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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4043



No. 819 Session of 2008

           MOYER AND KORTZ, JUNE 25, 2008


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Requesting the Department of Education to establish the
     2     Genocide, Human Rights and Tolerance Education program for
     3     secondary students.

     4     WHEREAS, The United States is a member state of the United
     5  Nations; and
     6     WHEREAS, Article II of the 1948 United Nations Convention on
     7  the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines
     8  genocide as:
     9             any of the following acts committed with intent to
    10             destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical,
    11             racial or religious group, as such: killing members
    12             of the group; causing serious bodily or
    13             mental harm to members of the group; deliberately
    14             inflicting on the group conditions of life
    15             calculated to bring about its physical destruction in
    16             whole or in part; imposing
    17             measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    18             and forcibly transferring children

     1             of the group to another group;
     2  and
     3     WHEREAS, Genocide is universal, with pervading and
     4  identifiable themes; and
     5     WHEREAS, The House of Representatives recognizes the link
     6  between intolerance and genocidal violence; and
     7     WHEREAS, National studies indicate that fewer than 25% of
     8  students understand the systematic mass killings of various
     9  ethnic groups throughout history; and
    10     WHEREAS, The House of Representatives reaffirms the
    11  importance of teaching respect and tolerance in the schools of
    12  this Commonwealth; and
    13     WHEREAS, Students must recognize the importance of universal
    14  human rights, dignity, respect and tolerance; and
    15     WHEREAS, Students must learn the lessons of history,
    16  acknowledging genocidal crimes arising from prejudice, bigotry,
    17  inhumanity and intolerance and our responsibility as individuals
    18  and societies to act against intolerance and genocide; and
    19     WHEREAS, The House of Representatives recognizes the
    20  imperative for instructional materials and teacher training
    21  relating to the Holocaust, genocide, human rights and social
    22  tolerance; and
    23     WHEREAS, The House of Representatives supports the
    24  integration of survivor testimony into instruction on genocide,
    25  human rights and tolerance; and
    26     WHEREAS, The stories of survivors, rescuers, liberators and
    27  witnesses convey the personal and social effects of genocide;
    28  therefore be it
    29     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives request the
    30  Department of Education to establish the Genocide, Human Rights
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     1  and Tolerance Education program for secondary students; and be
     2  it further
     3     RESOLVED, That the Department of Education adopt a model
     4  curriculum for secondary students emphasizing the nature and
     5  definition of genocide and the progression of genocide, with
     6  analysis of its incidence historically and in the present global
     7  environment; and be it further
     8     RESOLVED, That the model curriculum incorporate, into
     9  publications that provide examples of curriculum resources for
    10  teacher use, materials developed by public or private publishers
    11  of nonfiction, trade books and primary sources; and be it
    12  further
    13     RESOLVED, That the model curriculum incorporate age-
    14  appropriate instructional materials consistent with the subject
    15  frameworks on history and social science relative to civil
    16  rights, human rights, genocide, slavery and the Holocaust; and
    17  be it further
    18     RESOLVED, That, recognizing the pervasiveness of genocide and
    19  reaffirming the commitment of free nations to deter genocide,
    20  the model curriculum incorporate an additional unit of
    21  instruction on recent crimes of genocide across the globe; and
    22  be it further
    23     RESOLVED, That the model curriculum incorporate survivor,
    24  rescuer, liberator and witness testimony; and be it further
    25     RESOLVED, That the model curriculum incorporate State and
    26  local professional development resources; and be it further
    27     RESOLVED, That the model curriculum analyze classification of
    28  genocide in modern regional conflicts with emphasis on Cambodia
    29  in the 1970s, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Rwanda in the 1990s and
    30  ongoing genocidal conflict in Darfur; and be it further
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     1     RESOLVED, That the model curriculum promote a full
     2  understanding of the spectrum of human rights violations and
     3  related diplomacy and intervention; and be it further
     4     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to
     5  the Department of Education.

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