local government classified as local government police
    24  employees.
    25  § 5442.  Supplemental local government retirement benefit
    26             accumulation plan.
    27     (a)  Establishment.--The Local Government Police Employees'
    28  Retirement Board shall establish and administer a supplemental
    29  local government retirement benefit accumulation plan that
    30  provides for the maintenance of individual accounts for eligible
    20070S0596B0646                 - 71 -     

     1  members who are employed by a participating local government.
     2     (b)  Powers and duties of the board.--In order to establish
     3  and administer the supplemental local government retirement
     4  benefit accumulation plan, the powers and duties of the Local
     5  Government Police Employees' Retirement Board shall include, but
     6  not be limited to:
     7         (1)  Entering into written agreements with one or more
     8     financial or other organizations to administer the
     9     supplemental local government retirement benefit accumulation
    10     plan and to invest funds contributed under the plan. Any
    11     written agreement and supplemental local government
    12     retirement benefit accumulation plan shall conform with the
    13     provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public law
    14     99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.).
    15         (2)  Annually reviewing all plan and fund managers for
    16     the purpose of making certain they continue to meet all
    17     performance standards and criteria as may be established by
    18     the board.
    19     (c)  Rules and regulations.--In addition to the powers and
    20  duties enumerated in subsection (b), the board also may
    21  promulgate rules and regulations relating to the following:
    22         (1)  Establishing procedures whereby local governments
    23     may elect or agree to participate in the plan for all the
    24     individual members in an employee group, whereby local
    25     governments specify for an employee group the uniform
    26     percentage of compensation to be contributed by the member
    27     and the local government, whereby participating individual
    28     members may elect or change their choices of managers and
    29     investments on a quarterly basis and whereby participating
    30     local governments may elect to cease participation at any
    20070S0596B0646                 - 72 -     

     1     time subject to collective bargaining agreements or
     2     arbitration awards.
     3         (2)  Establishing standards and criteria for the
     4     selection by the board of financial institutions, insurance
     5     companies or other organizations that may be qualified as
     6     managers of the plan and funds contributed under the plan.
     7         (3)  Establishing standards and criteria for the
     8     provision of investment options to individual members and for
     9     the disclosure of the options to the individual members.
    10         (4)  Establishing standards and criteria for the
    11     disclosure to participating individual members of the
    12     anticipated and actual income on their accounts and all fees,
    13     costs and charges to be made against the contributed amounts
    14     to cover the costs of administration and fund management.
    15  § 5443.  Contributions.
    16     The contributions to the supplemental local government
    17  retirement benefit accumulation plan for an employee group shall
    18  be expressed and implemented as a uniform percentage of
    19  compensation. The specified contributions shall be deducted from
    20  the compensation of participating individual members and matched
    21  by the local government. The contributions of a local government
    22  to the supplemental local government retirement benefit
    23  accumulation plan shall not be included in the financial
    24  requirements of the local government that are certified by the
    25  system for use in the allocation of general municipal pension
    26  system State aid.
    27  § 5444.  Contributions taxable.
    28     All amounts contributed under the supplemental local
    29  government retirement benefit accumulation plan shall constitute
    30  taxable income for purposes of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    20070S0596B0646                 - 73 -     

     1  No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, and shall
     2  constitute taxable income for State and local earned income
     3  taxes.
     4  § 5445.  Losses, expenses and obligations.
     5     Neither the Commonwealth, the Local Government Police
     6  Employees' Retirement Board nor any local government shall be
     7  responsible for any investment loss incurred in the plan or for
     8  the failure of any investment to earn any specific or expected
     9  return or to earn as much as any other investment opportunity,
    10  whether such other investment opportunity was offered to
    11  participants in the plan. The expenses arising from allowing
    12  individual members to elect to participate in the supplemental
    13  local government retirement benefit accumulation plan, to choose
    14  a fund manager, to deduct from compensation amounts contributed
    15  under a plan and to transfer to the fund manager amounts to be
    16  contributed shall be borne by the participating local
    17  government. All other expenses arising from the administration
    18  of the supplemental local government retirement benefit
    19  accumulation plan shall be assessed against the accounts created
    20  on behalf of participating individual members either by the fund
    21  managers or by the board. The obligation of the local government
    22  police employee shall be a contractual obligation only with no
    23  preferred or special interest in contributed funds to such
    24  employee.
    25  § 5446.  Prompt investment.
    26     Investment of contributed funds by any corporation,
    27  institution, insurance company or custodial bank that the Local
    28  Government Police Employees' Retirement Board has approved shall
    29  not be unreasonably delayed and in no case shall the investment
    30  of contributed funds be delayed more than 30 days from the date
    20070S0596B0646                 - 74 -     

     1  that the payroll deductions or local government contributions
     2  are received by the system to the date that funds are invested.
     3  Any interest earned on such funds pending investment shall be
     4  allocated to the Local Government Police Employees' Retirement
     5  Board and credited to the accounts of individual members who are
     6  then participating in the plan unless such interest is used to
     7  defray administrative costs and fees that would otherwise be
     8  required to be borne by individual members who are then
     9  participating in the plan.
    10  § 5447.  No assignment or alienation.
    11     Except as provided in section 5953 (relating to taxation,
    12  attachment and assignment of funds), no participating member or
    13  beneficiary shall have the right to commute, sell, assign or
    14  otherwise transfer or convey the rights to receive any payments
    15  under agreements entered into under this section, and such
    16  payments and rights are expressly declared to be nonassignable
    17  and nontransferable.
    18  § 5448.  Withdrawals.
    19     A participating individual member may withdraw from the
    20  agreement in accordance with the plan by notice, in writing,
    21  signed by the member and chief administrative officer of the
    22  local government. Such withdrawal shall discontinue future
    23  withholdings from the individual member's compensation by the
    24  local government and future contributions by the local
    25  government but shall not operate to withdraw any funds
    26  theretofore contributed except as provided under section 5452
    27  (relating to benefits).
    28  § 5449.  Eligible individual members.
    29     Every full-time police employee of a local government who,
    30  upon the effective date of the local government's participation
    20070S0596B0646                 - 75 -     

     1  in the plan, either is in office or employed by the local
     2  government shall immediately be eligible for participation in
     3  the supplemental local government retirement benefit
     4  accumulation plan. Thereafter, every full-time police employee
     5  of a local government shall become eligible upon employment by a
     6  participating local government.
     7  § 5450.  Qualified fund managers; payment of commissions.
     8     For the purposes of this subchapter only, notwithstanding the
     9  provisions of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known
    10  as The Administrative Code of 1929, or the act of September 26,
    11  1961 (P.L.1661, No.692), known as the State Employes Group Life
    12  Insurance Law, insurance companies selected as qualified fund
    13  managers by eligible individual members may pay commissions to
    14  agents or brokers licensed to transact business in this
    15  Commonwealth in accordance with their standard practice followed
    16  in other similar plans as if the premium had been paid by such
    17  eligible individual member.
    18  § 5451.  Eligibility for vesting.
    19     Any participant who terminates local government service with
    20  ten or more eligibility points shall be eligible until
    21  attainment of superannuation age to vest his supplemental local
    22  government benefit accumulation plan benefits.
    23  § 5452.  Benefits.
    24     A participating individual member shall receive the total
    25  account value of his individual account in a lump sum upon
    26  termination of service or retirement unless the individual
    27  member elects to vest his benefits under section 5451 (relating
    28  to eligibility for vesting).
    29     Section 10.  Sections 5504 heading and (a), 5505(c) and (e),
    30  5506 and 5507(a) of Title 71 are amended to read:
    20070S0596B0646                 - 76 -     

     1  § 5504.  Member contributions for the purchase of credit for
     2             previous [State] government service or to become a
     3             full coverage member.
     4     (a)  Amount of contributions for service in other than Class
     5  G through N.--The contributions to be paid by an active member
     6  or eligible school employee for credit for total previous
     7  [State] government service other than service in Class G, Class
     8  H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M and Class N or to
     9  become a full coverage member shall be sufficient to provide an
    10  amount equal to the regular and additional accumulated
    11  deductions which would have been standing to the credit of the
    12  member for such service had regular and additional member
    13  contributions been made with full coverage in the class of
    14  service and at the rate of contribution applicable during such
    15  period of previous service and had his regular and additional
    16  accumulated deductions been credited with statutory interest
    17  during all periods of subsequent [State] government and school
    18  service up to the date of purchase.
    19     * * *
    20  § 5505.  Contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable
    21             nonstate service.
    22     * * *
    23     (c)  Intervening military service.--Contributions on account
    24  of credit for intervening military service shall be determined
    25  by the member's contribution rate, the additional contribution
    26  rate which shall be applied only to those members who began
    27  service on or after the effective date of this amendatory act
    28  and compensation at the time of entry of the member into active
    29  military service, together with statutory interest during all
    30  periods of subsequent [State] government and school service to
    20070S0596B0646                 - 77 -     

     1  date of purchase. Upon application for such credit the amount
     2  due shall be certified in the case of each member by the board
     3  in accordance with methods approved by the actuary, and
     4  contributions may be made by:
     5         (1)  regular monthly payments during active military
     6     service; or
     7         (2)  a lump sum payment within 30 days of certification;
     8     or
     9         (3)  salary deductions in amounts agreed upon by the
    10     member or eligible school employee who is an active member of
    11     the Public School Employees' Retirement System and the board.
    12  The salary deduction amortization plans agreed to by members and
    13  the board may include a deferral of payment amounts and
    14  statutory interest until the termination of school service or
    15  State service as the board in its sole discretion decides to
    16  allow. The board may limit salary deduction amortization plans
    17  to such terms as the board in its sole discretion determines. In
    18  the case of an eligible school employee who is an active member
    19  of the Public School Employees' Retirement System, the agreed
    20  upon salary deductions shall be remitted to the Public School
    21  Employees' Retirement Board, which shall certify and transfer to
    22  the board the amounts paid.
    23     * * *
    24     (e)  Philadelphia magisterial service.--Contributions on
    25  account of credit for service as a magistrate of the City of
    26  Philadelphia shall be determined by the board to be equal to the
    27  amount he would have paid as employee contributions together
    28  with statutory interest to date of purchase had he been a State
    29  employee during his period of service as a magistrate of the
    30  City of Philadelphia. The amount so determined by the State
    20070S0596B0646                 - 78 -     

     1  Employees' Retirement Board or the Local Government Police
     2  Employees' Retirement Board to be paid into the [State
     3  Employees' Retirement System] system shall be the obligation of
     4  the judge who requested credit for previous service as a
     5  magistrate of the City of Philadelphia; in no event shall such
     6  amount be an obligation of the City of Philadelphia or the City
     7  of Philadelphia retirement system.
     8     * * *
     9  § 5506.  Incomplete payments.
    10     In the event that a member terminates [State] government
    11  service or a multiple service member who is an active member of
    12  the Public School Employees' Retirement System terminates school
    13  service before the agreed upon payments for credit for previous
    14  [State] government service, creditable nonstate service, social
    15  security integration, full coverage membership or return of
    16  benefits on account of returning to [State] government service
    17  or entering school service and electing multiple service have
    18  been completed, the member or multiple service member who is an
    19  active member of the Public School Employees' Retirement System
    20  shall have the right to pay within 30 days of termination of
    21  [State] government service or school service the balance due,
    22  including interest, in a lump sum and the annuity shall be
    23  calculated including full credit for the previous [State]
    24  government service, creditable nonstate service, [social
    25  security] Social Security integration, or full coverage
    26  membership. In the event a member does not pay the balance due
    27  within 30 days of termination of [State] government service or
    28  in the event a member dies in [State] government service or
    29  within 30 days of termination of [State] government service or
    30  in the case of a multiple service member who is an active member
    20070S0596B0646                 - 79 -     

     1  of the Public School Employees' Retirement System does not pay
     2  the balance due within 30 days of termination of school service
     3  or dies in school service or within 30 days of termination of
     4  school service and before the agreed upon payments have been
     5  completed, the present value of the benefit otherwise payable
     6  shall be reduced by the balance due, including interest, and the
     7  benefit payable shall be calculated as the actuarial equivalent
     8  of such reduced present value.
     9  § 5507.  Contributions by the Commonwealth and other employers.
    10     (a)  Contributions on behalf of active members.--The
    11  Commonwealth and other employers whose employees are members of
    12  the system shall make contributions to the fund on behalf of all
    13  active members in such amounts as shall be certified by the
    14  board as necessary to provide, together with the members' total
    15  accumulated deductions, annuity reserves on account of
    16  prospective annuities other than those provided in section 5708
    17  (relating to supplemental annuities) in accordance with the
    18  actuarial cost method provided in section 5508(a), (a.1), (b),
    19  (c), (d) and (f) (relating to actuarial cost method).
    20     * * *
    21     Section 11.  Section 5508(a) and (b) of Title 71 are amended
    22  and the section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    23  § 5508.  Actuarial cost method.
    24     (a)  Employer contribution rate on behalf of active members
    25  in State service.--The amount of the Commonwealth and other
    26  employer contributions on behalf of all active members in State
    27  service shall be computed by the actuary as a percentage of the
    28  total compensation of all active members during the period for
    29  which the amount is determined and shall be so certified by the
    30  [board] State Employees' Retirement Board. The total employer
    20070S0596B0646                 - 80 -     

     1  contribution rate on behalf of all active members in State
     2  service shall consist of the employer normal contribution rate,
     3  as defined in subsection (b), and the accrued liability
     4  contribution rate as defined in subsection (c). The total
     5  employer contribution rate for the Commonwealth and other
     6  employers, except for local governments, shall be modified by
     7  the experience adjustment factor as calculated in subsection (f)
     8  but in no case shall it be less than zero. The total employer
     9  contribution rate shall be modified by the experience adjustment
    10  factor as calculated in subsection (f), but in no case shall it
    11  be less than:
    12         (1)  2% for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004;
    13         (2)  3% for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005; and
    14         (3)  4% for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006.
    15     (a.1)  Employer contribution rate on behalf of active members
    16  in local government service.--The amount of the local government
    17  employer contributions on behalf of all active members in local
    18  government service shall be computed by the actuary as a
    19  percentage of the total compensation of all active members
    20  during the period for which the amount is determined and shall
    21  be so certified by the Local Government Police Employees'
    22  Retirement Board. The total employer contribution rate on behalf
    23  of all active members in local government service shall consist
    24  of the employer normal contribution rate, as defined in
    25  subsection (b) and the accrued liability contribution rate as
    26  defined in subsection (c). The total employer contribution rate
    27  for local governments shall be modified by the experience
    28  adjustment factor as calculated in subsection (f) for
    29  amortization payments beginning after December 31, 1996, but in
    30  no case shall it be less than zero.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 81 -     

     1     (b)  Employer normal contribution [rate] rates.--The employer
     2  normal contribution [rate] rates shall be determined after each
     3  actuarial valuation on the basis of an annual interest rate and
     4  such mortality and other tables as shall be adopted by the
     5  [board] boards in accordance with generally accepted actuarial
     6  principles. The employer normal contribution [rate] rates shall
     7  be determined as a level percentage of the compensation of the
     8  average [new] active member, which percentage, if contributed on
     9  the basis of his [prospective] compensation through his entire
    10  period of active [State] government service, would be sufficient
    11  to fund the liability for any [prospective] benefit payable to
    12  him, except for the supplemental benefits provided for in
    13  sections 5708 (relating to supplemental annuities), 5708.1
    14  (relating to additional supplemental annuities), 5708.2
    15  (relating to further additional supplemental annuities), 5708.3
    16  (relating to supplemental annuities commencing 1994), 5708.4
    17  (relating to special supplemental postretirement adjustment),
    18  5708.5 (relating to supplemental annuities commencing 1998),
    19  5708.6 (relating to supplemental annuities commencing 2002),
    20  5708.7 (relating to supplemental annuities commencing 2003) and
    21  5708.8 (relating to special supplemental postretirement
    22  adjustment of 2002), in excess of that portion funded by his
    23  [prospective] member contributions.
    24     * * *
    25     Section 12.  Section 5509 of Title 71 is amended to read:
    26  § 5509.  Appropriations and assessments by the Commonwealth.
    27     (a)  Annual submission of budget.--The [board] boards shall
    28  prepare and submit annually an itemized budget consisting of the
    29  amounts necessary to be appropriated by the Commonwealth out of
    30  the General Fund and special operating funds and the amounts to
    20070S0596B0646                 - 82 -     

     1  be assessed the other employers required to meet the obligations
     2  accruing during the fiscal period beginning the first day of
     3  July of the following year.
     4     (b)  Appropriation and payment.--The General Assembly shall
     5  make an appropriation sufficient to provide for the obligations
     6  of the Commonwealth. Such amount shall be paid by the State
     7  Treasurer through the Department of Revenue into the [fund]
     8  State Employees' Retirement Fund in accordance with requisitions
     9  presented by the [board] State Employees' Retirement Board. The
    10  contributions by the Commonwealth on behalf of active members
    11  who are officers of the Pennsylvania State Police shall be
    12  charged to the General Fund and to the Motor License Fund in the
    13  same ratios as used to apportion the appropriations for salaries
    14  of members of the Pennsylvania State Police. The contributions
    15  by the Commonwealth on behalf of active members who are
    16  enforcement officers and investigators of the Pennsylvania
    17  Liquor Control Board shall be charged to the General Fund and to
    18  the State Stores Fund.
    19     (c)  Contributions from funds other than General Fund.--The
    20  amounts assessed other employers, except for local governments,
    21  who are required to make the necessary contributions out of
    22  funds other than the General Fund shall be paid by such
    23  employers into the [fund] State Employees' Retirement Fund in
    24  accordance with requisitions presented by the [board] State
    25  Employees' Retirement Board. The General Fund of the
    26  Commonwealth shall not be held liable to appropriate the moneys
    27  required to build up the reserves necessary for the payment of
    28  benefits to employees of such other employers. In case any such
    29  other employer shall fail to provide the moneys necessary for
    30  such purpose, then the service of such members for such period
    20070S0596B0646                 - 83 -     

     1  for which money is not so provided shall be credited and pickup
     2  contributions with respect to such members shall continue to be
     3  credited to the members' savings account. The annuity to which
     4  such member is entitled shall be determined as actuarially
     5  equivalent to the present value of the maximum single life
     6  annuity of each such member reduced by the amount of employer
     7  contributions payable on account and attributable to his
     8  compensation during such service.
     9     Section 13.  Title 71 is amended by adding sections to read:
    10  § 5510.  Payments by local governments.
    11     (a)  General rule.--Not later than 30 days after the end of
    12  the quarter, each local government shall make payments to the
    13  Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund each quarter
    14  in an amount equal to the percentages, as determined under
    15  section 5508 (relating to actuarial cost method), applied to the
    16  total compensation during the pay periods in the preceding
    17  quarter of all its employees who were members of the system
    18  during such period.
    19     (b)  Deduction from intergovernmental revenue.--To facilitate
    20  the payment of amounts due from any local government to the
    21  Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund through the
    22  State Treasurer and to permit the exchange of credits between
    23  the State Treasurer and any local government, the Local
    24  Government Police Employees' Retirement Board and the State
    25  Treasurer shall cause to be deducted and paid into the Local
    26  Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund from any moneys due
    27  to any local government from the Commonwealth such amount due to
    28  the Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund adjusted
    29  at the valuation interest rate as certified by the Local
    30  Government Police Employees' Retirement Board and as remains
    20070S0596B0646                 - 84 -     

     1  unpaid for a period of 90 days on the date such
     2  intergovernmental revenue would otherwise be paid to the local
     3  government, and such amount shall be credited to the local
     4  government's account in the Local Government Police Employees'
     5  Retirement Fund. The General Fund shall not be held liable to
     6  appropriate the moneys required to build up the reserves
     7  necessary for the payment of benefits to employees of such local
     8  governments.
     9     (c)  Exceptions to the deductions from Commonwealth
    10  intergovernmental revenue.--Notwithstanding the provisions of
    11  subsection (b), deductions shall not be made from the following
    12  intergovernmental revenues due to a local government:
    13         (1)  Capital projects under contract in progress.
    14         (2)  Moneys received by a local government from an agency
    15     of the Commonwealth or the Federal Government under a
    16     declaration of a disaster resulting from a catastrophe.
    17  § 5511.  Enforcement of local government contributions or
    18             payments by mandamus action.
    19     (a)  Legislative finding and declaration.--The General
    20  Assembly finds and declares that any actual or potential failure
    21  by a local government to make contributions or payments
    22  established by section 5405 (relating to designation of class of
    23  service multiplier), 5501 (relating to regular member
    24  contributions for current service), 5502 (relating to Social
    25  Security integration member contributions), 5503 (relating to
    26  joint coverage member contributions), 5503.1 (relating to pickup
    27  contributions), 5504 (relating to member contributions for the
    28  purchase of credit for previous government service or to become
    29  a full coverage member), 5505 (relating to contributions for the
    30  purchase of credit for creditable nonstate service), 5505.1
    20070S0596B0646                 - 85 -     

     1  (relating to additional member contributions), 5507 (relating to
     2  contributions by the Commonwealth and other employers), 5508
     3  (relating to actuarial cost method), 5509 (relating to
     4  appropriations and assessments by the Commonwealth) or 5510
     5  (relating to payments by local governments) threatens serious
     6  injury to the affected local government police employees, the
     7  system and the Commonwealth itself. By expressly authorizing the
     8  remedy of mandamus in this section, the General Assembly intends
     9  to assist all persons with a beneficial or special interest in
    10  the system in addition to all persons or entities with a special
    11  responsibility or duty in relation to the system in securing
    12  that compliance.
    13     (b)  Generally.--In the event that a local government fails
    14  to comply with its duty to pay the full amount of the
    15  contributions or payments as specified in Chapter 54 (relating
    16  to local government retirement) or this chapter, the failure may
    17  be remedied by the institution of legal proceedings for
    18  mandamus. Every local government is by this part on notice as to
    19  its duty to make its contributions or payments to the system.
    20  The provisions of this part shall be deemed to be sufficient
    21  demand to the local government for it to comply with its duty,
    22  and the failure by the local government to pay the full amount
    23  of the contribution or payment to the system shall be deemed to
    24  be sufficient refusal by the local government to comply with its
    25  duty antecedent to the commencement of the action. No other
    26  remedy at law shall be deemed to be sufficiently adequate and
    27  appropriate to bar the commencement of this action. The system
    28  shall be deemed to have been damaged by the failure of the local
    29  government to comply with its legal duty to make its
    30  contribution or payment to the system and that damage shall be
    20070S0596B0646                 - 86 -     

     1  deemed to be immediate. No issuance of mandamus in connection
     2  with the legal duty of a local government to make its
     3  contribution or payment to the system shall be deemed to
     4  threaten the creation of confusion, disorder or excessive burden
     5  on the local government or to threaten a result that is
     6  detrimental to the public interest.
     7     (c)  Boards beneficially interested.--The boards are
     8  beneficially interested in the affairs of the system, and either
     9  or both shall have standing to institute a legal proceeding for
    10  mandamus as provided in this section.
    11     (d)  Scope of remedy.--Any mandamus under this section shall
    12  compel the payment of any delinquent contribution or payment to
    13  the system with interest at the applicable compound rate.
    14     Section 14.  Sections 5702(a)(1), 5704(a), (c) and (e),
    15  5705(a), 5706, 5707(c), 5708.1(a) and (f), 5708.2(f), 5708.3(g)
    16  and 5901(a) of Title 71 are amended to read:
    17  § 5702.  Maximum single life annuity.
    18     (a)  General rule.--Any full coverage member who is eligible
    19  to receive an annuity pursuant to the provisions of section
    20  5308(a) or (b) (relating to eligibility for annuities) who
    21  terminates State service, or if a multiple service member who is
    22  a school employee who is an active member of the Public School
    23  Employees' Retirement System who terminates school service,
    24  before attaining age 70 shall be entitled to receive a maximum
    25  single life annuity attributable to his credited service and
    26  equal to the sum of the following single life annuities
    27  beginning at the effective date of retirement:
    28         (1)  A standard single life annuity multiplied by the sum
    29     of the products, determined separately for each class of
    30     service, obtained by multiplying the appropriate class of
    20070S0596B0646                 - 87 -     

     1     service multiplier by the ratio of years of service credited
     2     in that class to the total credited service. In case the
     3     member on the effective date of retirement is under
     4     superannuation age for any service, a reduction factor
     5     calculated to provide benefits actuarially equivalent to an
     6     annuity starting at superannuation age shall be applied to
     7     the product determined for that service. The class of service
     8     multiplier for any period of concurrent service shall be
     9     multiplied by the proportion of total [State] government and
    10     school compensation during such period attributable to
    11     [State] government service. In the event a member has two
    12     multipliers for one class of service the class of service
    13     multiplier to be used for calculating benefits for that class
    14     shall be the average of the two multipliers weighted by the
    15     proportion of compensation attributable to each multiplier
    16     during the three years of highest annual compensation in that
    17     class of service: Provided, That in the case of a member of
    18     Class E-1, a portion but not all of whose three years of
    19     highest annual judicial compensation is prior to January 1,
    20     1973, two class of service multipliers shall be calculated on
    21     the basis of his entire judicial service, the one applying
    22     the judicial class of service multipliers effective prior to
    23     January 1, 1973 and the second applying the class of service
    24     multipliers effective subsequent to January 1, 1973. The
    25     average class of service multiplier to be used for
    26     calculating benefits for his judicial service shall be the
    27     average of the two calculated multipliers weighted by the
    28     proportion of compensation attributable to each of the
    29     calculated multipliers during the three years of highest
    30     annual compensation in that class of service.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 88 -     

     1         * * *
     2  § 5704.  Disability annuities.
     3     (a)  Amount of annuity.--A member who has made application
     4  for a disability annuity and has been found to be eligible in
     5  accordance with the provisions of section 5905(c)(1) (relating
     6  to duties of the [board] boards regarding applications and
     7  elections of members) shall receive a disability annuity payable
     8  from the effective date of disability as determined by the board
     9  and continued until a subsequent determination by the board that
    10  the annuitant is no longer entitled to a disability annuity. The
    11  disability annuity shall be equal to a standard single life
    12  annuity multiplied by the class of service multiplier applicable
    13  to the class of service at the time of disability if the product
    14  of such class of service multiplier and the total number of
    15  years of credited service is greater than 16.667, otherwise the
    16  standard single life annuity shall be multiplied by the lesser
    17  of the following ratios:
    18                         MY*/Y or 16.667/Y
    19  where Y = number of years of credited service, Y* = total years
    20  of credited service if the member were to continue as a [State]
    21  government employee until attaining superannuation age as
    22  applicable at the time of disability, or if the member has
    23  attained superannuation age, as applicable at the time of
    24  disability, then the number of years of credited service and M =
    25  the class of service multiplier as applicable at the effective
    26  date of disability. A member of Class C shall receive, in
    27  addition, any annuity to which he may be eligible under section
    28  5702(a)(3) (relating to maximum single life annuity). The member
    29  shall be entitled to the election of a joint and survivor
    30  annuity on that portion of the disability annuity to which he is
    20070S0596B0646                 - 89 -     

     1  entitled under section 5702.
     2     * * *
     3     (c)  Reduction on account of earned income.--Subsequent to
     4  January 1, 1972, payments on account of disability shall be
     5  reduced by that amount by which the earned income of the
     6  annuitant, as reported in accordance with section 5908(b)
     7  (relating to rights and duties of annuitants), for the preceding
     8  calendar year together with the disability annuity payments
     9  provided in this section other than subsection (b), for the
    10  year, exceeds the product of:
    11             [(i)]  (1)  the last year's salary of the annuitant
    12         as a [State] government employee; and
    13             [(ii)]  (2)  the ratio of the current monthly payment
    14         to the monthly payment at the effective date of
    15         disability;
    16  Provided, That the annuitant shall not receive less than his
    17  member's annuity or the amount to which he may be entitled under
    18  section 5702 whichever is greater.
    19     * * *
    20     (e)  Termination of [State] government service.--Upon
    21  termination of disability annuity payments in excess of an
    22  annuity calculated in accordance with section 5702, a disability
    23  annuitant who does not return to [State] government service may
    24  file an application with the board for an amount equal to the
    25  excess, if any, of the sum of the regular and additional
    26  accumulated deductions standing to his credit at the effective
    27  date of disability over one-third of the total disability
    28  annuity payments received. If the annuitant on the date of
    29  termination of service was eligible for an annuity as provided
    30  in section 5308(b) (relating to eligibility for annuities), he
    20070S0596B0646                 - 90 -     

     1  may file an application with the board for an election of an
     2  optional modification of his annuity.
     3     * * *
     4  § 5705.  Member's options.
     5     (a)  General rule.--Any special vestee who has attained
     6  superannuation age, any vestee having five or more eligibility
     7  points, any member with Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J,
     8  Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service having five or more
     9  eligibility points or any other eligible member upon termination
    10  of [State] government service who has not withdrawn his total
    11  accumulated deductions as provided in section 5701 (relating to
    12  return of total accumulated deductions) may apply for and elect
    13  to receive either a maximum single life annuity, as calculated
    14  in accordance with the provisions of section 5702 (relating to
    15  maximum single life annuity), or a reduced annuity certified by
    16  the actuary to be actuarially equivalent to the maximum single
    17  life annuity and in accordance with one of the following
    18  options; except that no member shall elect an annuity payable to
    19  one or more survivor annuitants other than his spouse or
    20  alternate payee of such a magnitude that the present value of
    21  the annuity payable to him for life plus any lump sum payment he
    22  may have elected to receive is less than 50% of the present
    23  value of his maximum single life annuity:
    24         (1)  Option 1.--A life annuity to the member with a
    25     guaranteed total payment equal to the present value of the
    26     maximum single life annuity on the effective date of
    27     retirement with the provision that, if, at his death, he has
    28     received less than such present value, the unpaid balance
    29     shall be payable to his beneficiary.
    30         (2)  Option 2.--A joint and survivor annuity payable
    20070S0596B0646                 - 91 -     

     1     during the lifetime of the member with the full amount of
     2     such annuity payable thereafter to his survivor annuitant, if
     3     living at his death.
     4         (3)  Option 3.--A joint and fifty percent (50%) survivor
     5     annuity payable during the lifetime of the member with one-
     6     half of such annuity payable thereafter to his survivor
     7     annuitant, if living at his death.
     8         (4)  Option 4.--Some other benefit which shall be
     9     certified by the actuary to be actuarially equivalent to the
    10     maximum single life annuity, subject to the following
    11     restrictions:
    12             (i)  any annuity shall be payable without reduction
    13         during the lifetime of the member;
    14             (ii)  the sum of all annuities payable to the
    15         designated survivor annuitants shall not be greater than
    16         one and one-half times the annuity payable to the member;
    17         and
    18             (iii)  a portion of the benefit may be payable as a
    19         lump sum, except that such lump sum payment shall not
    20         exceed an amount equal to the total accumulated
    21         deductions standing to the credit of the member. The
    22         balance of the present value of the maximum single life
    23         annuity adjusted in accordance with section 5702(b) shall
    24         be paid in the form of an annuity with a guaranteed total
    25         payment, a single life annuity, or a joint and survivor
    26         annuity or any combination thereof but subject to the
    27         restrictions of subparagraphs (i) and (ii) under this
    28         option.
    29     * * *
    30  § 5706.  Termination of annuities.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 92 -     

     1     (a)  General rule.--If the annuitant returns to [State]
     2  government service or enters or has entered school service and
     3  elects multiple service membership, any annuity payable to him
     4  under this part shall cease effective upon the date of his
     5  return to [State] government service or entering school service
     6  and in the case of an annuity other than a disability annuity
     7  the present value of such annuity, adjusted for full coverage in
     8  the case of a joint coverage member who makes the appropriate
     9  back contributions for full coverage, shall be frozen as of the
    10  date such annuity ceases. An annuitant who is credited with an
    11  additional 10% of Class A and Class C service as provided in
    12  section 5302(c) (relating to credited [State] government
    13  service) and who returns to [State] government service shall
    14  forfeit such credited service and shall have his frozen present
    15  value adjusted as if his 10% retirement incentive had not been
    16  applied to his account. In the event that the cost-of-living
    17  increase enacted December 18, 1979 occurred during the period of
    18  such [State] government or school employment, the frozen present
    19  value shall be increased, on or after the member attains
    20  superannuation age, by the percent applicable had he not
    21  returned to service. This subsection shall not apply in the case
    22  of any annuitant who may render services to the Commonwealth or
    23  a local government in the capacity of an independent contractor
    24  or as a member of an independent board or commission or as a
    25  member of a departmental administrative or advisory board or
    26  commission when such members of independent or departmental
    27  boards or commissions are compensated on a per diem basis for
    28  not more than 150 days per calendar year or as a member of an
    29  independent board or commission requiring appointment by the
    30  Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate, where the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 93 -     

     1  annual salary payable to the member does not exceed $35,000 and
     2  where the member has been an annuitant for at least six months
     3  immediately preceding the appointment. Such service shall not be
     4  subject to member contributions or be eligible for qualification
     5  as creditable State service.
     6     (a.1)  Return to [State] government service during
     7  emergency.--When, in the judgment of the employer, an emergency
     8  creates an increase in the work load such that there is serious
     9  impairment of service to the public, an annuitant may be
    10  returned to [State] government service for a period not to
    11  exceed 95 days in any calendar year without loss of his annuity.
    12  In computing the number of days an annuitant has returned to
    13  [State] government service, any amount of time less than one-
    14  half of a day shall be counted as one-half of a day. For
    15  agencies, boards and commissions under the Governor's
    16  jurisdiction, the approval of the Governor that an emergency
    17  exists shall be required before an annuitant may be returned to
    18  [State] government service.
    19     (a.2)  Return of benefits.--In the event an annuitant whose
    20  annuity ceases pursuant to this section receives any annuity
    21  payment, including a lump sum payment pursuant to section 5705
    22  (relating to member's options) on or after the date of his
    23  return to [State] government service or entering school service,
    24  the annuitant shall return to the board the amount so received
    25  plus statutory interest. The amount payable shall be certified
    26  in each case by the board in accordance with methods approved by
    27  the actuary and shall be paid in a lump sum within 30 days or in
    28  the case of an active member or school employee who is an active
    29  member of the Public School Employees' Retirement System may be
    30  amortized with statutory interest through salary deductions in
    20070S0596B0646                 - 94 -     

     1  amounts agreed upon by the member and the board. The salary
     2  deduction amortization plans agreed to by the member and the
     3  board may include a deferral of payment amounts and statutory
     4  interest until the termination of school service or [State]
     5  government service as the board in its sole discretion decides
     6  to allow. The board may limit salary deduction amortization
     7  plans to such terms as the board in its sole discretion
     8  determines. In the case of a school employee who is an active
     9  member of the Public School Employees' Retirement System, the
    10  agreed upon salary deductions shall be remitted to the Public
    11  School Employees' Retirement Board, which shall certify and
    12  transfer to the board the amounts paid.
    13     (b)  Subsequent discontinuance of service.--Upon subsequent
    14  discontinuance of service, such member other than a former
    15  annuitant who had the effect of his frozen present value
    16  eliminated in accordance with subsection (c) or a former
    17  disability annuitant shall be entitled to an annuity which is
    18  actuarially equivalent to the sum of the present value as
    19  determined under subsection (a) and the present value of a
    20  maximum single life annuity based on years of service credited
    21  subsequent to reentry in the system and his final average salary
    22  computed by reference to his compensation during his entire
    23  period of [State] government and school service.
    24     (c)  Elimination of the effect of frozen present value.--
    25         (1)  An annuitant who returns to [State] government
    26     service and earns three eligibility points by performing
    27     credited [State] government service following the most recent
    28     period of receipt of an annuity under this part, or an
    29     annuitant who enters school service and:
    30             (i)  is a multiple service member; or
    20070S0596B0646                 - 95 -     

     1             (ii)  who elects multiple service membership, and
     2     earns three eligibility points by performing credited [State]
     3     government service or credited school service following the
     4     most recent period of receipt of an annuity under this part,
     5     and who had the present value of his annuity frozen in
     6     accordance with subsection (a), shall qualify to have the
     7     effect of the frozen present value resulting from all
     8     previous periods of retirement eliminated, provided that all
     9     payments under Option 4 and annuity payments payable during
    10     previous periods of retirement plus interest as set forth in
    11     paragraph (3) shall be returned to the fund from which they
    12     were paid in the form of an actuarial adjustment to his
    13     subsequent benefits or in such form as the board may
    14     otherwise direct.
    15         (2)  Upon subsequent discontinuance of service and the
    16     filing of an application for an annuity, a former annuitant
    17     who qualifies to have the effect of a frozen present value
    18     eliminated under this subsection shall be entitled to receive
    19     the higher of either:
    20             (i)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
    21         calculated as if the freezing of the former annuitant's
    22         account pursuant to subsection (a) had not occurred,
    23         adjusted by crediting Class A [State] government service
    24         as Class AA service as provided for in section 5306(a.1)
    25         (relating to classes of service) and further adjusted
    26         according to paragraph (3), provided that a former
    27         annuitant of the system or a former annuitant of the
    28         Public School Employees' Retirement System who retired
    29         under a provision of law granting additional service
    30         credit if termination of [State] government or school
    20070S0596B0646                 - 96 -     

     1         service or retirement occurred during a specific period
     2         of time shall not be permitted to retain the additional
     3         service credit under the prior law when the annuity is
     4         computed for his most recent retirement; or
     5             (ii)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
     6         calculated as if the former annuitant did not qualify to
     7         have the effect of the frozen present value eliminated,
     8     unless the former annuitant notifies the board in writing by
     9     the later of the date the application for annuity is filed or
    10     the effective date of retirement that the former annuitant
    11     wishes to receive the lower annuity.
    12         (3)  In addition to any other adjustment to the present
    13     value of the maximum single life annuity that a member may be
    14     entitled to receive that occurs as a result of any other
    15     provision of law, the present value of the maximum single
    16     life annuity shall be reduced by all amounts paid or payable
    17     to him during all previous periods of retirement plus
    18     interest on these amounts until the date of subsequent
    19     retirement. The interest for each year shall be calculated
    20     based upon the annual interest rate adopted for that fiscal
    21     year by the board for the calculation of the normal
    22     contribution rate pursuant to section 5508(b) (relating to
    23     actuarial cost method).
    24  § 5707.  Death benefits.
    25     * * *
    26     (c)  Disability annuitants eligible for withdrawal annuity.--
    27  In the event of the death of a disability annuitant who has
    28  elected to receive a maximum disability annuity before he has
    29  received in annuity payments an amount equal to the present
    30  value, on the effective date of disability, of the benefits to
    20070S0596B0646                 - 97 -     

     1  which he would have been entitled under subsection (a) had he
     2  died while in [State] government service, the balance of such
     3  amount shall be paid to his designated beneficiary.
     4     * * *
     5  § 5708.1.  Additional supplemental annuities.
     6     (a)  Benefits.--Commencing with the first monthly annuity
     7  payment after July 1, 1984, any eligible benefit recipient shall
     8  be entitled to receive an additional monthly supplemental
     9  annuity from the [State] Government Employees' Retirement
    10  System.
    11     * * *
    12     (f)  Funding.--The actuary shall annually certify the amount
    13  of appropriations for the next fiscal year needed to fund, over
    14  a period of ten years from July 1, 2002, the additional monthly
    15  supplemental annuity provided for in this section. The [board]
    16  State Employees' Retirement Board shall submit the actuary's
    17  certification to the Secretary of the Budget on or before
    18  November 1 of each year. If, in any year after 1984, the amount
    19  certified is disapproved under section 610 of the act of April
    20  9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of
    21  1929, as insufficient to meet the funding requirements of this
    22  subsection or is not appropriated on or before July 1, the
    23  additional supplemental annuity provided for in this section
    24  shall be suspended until such time as an amount certified and
    25  approved as sufficient is appropriated.
    26     * * *
    27  § 5708.2.  Further additional supplemental annuities.
    28     * * *
    29     (f)  Funding.--The actuary shall annually estimate the amount
    30  of Commonwealth appropriations for the next fiscal year needed
    20070S0596B0646                 - 98 -     

     1  to fund, over a period of ten years from July 1, 2002, the
     2  additional monthly supplemental annuity provided for in this
     3  section. The [board] State Employees' Retirement Board shall
     4  submit the actuary's estimation to the Secretary of the Budget
     5  on or before November 1 of each year. If, in any year after
     6  1988, the amount estimated is disapproved under section 610 of
     7  the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
     8  Administrative Code of 1929, as insufficient to meet the funding
     9  requirements of this subsection or is not appropriated on or
    10  before July 1, the additional supplemental annuity provided for
    11  in this section shall be suspended until such time as an amount
    12  certified and approved as sufficient is appropriated.
    13     * * *
    14  § 5708.3.  Supplemental annuities commencing 1994.
    15     * * *
    16     (g)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    17  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    18  subsection:
    19     "Eligible benefit recipient."  A person who is receiving a
    20  superannuation, withdrawal or disability annuity and who
    21  commenced receipt of that annuity on or prior to June 30, 1992,
    22  but the supplemental annuities shall not be payable to an
    23  annuitant receiving a withdrawal annuity prior to the first day
    24  of July coincident with or following the annuitant's attainment
    25  of superannuation age. Notwithstanding the preceding, the term
    26  "eligible benefit recipient" shall not include those annuitants
    27  who were and currently are credited with an additional 10% of
    28  their Class A or Class C service under section 5302(c) (relating
    29  to credited [State] government service).
    30     "Years on retirement."  The number of full years as of July
    20070S0596B0646                 - 99 -     

     1  1, 1989, which have elapsed since the eligible benefit recipient
     2  most recently commenced the receipt of an annuity and during
     3  which the eligible benefit recipient received an annuity.
     4  § 5901.  The State Employees' Retirement Board.
     5     (a)  Status and membership.--The [board] State Employees'
     6  Retirement Board shall be an independent administrative board
     7  and consist of 11 members: the State Treasurer, ex officio, two
     8  Senators, two members of the House of Representatives and six
     9  members appointed by the Governor, one of whom shall be an
    10  annuitant of the system, for terms of four years, subject to
    11  confirmation by the Senate. At least five board members shall be
    12  active members of the system, and at least two shall have ten or
    13  more years of credited State service. The chairman of the board
    14  shall be designated by the Governor from among the members of
    15  the board. Each member of the board who is a member of the
    16  General Assembly may appoint a duly authorized designee to act
    17  in his stead.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 15.  Title 71 is amended by adding a section to read:
    20  § 5901.1.  Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Board.
    21     (a)  Status and membership.--The Local Government Police
    22  Employees' Retirement Board shall be an independent
    23  administrative board and consist of the following members:
    24         (1)  Three local government officials or employees.
    25         (2)  Three active or retired local government police
    26     employees.
    27  The board shall elect its officers every year at the first board
    28  meeting of the year, and the officers may succeed themselves.
    29  Each member of the board may formally designate one duly
    30  authorized designee to act in the member's stead.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 100 -    

     1     (b)  Local government officer or employee members.--
     2         (1)  With the advice and consent of a majority of the
     3     Senate under section 207.1 of the act of April 9, 1929
     4     (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929,
     5     the Governor shall appoint three members who are local
     6     government officers or employees, one nominated by the
     7     Pennsylvania League of Cities and Municipalities, one
     8     nominated by the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs
     9     and one nominated by the Pennsylvania State Association of
    10     Township Supervisors.
    11         (2)  The members appointed by the Governor under this
    12     subsection shall serve terms of three years each and until
    13     their successors are appointed and qualified, except those
    14     members initially appointed, one of whom shall serve for one
    15     year, one of whom shall serve for two years and one of whom
    16     shall serve for three years.
    17     (c)  Local government police employee members.--
    18         (1)  With the advice and consent of a majority of the
    19     Senate under section 207.1 of The Administrative Code of
    20     1929, the Governor shall appoint three members who are active
    21     or retired local government police employees, one nominated
    22     by the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association and two
    23     nominated by the Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police.
    24         (2)  The members appointed by the Governor under this
    25     subsection shall serve terms of three years each and until
    26     their successors are appointed and qualified, except those
    27     members initially appointed, one of whom shall serve for one
    28     year, one of whom shall serve for two years and one of whom
    29     shall serve for three years.
    30     (d)  Vacancies.--Vacancies in office shall be filled by the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 101 -    

     1  appointing authority for the balance of the unexpired term.
     2     (e)  Oath of office.--Each member of the board and each
     3  designee shall take an oath of office that he will, so far as it
     4  devolves upon him, diligently and honestly administer the
     5  affairs of the board and that he will not knowingly violate or
     6  willfully permit to be violated any of the provisions of law
     7  applicable to this part. The oath shall be subscribed by the
     8  individual taking it and certified by the officer before whom it
     9  is taken and shall be immediately filed in the Office of the
    10  Secretary of the Commonwealth.
    11     (f)  Compensation and expenses.--The members of the board or
    12  their designees who are active members of the Government
    13  Employees' Retirement System shall serve without compensation
    14  but shall not suffer loss of salary or wages through serving on
    15  the board. The members of the board or their designees who are
    16  not active members of the Government Employees' Retirement
    17  System shall be entitled to receive $100 a day when attending
    18  meetings, and all board members or their designees shall be
    19  reimbursed for any necessary expenses. When the duties of the
    20  board as mandated are not executed, however, no compensation or
    21  reimbursement for expenses of board members or their designees
    22  shall be paid or payable during the period in which such duties
    23  are not executed.
    24     (g)  Corporate power and legal advisor.--For purposes of this
    25  part, the board shall possess the power and privileges of a
    26  corporation. The Attorney General of the Commonwealth shall be
    27  the legal advisor of the board.
    28     Section 16.  Section 5902 of Title 71, amended October 27,
    29  2006 (P.L.177, No.120), is amended to read:
    30  § 5902.  Administrative duties of the [board] boards.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 102 -    

     1     (a)  Employees.--
     2         (1)  Effective 30 days after the effective date of this
     3     paragraph, the positions of secretary, assistant secretary
     4     and investment professional shall be placed under the
     5     unclassified service provisions of the act of August 5, 1941
     6     (P.L.752, No.286), known as the Civil Service Act, as those
     7     positions are vacated. All other positions of the [board]
     8     boards shall be placed in either the classified or
     9     unclassified service according to the definition of the terms
    10     under the Civil Service Act.
    11         (2)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the
    12     compensation of investment professionals shall be established
    13     by the [board] boards. The compensation of all other officers
    14     and employees of the [board] boards who are not covered by a
    15     collective bargaining agreement shall be established by the
    16     [board] boards consistent with the standards of compensation
    17     established by the Executive Board of the Commonwealth.
    18     (a.1)  Secretary.--The secretary shall act as chief
    19  administrative officer for the [board] boards. In addition to
    20  other powers and duties conferred upon and delegated to the
    21  secretary by the [board] boards, the secretary shall:
    22         (1)  Serve as the administrative agent of the [board]
    23     boards.
    24         (2)  Serve as liaison between the [board] boards and
    25     applicable legislative committees, the Treasury Department,
    26     the Department of the Auditor General, and between the
    27     [board] boards and the investment counsel and the mortgage
    28     supervisor in arranging for investments to secure maximum
    29     returns to the fund.
    30         (3)  Review and analyze proposed legislation and
    20070S0596B0646                 - 103 -    

     1     legislative developments affecting the system and present
     2     findings to the [board] boards, legislative committees, and
     3     other interested groups or individuals.
     4         (4)  Direct the maintenance of files and records and
     5     preparation of periodic reports required for actuarial
     6     evaluation studies.
     7         (5)  Receive inquiries and requests for information
     8     concerning the system from the press, Commonwealth officials,
     9     local government officials, State employees, local government
    10     police employees, the general public, research organizations,
    11     and officials and organizations from other states, and
    12     provide information as authorized by the [board] boards.
    13         (6)  Supervise a staff of administrative, technical, and
    14     clerical employees engaged in record-keeping and clerical
    15     processing activities in maintaining files of members,
    16     accounting for contributions, processing payments to
    17     annuitants, preparing required reports, and retirement
    18     counseling.
    19     (b)  Professional personnel.--The [board] boards shall
    20  contract for the services of a chief medical examiner, an
    21  actuary, investment advisors and counselors, and such other
    22  professional personnel as [it deems] they deem advisable. The
    23  [board] boards may, with the approval of the Attorney General,
    24  contract for legal services.
    25     (c)  Expenses.--The [board] boards shall, through the
    26  Governor, submit to the General Assembly annually a budget
    27  covering the administrative expenses of this part. Such expenses
    28  as approved by the General Assembly in an appropriation bill
    29  shall be paid from investment earnings of the [fund] funds.
    30  Concurrently with its administrative budget, the [board] boards
    20070S0596B0646                 - 104 -    

     1  shall also submit to the General Assembly annually a list of
     2  proposed expenditures which the [board intends] boards intend to
     3  pay through the use of directed commissions, together with a
     4  list of the actual expenditures from the past year actually paid
     5  by the [board] boards through the use of directed commissions.
     6  All such directed commission expenditures shall be made by the
     7  [board] boards for the exclusive benefit of the system and its
     8  members.
     9     (d)  Meetings.--[The] Each board shall hold at least six
    10  regular meetings annually and such other meetings as it may deem
    11  necessary.
    12     (e)  Records.--
    13         (1)  [The] Each board shall keep a record of all its
    14     proceedings which shall be open to inspection by the public,
    15     except as otherwise provided in this part or by other law.
    16         (2)  Any record, material or data received, prepared,
    17     used or retained by the board or its employees, investment
    18     professionals or agents relating to an investment shall not
    19     constitute a public record subject to public inspection under
    20     the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as
    21     the Right-to-Know Law, if, in the reasonable judgment of the
    22     board, the inspection would:
    23             (i)  in the case of an alternative investment or
    24         alternative investment vehicle, involve the release of
    25         sensitive investment or financial information relating to
    26         the alternative investment or alternative investment
    27         vehicle which the fund was able to obtain only upon
    28         agreeing to maintain its confidentiality;
    29             (ii)  cause substantial competitive harm to the
    30         person from whom sensitive investment or financial
    20070S0596B0646                 - 105 -    

     1         information relating to the investment was received; or
     2             (iii)  have a substantial detrimental impact on the
     3         value of an investment to be acquired, held or disposed
     4         of by the fund or would cause a breach of the standard of
     5         care or fiduciary duty set forth in this part.
     6         (3)  (i)  The sensitive investment or financial
     7         information excluded from inspection under paragraph
     8         (2)(i), to the extent not otherwise excluded from
     9         inspection, shall constitute a public record subject to
    10         public inspection under the Right-to-Know Law once the
    11         board is no longer required by its agreement to maintain
    12         confidentiality.
    13             (ii)  The sensitive investment or financial
    14         information excluded from inspection under paragraph
    15         (2)(ii), to the extent not otherwise excluded from
    16         inspection, shall constitute a public record subject to
    17         public inspection under the Right-to-Know Law once:
    18                 (A)  the inspection no longer causes substantial
    19             competitive harm to the person from whom the
    20             information was received; or
    21                 (B)  the entity in which the investment was made
    22             is liquidated;
    23         whichever is later.
    24             (iii)  The sensitive investment or financial
    25         information excluded from inspection under paragraph
    26         (2)(iii), to the extent not otherwise excluded from
    27         inspection, shall constitute a public record subject to
    28         public inspection under the Right-to-Know Law once:
    29                 (A)  the inspection no longer has a substantial
    30             detrimental impact on the value of an investment of
    20070S0596B0646                 - 106 -    

     1             the fund and would not cause a breach of the standard
     2             of care or fiduciary duty set forth in this part; or
     3                 (B)  the entity in which the investment was made
     4             is liquidated;
     5         whichever is later.
     6         (4)  Except for the provisions of paragraph (3), nothing
     7     in this subsection shall be construed to designate any
     8     record, material or data received, prepared, used or retained
     9     by the board or its employees, investment professionals or
    10     agents relating to an investment as a public record subject
    11     to public inspection under the Right-to-Know Law.
    12     (f)  Functions.--The [board] boards shall perform such other
    13  functions as are required for the execution of the provisions of
    14  this part.
    15     (g)  Performance of departmental duties.--In the event the
    16  head of the department fails to comply with the procedures as
    17  mandated in section 5906 (relating to duties of heads of
    18  departments), the appropriate board shall perform such duties
    19  and bill the department for the cost of same.
    20     (h)  Regulations and procedures.--The [board] boards shall,
    21  with the advice of the [Attorney] General Counsel and the
    22  actuary, adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the
    23  uniform administration of the system. The actuary shall approve
    24  in writing all computational procedures used in the calculation
    25  of contributions and benefits, and the [board] boards shall by
    26  resolution adopt such computational procedures, prior to their
    27  application by the [board] boards. Such rules, regulations and
    28  computational procedures as so adopted from time to time and as
    29  in force and effect at any time, together with such tables as
    30  are adopted pursuant to subsection (j) as necessary for the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 107 -    

     1  calculation of annuities and other benefits, shall be as
     2  effective as if fully set forth in this part. Any actuarial
     3  assumption specified in or underlying any such rule, regulation
     4  or computational procedure and utilized as a basis for
     5  determining any benefit shall be applied in a uniform manner.
     6     (i)  Data.--The [board] boards shall keep in convenient form
     7  such data as are stipulated by the actuary in order that an
     8  annual actuarial valuation of the various accounts can be
     9  completed within six months of the close of each calendar year.
    10     (j)  Actuarial investigation and valuation.--The [board]
    11  boards shall have the actuary make an annual valuation of the
    12  various accounts within six months of the close of each calendar
    13  year. In the year 1975 and in every fifth year thereafter the
    14  board shall have the actuary conduct an actuarial investigation
    15  and evaluation of the system based on data including the
    16  mortality, service, and compensation experience provided by the
    17  [board] boards annually during the preceding five years
    18  concerning the members and beneficiaries. The boards shall have
    19  a separate annual valuation and a separate five-year actuarial
    20  investigation made for each fund by the actuary. The [board]
    21  boards shall by resolution adopt such tables as are necessary
    22  for the actuarial valuation of the [fund] funds and calculation
    23  of contributions, annuities and other benefits based on the
    24  reports and recommendations of the actuary. Within 30 days of
    25  their adoption, the secretary of [the] each board shall cause
    26  those tables which relate to the calculation of annuities and
    27  other benefits to be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin in
    28  accordance with the provisions of 45 Pa.C.S. § 725(a) (relating
    29  to additional contents of Pennsylvania Bulletin) and, unless
    30  [the] a board specifies therein a later effective date, such
    20070S0596B0646                 - 108 -    

     1  tables shall become effective on such publication. [The] A board
     2  shall include a report on the significant facts, recommendations
     3  and data developed in each five-year actuarial investigation and
     4  evaluation of the system in the annual financial statement
     5  published pursuant to the requirements of subsection (m) for the
     6  fiscal year in which such investigation and evaluation were
     7  concluded.
     8     (k)  Certification of employer contributions.--The [board]
     9  boards shall, each year in addition to the itemized budget
    10  required under section 5509 (relating to appropriations and
    11  assessments by the Commonwealth), certify to the Commonwealth,
    12  local governments and other employers, as a percentage of the
    13  members' payroll, the employers' contributions as determined
    14  pursuant to section 5508 (relating to actuarial cost method)
    15  necessary for the funding of prospective annuities for active
    16  members and the annuities of annuitants and certify the rates
    17  and amounts of the employers' normal contributions as determined
    18  pursuant to section 5508(b), accrued liability contributions as
    19  determined pursuant to section 5508(c), supplemental annuities
    20  contribution rate as determined pursuant to section 5508(e) and
    21  the experience adjustment factor as determined pursuant to
    22  section 5508(f), which shall be paid to the [fund] funds and
    23  credited to the appropriate accounts. These certifications shall
    24  be regarded as final and not subject to modification by the
    25  Budget Secretary or local governments.
    26     (l)  Member contributions.--The [board] boards shall cause
    27  all pickup contributions made on behalf of a member to be
    28  credited to the account of the member and credit to his account
    29  any other payment made by such member, including, but not
    30  limited to, amounts collected by the Public School Employees'
    20070S0596B0646                 - 109 -    

     1  Retirement System for the reinstatement of previous State
     2  service or creditable nonstate service and amounts paid to
     3  return benefits paid after the date of return to State service
     4  or entering school service representing lump sum payments made
     5  pursuant to section 5705(a)(4)(iii) (relating to member's
     6  options) and member's annuity payments, but not including other
     7  benefits returned pursuant to section 5706(a.2) (relating to
     8  termination of annuities), and shall pay all such amounts into
     9  the [fund] funds.
    10     (m)  Annual financial statement.--The [board] boards shall
    11  prepare and have published, on or before July 1 of each year, a
    12  financial statement as of the calendar year ending December 31
    13  of the previous year showing the condition of the [fund] funds
    14  and the various accounts, including, but not limited to, the
    15  board's accrual and expenditure of directed commissions, and
    16  setting forth such other facts, recommendations, and data as may
    17  be of use in the advancement of knowledge concerning annuities
    18  and other benefits provided by this part. The [board] boards
    19  shall submit said financial statement to the Governor and shall
    20  file copies with the head of each department for the use of the
    21  [State] government employees and the public.
    22     (n)  Independent audit.--The [board] boards shall provide for
    23  an annual audit of the system by an independent certified public
    24  accountant, which audit shall include the [board's] boards'
    25  accrual and expenditure of directed commissions.
    26     Section 17.  Sections 5903, 5904, 5905, 5905.1(b), 5906,
    27  5907(a), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j), 5908(a), (b) and
    28  (c), 5931 and 5932 of Title 71 are amended to read:
    29  § 5903.  Duties of [the board] boards to advise and report to
    30             heads of departments and members.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 110 -    

     1     (a)  Manual of regulations.--The [board] boards shall, with
     2  the advice of the Attorney General and the actuary, prepare and
     3  provide, within 90 days of the effective date of this part, or,
     4  in the case of a local government, within 90 days of a local
     5  government police employee becoming a member, a manual
     6  incorporating rules and regulations consistent with the
     7  provisions of this part to the heads of departments who shall
     8  make the information contained therein available to the general
     9  membership. The [board] boards shall thereafter advise the heads
    10  of departments within 90 days of any changes in such rules and
    11  regulations due to changes in the law or due to changes in
    12  administrative policies. As soon as practicable after the
    13  commissioner's announcement with respect thereto, [the] a board
    14  shall also advise the heads of departments as to any cost-of-
    15  living adjustment for the succeeding calendar year in the amount
    16  of the limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17) and the dollar amounts
    17  of the limitations under IRC § 415(b). As soon as practicable
    18  after January 1 of each year, the [board] boards shall also
    19  advise the heads of departments of the employees for whom,
    20  pursuant to section 5502.1 (relating to waiver of regular member
    21  contributions and Social Security integration member
    22  contributions), pickup contributions are not to be made.
    23     (b)  Member status statements and certifications.--The
    24  [board] boards shall furnish annually to the head of each
    25  department on or before April 1, a statement for each member
    26  employed in such department showing the total accumulated
    27  deductions standing to his credit as of December 31 of the
    28  previous year and requesting the member to make any necessary
    29  corrections or revisions regarding his designated beneficiary.
    30  In addition, for each member employed in any department and for
    20070S0596B0646                 - 111 -    

     1  whom the department has furnished the necessary information, the
     2  [board] boards shall certify the number of years and fractional
     3  part of a year of credited service attributable to each class of
     4  service, the number of years and fractional part of a year
     5  attributable to social security integration credits in each
     6  class of service and, in the case of a member eligible to
     7  receive an annuity, the benefit to which he is entitled upon the
     8  attainment of superannuation age.
     9     (c)  Purchase of credit and full coverage membership
    10  certifications.--Upon receipt of an application from an active
    11  member or eligible school employee to purchase credit for
    12  previous [State] government or creditable nonstate service, or
    13  an election to become a full coverage member, the appropriate
    14  board shall determine and certify to the member the amount
    15  required to be paid by the member. When necessary, the
    16  appropriate board shall certify to the previous employer the
    17  amount due in accordance with sections 5504 (relating to member
    18  contributions for the purchase of credit for previous [State]
    19  government service or to become a full coverage member) and 5505
    20  (relating to contributions for the purchase of credit for
    21  creditable nonstate service).
    22     (d)  Transfer from joint coverage membership
    23  certifications.--Upon receipt of an application from a joint
    24  coverage member who elects to become a full coverage member, the
    25  appropriate board shall certify to the member the effective date
    26  of such transfer and the prospective rate for regular and
    27  additional member contributions.
    28     (e)  Former county employees.--Upon receipt of an election by
    29  a county employee transferred to [State] government employment
    30  pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to county-level court
    20070S0596B0646                 - 112 -    

     1  administrators) to convert county service to [State] government
     2  service, the appropriate board shall certify to the member the
     3  amount of service so converted and the class at which such
     4  service is credited.
     5     (f)  Former school employees.--Upon receipt of an election by
     6  a former employee of the Department of Education transferred to
     7  the Department of Corrections pursuant to section 908-B of the
     8  act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
     9  Administrative Code of 1929, to convert school service to
    10  [State] government service, the appropriate board shall certify
    11  to the member the amount of service so converted and the class
    12  at which such service is credited.
    13  § 5904.  Duties of [the board] boards to report to the Public
    14             School Employees' Retirement Board.
    15     (a)  Multiple service membership of [State] government
    16  employees.--Upon receipt of an application for membership in the
    17  system of a [State] government employee who is a former public
    18  school employee and who has elected multiple service membership,
    19  the appropriate board shall advise the Public School Employees'
    20  Retirement Board accordingly.
    21     (b)  Multiple service membership of school employees.--Upon
    22  receipt of notification from the Public School Employees'
    23  Retirement Board that a former [State] government employee has
    24  become an active member in the Public School Employees'
    25  Retirement System and has elected to receive credit for multiple
    26  service, the appropriate board shall certify to the Public
    27  School Employees' Retirement Board and concurrently to the
    28  member:
    29         (1)  the total credited service in the system and the
    30     number of years and fractional part of a year of service
    20070S0596B0646                 - 113 -    

     1     credited in each class of service;
     2         (2)  the annual compensation received each calendar year
     3     by the member for credited State service;
     4         (3)  the social security integration credited service to
     5     which the member is entitled and the average noncovered
     6     salary upon which the single life annuity attributable to
     7     such service will be computed; and
     8         (4)  the amount of the deductions and the period over
     9     which they are to be made if the member has elected payroll
    10     deductions pursuant to section 5504 (relating to member
    11     contributions for the purchase of credit for previous [State]
    12     government service or to become a full coverage member) or
    13     5505 (relating to contributions for the purchase of credit
    14     for creditable nonstate service).
    15     (c)  Applications for benefits for school employees.--Upon
    16  receipt of notification and the required data from the Public
    17  School Employees' Retirement Board that a former [State]
    18  government employee who elected multiple service has applied for
    19  a public school employees' retirement benefit or, in the event
    20  of his death, his legally constituted representative has applied
    21  for such benefit, the appropriate board shall:
    22         (1)  certify to the Public School Employees' Retirement
    23     Board;
    24             (i)  the salary history as a member of the [State]
    25         Government Employees' Retirement System and the final
    26         average salary as calculated on the basis of the
    27         compensation received as a [State] government and school
    28         employee; and
    29             (ii)  the annuity or benefit to which the member or
    30         his beneficiary is entitled as modified according to the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 114 -    

     1         option selected; and
     2         (2)  transfer to the Public School Employees' Retirement
     3     Fund the total accumulated deductions standing to such
     4     member's credit and the actuarial reserve required on account
     5     of years of credited service in the [State] government
     6     system, final average salary determined on the basis of his
     7     compensation in both systems and the average noncovered
     8     salary to be charged to the State accumulation account, the
     9     State Police benefit account or the enforcement officers'
    10     benefit account, as each case may require.
    11     (d)  Election to convert school service to State service.--
    12  Upon receipt of an election by a former employee of the
    13  Department of Education to convert school service to State
    14  service pursuant to section 5303.2 (relating to election to
    15  convert school service to State service), the board shall
    16  certify the information necessary for the Public School
    17  Employees' Retirement System to transfer the funds and credit
    18  required to the board.
    19  § 5905.  Duties of [the board] boards regarding applications and
    20             elections of members.
    21     (a)  Statement to new members.--As soon as practicable after
    22  each member shall have become an active member in the system,
    23  the appropriate board shall issue to the member a statement
    24  certifying his class of service, his member contribution rate,
    25  and the aggregate length of total previous [State] government
    26  service and creditable nonstate service for which he may receive
    27  credit.
    28     (b)  School employees electing multiple service status.--Upon
    29  receipt of notification from the Public School Employees'
    30  Retirement Board that a former [State] government employee has
    20070S0596B0646                 - 115 -    

     1  become an active member in the Public School Employees'
     2  Retirement System and has elected to become a member with
     3  multiple service status the appropriate board shall:
     4         (1)  in case of a member receiving an annuity from the
     5     system:
     6             (i)  discontinue payments, transfer the present value
     7         of the member's annuity at the time of entering school
     8         service, plus the amount withdrawn in a lump sum payment,
     9         on or after the date of entering school service, pursuant
    10         to section 5705 (relating to member's options), with
    11         statutory interest to date of transfer, minus the amount
    12         to be returned to the appropriate board on account of
    13         return to service, that the appropriate board has
    14         determined is to be credited in the members' savings
    15         account, from the annuity reserve account to the members'
    16         savings account and resume crediting of statutory
    17         interest on the amount restored to his credit;
    18             (ii)  transfer the balance of the present value of
    19         the total annuity, minus the amount to be returned to the
    20         appropriate board on account of return to service that
    21         the appropriate board has determined is to be credited in
    22         the State accumulation account, from the annuity reserve
    23         account to the State accumulation account; and
    24             (iii)  certify to the member the amount of lump sum
    25         and annuity payments with statutory interest the member
    26         is to return to the appropriate board and, of those
    27         amounts, which amount shall be credited to the members'
    28         savings account and credited with statutory interest as
    29         such payments are returned and which amount shall be
    30         credited to the State accumulation account; or
    20070S0596B0646                 - 116 -    

     1         (2)  in case of a member who is not receiving an annuity
     2     and has not withdrawn his total accumulated deductions,
     3     continue or resume the crediting of statutory interest on his
     4     total accumulated deductions during the period his total
     5     accumulated deductions remain in the fund; or
     6         (3)  in case of a former [State] government employee who
     7     is not receiving an annuity from the system and his total
     8     accumulated deductions were withdrawn, certify to the former
     9     [State] government employee the accumulated deductions as
    10     they would have been at the time of his separation had he
    11     been a full coverage member together with statutory interest
    12     for all periods of subsequent [State] government and school
    13     service to the date of repayment. Such amount shall be
    14     restored by him and shall be credited with statutory interest
    15     as such payments are restored.
    16     (c)  Disability annuities.--In every case where the
    17  appropriate board has received an application duly executed by
    18  the member or by a person legally authorized to act in his
    19  behalf for a disability annuity based upon the member's physical
    20  or mental incapacity for the performance of the job for which he
    21  is employed, with or without a supplement for a service-
    22  connected disability, taking into account relevant decisions by
    23  The Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Board, the board shall:
    24         (1)  through the medical examiner, have the application
    25     and any supporting medical records and other documentation
    26     submitted with the application reviewed and on the basis of
    27     said review, and the subsequent recommendation by the medical
    28     examiner regarding the applicant's medical qualification for
    29     a disability annuity along with such other recommendations
    30     which he may make with respect to the permanency of
    20070S0596B0646                 - 117 -    

     1     disability or the need for subsequent reviews, make a finding
     2     of disability and whether or not the disability is service
     3     connected or nondisability and in the case of disability
     4     establish an effective date of disability and the terms and
     5     conditions regarding subsequent reviews;
     6         (2)  upon the recommendation of the medical examiner on
     7     the basis of a review of subsequent medical reports submitted
     8     with an application for continuance of disability, make a
     9     finding of continued disability and whether or not the
    10     disability continues to be service connected, or a finding of
    11     nondisability; and in the case of a finding that the
    12     disability is no longer service connected, discontinue any
    13     supplemental payments on account of such service connected
    14     disability as of the date of the finding; and in the case of
    15     a finding of nondisability establish the date of termination
    16     of disability and at that time discontinue any annuity
    17     payments in excess of an annuity calculated in accordance
    18     with section 5702 (relating to maximum single life annuity);
    19     and
    20         (3)  upon receipt of a written statement from a
    21     disability annuitant of his earned income of the previous
    22     quarter, adjust the payments of the disability annuity for
    23     the following quarter in accordance with the provisions of
    24     section 5704(c) (relating to disability annuities).
    25     (c.1)  Termination of service.--In the case of any member
    26  terminating [State] government service who is entitled to an
    27  annuity and who is not then a disability annuitant, the
    28  appropriate board shall advise such member in writing of any
    29  benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of
    30  this part and shall have the member prepare, on or before the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 118 -    

     1  date of termination of [State] government service, one of the
     2  following three forms, a copy of which shall be given to the
     3  member and the original of which shall be filed with the
     4  appropriate board:
     5         (1)  an application for the return of total accumulated
     6     deductions;
     7         (2)  an election to vest his retirement rights and, if he
     8     is a joint coverage member and so desires, elect to become a
     9     full coverage member and agree to pay within 30 days of the
    10     date of termination of service the lump sum required; or
    11         (3)  an application for an immediate annuity and, if he
    12     desires:
    13             (i)  if he is a State employee, an election to
    14         convert his medical, major medical and hospitalization
    15         insurance coverage to the plan for State annuitants; and
    16             (ii)  if he is a joint coverage member, an election
    17         to become a full coverage member and an agreement to pay
    18         within 30 days of date of termination of service the lump
    19         sum required.
    20     (e)  Certification to vestees and special vestees terminating
    21  service.--The appropriate board shall certify to a vestee or to
    22  a special vestee within one year of termination of [State]
    23  government service of such member:
    24         (1)  the total accumulated deductions standing to his
    25     credit at the date of termination of service;
    26         (2)  the number of years and fractional part of a year of
    27     credit in each class of service; and
    28         (3)  the maximum single life annuity to which the vestee
    29     or special vestee shall become entitled upon the attainment
    30     of superannuation age and the filing of an application for
    20070S0596B0646                 - 119 -    

     1     such annuity.
     2     (e.1)  Notification to vestees and special vestees
     3  approaching superannuation age.--The appropriate board shall
     4  notify each vestee and special vestee in writing 90 days prior
     5  to his attainment of superannuation age that he shall apply for
     6  his annuity within 90 days of attainment of superannuation age;
     7  that, if he does so apply, his effective date of retirement will
     8  be the date of attainment of superannuation age; that, if he
     9  does not so apply but defers his application to a later date,
    10  his effective date of retirement will be the date of filing such
    11  application or the date specified on the application, whichever
    12  is later; and that, if he does not file an application within
    13  seven years after attaining superannuation age, he shall be
    14  deemed to have elected to receive his total accumulated
    15  deductions upon attainment of superannuation age.
    16     (f)  Initial annuity payment and certification.--The
    17  appropriate board shall make the first monthly payment to a
    18  member who is eligible for an annuity within 60 days of the
    19  filing of his application for an annuity or, in the case of a
    20  vestee or special vestee who has deferred the filing of his
    21  application to a date later than 90 days following attainment of
    22  superannuation age, within 60 days of the effective date of
    23  retirement, and receipt of the required data from the head of
    24  the department and, if the member has Class G, Class H, Class I,
    25  Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service, any data
    26  required from the county retirement system or pension plan to
    27  which the member was a contributor before being a State
    28  employee. Concurrently, the board shall certify to such member:
    29         (1)  the total accumulated deductions standing to his
    30     credit showing separately the amount contributed by the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 120 -    

     1     member, the pickup contribution and the interest credited to
     2     the date of termination of service;
     3         (2)  the number of years and fractional part of a year
     4     credited in each class of service;
     5         (3)  the final average salary on which his annuity is
     6     based as well as any applicable reduction factors due to age
     7     and/or election of an option; and
     8         (4)  the total annuity payable under the option elected
     9     and the amount and effective date of any future reduction
    10     under section 5703 (relating to reduction of annuities on
    11     account of social security old-age insurance benefits).
    12     (g)  Death benefits.--Upon receipt of notification from the
    13  head of a department of the death of an active member or a
    14  member on leave without pay, the appropriate board shall advise
    15  the designated beneficiary of the benefits to which he is
    16  entitled, and shall make the first payment to the beneficiary
    17  within 60 days of receipt of certification of death and other
    18  necessary data. If no beneficiary designation is in effect at
    19  the date of the member's death or no notice has been filed with
    20  the board to pay the amount of the benefits to the member's
    21  estate, the board is authorized to pay the benefits to the
    22  executor, administrator, surviving spouse or next of kin of the
    23  deceased member, and payment pursuant hereto shall fully
    24  discharge the fund from any further liability to make payment of
    25  such benefits to any other person. If the surviving spouse or
    26  next of kin of the deceased member cannot be found for the
    27  purpose of paying the benefits for a period of seven years from
    28  the date of death of the member, then the benefits shall be
    29  escheated to the Commonwealth for the benefit of the fund.
    30     (h)  Medical insurance coverage.--Upon receipt of the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 121 -    

     1  election by an eligible member to convert his medical, major
     2  medical, and hospitalization insurance coverage to the plan for
     3  State annuitants, the [board] State Employees' Retirement Board
     4  shall notify the insurance carrier of such election and shall
     5  deduct the appropriate annual charges in equal monthly
     6  installments. Such deductions shall be transmitted to the
     7  designated fiscal officer of the Commonwealth having
     8  jurisdiction over the payment of such group charges on behalf of
     9  the annuitant.
    10     (i)  Joint coverage annuitants.--The [board] State Employees'
    11  Retirement Board shall notify in writing each joint coverage
    12  annuitant who retired prior to July 1, 1962 that he may elect
    13  any time prior to July 1, 1974 to receive his annuity without
    14  reduction attributable to social security coverage upon payment
    15  in a lump sum of the amount which shall be certified by the
    16  board within 60 days of such election. Upon receipt of such
    17  payment the board shall recompute the annuity payable to such
    18  annuitant and the annuity and/or lump sum, if any, payable upon
    19  his death to his beneficiary or survivor annuitant as though he
    20  had been a full coverage member on the effective date of
    21  retirement. Such recomputed annuity shall be paid beginning with
    22  the second monthly payment next following the month in which the
    23  lump sum payment is received.
    24     (j)  [State] Government employees electing multiple service
    25  status.--Upon receipt of notification from the Public School
    26  Employees' Retirement Board that a member who has elected
    27  multiple service membership has elected to restore school
    28  service or purchase creditable nonschool service in the Public
    29  School Employees' Retirement System or is obligated to return
    30  benefits to the Public School Employees' Retirement Board on
    20070S0596B0646                 - 122 -    

     1  account of electing multiple service membership has elected to
     2  pay all or part of the amount due to the Public School
     3  Employees' Retirement Board by salary deductions, the
     4  appropriate board shall collect from the employee the amounts
     5  certified by the Public School Employees' Retirement Board as
     6  due and owing by the member and certify and transfer to the
     7  Public School Employees' Retirement Board the amounts so
     8  collected.
     9  § 5905.1.  Installment payments of accumulated deductions.
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  Payment of first installment.--The payment of the first
    12  installment shall be made in the amount and within seven days of
    13  the date specified by the member, except as follows:
    14         (1)  Upon receipt of a member's application to withdraw
    15     his total accumulated deductions as provided in section
    16     5311(a) or 5701 and upon receipt of all required data from
    17     the head of the department and, if the member has Class G,
    18     Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class
    19     N service, any data required from the county retirement
    20     system or pension plan to which the member was a contributor
    21     before being transferred to State employment, the appropriate
    22     board shall not be required to pay the first installment
    23     prior to 45 days after the filing of the application and the
    24     receipt of the data or the date of termination of service,
    25     whichever is later.
    26         (2)  In the case of an election as provided in section
    27     5705(a)(4)(iii) by a member terminating service within 60
    28     days prior to the end of a calendar year and upon receipt of
    29     all required data from the head of the department and, if the
    30     member has Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class
    20070S0596B0646                 - 123 -    

     1     L, Class M or Class N service, any data required from the
     2     county retirement system or pension plan to which the member
     3     was a contributor before being transferred to State
     4     employment, the appropriate board shall not be required to
     5     pay the first installment prior to 21 days after the later of
     6     the filing of the application and the receipt of the data or
     7     the date of termination of service, but, unless otherwise
     8     directed by the member, the payment shall be made no later
     9     than 45 days after the filing of the application and the
    10     receipt of the data or the date of termination of service,
    11     whichever is later.
    12         (3)  In the case of an election as provided in section
    13     5705(a)(4)(iii) by a member who is not terminating service
    14     within 60 days prior to the end of a calendar year and upon
    15     receipt of all required data from the head of the department
    16     and, if the member has Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J,
    17     Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service, any data
    18     required from the county retirement system or pension plan to
    19     which the member was a contributor before being transferred
    20     to State employment, the appropriate board shall not be
    21     required to pay the first installment prior to 45 days after
    22     the filing of the application and the receipt of the data or
    23     the date of termination of service, whichever is later.
    24     * * *
    25  § 5906.  Duties of heads of departments.
    26     (a)  Status of members.--The head of department shall, at the
    27  end of each pay period, notify the appropriate board in a manner
    28  prescribed by the board of salary changes effective during that
    29  period for any members of the department, the date of all
    30  removals from the payroll, and the type of leave of any members
    20070S0596B0646                 - 124 -    

     1  of the department who have been removed from the payroll for any
     2  time during that period, and:
     3         (1)  if the removal is due to leave without pay, he shall
     4     furnish the board with the date of beginning leave and the
     5     date of return to service, and the reason for leave; or
     6         (2)  if the removal is due to a transfer to another
     7     department, he shall furnish such department and the board
     8     with a complete [State] government service record, including
     9     past [State] government service in other departments or
    10     agencies, or creditable nonstate service; or
    11         (3)  if the removal is due to termination of [State]
    12     government service, he shall furnish the board with a
    13     complete [State] government service record, including service
    14     in other departments or agencies, or creditable nonstate
    15     service and;
    16             (i)  in the case of death of the member the head of
    17         the department shall so notify the board;
    18             (ii)  in the case of a service connected disability
    19         the head of department shall, to the best of his ability,
    20         investigate the circumstances surrounding the disablement
    21         of the member and submit in writing to the board
    22         information which shall include but not necessarily be
    23         limited to the following: date, place and time of
    24         disablement to the extent ascertainable; nature of duties
    25         being performed at such time; and whether or not the
    26         duties being performed were authorized and included among
    27         the member's regular duties. In addition, the head of
    28         department shall furnish in writing to the board all such
    29         other information as may be related to the member's
    30         disablement;
    20070S0596B0646                 - 125 -    

     1             (iii)  in the case of a member terminating from The
     2         Pennsylvania State University who is a member of the
     3         system with five or more but less than ten eligibility
     4         points and who has terminated State service on June 30,
     5         1997, because of the transfer of his job position or
     6         duties to a controlled organization of the Penn State
     7         Geisinger Health System or because of the elimination of
     8         his job position or duties due to the transfer of other
     9         job positions or duties to a controlled organization of
    10         the Penn State Geisinger Health System, the head of the
    11         department shall so certify to the board.
    12     (b)  Records and information.--At any time at the request of
    13  the appropriate board and at termination of service of a member,
    14  the head of department shall furnish service and compensation
    15  records and such other information as the board may require and
    16  shall maintain and preserve such records as the board may direct
    17  for the expeditious discharge of its duties.
    18     (c)  Member contributions.--The head of department shall
    19  cause the required pickup contributions for current service to
    20  be made and shall cause to be deducted any other required member
    21  contributions, including, but not limited to, contributions owed
    22  by an active member with multiple service membership for school
    23  service and creditable nonschool service in the Public School
    24  Employees' Retirement System and amounts certified by the Public
    25  School Employees' Retirement Board as due and owing on account
    26  of termination of annuities, from each payroll. The head of
    27  department shall notify the appropriate board at times and in a
    28  manner prescribed by the board of the compensation of any
    29  noneligible member to whom the limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17)
    30  either applies or is expected to apply and shall cause such
    20070S0596B0646                 - 126 -    

     1  member's contributions deducted from payroll to cease at the
     2  limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17) on the payroll date if and
     3  when such limit shall be reached. The head of department shall
     4  certify to the State Treasurer the amounts picked up and
     5  deducted and shall send the total amount picked up and deducted
     6  together with a duplicate of such voucher to the secretary of
     7  the [board] appropriate board every quarter when the employer is
     8  a local government and every pay period when the employer is not
     9  a local government. The head of department shall pay pickup
    10  contributions from the same source of funds which is used to pay
    11  other compensation to the employee. On or before January 31,
    12  1997, and on or before January 31 of each year thereafter, the
    13  head of department shall, at the time when the income and
    14  withholding information required by law is furnished to each
    15  member, also furnish the amount of pickup contributions made on
    16  his behalf and notify the appropriate board, if it has not been
    17  previously notified, of any noneligible member whose
    18  compensation in the preceding year exceeded the annual
    19  compensation limit under IRC § 401(a)(17). If [the] a board
    20  shall determine that the member's savings account shall have
    21  been credited with pickup contributions for a noneligible member
    22  in the preceding year which are attributable to compensation in
    23  excess of the limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17), or with total
    24  member contributions for such member which would cause such
    25  member's contributions or benefits to exceed any applicable
    26  limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17) or 415(b), the board shall as
    27  soon as practicable refund to the member from his individual
    28  member account such amount, together with the statutory interest
    29  thereon, as will cause the member's total member contributions
    30  in the preceding year not to exceed the applicable limit. The
    20070S0596B0646                 - 127 -    

     1  payment of any such refund to the member shall be charged to the
     2  member's savings account.
     3     (d)  New employees subject to mandatory membership.--Upon the
     4  assumption of duties of each new [State] government employee
     5  whose membership in the system is mandatory, the head of
     6  department shall cause an application for membership and a
     7  nomination of beneficiary to be made by such employee and filed
     8  with the appropriate board and shall make pickup contributions
     9  from the effective date of [State] government employment.
    10     (e)  New employees subject to optional membership.--The head
    11  of department shall, upon the employment or entering into office
    12  of any [State] government employee whose membership in the
    13  system is not mandatory, inform such employee of his opportunity
    14  to become a member of the system. If such employee so elects,
    15  the head of department shall cause an application for membership
    16  and a nomination of beneficiary to be made by him and filed with
    17  the board and shall cause proper contributions to be made from
    18  the effective date of membership.
    19     (e.1)  Former county-level judicial employees transferred to
    20  [State] government employment.--In addition to the duties set
    21  forth in subsections (d) and (e), the Court Administrator of
    22  Pennsylvania, upon the transfer of county employees to [State]
    23  government employment pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to
    24  county-level court administrators), shall advise such
    25  transferred county employees of their opportunity to elect to
    26  convert county service to [State] government service in
    27  accordance with section 5303.1 (relating to election to convert
    28  county service to State service), and, if such employee so
    29  elects, the Court Administrator of Pennsylvania shall cause an
    30  election to be made and filed with the appropriate board within
    20070S0596B0646                 - 128 -    

     1  90 days after the transfer to State employment.
     2     (g)  Former school employee contributors.--The head of
     3  department shall, upon the employment of a former contributor to
     4  the Public School Employees' Retirement System who is not an
     5  annuitant of the Public School Employees' Retirement System,
     6  advise such employee of his right to elect within 365 days of
     7  entry into the system to become a multiple service member, and
     8  in the case of any such employee who so elects and has withdrawn
     9  his accumulated deductions, require him to reinstate his credit
    10  in the Public School Employees' Retirement System. The head of
    11  the department shall advise the appropriate board of such
    12  election.
    13     (h)  Former school employee annuitants.--The head of
    14  department shall, upon the employment of an annuitant of the
    15  Public School Employees' Retirement System who applies for
    16  membership in the system, advise such employee that he may elect
    17  multiple service membership within 365 days of entry into the
    18  system and if he so elects his public school employee's annuity
    19  will be discontinued effective upon the date of his return to
    20  [State] government service and, upon termination of [State]
    21  government service and application for an annuity, the annuity
    22  will be adjusted in accordance with section 5706 (relating to
    23  termination of annuities). The head of department shall advise
    24  the appropriate board of such election.
    25     (i)  Annual statement to members.--Annually, upon receipt
    26  from the appropriate board, the head of department shall furnish
    27  to each member the statement specified in section 5903(b)
    28  (relating to duties of [the board] boards to advise and report
    29  to heads of departments and members).
    30     (j)  Termination of service.--The head of department shall,
    20070S0596B0646                 - 129 -    

     1  in the case of any member terminating [State] government service
     2  who is ineligible for an annuity before attainment of
     3  superannuation age, advise such member in writing of any
     4  benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of
     5  this part and shall have the member prepare, on or before the
     6  date of termination of [State] government service, an
     7  application for the return of total accumulated deductions or,
     8  on or before September 30, 1997, an application to be vested as
     9  a special vestee, if eligible.
    10     (k)  Date of application for benefits.--Any application
    11  properly executed and filed under subsection (j) with the
    12  department and not filed with the appropriate board within 30
    13  days shall be deemed to have been filed with the board on the
    14  date filed with the department and in such case all required
    15  data shall be furnished to the board immediately.
    16  § 5907.  Rights and duties of State employees and members.
    17     (a)  Information on new employees.--Upon his assumption of
    18  duties each new [State] government employee shall furnish the
    19  head of department with a complete record of his previous
    20  [State] government service, his school service or creditable
    21  nonstate service, and proof of his date of birth and current
    22  status in the system and in the Public School Employees'
    23  Retirement System. Willful failure to provide the information
    24  required by this subsection to the extent available upon
    25  entrance into the system shall result in the forfeiture of the
    26  right of the member to subsequently assert any right to benefits
    27  based on any of the required information which he failed to
    28  provide. In any case in which the appropriate board finds that a
    29  member is receiving an annuity based on false information, the
    30  total amount received predicated on such false information
    20070S0596B0646                 - 130 -    

     1  together with statutory interest doubled and compounded shall be
     2  deducted from the present value of any remaining benefits to
     3  which the member is legally entitled.
     4     * * *
     5     (d)  Credit for previous service or change in membership
     6  status.--Any active member or eligible school employee who
     7  desires to receive credit for his total previous [State]
     8  government service or creditable nonstate service to which he is
     9  entitled, or a joint coverage member who desires to become a
    10  full coverage member, shall so notify the appropriate board and
    11  upon written agreement by the member and the appropriate board
    12  as to the manner of payment of the amount due, the member shall
    13  receive credit for such service as of the date of such
    14  agreement.
    15     (e)  Beneficiary for death benefits.--Every member shall
    16  nominate a beneficiary by written designation filed with the
    17  appropriate board as provided in section 5906(d) or (e)
    18  (relating to duties of heads of departments) to receive the
    19  death benefit payable under section 5707 (relating to death
    20  benefits) or the benefit payable under the provisions of Option
    21  1 of section 5705(a)(1) (relating to member's options). Such
    22  nomination may be changed at any time by the member by written
    23  designation filed with the board. A member may also nominate a
    24  contingent beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive the death
    25  benefit provided under section 5707 or the benefit payable under
    26  the provisions of Option 1 of section 5705(a)(1).
    27     (f)  Termination of service.--Each member who terminates
    28  [State] government service and who is not then a disability
    29  annuitant shall execute on or before the date of termination of
    30  service the appropriate application, duly attested by the member
    20070S0596B0646                 - 131 -    

     1  or his legally constituted representative, electing to:
     2         (1)  withdraw his total accumulated deductions; or
     3         (2)  vest his retirement rights; and if he is a joint
     4     coverage member, and so desires, elect to become a full
     5     coverage member and agree to pay within 30 days of the date
     6     of termination of service the lump sum required; or
     7         (3)  receive an immediate annuity and may,
     8             (i)  if eligible, elect to convert his medical, major
     9         medical, and hospitalization coverage to the plan for
    10         State annuitants; and
    11             (ii)  if he is a joint coverage member, elect to
    12         become a full coverage member and agree to pay within 30
    13         days of date of termination of service the lump sum
    14         required.
    15     (g)  Vesting of retirement rights.--If a member elects to
    16  vest his retirement rights he shall nominate a beneficiary by
    17  written designation filed with the appropriate board and he may
    18  anytime thereafter, withdraw the total accumulated deductions
    19  standing to his credit or apply for an annuity.
    20     (h)  Vestees and special vestees attaining superannuation
    21  age.--Upon attainment of superannuation age a vestee or special
    22  vestee shall execute and file an application for an annuity. Any
    23  such application filed within 90 days after attaining
    24  superannuation age shall be effective as of the date of
    25  attainment of superannuation age. Any application filed after
    26  such period shall be effective as of the date it is filed with
    27  the appropriate board, subject to the provisions of section
    28  5905(f) (relating to duties of [the board] boards regarding
    29  applications and elections of members). If a vestee or special
    30  vestee does not file an application within seven years after
    20070S0596B0646                 - 132 -    

     1  attaining superannuation age, he shall be deemed to have elected
     2  to receive his total accumulated deductions upon attainment of
     3  superannuation age.
     4     (i)  Failure to apply for annuity.--If a member is eligible
     5  to receive an annuity and does not file a proper application
     6  within 90 days of termination of service, his annuity will
     7  become effective as of the date the application is filed with
     8  the appropriate board or the date designated on the application
     9  whichever is later.
    10     (j)  Nomination of beneficiary or survivor annuitant.--A
    11  member who is eligible and elects to receive a reduced annuity
    12  under Option 1, 2, 3, or 4, shall nominate a beneficiary or a
    13  survivor annuitant, as the case may be, by written designation
    14  filed with the appropriate board at the time of his retirement.
    15  A member who has elected Option 1 may change his designated
    16  beneficiary at any time. A member having designated a survivor
    17  annuitant at the time of retirement shall not be permitted to
    18  nominate a new survivor annuitant unless such survivor annuitant
    19  predeceases him or unless the member is awarded a divorce or
    20  becomes married subsequent to the election of the option. In
    21  such cases, the annuitant shall have the right to reelect an
    22  option and to nominate a beneficiary or a new survivor annuitant
    23  and to have his annuity recomputed to be actuarially equivalent
    24  as of the date of recomputation to the annuity in effect
    25  immediately prior to the recomputation. In no other case shall a
    26  benefit plan be changed by an annuitant.
    27     * * *
    28  § 5908.  Rights and duties of annuitants.
    29     (a)  Election by joint coverage annuitants.--Any annuitant
    30  who is a joint coverage member who was receiving an annuity
    20070S0596B0646                 - 133 -    

     1  prior to July 1, 1962, may elect to receive his annuity without
     2  reduction on account of social security old-age insurance
     3  benefits: Provided, That he shall file such election with the
     4  [board] State Employees' Retirement Board prior to July 1, 1974
     5  and shall make a lump sum payment within 60 days of receipt of
     6  the certification of the amount due.
     7     (b)  Periodic earnings statements by disability annuitants.--
     8  It shall be the duty of an annuitant receiving a disability
     9  annuity prior to the attainment of superannuation age to furnish
    10  a written statement within 30 days of the close of each calendar
    11  year of all earned income during that year and information
    12  showing whether or not he is able to engage in a gainful
    13  occupation and such other information as may be required by the
    14  appropriate board. On failure, neglect, or refusal to furnish
    15  such information for the period of the preceding year, the board
    16  may refuse to make further payments due to disability to such
    17  annuitant until he has furnished such information to the
    18  satisfaction of the board. Should such refusal continue for six
    19  months, all of his rights to the disability annuity payments in
    20  excess of any annuity to which he is otherwise entitled shall be
    21  forfeited from the date of his last written statement to the
    22  board. Any moneys received in excess of those to which he was
    23  entitled shall be deducted from the present value of the annuity
    24  to which he is otherwise entitled.
    25     (c)  Medical examinations of disability annuitants.--Should
    26  any disability annuitant refuse to submit to a medical
    27  examination by a physician or physicians at the request of the
    28  appropriate board, his payments due to disability shall be
    29  discontinued until the withdrawal of such refusal. Should such
    30  refusal continue for a period of six months, all of his rights
    20070S0596B0646                 - 134 -    

     1  to the disability annuity payments in excess of any annuity to
     2  which he is otherwise entitled shall be forfeited.
     3     * * *
     4  § 5931.  Management of [fund] funds and accounts.
     5     (a)  Control and management of [fund.--The members of the
     6  board shall be the trustees of the fund.] funds.--The members of
     7  the Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Board shall be
     8  the trustees of the Local Government Police Employees'
     9  Retirement Fund, and the members of the State Employees'
    10  Retirement Board shall be the trustees of the State Employees'
    11  Retirement Fund. Regardless of any other provision of law
    12  governing the investments of funds under the control of an
    13  administrative board of the State government, the trustees shall
    14  have exclusive control and management of the said fund and full
    15  power to invest the same in accordance with the provisions of
    16  this section, subject, however, to the exercise of that degree
    17  of judgment, skill and care under the circumstances then
    18  prevailing which persons of prudence, discretion and
    19  intelligence, who are familiar with such matters, exercise in
    20  the management of their own affairs not in regard to
    21  speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of the
    22  funds, considering the probable income to be derived therefrom
    23  as well as the probable safety of their capital. The trustees
    24  shall have the power to hold, purchase, sell, lend, assign,
    25  transfer or dispose of any of the securities and investments in
    26  which any of the moneys in the [fund] funds shall have been
    27  invested as well as of the proceeds of said investments,
    28  including any directed commissions which have accrued to the
    29  benefit of the [fund] funds as a consequence of the investments,
    30  and of any moneys belonging to said [fund] funds, subject in
    20070S0596B0646                 - 135 -    

     1  every case to meeting the standard of prudence set forth in this
     2  subsection.
     3     (b)  Crediting of interest.--The [board] boards, annually,
     4  shall allow the required interest on the mean amount for the
     5  preceding year to the credit of each of the accounts. The amount
     6  so allowed shall be credited thereto by the [board] boards and
     7  transferred from the interest reserve account.
     8     (c)  Custodian of [fund] funds.--The State Treasurer shall be
     9  the custodian of the [fund] funds.
    10     (d)  Payments from [fund] funds.--All payments from the
    11  [fund] funds shall be made by the State Treasurer in accordance
    12  with requisitions signed by the secretary of the appropriate
    13  board, or his designee, and ratified by resolution of the
    14  appropriate board.
    15     (e)  Fiduciary status of [board] boards.--The members of the
    16  board, employees of [the] a board and agents thereof shall stand
    17  in a fiduciary relationship to the members of the system
    18  regarding the investments and disbursements of any of the moneys
    19  of the fund and shall not profit either directly or indirectly
    20  with respect thereto. [The] A board may, when possible and
    21  consistent with its fiduciary duties imposed by this subsection
    22  or other law, including its obligation to invest and manage the
    23  fund for the exclusive benefit of the members of the system,
    24  consider whether an investment in any project or business
    25  enhances and promotes the general welfare of this Commonwealth
    26  and its citizens, including, but not limited to, investments
    27  that increase and enhance the employment of Commonwealth
    28  residents, encourage the construction and retention of adequate
    29  housing and stimulate further investment and economic activity
    30  in this Commonwealth. The [board] boards shall, through the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 136 -    

     1  Governor, submit to the General Assembly annually, at the same
     2  time the [board submits its] boards submit their budget covering
     3  administrative expenses, a report identifying the nature and
     4  amount of all existing investments made pursuant to this
     5  subsection.
     6     (f)  Name for transacting business.--By the name of ["The
     7  State] the "Local Government Police Employees' Retirement
     8  System" [or "The State Employes' Retirement System"], all of the
     9  business of the system shall be transacted, its [fund] funds
    10  invested, all requisitions for money drawn and payments made,
    11  and all of its cash and securities and other property shall be
    12  held, except that, any other law to the contrary
    13  notwithstanding, the board may establish a nominee registration
    14  procedure for the purpose of registering securities in order to
    15  facilitate the purchase, sale or other disposition of securities
    16  pursuant to the provisions of this law.
    17     (g)  Deposits in banks and trust companies.--For the purpose
    18  of meeting disbursements for annuities and other payments in
    19  excess of the receipts, there shall be kept available by the
    20  State Treasurer an amount, not exceeding 10% of the total amount
    21  in [the] a fund, on deposit in any bank or banks in this
    22  Commonwealth organized under the laws thereof or under the laws
    23  of the United States or with any trust company or companies
    24  incorporated by any law of this Commonwealth, provided any of
    25  such banks or trust companies shall furnish adequate security
    26  for said deposit, and provided that the sum so deposited in any
    27  one bank or trust company shall not exceed 25% of the paid-up
    28  capital and surplus of said bank or trust company.
    29     (h)  Venture capital, private placement and alternative
    30  investments.--The board in its prudent discretion may make any
    20070S0596B0646                 - 137 -    

     1  venture capital investment, private placement investment or
     2  other alternative investment of any kind, structure or manner
     3  which meets the standard of prudence set forth in subsection
     4  (a).
     5     (i)  Vehicles for authorized investments.--[The] A board in
     6  its prudent discretion may make any investments which meet the
     7  standard of prudence set forth in subsection (a) by acquiring
     8  any type of interest in a business organization existing under
     9  the laws of any jurisdiction, provided that, in any such case,
    10  the liability of the Local Government Police Employees'
    11  Retirement Fund or the State Employees' Retirement Fund shall be
    12  limited to the amount of its investment.
    13     (j)  Legislative declaration concerning certain authorized
    14  investments.--The General Assembly finds and declares that
    15  authorized investments of [the] a fund made by or on behalf of
    16  the board under this section whereby [the] a board becomes a
    17  joint owner or stockholder in any company, corporation,
    18  association or other lawful business organization are outside
    19  the scope of the original intent of and therefore do not violate
    20  the prohibition set forth in section 8 of Article VIII of the
    21  Constitution of Pennsylvania.
    22  § 5932.  State Employees' Retirement Fund.
    23     The [fund] State Employees' Retirement Fund shall consist of
    24  all balances in the several separate accounts set apart to be
    25  used under the direction of the [board] State Employees'
    26  Retirement Board for the benefit of members of the system; and
    27  the Treasury Department shall credit to the fund all moneys
    28  received from the Department of Revenue arising from the
    29  contributions required under the provisions of Chapter 55
    30  (relating to contributions), and any income earned by the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 138 -    

     1  investments or moneys of said fund. There shall be established
     2  and maintained by the board the several ledger accounts
     3  specified in sections 5933 (relating to members' savings
     4  account), 5934 (relating to State accumulation account), 5935
     5  (relating to annuity reserve account), 5936 (relating to State
     6  Police benefit account), 5937 (relating to enforcement officers'
     7  benefit account), 5938 (relating to supplemental annuity
     8  account) and 5939 (relating to interest reserve account).
     9     Section 18.  Title 71 is amended by adding a section to read:
    10  § 5932.1.  Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund.
    11     The Local Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund shall
    12  be a pension trust fund comprising a fiscal and accounting
    13  entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and
    14  other financial resources, together with all related
    15  liabilities, and residual equities or balances, and changes
    16  therein segregated for the purpose of accounting for assets held
    17  by and used under the direction of the Local Government Police
    18  Employees' Retirement Board in a trustee capacity for the
    19  members and beneficiaries of the system. The Treasury Department
    20  shall credit to the fund all moneys received from the Department
    21  of Revenue arising from the contributions required under the
    22  provisions of Chapter 55 (relating to contributions) and any
    23  income earned by the investments or moneys of said fund. There
    24  shall be established and maintained in the fund by the board the
    25  several ledger accounts specified in sections 5933 (relating to
    26  members' savings account), 5934(b) (relating to employers
    27  accumulation accounts), 5935 (relating to annuity reserve
    28  account), 5938 (relating to supplemental annuity account) and
    29  5939 (relating to interest reserve account).
    30     Section 19.  Sections 5933(a), 5934, 5935(b), 5936(b),
    20070S0596B0646                 - 139 -    

     1  5937(b), 5939, 5940, 5951, 5952, 5953, 5955 and 5955.1 of Title
     2  71 are amended to read:
     3  § 5933.  Members' savings account.
     4     (a)  Credits to account.--The members' savings account shall
     5  be the ledger account to which shall be credited the amounts of
     6  the pickup contributions made by the Commonwealth or other
     7  employer and contributions or lump sum payments made by active
     8  members in accordance with the provisions of sections 5501
     9  (relating to regular member contributions for current service),
    10  5502 (relating to social security integration member
    11  contributions), 5503 (relating to joint coverage member
    12  contributions), 5504 (relating to member contributions for the
    13  purchase of credit for previous [State] government service or to
    14  become a full coverage member), 5505.1 (relating to additional
    15  member contributions) and 5505 (relating to contributions for
    16  the purchase of credit for creditable nonstate service) and
    17  transferred from the members' savings account of the Public
    18  School Employees' Retirement System in accordance with the
    19  provisions of section 5303.2 (relating to election to convert
    20  school service to State service).
    21     * * *
    22  § 5934.  [State accumulation account] Employers' accumulation
    23             accounts.
    24     (a)  State accumulation account.--The State accumulation
    25  account shall be the ledger account to which shall be credited
    26  all contributions of the Commonwealth or other employers other
    27  than local governments whose employees are members of the system
    28  and made in accordance with the provisions of section 5507(a)
    29  (relating to contributions by the Commonwealth and other
    30  employers) except that the amounts received under the provisions
    20070S0596B0646                 - 140 -    

     1  of the act of May 12, 1943 (P.L.259, No.120), and the amounts
     2  received under the provisions of the Liquor Code, act of April
     3  12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), shall be credited to the State Police
     4  benefit account or the enforcement officers' benefit account as
     5  the case may be. All amounts transferred to the fund by county
     6  retirement systems or pension plans in accordance with the
     7  provisions of section 5507(c) also shall be credited to the
     8  State accumulation account. All amounts transferred to the fund
     9  by the Public School Employees' Retirement System in accordance
    10  with section 5303.2(e) (relating to election to convert school
    11  service to State service), except amounts credited to the
    12  members' savings account, and all amounts paid by the Department
    13  of Corrections in accordance with section 5303.2(f) also shall
    14  be credited to the State accumulation account. The State
    15  accumulation account shall be credited with valuation interest.
    16  The reserves necessary for the payment of annuities and death
    17  benefits as approved by the [board] State Employees' Retirement
    18  Board and as provided in Chapter 57 (relating to benefits) shall
    19  be transferred from the State accumulation account to the
    20  annuity reserve account provided for in section 5935 (relating
    21  to annuity reserve account), except that the reserves necessary
    22  on account of a member who is an officer of the Pennsylvania
    23  State Police or an enforcement officer shall be transferred from
    24  the State accumulation account to the State Police benefit
    25  account provided for in section 5936 (relating to State Police
    26  benefit account) or to the enforcement officers' benefit account
    27  as provided for in section 5937 (relating to enforcement
    28  officers' benefit account) as the case may be.
    29     (b)  Local government accumulation account.--The local
    30  government accumulation account shall be the ledger account to
    20070S0596B0646                 - 141 -    

     1  which shall be credited all contributions of local government
     2  employers whose police employees are members of the system and
     3  made in accordance with the provisions of section 5507(a). The
     4  local government accumulation account shall be credited with
     5  valuation interest. The reserves necessary for the payment of
     6  annuities and death benefits as approved by the Local Government
     7  Police Employees' Retirement Board and as provided in Chapter 57
     8  shall be transferred from the local government accumulation
     9  account to the annuity reserve account provided for in section
    10  5935.
    11  § 5935.  Annuity reserve account.
    12     * * *
    13     (b)  Transfers from account.--Should an annuitant other than
    14  a member who was retired as an officer of the Pennsylvania State
    15  Police or an enforcement officer be subsequently restored to
    16  active service, the present value of his member's annuity at the
    17  time of reentry into [State] government service shall be
    18  transferred from the annuity reserve account and placed to his
    19  individual credit in the members' savings account. In addition,
    20  the actuarial reserve for his annuity less the amount
    21  transferred to the members' savings account shall be transferred
    22  from the annuity reserve account to the State accumulation
    23  account.
    24  § 5936.  State Police benefit account.
    25     * * *
    26     (b)  Transfers from account.--Should the said annuitant be
    27  subsequently restored to active service, the present value of
    28  the member's annuity at the time of reentry into [State]
    29  government service shall be transferred from the State Police
    30  benefit account and placed to his individual credit in the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 142 -    

     1  members' savings account. In addition, the actuarial reserve for
     2  his annuity calculated as if he had been a member of Class A
     3  less the amount transferred to the members' savings account
     4  shall be transferred from the State Police benefit account to
     5  the State accumulation account. Upon subsequent retirement other
     6  than as an officer of the Pennsylvania State Police the
     7  actuarial reserve remaining in the State Police benefit account
     8  shall be transferred to the appropriate reserve account.
     9  § 5937.  Enforcement officers' benefit account.
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  Transfers from account.--Should the said annuitant be
    12  subsequently restored to active service, the present value of
    13  the member's annuity at the time of reentry into [State]
    14  government service shall be transferred from the enforcement
    15  officers' benefit account and placed to his individual credit in
    16  the members' savings account. In addition, the actuarial reserve
    17  for his annuity calculated as if he had been a member of Class A
    18  if the annuitant does not have any Class AA service credited and
    19  calculated as if he had been a member of Class AA if the
    20  annuitant does have Class AA service credited less the amount
    21  transferred to the members' savings account shall be transferred
    22  from the enforcement officers' benefit account to the State
    23  accumulation account. Upon subsequent retirement other than as
    24  an enforcement officer the actuarial reserve remaining in the
    25  enforcement officers' benefit account shall be transferred to
    26  the appropriate reserve account.
    27  § 5939.  Interest reserve account.
    28     The interest reserve account shall be the ledger account to
    29  which shall be credited all income earned by the fund and to
    30  which shall be charged all administrative and investment
    20070S0596B0646                 - 143 -    

     1  expenses incurred by [the] a fund. At the end of each year the
     2  required interest shall be transferred from the interest reserve
     3  account to the credit of each of the accounts in accordance with
     4  the provisions of this subchapter. In addition, at the end of
     5  each accounting period, the interest reserve account shall be
     6  credited or charged with all recognized changes in the market
     7  valuation of the investments of [the] a fund. The administrative
     8  and investment expenses of the board shall be paid from the fund
     9  out of earnings. Any surplus or deficit in the interest reserve
    10  account at the end of each year shall be transferred to the
    11  State accumulation account.
    12  § 5940.  Northern Ireland-related investments.
    13     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
    14  law, on and after the effective date of this section, any moneys
    15  or assets of the [fund] funds which shall remain or be invested
    16  in the stocks, securities or other obligations of any
    17  institution or company doing business in or with Northern
    18  Ireland or with agencies or instrumentalities thereof shall be
    19  invested subject to the provisions of subsection (c).
    20     (b)  Annual review.--On or before January 1 of each year,
    21  [the] each board shall determine the existence of affirmative
    22  action taken by institutions or companies doing business in
    23  Northern Ireland to eliminate ethnic or religious discrimination
    24  based on actions taken for:
    25         (1)  Increasing the representation of individuals from
    26     underrepresented religious groups in the work force,
    27     including managerial, supervisory, administrative, clerical
    28     and technical jobs.
    29         (2)  Providing adequate security for the protection of
    30     minority employees, both at the workplace and while traveling
    20070S0596B0646                 - 144 -    

     1     to and from work.
     2         (3)  The banning of provocative religious or political
     3     emblems from the workplace.
     4         (4)  Publicly advertising all job openings and making
     5     special recruitment efforts to attract applicants from
     6     underrepresented religious groups.
     7         (5)  Providing that layoff, recall and termination
     8     procedures should not in practice favor particular religious
     9     groupings.
    10         (6)  The abolition of job reservations, apprenticeship
    11     restrictions and differential employment criteria which
    12     discriminate on the basis of religion or ethnic origin.
    13         (7)  The development of training programs that will
    14     prepare substantial numbers of current minority employees for
    15     skilled jobs, including the expansion of existing programs
    16     and the creation of new programs to train, upgrade and
    17     improve the skills of minority employees.
    18         (8)  The establishment of procedures to assess, identify
    19     and actively recruit minority employees with potential for
    20     further advancement.
    21         (9)  The appointment of senior management staff members
    22     to oversee affirmative action efforts and the setting up of
    23     timetables to carry out affirmative action principles.
    24     (c)  Investments.--Consistent with sound investment policy,
    25  [the] each board shall invest the assets of the fund in such a
    26  manner that the investments in institutions doing business in or
    27  with Northern Ireland shall reflect the advances made by such
    28  institutions in eliminating discrimination as established
    29  pursuant to subsection (b).
    30  § 5951.  State guarantee.
    20070S0596B0646                 - 145 -    

     1     (a)  General rule.--The required interest charges payable,
     2  the maintenance of reserves in the [fund] State Employees'
     3  Retirement Fund, and the payment of all annuities and other
     4  benefits granted by the [board] State Employees' Retirement
     5  Board under the provisions of this part are hereby made
     6  obligations of the Commonwealth.
     7     (b)  Local government guarantee.--The required interest
     8  charges payable, the maintenance of reserves in the Local
     9  Government Police Employees' Retirement Fund and the payment of
    10  all annuities and other benefits granted by the Local Government
    11  Police Employees' Retirement Board under the provisions of this
    12  part, as to local government service in accordance with this
    13  part, are hereby made obligations of the local government.
    14     (c)  Use of income interest and dividends.--All income,
    15  interest, and dividends derived from deposits and investments
    16  authorized by this part as to State service shall be used for
    17  the payment of the said obligations of the Commonwealth and
    18  local governments.
    19  § 5952.  State supervision.
    20     The [fund] funds and ledger accounts provided for by this
    21  part shall be subject to the supervision of the [State]
    22  Insurance Department.
    23  § 5953.  Taxation, attachment and assignment of funds.
    24     (a)  General rule.--
    25         (1)  Except as provided in paragraphs (2), (3) and (4),
    26     the right of a person to any benefit or right accrued or
    27     accruing under the provisions of this part and the moneys in
    28     the [fund] funds are hereby exempt from any State or
    29     municipal tax, levy and sale, garnishment, attachment,
    30     spouse's election, or any other process whatsoever except for
    20070S0596B0646                 - 146 -    

     1     a set-off by the Commonwealth in the case provided in
     2     subparagraph (i) or by a local government in the case
     3     provided in subparagraph (ii), and shall be unassignable
     4     except:
     5             (i)  To the Commonwealth in the case of a member who
     6         is terminating State service and has been determined to
     7         be obligated to the Commonwealth for the repayment of
     8         money owed on account of his employment or to the fund on
     9         account of a loan from a credit union which has been
    10         satisfied by the board from the fund.
    11             (ii)  To a credit union as security for a loan not to
    12         exceed $750 and interest not to exceed 6% per annum
    13         discounted and/or fines thereon if the credit union is
    14         now or hereafter organized and incorporated under the
    15         laws of this Commonwealth and the membership of such
    16         credit union is limited solely to officials and employees
    17         of the Commonwealth and a local government and if such
    18         credit union has paid to the fund $3 for each such
    19         assignment.
    20             (iii)  To a local government in the case of a member
    21         who is terminating local government service and has been
    22         determined to be obligated to the local government for
    23         the repayment of money owed on account of his employment
    24         or to either fund on account of a loan from a credit
    25         union which has been satisfied by the board from the
    26         fund.
    27         (2)  Rights under this part shall be subject to
    28     forfeiture as provided by the act of July 8, 1978 (P.L.752,
    29     No.140), known as the Public Employee Pension Forfeiture Act,
    30     and by or pursuant to section 16(b) of Article V of the
    20070S0596B0646                 - 147 -    

     1     Constitution of Pennsylvania. Forfeitures under this
     2     subsection or under any other provision of law may not be
     3     applied to increase the benefits that any member would
     4     otherwise receive under this part.
     5         (3)  Rights under this part shall be subject to
     6     attachment in favor of an alternate payee as set forth in an
     7     approved domestic relations order.
     8         (4)  Effective with distributions made on or after
     9     January 1, 1993, and notwithstanding any other provision of
    10     this part to the contrary, a distributee may elect, at the
    11     time and in the manner prescribed by the appropriate board,
    12     to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution paid
    13     directly to an eligible retirement plan by way of a direct
    14     rollover. For purposes of this paragraph, a "distributee"
    15     includes a member and a member's surviving spouse and a
    16     member's former spouse who is an alternate payee under an
    17     approved domestic relations order. For purposes of this
    18     paragraph, the term "eligible rollover distribution" has the
    19     meaning given such term by IRC § 402(f)(2)(A), and "eligible
    20     retirement plan" has the meaning given such term by IRC §
    21     402(c)(8)(B), except that a qualified trust shall be
    22     considered an eligible retirement plan only if it accepts the
    23     distributee's eligible rollover distribution; however, in the
    24     case of an eligible rollover distribution to a surviving
    25     spouse, an eligible retirement plan is an "individual
    26     retirement account" or an "individual retirement annuity" as
    27     those terms are defined in IRC § 408(a) and (b).
    28     (b)  Authorized payments from [fund.--The] funds.--A board
    29  shall be authorized to pay from [the] its fund:
    30         (1)  In the case of a member who is terminating service,
    20070S0596B0646                 - 148 -    

     1     the amount determined after certification by the head of the
     2     department that the member is so obligated, and after review
     3     and approval by the department or agency's legal
     4     representative or upon receipt of an assignment from the
     5     member in the amount so certified.
     6         (2)  In the case of a loan the amount of the loan and any
     7     fine or interest due thereon to the credit union except 5% of
     8     the total amount due which is to be retained in the fund as a
     9     collection fee:
    10             (i)  if the member obtaining the loan shall have been
    11         in default in required payments for a period of not less
    12         than two years; or
    13             (ii)  at such time as the Department of Banking shall
    14         require the credit union to charge the amount of the loan
    15         against the reserve fund of such credit union.
    16     Any member who shall have pledged such rights as security for
    17     a loan from a credit union and, on whose behalf the board
    18     shall have made any payment by reason of that member's
    19     default, may not thereafter pledge or assign such rights to a
    20     credit union.
    21  § 5955.  Construction of part.
    22     Regardless of any other provision of law, pension rights of
    23  [State] government employees shall be determined solely by this
    24  part or any amendment thereto, and no collective bargaining
    25  agreement nor any arbitration award between the Commonwealth and
    26  its employees or their collective bargaining representatives or
    27  between a local government and its employees or their collective
    28  bargaining representatives shall be construed to change any of
    29  the provisions herein, to require the board to administer
    30  pension or retirement benefits not set forth in this part, or
    20070S0596B0646                 - 149 -    

     1  otherwise require action by any other government body pertaining
     2  to pension or retirement benefits or rights of [State]
     3  government employees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any pension
     4  or retirement benefits or rights previously so established by or
     5  as a result of an arbitration award shall remain in effect after
     6  the expiration of the current collective bargaining agreement
     7  between the State employees so affected and the Commonwealth.
     8  The provisions of this part insofar as they are the same as
     9  those of existing law are intended as a continuation of such
    10  laws and not as new enactments. The provisions of this part
    11  shall not affect any act done, liability incurred, right accrued
    12  or vested, or any suit or prosecution pending or to be
    13  instituted to enforce any right or penalty or to punish any
    14  offense under the authority of any repealed laws.
    15  § 5955.1.  Construction of part with respect to older workers
    16             protection.
    17     It is hereby found and declared that the provisions of this
    18  part constitute a bona fide retirement or pension plan within
    19  the meaning of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
    20  (Public Law 90-202, 29 U.S.C. § 621 et seq.) and the act of
    21  October 27, 1955 (P.L.744, No.222), known as the Pennsylvania
    22  Human Relations Act, and that the intent of section 5955
    23  (relating to construction of part) as originally enacted and as
    24  subsequently amended is to require the pension rights of [State]
    25  government employees to be determined solely by this part and
    26  any amendments thereto, regardless of any other provision of
    27  State law, subject only to such further requirements, exceptions
    28  or limitations as may be set forth in section 5955 or as may be
    29  imposed by reason of any provision of the Federal or State
    30  Constitution. Any provision of this part which is not
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     1  inconsistent with the provisions of the Age Discrimination in
     2  Employment Act of 1967 as amended by the Older Workers Benefit
     3  Protection Act (Public Law 101-433, 104 Stat. 978) and the rules
     4  and regulations of the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity
     5  Commission under such Federal laws shall be deemed not
     6  inconsistent with such provisions of the Pennsylvania Human
     7  Relations Commission Act as relate to discrimination on the
     8  basis of age with respect to the terms, conditions or privileges
     9  of employment.
    10     Section 20.  This act shall be construed and administered in
    11  such manner that the Local Government Police Employees'
    12  Retirement System will satisfy the requirements necessary to
    13  qualify as a qualified pension plan under section 401(a)(8),
    14  (17) and (25) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law
    15  99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 401(a)(8), (17) and (25). The rules,
    16  regulations and procedures adopted and promulgated by the Local
    17  Government Police Employees' Retirement Board and the State
    18  Employees' Retirement Board under 71 Pa.C.S. § 5902(h) shall
    19  include those necessary to accomplish the purpose of this
    20  section.
    21     Section 21.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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