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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3043



No. 2136 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 24 (Education) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, providing for publisher's lists and for roles of
     3     adopters.

     4     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     5         (1)  Textbooks are an essential part of a comprehensive
     6     and high-quality postsecondary education. The availability
     7     and affordability of textbooks directly impact the quality
     8     and affordability of postsecondary education. It is in the
     9     best interests of the Commonwealth that high-quality course
    10     materials be available and affordable to students.
    11         (2)  Textbooks are expensive. The General Accounting
    12     Office and independent student research have shown that
    13     textbook prices are, as of 2005, 26% of the cost of tuition
    14     at an average four-year university and 72% of tuition at the
    15     average community college.
    16         (3)  Textbook publishers artificially inflate prices
    17     through a number of practices, including:

     1             (i)  Undermining the used book market by often
     2         producing new editions of textbooks that contain few, if
     3         any, changes from one edition to the other.
     4             (ii)  Inflating textbook prices by "bundling"
     5         textbooks with additional items that both students and
     6         faculty report are not actually used for class, but which
     7         drive up the price of the textbooks.
     8             (iii)  Keeping faculty members in the dark about the
     9         costs of textbooks, so that they are unable to make
    10         educated purchasing decisions for their students.
    11         (4)  To deliver high-quality, affordable materials to
    12     students, all of the following should occur:
    13             (i)  Textbook publishers should produce textbooks
    14         that are as inexpensive as possible without sacrificing
    15         the educational quality of the textbooks.
    16             (ii)  Textbook publishers should keep their products
    17         on the market for as long as possible without sacrificing
    18         educational quality. Textbook revisions should only be
    19         done if there is significant new content to the subject
    20         materials.
    21             (iii)  Textbook publishers should disclose to faculty
    22         members and the public all of the different products they
    23         sell, and they should list how much each of those
    24         products costs and the length of time they intend to
    25         produce each product.
    26             (iv)  Textbook publishers should ensure that any
    27         textbooks and supplementary items that are bundled
    28         together should also be available for purchase
    29         separately.
    30             (v)  Faculty should consider the least costly
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     1         practices in assigning textbooks when these practices are
     2         educationally sound, as determined by the appropriate
     3         faculty.
     4             (vi)  College and university bookstores should work
     5         with faculty to review time lines and processes involved
     6         in ordering and stocking selected textbooks, disclose
     7         textbook costs to faculty and students and actively
     8         promote and publicize book buyback programs.
     9             (vii)  Colleges and universities should do everything
    10         within their power to promote a vibrant used-book market,
    11         including, but not limited to, used-book exchange and
    12         rental programs.
    13         (5)  The production and pricing of college textbooks
    14     deserves a high level of attention from educators and
    15     lawmakers, because textbooks impact the quality and
    16     affordability of higher education.
    17         (6)  The General Assembly urges textbook publishers,
    18     faculty members, bookstores and colleges and universities to
    19     adopt the solutions proposed in this act.
    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22     Section 1.  Title 24 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    23  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    24                             CHAPTER 67
    25                              SUPPLIES
    26  Sec.
    27  6701.  Publisher's lists.
    28  6702.  Role of adopters.
    29  § 6701.  Publisher's lists.
    30     (a)  Duties of publisher.--Each publisher, agent, or employee
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     1  of a publisher of textbooks intended for use at a postsecondary
     2  educational institution shall provide prospective purchasers at
     3  a postsecondary educational institution with all of the
     4  following:
     5         (1)  A complete list of all of the products offered for
     6     sale by that publisher and that are germane to the subject
     7     area of interest to the prospective purchaser.
     8         (2)  For each product listed under paragraph (1), the
     9     wholesale or retail price of that product and the estimated
    10     length of time that the publisher intends to keep that
    11     product on the market.
    12         (3)  For each new edition of a product listed under
    13     paragraph (1), a complete list of all substantive differences
    14     or changes made between the current edition and the most
    15     recent previous edition of the textbook.
    16     (b)  Availability to purchaser.--The lists required by
    17  subsection (a) shall be made available to the prospective
    18  purchaser at the start of any sales interaction at a
    19  postsecondary educational institution, whether that interaction
    20  is in person, by telephone or electronic. The lists required by
    21  subsection (a) shall also be made available in a prominent
    22  position on the Internet website of the publisher.
    23     (c)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    24  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    25  subsection:
    26     "Postsecondary educational institution."  The term includes
    27  both public and private postsecondary educational institutions.
    28     "Product."  The term includes each different version of a
    29  particular textbook or set of textbooks in a particular subject
    30  area, and includes a supplemental item, whether that item is
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     1  sold separately or concurrently with a textbook.
     2     "Purchaser."  A member of a college or university faculty who
     3  chooses the textbooks to be assigned to the students enrolled in
     4  the classes taught by the faculty member.
     5     "Textbook."  A book intended for use as a principal source of
     6  study material for a class or group of students, a copy of which
     7  is expected to be available for the individual use of each
     8  student in that class or group.
     9  § 6702.  Role of adopters.
    10     (a)  Textbook costs.--
    11         (1)  Adopters are encouraged to consider cost in the
    12     adoption of textbooks.
    13         (2)  Publishers shall facilitate the work done by
    14     adopters by providing transparency in the adoption process
    15     and shall be responsive in a timely manner to requests for
    16     information on textbook cost and content, and the full range
    17     of options.
    18     (b)  Editions.--
    19         (1)  On or after January 1, 2010, the publisher of a
    20     textbook shall print on the outer cover of, or within the
    21     standard textbook, both of the following items:
    22             (i)  For new editions of textbooks initially
    23         published on or after January 1, 2010, a summary of the
    24         substantive content differences between the new edition
    25         and the prior edition.
    26             (ii)  The copyright date of the previous edition of
    27         the textbook.
    28         (2)  For instructor copies or complimentary teacher
    29     editions, it shall be noted on the exterior of the book that
    30     the book is an instructor's copy and is not for resale.
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     1     (c)  Duty to respond.--
     2         (1)  A publisher, agent or employee of a publisher of
     3     textbooks intended for use at a postsecondary educational
     4     institution shall respond to a request from an adopter for
     5     any of the following:
     6             (i)  A list of the products offered for sale by that
     7         publisher that are relevant to the needs and interests of
     8         adopters.
     9             (ii)  The price at which the new textbook is
    10         available from the publisher.
    11             (iii)  The copyright date of any prior edition of a
    12         textbook, if available.
    13             (iv)  A list of the substantial content differences
    14         or changes made between the current edition initially
    15         published on or after January 1, 2010, and the previous
    16         edition of the textbook, including new chapters,
    17         additional eras of time, new themes or new subject
    18         matter.
    19         (2)  The information described in this subsection shall
    20     be available in print or electronically to the adopter.
    21     (d)  Campus bookstore.--Each campus bookstore at a public
    22  postsecondary educational institution shall post in its store or
    23  on its Internet website a disclosure of its retail pricing
    24  policy on new and used textbooks.
    25     (e)  Lead time.--Each public postsecondary educational
    26  institution shall encourage adopters with course material
    27  selection responsibilities to place their orders with sufficient
    28  lead time, whenever possible, to enable the university-managed
    29  bookstore or contract-managed bookstore to confirm the
    30  availability of the requested materials.
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     1     (f)  Faculty authority.--This subsection does not limit the
     2  authority of faculty over decisions relating to the selection of
     3  textbooks. An adopter at an institution of higher education
     4  shall not demand or receive anything of value, including the
     5  donation of equipment or goods, any payment, loan, advance or
     6  deposit of money, present or promised, for adopting specific
     7  course materials required for coursework or instruction, except
     8  that an employee may receive the following:
     9         (1)  Complimentary copies, review course materials, or
    10     instructor copies. The adopters shall not sell instructor
    11     copies.
    12         (2)  Royalties or other compensation from sales of course
    13     materials that include the instructor's writing or other
    14     work. Receipt of these royalties or compensation shall be
    15     subject to the employer's standing policies or collective
    16     bargaining agreements relating to employee conflicts of
    17     interest.
    18         (3)  Honoraria for academic peer review of course
    19     materials. Receipt of honoraria shall be subject to the
    20     employer's standing policies relating to employee conflicts
    21     of interest.
    22         (4)  Training in the use of course materials and course
    23     technologies. Payment for travel, lodging or meals shall be
    24     subject to the employer's standing policies relating to
    25     employee conflicts of interest and compensation.
    26     (g)  Solicitation prohibited.--A publisher or campus
    27  bookstore shall not solicit faculty for the purpose of the sale
    28  of instructor copies or complimentary teachers editions of
    29  textbooks that have been provided by a publisher at no charge to
    30  a faculty member or other employee. This subsection shall not
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     1  apply to unsolicited complimentary copies.
     2     (h)  Instructor copies.--A campus bookstore shall not engage
     3  in the trade of any course material marked, or otherwise
     4  identified, as instructor copies or complimentary teachers
     5  editions of textbooks.
     6     (i)  ISBN number.--A campus bookstore shall not attempt to
     7  conceal the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of any
     8  textbook.
     9     (j)  Self-published textbooks.--A self-published textbook by
    10  an instructor for use with that instructor's class shall be
    11  exempt from this section if the instructor discloses the
    12  publishing and use of those materials to the employer
    13  institution.
    14     (k)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    15  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    16  subsection:
    17     "Adopter."  A faculty member, academic department or other
    18  adopting entity at an institution of higher education
    19  responsible for considering and choosing course materials to be
    20  used in connection with the accredited courses taught at that
    21  institution.
    22     "Complimentary copies" or "review course materials."  The
    23  term only includes books that in all appearances are the same as
    24  the regular student edition of the textbook, and contain no
    25  material other than that found in the regular student edition of
    26  the textbook.
    27     "Instructor copies " or "complimentary teacher editions."
    28  Books with information that is meant to be for the exclusive use
    29  of teachers and not for students. These books contain answers
    30  and solutions, test questions and pedagogical techniques, and
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     1  are often labeled instructor's edition or instructor's manuals.
     2     "New edition of textbook."  A subsequent version of an
     3  earlier standard textbook. A standard textbook is the primary,
     4  full and unabridged edition of a textbook. An abridged,
     5  alternate format or alternate version of a standard textbook
     6  shall not be considered a new edition.
     7     "Publisher."  A publishing house, publishing firm or
     8  publishing company that publishes textbooks or other course
     9  materials, specifically designed for postsecondary instruction.
    10     "Textbook."  A book that contains printed material and is
    11  intended for use as a source of study material for a class or
    12  group of students, a copy of which is expected to be available
    13  for the use of each of the students in that class or group. The
    14  term does not include a novel.
    15     "Unsolicited complimentary copies."  Complimentary copies or
    16  review course materials that were not requested by faculty but
    17  are sent by the publisher unsolicited by a faculty or staff
    18  member.
    19     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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