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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4585



No. 2841 Session of 2008

           NOVEMBER 17, 2008


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing a special tax exemption from school property tax
     2     increases for certain persons.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Supplemental
     7  Taxpayer Relief and Freeze Act.
     8  Section 2.  Establishment of special tax provisions.
     9     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    10         (1)  The General Assembly, in recognition of the powers
    11     contained in section 2(b)(ii) of Article VIII of the
    12     Constitution of Pennsylvania, which provides for the
    13     establishing as a class or classes of subjects of taxation
    14     the property or privileges of persons who, because of
    15     poverty, are determined to be in need of special tax
    16     provisions, hereby declares as its legislative intent and
    17     purpose to implement such power under such Constitutional

     1     provision by establishing special tax provisions as provided
     2     in this act.
     3         (2)  The General Assembly, in recognition of the
     4     requirements of section 2(b)(ii) of Article VIII of the
     5     Constitution of Pennsylvania relating to special provisions
     6     for the real property tax, hereby declares its intention that
     7     provisions of this act provide an administratively efficient
     8     means for the Commonwealth to absorb the cost of real estate
     9     tax increases for the class of persons designated by this
    10     act.
    11         (3)  The General Assembly, having determined that there
    12     are persons within this Commonwealth whose incomes are such
    13     that imposition of school property tax increases would
    14     deprive them and their dependents of the bare necessities of
    15     life, deems it to be sound public policy to provide special
    16     tax provisions for the class of persons designated under this
    17     act to relieve their economic burden.
    18         (4)  A claimant who meets the standards of eligibility
    19     established by this act shall be deemed to be a subject of
    20     taxation of a separate class and, as such, shall be entitled
    21     to the benefit of the special provisions of this act.
    22  Section 3.  Definitions.
    23     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    24  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    25  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    26     "Base year."  The taxable year of a claimant immediately
    27  preceding the taxable year for which a claim for special tax
    28  provisions under this act is made or the taxable year of the
    29  claimant immediately preceding the first taxable year in a
    30  series of consecutive taxable years in which the claimant
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     1  qualified for a payment on account of school property tax
     2  increases under this act, whichever is earlier.
     3     "Claimant."  A homeowner 65 years of age or older with income
     4  of no more than $100,000.
     5     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
     6     "Fund."  The School Tax Freeze Fund established under section
     7  7(a).
     8     "Homeowner."  An owner of a homestead who is:
     9         (1)  an individual domiciled in this Commonwealth;
    10         (2)  a grantor who has placed real property in a
    11     revocable trust and who is an individual domiciled in this
    12     Commonwealth; or
    13         (3)  a partner of a family farm partnership or a
    14     shareholder of a family farm corporation as the terms are
    15     defined under section 1101-C of the act of March 4, 1971
    16     (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, and who
    17     is a natural person domiciled in this Commonwealth.
    18     "Homestead."  The homeowner-occupied, primary residence and
    19  the parcel of land within this Commonwealth on which the
    20  residence is located and other improvements located on the
    21  parcel. If a portion of such residence is used for a
    22  nonresidential purpose, the term means that portion of the
    23  property used as the primary residence of the owner-occupant.
    24     "Income."  All income enumerated and classified under section
    25  303 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax
    26  Reform Code of 1971.
    27     "Residence."  A structure used as a place of habitation by
    28  the owner of the structure.
    29     "School district."  A school district of the first class,
    30  first class A, second class, third class or fourth class or an
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     1  independent school district.
     2     "School property tax."  The total real property tax levied by
     3  a school district on a homestead of a claimant in a taxable
     4  year. Real property tax levied by a city of the first class
     5  shall constitute taxes levied by a school district for the
     6  purposes of this definition to the extent that the city of the
     7  first class allocates such property tax revenue to a school
     8  district of the first class. The term does not include payments
     9  made in lieu of taxes or any penalties or interest paid in
    10  connection to the tax.
    11     "School property tax increase."  The difference between the
    12  school property tax levied in the taxable year and the school
    13  property tax levied in the base year for a claimant, but not
    14  less than zero, computed after the application of any credits,
    15  exemptions, exclusions or special provisions.
    16     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    17     "Taxable year."  As defined under Article III of the act of
    18  March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of
    19  1971.
    20  Section 4.  School property tax freeze.
    21     A claimant shall be exempt from payment of a school property
    22  tax increase after the effective date of this act if all of the
    23  following apply:
    24         (1)  The claimant occupied the homestead during the
    25     entire taxable year.
    26         (2)  The claimant occupied the same homestead during the
    27     entire taxable year that the claimant occupied in the base
    28     year.
    29         (3)  The claimant is not delinquent with any prior school
    30     property tax liabilities.
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     1         (4)  The claimant timely applies in the form and manner
     2     prescribed by the department.
     3  Section 5.  Administration.
     4     (a)  General rule.--The department shall administer this act
     5  and promulgate any regulations necessary for its implementation.
     6     (b)  List.--By July 1, 2009, and each July 1 thereafter, the
     7  department shall provide each school district with a list of
     8  eligible claimants residing within the school district.
     9     (c)  Tax report.--By August 1, 2009, and each August 1
    10  thereafter, each school district shall provide the department
    11  with the total amount of school property tax increase for all
    12  eligible claimants within the school district.
    13     (d)  Notification to State Treasurer.--By August 15, 2009,
    14  and each August 15 thereafter, the secretary shall notify the
    15  State Treasurer of the total amount of school property tax
    16  increase for all eligible claimants in each district.
    17     (e)  Payment to school districts.--By September 1, 2009, and
    18  each September 1 thereafter, the State Treasurer shall pay from
    19  the fund to each eligible school district an amount equal to the
    20  school property tax increase for all eligible claimants within
    21  the school district.
    22  Section 6.  Denial of claim.
    23     A homeowner whose claim for payment under this act is denied,
    24  corrected or otherwise adversely affected by the department may
    25  petition for administrative review in the manner prescribed by
    26  the department. An individual aggrieved by the department's
    27  action in connection with the administrative review may petition
    28  for review in the manner specified under sections 1311, 1312 and
    29  1313 of the act of June 27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.1873, No.1),
    30  known as the Taxpayer Relief Act.
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     1  Section 7.  School Tax Freeze Fund.
     2     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established in the State
     3  Treasury a fund to be known as the School Tax Freeze Fund.
     4     (b)  Disposition.--The following shall apply:
     5         (1)  Revenue in the fund shall be used for making
     6     payments to school districts as provided in section 5(e).
     7         (2)  By October 1, 2009, and each October 1 thereafter,
     8     the State Treasurer shall transfer any revenue remaining in
     9     the fund, after payment to school districts pursuant to
    10     section 5(e), to the Property Tax Relief Fund established
    11     under 4 Pa.C.S. § 1409(a) (relating to Property Tax Relief
    12     Fund) to be used as provided under 4 Pa.C.S. § 1409(b).
    13  Section 8.  Sales and use tax.
    14     (a)  General rule.--In addition to the tax imposed under
    15  Article II of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    16  the Tax Reform Code of 1971, there shall be a tax equal to 1.0%
    17  of the purchase price of property and services subject to
    18  taxation under Article II.
    19     (b)  Construction.--The tax imposed under this section shall
    20  be in addition to any tax imposed under Article II of the Tax
    21  Reform Code of 1971. The provisions of Article II of the Tax
    22  Reform Code of 1971 dealing with definitions, imposition, and
    23  implementation shall apply to the tax imposed under this
    24  section.
    25     (c)  Computation of sales and use tax.--Within 30 days of the
    26  effective date of this section, the department shall establish a
    27  schedule for computation of the State sales and use tax. The
    28  department shall publish the schedule in the Pennsylvania
    29  Bulletin immediately following establishment of the schedule.
    30     (d)  Deposit.--Within 30 days of the close of any calendar
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     1  month, all revenue generated in the previous month from the
     2  sales and use tax imposed under this section shall be
     3  transferred to the fund.
     4  Section 9.  Applicability.
     5     This act shall apply to claims for payment under this act for
     6  taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008.
     7  Section 10.  Effective date.
     8     This act shall take effect as follows:
     9         (1)  Section 8(a), (b) and (d) shall take effect July 1,
    10     2009.
    11         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
    12     immediately.

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