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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3130



No. 2192 Session of 2008

           SWANGER AND TURZAI, JANUARY 23, 2008


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for exemption from certain
     6     act; further providing for work to be done under contract let
     7     on bids, for contracts for light, heat or water and for
     8     purchase of supplies; and further providing for list of names
     9     for schools.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    13  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding a
    14  section to read:
    15     Section 103.1.  Exemption.--The requirements of the act of
    16  May 1, 1913 (P.L.155, No.104), entitled "An act regulating the
    17  letting of certain contracts for the erection, construction, and
    18  alteration of public buildings," shall not apply to any person,
    19  entity, contract or activity provided for by this act, and this
    20  section shall supersede any requirements or references in this

     1  act or any act.
     2     Section 2.  Section 751 of the act, amended July 13, 1979
     3  (P.L.94, No.41), October 10, 1980 (P.L.924, No.159) and May 4,
     4  1990 (P.L.164, No.38), is amended to read:
     5     Section 751.  Work to be Done Under Contract Let on Bids;
     6  Exception.--(a)  All construction, reconstruction, repairs,
     7  maintenance or work of any nature, including the introduction of
     8  plumbing, heating and ventilating, or lighting systems, upon any
     9  school building or upon any school property, or upon any
    10  building or portion of a building leased under the provisions of
    11  section 703.1, made by any school district, where the entire
    12  cost, value, or amount of such construction, reconstruction,
    13  repairs, maintenance or work, including labor and material,
    14  shall exceed [ten thousand dollars ($10,000), shall] seventy-
    15  five thousand dollars ($75,000), may be done under separate
    16  contracts to be entered into by such school district with the
    17  lowest responsible bidder, upon proper terms, after due public
    18  notice has been given asking for competitive bids. Whenever a
    19  board of school directors shall approve the use of a
    20  prefabricated unit, complete in itself, for a school building or
    21  other proper structure to be erected upon school property, the
    22  board of school directors may have prepared appropriate
    23  specifications detailing the size and material desired in a
    24  particular prefabricated unit, including all utilities such as
    25  plumbing, heating and ventilating, and electrical work, and may
    26  advertise for a single bid on all the work and award the
    27  contract therefor to the lowest responsible bidder: Provided,
    28  That if due to an emergency a school plant or any part thereof
    29  becomes unusable competitive bids for repairs or replacement may
    30  be solicited from at least three responsible bidders, and upon
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     1  the approval of any of these bids by the Secretary of Education,
     2  the board of school directors may proceed at once to make the
     3  necessary repairs or replacements in accordance with the terms
     4  of said approved bid or bids.
     5     (a.1)  Written or telephonic price quotations from at least
     6  three qualified and responsible contractors shall be requested
     7  by the board of school directors for all contracts that exceed
     8  [four thousand dollars ($4,000)] twenty-five thousand dollars
     9  ($25,000) but are less than the amount requiring advertisement
    10  and competitive bidding, or, in lieu of price quotations, a
    11  memorandum shall be kept on file showing that fewer than three
    12  qualified contractors exist in the market area within which it
    13  is practicable to obtain quotations. A written record of
    14  telephonic price quotations shall be made and shall contain at
    15  least the date of the quotation, the name of the contractor and
    16  the contractor's representative, the construction,
    17  reconstruction, repair, maintenance or work which was the
    18  subject of the quotation and the price. Written price
    19  quotations, written records of telephonic price quotations and
    20  memoranda shall be retained for a period of three years.
    21     (b)  The board of school directors in any school district may
    22  perform any construction, reconstruction, repairs, or work of
    23  any nature, where the entire cost or value, including labor and
    24  material, is less than [five thousand dollars ($5000)] twenty-
    25  five thousand dollars ($25,000), by its own maintenance
    26  personnel. The board of school directors in any school district
    27  may authorize the secretary of the board or other executive to
    28  award contracts for construction, reconstruction, repairs, or
    29  work of any nature, where the entire cost or value, including
    30  labor and material, is [ten thousand dollars ($10,000)] seventy-
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     1  five thousand dollars ($75,000) or less, without soliciting
     2  competitive bids, subject, however, to the provisions of
     3  subsection (a.1).
     4     (c)  Every contract for the construction, reconstruction,
     5  alteration, repair, improvement or maintenance of public works
     6  shall comply with the provisions of the act of March 3, 1978
     7  (P.L.6, No.3), known as the "Steel Products Procurement Act."
     8     (d)  The board of school directors of any school district
     9  may, in addition to the power granted in subsection (b), utilize
    10  also its own maintenance or other personnel to perform
    11  maintenance work irrespective of the entire cost or value of
    12  such work.
    13     (e)  No person, consultant, firm or corporation contracting
    14  with a school district for purposes of rendering personal or
    15  professional services to the school district shall share with
    16  any school district officer or employe, and no school district
    17  officer or employe shall accept, any portion of the compensation
    18  or fees paid by the school district for the contracted services
    19  provided to the school district except under the following terms
    20  or conditions:
    21     (1)  Full disclosure of all relevant information regarding
    22  the sharing of the compensation or fees shall be made to the
    23  board of school directors.
    24     (2)  The board of school directors must approve the sharing
    25  of any fee or compensation for personal or professional services
    26  prior to the performance of said services.
    27     (3)  No fee or compensation for personal or professional
    28  services may be shared except for work actually performed.
    29     (4)  No shared fee or compensation for personal or
    30  professional services may be paid at a rate in excess of that
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     1  commensurate for similar personal or professional services.
     2     (f)  No board of school directors shall evade the provisions
     3  of this section as to advertising for bids or purchasing
     4  materials or contracting for services piecemeal for the purpose
     5  of obtaining prices under [ten thousand dollars ($10,000)]
     6  seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) upon transactions which
     7  should, in the exercise of reasonable discretion and prudence,
     8  be conducted as one transaction amounting to more than [ten
     9  thousand dollars ($10,000)] seventy-five thousand dollars
    10  ($75,000). This provision is intended to make unlawful the
    11  practice of evading advertising requirements by making a series
    12  of purchases or contracts each for less than the advertising
    13  requirement price, or by making several simultaneous purchases
    14  or contracts each below said price, when in either case the
    15  transaction involved should have been made as one transaction
    16  for one price.
    17     Section 3.  Section 773 of the act, amended May 11, 1949
    18  (P.L.1115, No.329), is amended to read:
    19     Section 773.  Contracts for Light, Heat or Water; Acquiring
    20  Water Supply; Condemnation; Tapping District Water Lines.--(a)
    21  The board of school directors in any school district may, in the
    22  manner herein provided, enter into any contract with any person,
    23  firm, association, or corporation, for the furnishing of light,
    24  heat, or water to such school district, for any term not
    25  exceeding [five] ten years. The amount to become due and payable
    26  thereon, under such contract, may be distributed equally during
    27  the years over which the same extends, and only so much thereof
    28  as becomes due and payable in any one year need be provided for
    29  in the annual estimate of school expenses for any school year,
    30  and be certified to by any school controller.
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     1     (b)  In any case where any school building to be supplied
     2  with water is not sufficiently near to the pipe lines of any
     3  water company to enable the school district to avail itself of
     4  such supply and another source of supply is available nearer to
     5  such school building, the board of school directors may acquire
     6  such supply, or any part thereof deemed necessary, and may lay
     7  and construct a pipe line to convey water from such source of
     8  supply to such school building, and, for such purpose, may enter
     9  upon, occupy and use any highway or public or private property
    10  which it deems necessary. In the event that compensation
    11  therefor cannot be agreed upon with any owner of private
    12  property so acquired, occupied and used, the amount thereof
    13  shall be determined in the manner provided in sections seven
    14  hundred twenty-one to seven hundred twenty-eight, both
    15  inclusive, of this article.
    16     (c)  In any case where a school district has constructed a
    17  water pipe line for the supply of water to any school building
    18  and such supply is more than adequate for such purpose, the
    19  board of school directors may, subject to such terms as may be
    20  agreed on, permit the tapping of such pipe line by any adjacent
    21  community having no other available public water supply.
    22     Section 4.  Section 807.1 of the act, amended May 4, 1990
    23  (P.L.164, No.38), is amended to read:
    24     Section 807.1.  Purchase of Supplies.--(a)  All furniture,
    25  equipment, textbooks, school supplies and other appliances for
    26  the use of the public schools, costing [ten thousand dollars
    27  ($10,000)] fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more shall be
    28  purchased by the board of school directors only after due
    29  advertisement as hereinafter provided. Supplies costing [ten
    30  thousand dollars ($10,000)] fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or
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     1  more shall be purchased by the board of school directors only
     2  after public notice has been given by advertisement once a week
     3  for three (3) weeks in not less than two (2) newspapers of
     4  general circulation. In any district where no newspaper is
     5  published, said notice may, in lieu of such publication, be
     6  posted in at least five (5) public places.
     7     (a.1)  Written or telephonic price quotations from at least
     8  three qualified and responsible vendors shall be requested by
     9  the board of school directors for all purchases of supplies that
    10  exceed [four thousand dollars ($4,000)] twenty-five thousand
    11  dollars ($25,000) but are less than the amount requiring
    12  advertisement and competitive bidding, or, in lieu of price
    13  quotations, a memorandum shall be kept on file showing that
    14  fewer than three qualified vendors exist in the market area
    15  within which it is practicable to obtain quotations. A written
    16  record of telephonic price quotations shall be made and shall
    17  contain at least the date of the quotation, the name of the
    18  vendor and the vendor's representative, the supplies which were
    19  the subject of the quotation and the price of the supplies.
    20  Written price quotations, written records of telephonic price
    21  quotations and memoranda shall be retained for a period of three
    22  years.
    23     (b)  The board of school directors shall accept the bid of
    24  the lowest responsible bidder, kind, quality, and material being
    25  equal, but shall have the right to reject any and all bids, or
    26  select a single item from any bid. The board of school directors
    27  in any district may authorize or appoint the secretary of the
    28  board or other executive as purchasing agent for the district,
    29  with authority to purchase supplies costing less than [ten
    30  thousand dollars ($10,000)] fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
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     1     (c)  The following shall be exempt from the above provisions:
     2  maps, music, globes, charts, educational films, filmstrips,
     3  prepared transparencies and slides, pre-recorded magnetic tapes
     4  and disc recordings, textbooks, games, toys, prepared kits,
     5  flannel board materials, flash cards, models, projectuals and
     6  teacher demonstration devices necessary for school use.
     7     (d)  No board of school directors shall evade the provisions
     8  of this section as to advertising for bids or purchasing
     9  materials piecemeal for the purpose of obtaining prices under
    10  [ten thousand dollars ($10,000)] fifty thousand dollars
    11  ($50,000) upon transactions which should, in the exercise of
    12  reasonable discretion and prudence, be conducted as one
    13  transaction amounting to more than [ten thousand dollars
    14  ($10,000)] fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). This provision is
    15  intended to make unlawful the practice of evading advertising
    16  requirements by making a series of purchases or contracts each
    17  for less than the advertising requirement price, or by making
    18  several simultaneous purchases or contracts each below said
    19  price, when in either case the transaction involved should have
    20  been made as one transaction for one price.
    21     Section 5.  Section 1352 of the act is amended to read:
    22     Section 1352.  List of Names for Schools; Statistics for
    23  [Superintendent of Public Instruction] Secretary of Education.--
    24  The secretary of each board of school directors, or such other
    25  person as is directed by the board, shall, at or before the
    26  opening of the school term, furnish to the principal or teacher
    27  of each school a correct list of the names and residences of all
    28  children, assigned to such school, who are subject to the
    29  provisions of this act. The secretary or other person shall also
    30  forward, on or before the first day of October [of each year]
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     1  2007, and every three years thereafter, to the county or
     2  district superintendent, to be by him forwarded, on or before
     3  the first day of November [of each year] 2007, and every three
     4  years thereafter, to the [Superintendent of Public Instruction]
     5  Secretary of Education, a summary of such statistics regarding
     6  the children in each district, as is required by the
     7  [Superintendent of Public Instruction] Secretary of Education,
     8  on blanks provided by him for that purpose.
     9     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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