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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4373



No. 2769 Session of 2008


           SEPTEMBER 18, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), entitled "An
     2     act providing for the planning and regulation of solid waste
     3     storage, collection, transportation, processing, treatment,
     4     and disposal; requiring municipalities to submit plans for
     5     municipal waste management systems in their jurisdictions;
     6     authorizing grants to municipalities; providing regulation of
     7     the management of municipal, residual and hazardous waste;
     8     requiring permits for operating hazardous waste and solid
     9     waste storage, processing, treatment, and disposal
    10     facilities; and licenses for transportation of hazardous
    11     waste; imposing duties on persons and municipalities;
    12     granting powers to municipalities; authorizing the
    13     Environmental Quality Board and the Department of
    14     Environmental Resources to adopt rules, regulations,
    15     standards and procedures; granting powers to and imposing
    16     duties upon county health departments; providing remedies;
    17     prescribing penalties; and establishing a fund," further
    18     providing for definitions and for powers and duties of the
    19     department.

    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22     Section 1.  Section 103 of the act of July 7, 1980 (P.L.380,
    23  No.97), known as the Solid Waste Management Act, is amended by
    24  adding definitions to read:
    25  Section 103.  Definitions.

     1     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     2  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
     3  meanings given to them in this section:
     4     * * *
     5     "County."  Any political subdivision created under the act of
     6  August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), known as "The County Code," or
     7  the act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), known as the "Second
     8  Class County Code." This term includes, but is not limited to, a
     9  city of the first class coterminous with a county of the first
    10  class.
    11     "County department of health."  Any single-county department
    12  of health or any joint-county department of health created under
    13  the act of August 24, 1951 (P.L.1304, No.315), known as the
    14  "Local Health Administration Law."
    15     * * *
    16     "Operator."  Any person operating any facility or any part
    17  thereof.
    18     "Owner."  Any person who owns, manages, leases, controls or
    19  possesses a facility.
    20     * * *
    21     "Release."  Any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring,
    22  emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching,
    23  dumping or disposing of any substance causing pollution into the
    24  environment.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 2.  Section 104(17) and (18) of the act, amended or
    27  added July 11, 1989 (P.L.331, No.55), are amended and the
    28  section is amended by adding a paragraph to read:
    29  Section 104.  Powers and duties of the department.
    30     The department in consultation with the Department of Health
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     1  regarding matters of public health significance shall have the
     2  power and its duty shall be to:
     3         * * *
     4         (17)  administer funds collected by the United States
     5     Government and granted to Pennsylvania for the purpose of
     6     closing, maintaining or monitoring abandoned or closed
     7     hazardous waste storage, treatment or disposal sites and for
     8     the purpose of action to abate or prevent pollution at such
     9     sites. If Congress has not authorized the collection of such
    10     funds within one year after the effective date of this act,
    11     or if the department finds that the funding program
    12     authorized is inadequate, the department shall transmit to
    13     the General Assembly within 15 months after the effective
    14     date of this act a proposal for the establishment of a fund
    15     in Pennsylvania comprised of surcharges collected from users
    16     of hazardous waste storage, treatment and disposal facilities
    17     excluding captive facilities in the Commonwealth. Such fund
    18     shall be proposed for the purpose of closing, maintaining or
    19     monitoring hazardous waste storage, treatment or disposal
    20     sites excluding captive facilities which have been abandoned
    21     or which have been closed for at least 20 years, and for the
    22     purpose of taking action to abate or prevent pollution at
    23     such closed or abandoned sites; [and]
    24         (18)  encourage the beneficial use or processing of
    25     municipal waste or residual waste when the department
    26     determines that such use does not harm or present a threat of
    27     harm to the health, safety or welfare of the people or
    28     environment of this Commonwealth. The department shall
    29     establish waste regulations to effectuate the beneficial use
    30     of municipal and residual waste, including regulations for
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     1     the issuance of general permits for any category of
     2     beneficial use or processing of municipal waste or residual
     3     waste on a regional or Statewide basis in accordance with the
     4     regulations adopted by the Environmental Quality Board. The
     5     department may or may not require insurance under section
     6     502(e) or bonds under section 505(a) for any general permit
     7     or class of general permits promulgated under this paragraph.
     8     Except with the written approval of the department, no waste
     9     may be stored for longer than one year. Residual wastes being
    10     stored shall be monitored for changes in physical and
    11     chemical properties, including leachability, pursuant to
    12     applicable regulations, by the person or municipality
    13     beneficially using or processing such waste. The department
    14     may require the submission of periodic analyses or other
    15     information to insure that the quality of residual waste to
    16     be beneficially used or processed does not change. A
    17     municipality or person beneficially using or processing the
    18     residual waste shall immediately notify the department, upon
    19     forms provided by department, of any change in the physical
    20     or chemical properties of the residual waste, including
    21     leachability; and the department shall conduct an
    22     investigation and order necessary corrective action. Upon
    23     receipt of a signed, written complaint of any person whose
    24     health, safety or welfare may be adversely affected by a
    25     physical or chemical change in the properties of residual
    26     waste to be beneficially used or processed, including
    27     leachability, the department shall determine the validity of
    28     the complaint and take appropriate action[.]; and
    29         (19)  in the event of a release at a facility, require
    30     that the facility's owner or operator report the release to
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     1     the 24-hour emergency response contact telephone number for
     2     the appropriate departmental regional office immediately upon
     3     discovering the release. Department personnel shall then
     4     notify, within 24 hours, the local officials of the
     5     municipality and adjoining municipalities where the release
     6     has occurred. In the event that the county or counties have a
     7     county department of health, that department shall be
     8     contacted as well in order to ensure the safety of the
     9     public.
    10     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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